View Full Version : Seattle cop punches woman in face over routine jaywalking stop (VIDEO)
16th June 2010, 07:40 AM
The video is really intense. I can't believe it didn't get a whole lot worse.
By Michael Sheridan
Wednesday, June 16th 2010, 8:57 AM
A woman took a fist to the face by a cop, all over a jaywalking stop.
Investigators in Seattle are reviewing the incident, which was captured on video.
Things began when an unnamed police officer spotted a teen jaywalking across Martin Lurther King Jr. Way South around 3:10 p.m., according to a report on the Seattle Police Department Web site.
When he approached the 18-year-old male, the officer witnessed four women do the same thing at the same spot on the road, about 15 feet from a pedestrian crosswalk.
"The officer instructed the females to step over to his vehicle," officials said. "They were verbally antagonistic."
When one of the women, a 19-year-old, began to walk away, the officer approached her and escorted her back.
"The female subject began to tense up her arm and pull away from the officer while yelling at him," police said.
The two argued, and the officer attempted to cuff her. That is when, according to officials, another of the women interceded.
Story continues here ( jaywalking_stop.html)
16th June 2010, 07:49 AM
While I generally hate cops, this is hilarious. Don't put your hands on someone and not expect to get smacked. I'm just surprised the white cop had the balls to do it and that the band of watching apes didn't pile on.
16th June 2010, 07:56 AM
And someone go on and start screaming raycis! Because there aren't eleventy billion vids on the net of baboons hitting white women, sometimes elderly.
16th June 2010, 07:58 AM
Fuck the police.
16th June 2010, 08:06 AM
Wow - epic training fail for the police!
This guy is incredibly lucky that one of the girls didn't grab his pistol - they had ample opportunity! This cop absolutely failed to control the situation, and worse, didn't realize how badly things had degenerated.
This guy should at the very least be busted back to rookie (i.e., have to work with a partner who knows what the score is) if not fired outright.
This video shows a police officer who not only risked lives, but actually escalated the situation.
Thank goodness someone had a camera to record this!
big country
16th June 2010, 08:07 AM
So whats the problem here? He tried to detain someone who resists. Then another woman jumps in and tries to "help" and one of them get sucker punched because they teamed up on him while he tries to complete the arrest?
Now I generally hate cops as much as the next guy, but I honestly didn't see anything to get worked up about here (sucker punching wise)? The fact that it started as a jaywalking stop is irrelevant.
Looks like they all deserved a sucker punch to me
16th June 2010, 08:13 AM
What business does a cop have fucking with anybody for jaywalking?
Where is the injured party?
If there is no injured party, the cop has no business interfering with anyone's life.
Cops are no different from anyone else.
They have no more authority to do anything to anybody than anybody else.
16th June 2010, 08:17 AM
Wow - epic training fail for the police!
This guy is incredibly lucky that one of the girls didn't grab his pistol - they had ample opportunity! This cop absolutely failed to control the situation, and worse, didn't realize how badly things had degenerated.
This guy should at the very least be busted back to rookie (i.e., have to work with a partner who knows what the score is) if not fired outright.
This video shows a police officer who not only risked lives, but actually escalated the situation.
Thank goodness someone had a camera to record this!
Bingo...this video should be used as a training tool on what NOT to do.
Epic fail indeed.
16th June 2010, 08:18 AM
I am not worked up about it. I just thought that it was a very intense situation, and I am surprised that it didn't end more violently, one way or another.
I agree with joe_momma. The police officer failed in many ways. I think he is lucky to be alive, considering the situation.
The fact that it started as jaywalking is not the issue for me. It's this one cop with no backup in sight, and not a second to spare to call for backup, in a sea of hostility.
the riot act
16th June 2010, 08:22 AM
Why were all those sissy dudes just hanging around watching?
16th June 2010, 08:22 AM
Looks like he handled it ok to me. He could have shot her, or tazed her and possibly killed her. He gave her a quick rap on the nose and took her out of the situation.
*She started her TNB wailing and gnashing of teeth, dragged her cuzin into it and then started crying when nobody else answered her call.
**there was an overwalk nearby that these two sows were too lazy to use. They'd rather walk through traffic. f*ck them too.
***I"m certain that the same people saying leave them alone would be crying for the cops to do something if these baboons were blocking the road and they were waiting in the heat/cold/had to be somewhere.
