View Full Version : President Obama is asking America to commit suicide.

15th June 2010, 10:43 PM
Great article.


Oval Office speech: Piling on of one lie after another

President Obama is one of the most articulate we have had in that office. His ability to deliver a speech or a short talk such as his first from the Oval Office Tuesday evening is impressive. He knows how to deliver an address.

What he doesn’t know or doesn’t care about is the difference between the truth and a lie.

His fifteen-minute address was the piling on of one lie after another regarding America’s use of energy and its needs for the future.

It is a lie to say America is “addicted” to “fossil fuels.” Oil is not a fossil fuel. It is not the result of dead dinosaurs. It is created deep in the bowels of the planet. There is an abundance of oil, but with the wealth it creates there is also massive corruption in many of the nations that possess it.

We are no more addicted to oil than we are addicted to oxygen. This extraordinary mineral is a part of every aspect of our lives; used to create plastic, used in pharmaceuticals, used for the asphalt that pave our highways, and used as the fuel for our cars, trucks, and for countless other applications.

Oil is not “finite” as the president suggested. There is no end of oil.

There are, however, tremendous challenges and costs to find it, drill for it, transport it, and refine it. It is an industry that requires huge amounts of money to discover new reservoirs of oil and even more to acquire it. It involves tremendous risk as well. Oil companies that hit too many dry wells are no longer in business.

The president cited China as a nation pursuing “clean energy”, but the president said nothing of the new coal-fired plants to generate electricity that China has been opening every week in recent years and will continue to do in the years ahead. The president did not mention that China is literally drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Cuba. Like every modern nation, China needs oil.
The president is lying. There is no “clean energy future” when he talks of solar and wind energy

America needs oil, but the policies of previous administrations from the 1970s onward have stymied production, shut down existing wells, driven oil companies to seek it anywhere but here!

Instead, he devoted the thrust of his address to tell Americans they must “embrace a clean energy future”, must “transition away” from so-called fossil fuels, and that the nation must, in fact, “accelerate” that effort.

The president is lying. There is no “clean energy future” when he talks of solar and wind energy.

Neither solar or wind can begin to compete with oil, coal and natural gas. If they were viable, the government would not have to plunder the national treasury to provide them with subsidies, requiring that they be included as a source by utilities.

Together, after many years of propaganda, they only provide about three percent of the nation’s energy requirements. They will never provide enough because the wind does not always blow and the sun does not always shine. Every wind and solar farm must be backed up by a traditional plant, be it coal-fired, nuclear, natural gas or hydroelectric.

Instead, this administration has declared war on the most abundant source of energy we have in America, coal. We are the Saudi Arabia of coal.

Coal provides fifty percent of our electricity and it could provide even more; a source that could last for centuries, except that the Obama administration is doing everything it can to thwart the building of new coal-fired plants, to shut down coal mining operations.

If Americans continue to believe this president’s lies, if we continue to believe decades of lies by environmental organizations, many of whom have been the happy recipients of oil industry largess and support, and if we abandon the very sources of energy on which our entire economy and way of life depends, this president will have led America off the cliff.

President Obama is asking America to commit suicide.

15th June 2010, 11:25 PM
It already did:

Grand Master Melon
15th June 2010, 11:46 PM
While I think the president is a moron and I'm by no means an energy expert I do think it's pretty sad that with all the technology that has been cranked out over the years we still haven't come up with anything better than coal or oil. Every other month it's a new cellphone that's smaller and better but nobody is being allowed to put out a more efficient car or come up with a better way to generate energy.

Of course it's also pretty sad that we elect the "leaders" that we do.

16th June 2010, 12:35 AM
Of course it's also pretty sad that we elect the "leaders" that we do.

no you don't. you are given what's been pre-selected.

of course they hate coal. look at how well their oil companies do - there are 6 or 7 of them in top 25, 4 in top 10 world's largest companies. Oil is black gold.

Grand Master Melon
16th June 2010, 01:13 AM
Of course it's also pretty sad that we elect the "leaders" that we do.

no you don't. you are given what's been pre-selected.

of course they hate coal. look at how well their oil companies do - there are 6 or 7 of them in top 25, 4 in top 10 world's largest companies. Oil is black gold.

I can't really argue with that but we all know people that are morons that continue to vote for the people that have been selected.

Saul Mine
16th June 2010, 03:44 AM
It always seems to work. Every dominant culture in history has collapsed, and all in the same general way for the same general reasons.

16th June 2010, 06:57 AM
Of course it's also pretty sad that we elect the "leaders" that we do.

no you don't. you are given what's been pre-selected.

of course they hate coal. look at how well their oil companies do - there are 6 or 7 of them in top 25, 4 in top 10 world's largest companies. Oil is black gold.

I can't really argue with that but we all know people that are morons that continue to vote for the people that have been selected.

That's because before they were like annoying mosquitoes or deer flies coming in for a quick sip of blood. Now the bastards have drained the host dry. People will start to look around soon. I hope they have the courage to do something about it.

16th June 2010, 07:00 AM
In all of his socialistic/communistic teachings that Barry Soetoro has been inculcated with, did he ever hear of Nikola Tesla?


16th June 2010, 07:01 AM
Obama cannot back up anything of what he said........ instead of telling BP what to do he talks in general terms without actually compromising anyone.

16th June 2010, 07:42 AM
While I think the president is a moron and I'm by no means an energy expert I do think it's pretty sad that with all the technology that has been cranked out over the years we still haven't come up with anything better than coal or oil. Every other month it's a new cellphone that's smaller and better but nobody is being allowed to put out a more efficient car or come up with a better way to generate energy.

Of course it's also pretty sad that we elect the "leaders" that we do.

From over a year ago, rehashing technology Tesla studied 100 years ago:

Forget Solar Power: Nokia Is Developing a Radio Wave-Powered Cell Phone (http://www.fastcompany.com/blog/ariel-schwartz/sustainability/forget-solar-power-nokia-developing-radio-wave-powered-cell-phone)

The world is ruled by idiots, sycophants and psychopaths.

16th June 2010, 08:48 AM
of course he is.

16th June 2010, 08:50 AM
This extraordinary mineral is a part of every aspect of our lives;

Being picky, I know, but oil is not a mineral, it's a hydrocarbon.

16th June 2010, 10:32 AM
In my unedjumacted opinion,

It's all BS

There is plenty of oil (no shortage)


There are plenty of alternatives

TPTB just want to make more $$$ and Tax us more.

16th June 2010, 09:57 PM
It's all about consolidating their power.

*they use taxes to take our $$$ and keep us poor and weak.

16th June 2010, 10:36 PM
It's all about consolidating their power.

*they use taxes to take our $$$ and keep us poor and weak.

Not to mention debasing the currency, inflating it, etc.

Oil = Food

Oil = Abundant

Food Abundance = Population Explosion

Feel free to extrapolate from here.

17th June 2010, 07:55 AM
It already did:

i thought the date of death for the USA was 9-11.

after that it became the United States of Israel - in the dreams of Rahm Emanuel, Joe Lieberman, etc.