16th June 2010, 08:26 AM
This will make the national headlines because a cop dared to touch a brown person. If he'd have just tazed her dumbass to death then there would have been no second glance.
Twisted Titan
16th June 2010, 08:27 AM
What business does a cop have f*cking with anybody for jaywalking?
Where is the injured party?
If there is no injured party, the cop has no business interfering with anyone's life.
Cops are no different from anyone else.
They have no more authority to do anything to anybody than anybody else.
This was nothing more than a minion shake down and it backfired.
16th June 2010, 08:38 AM
Revenue Generation Enforcement Officers will extract said revenue in any way possible. 99% of the time using force with fraud.
Is J-walking in the Motor Vehicle Code?
16th June 2010, 08:47 AM
Is J-walking in the Motor Vehicle Code?
Yup, depends per state, in CA it's vehicle code 21954. It is a citable offense...but this cop jus took things way too far...
Not to mention, it took him over 2 minutes to get the woman into handcuffs. That looks horrible to people watching....same with the punch to the face. Uncalled for.
He should have just told those gals to move on and be done with it.
Jaywalking is BS offense to begin with.
16th June 2010, 08:59 AM
Agreed, Liquid. Know when to hold 'em, know when to walk away.
It's kind of like not finishing the bottle of antibiotics for an infection . . . the next time, it will come back stronger.
16th June 2010, 09:01 AM
I think citizens should be able to punch cops in the face everytime they break laws.
16th June 2010, 09:05 AM
I think citizens should be able to punch cops in the face everytime they break laws.
Hahaha! You just earned some positive karma for that.
16th June 2010, 09:08 AM
The cop was well within his rights to bop her.
As for jaywalking... I have driven thru these city streets where attitude-laden mommalamma saunters in front of the moving car and takes minutes to get out of the way. If the pedestrian is obstructing traffic and causing a hazzard, he is well within rights to correct her. In this case, she resisted and caused her own troubles.
In a case like this I might be tempted to tell the cop that I will cuff her and watch my back. Not all cops are bad. The animals they have to deal with will be released from the zoo all too soon and officer friendly won't be there to help.
16th June 2010, 09:09 AM
I think citizens should be able to punch cops in the face everytime they break laws.
It was not just a law she broke. She interferred with an enforcer of the law and needed to be put down. That is simple order.
16th June 2010, 09:10 AM
I think citizens should be able to punch cops in the face everytime they break laws.
You mean like speeding without having their flashing lights on, Changing lanes without using a turn signal, failing to yeild to the right of way again with no flashing lights, falsly arresting innocent people?
Stuff like that? lol
16th June 2010, 09:18 AM
CBS Affiliate KIRO found court records that show Levias has been arrested for assaulting a police officer before. According to court documents, Levias kicked a King County Sheriff's deputy in the stomach while she resisted arrest at the Ruth Dykeman Center in Burien. She was living in the center last year in the care of Child Protective Services.
Acting Deputy Police Chief Nick Metz said at a news conference Tuesday the department is withholding judgment until an investigation is complete.
"Force never looks good. It's never pretty," Metz said. But he also noted, "We do have a number of concerns about the tactics the officer used and employed at the time."
In a news conference carried live on, Seattle Urban League CEO James Kelly called the punch an overreaction that recalled the kicking two officers delivered to a Hispanic suspect in an April 17 incident caught on video.
"The provocation of the 17-year-old may have presented a confrontation situation, but the use of violence in the form of a full-blown fist to the face was wrong," Kelly said.
The 17-year-old girl appeared in juvenile court Tuesday and the judge released her to the custody of her state-appointed guardians pending a filing decision on charges, and will be back in court next week.
Levias is scheduled to appear in court on Wednesday.
philo beddoe
16th June 2010, 09:45 AM
What business does a cop have f*cking with anybody for jaywalking?
Where is the injured party?
If there is no injured party, the cop has no business interfering with anyone's life.
Cops are no different from anyone else.
They have no more authority to do anything to anybody than anybody else.
Generally when something like this happens, there is a neighborhood complaint first. I can just bet how many honkys had to stop their cars for baboon crossings. I would suggest everyone ponder what would happen if it was four white girls jaywalking. They would be respectful, and may even try to sweet-talk their way out of it.
16th June 2010, 09:52 AM
What business does a cop have f*cking with anybody for jaywalking?
Where is the injured party?
If there is no injured party, the cop has no business interfering with anyone's life.
Cops are no different from anyone else.
They have no more authority to do anything to anybody than anybody else.
Generally when something like this happens, there is a neighborhood complaint first. I can just bet how many honkys had to stop their cars for baboon crossings. I would suggest everyone ponder what would happen if it was four white girls jaywalking. They would be respectful, and may even try to sweet-talk their way out of it.
Hmmm... perhaps we can ease off the obvious racial stuff?
If I were being corrected for something like this, I would probably be embarassed and not insist the cop was wrong. Some people think they need to be given special rights above all others. It is just amazing to me that some cultures do not respect organized society.
16th June 2010, 09:54 AM
Is J-walking in the Motor Vehicle Code?
Yup, depends per state, in CA it's vehicle code 21954. It is a citable offense...but this cop jus took things way too far...
Jaywalking is BS offense to begin with.
My point was that it is in the MVC, which means it is Public Policy and not LAW. Which also means it requires consent. How did he know she was a person liable?
Oh thats right, because he is G O D, and all others are mere mortals.
philo beddoe
16th June 2010, 09:58 AM
What business does a cop have f*cking with anybody for jaywalking?
Where is the injured party?
If there is no injured party, the cop has no business interfering with anyone's life.
Cops are no different from anyone else.
They have no more authority to do anything to anybody than anybody else.
Generally when something like this happens, there is a neighborhood complaint first. I can just bet how many honkys had to stop their cars for baboon crossings. I would suggest everyone ponder what would happen if it was four white girls jaywalking. They would be respectful, and may even try to sweet-talk their way out of it.
Hmmm... perhaps we can ease off the obvious racial stuff?
If I were being corrected for something like this, I would probably be embarassed and not insist the cop was wrong. Some people think they need to be given special rights above all others. It is just amazing to me that some cultures do not respect organized society.
There's nothing not waycis about it. She's been told her whole life honky is the bad people, and this is what we get. And the reinforcement she has gotten, is that you can push honky around and get away with it. How many times you think this she boon picked on a nerdy white girl? Hundreds, I bet........
16th June 2010, 09:59 AM
I find it simply incredible that the guys standing around didn't jump on the cop, I really had more faith in the black people to protect their own........looks to me that they are turning into white people........baaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaa baaaaaaa.
Is not a matter of the cop being right or wrong but of unity.......after Japan and Cuba the Zionist are the people that I most admire for the way that they are united.......even if it is for the wrong reasons.
By the way, I got a ticket for J-walking and it went into my driving record because that's the ID that I gave him............stupid me.
16th June 2010, 09:59 AM
Someone said "white motherfucker" has been edited out.
16th June 2010, 11:37 AM
Unity in stupidity is still stupidity.
Unity for unity's sake is stupidity.
Unity when wrong is stupidity.
I respect unity ONLY when its purpose is good and true.
16th June 2010, 11:41 AM
Dumbasp cop!... he's lucky he's alive... Stupid broad is even luckier to be alive... and very lucky she only got popped in the face.
Grand Master Melon
16th June 2010, 01:48 PM
This will make the national headlines because a cop dared to touch a brown person. If he'd have just tazed her dumbass to death then there would have been no second glance.
It will make healines because he fails at his job. How long should it really take to get that broad cuffed and thrown in the back of his car? That cop failed in so many ways it's unbelievable.
Grand Master Melon
16th June 2010, 01:58 PM
Walsh, 39, who joined the department in November 2006, has been temporarily placed in the department's training unit to allow him to review his tactics, Metz said.
Rosenthal was charged in November with second-degree robbery. According to prosecutors, she punched a 15-year-old boy in the face while she and a group of youths were on their way to a rave in South Seattle last Aug. 28.
Lots of stupid in this story.
Seattle Times article (
16th June 2010, 01:58 PM
We need to see more of what happened prior to the cop grabbing the girl that ended up in handcuffs.
If it was an escalated situation that should have been a routine citation written by the cop to the offender we need to see how it escalated so fast.
That being said, I am really surprised no one got involved when he socked that girl in the face! She took the punch though, to her credit.
16th June 2010, 02:01 PM
Also, jaywalking is complete bullshit. It is happening over any city at all times of the day and night. Those that are agreeing with citing someone for jaywalking, do you support new Jaywalking Cameras for Safety? Complete with facial recognition that can connect the offender to mailing address for revenue collection?
Like I said, jaywalking is a bullshit offense and should only ever be enacted if someone is blocking an ambulance or some other emergency related function.
philo beddoe
16th June 2010, 02:10 PM
This will make the national headlines because a cop dared to touch a brown person. If he'd have just tazed her dumbass to death then there would have been no second glance.
It will make healines because he fails at his job. How long should it really take to get that broad cuffed and thrown in the back of his car? That cop failed in so many ways it's unbelievable.
He didn't fail, you failed. See, he could of slammed her on the hood and cuffed her in about 10 seconds. But it's people like you who believe blacks can just walk over whitey with their snivel rights laws and The NAACP. So in fact, you are the one who tied his hands....and yes..... the truth hurts
16th June 2010, 02:15 PM
This smacks of a 'set-up'.
$$$ for the porch monkeys involved.
Grand Master Melon
16th June 2010, 02:25 PM
This will make the national headlines because a cop dared to touch a brown person. If he'd have just tazed her dumbass to death then there would have been no second glance.
It will make healines because he fails at his job. How long should it really take to get that broad cuffed and thrown in the back of his car? That cop failed in so many ways it's unbelievable.
He didn't fail, you failed. See, he could of slammed her on the hood and cuffed her in about 10 seconds. But it's people like you who believe blacks can just walk over whitey with their snivel rights laws and The NAACP. So in fact, you are the one who tied his hands....and yes..... the truth hurts
The cop failed because he couldn't control the situation and if you can't see that from the video then I would recomend getting your eyes examined. You can want to label me whatever you want but that doesn't change the fact that the cop is obviously a hack. Now, get back to your Hitler thread Herr Beddoe.
16th June 2010, 03:23 PM
Unity in stupidity is still stupidity.
Unity for unity's sake is stupidity.
Unity when wrong is stupidity.
I respect unity ONLY when its purpose is good and true.
I can see that you don't know what I am talking about......that's one reason as to why the white race will cease to be.
Take a lesson from the Zionists.........even when they are wrong if it is about one of their own people then they are wonder they are taking over the US.
16th June 2010, 03:46 PM
I got nabbed in downtown L.A. for jaywalking, along with about 10 others back when I was a sheeple, by a moroncycle cop. I couldn't believe it, but I didn't have the balls to run back then. I did tell the officer a thing or two. He was trying to nab me for being a "resident" without a proper driver license and I just kept telling him "this is my license, that is my address, I am here on business". He wrote up all of us for tickets at $110 apiece. And I just paid mine.
I am pretty sure that I would do the same thing now. I don't want to shoot a pig over something silly, and I am now packing 24/7. I don't think the cops in cow country will pull you over for jaywalking, anyway.
When I lived in the city, the blacks are notorious for jaywalking willy nilly and NOT LOOKING OUT ON PURPOSE, and being as SLOW as possible, just to be asshats. The cop should have just shouted at them to get the hell out of the way or I will be back, and if not, should have tazered the crap out of them once the situation got out of hand. Stupid cop, will probably be made fun of at precinct for a year.
I think that the crowd should have owned his ass, took his gun and wrote him a citation, handcuffed him, stripped him naked and locked him in the back of his own car, and then left and called for backup.....that would have been funny. Dumb funks just stand around "you dint do that, yo serious?" and walk off. They could have handed that funker his heart.
16th June 2010, 05:23 PM
When I lived in the city, the blacks are notorious for jaywalking willy nilly and NOT LOOKING OUT ON PURPOSE, and being as SLOW as possible, just to be asshats.
That's the catch 22 with jay walking. The reason they are slow, it's on purpose. It's a way of them taking some control, because they have no control over their lives. They make you wait for them to cross. I've seen guys walking normally on the sidewalk, but when they cross the street, and block traffic...they are slower than grandma's with walkers.
It's control for them.
So, when is jaywalking enforced, if at all? Should we just allow people to stand in the middle of the street blocking traffic?
On a flip note, as drivers, should we be allowed to run them over if they do? ;D
16th June 2010, 05:24 PM
Unity in stupidity is still stupidity.
Unity for unity's sake is stupidity.
Unity when wrong is stupidity.
I respect unity ONLY when its purpose is good and true.
I can see that you don't know what I am talking about......that's one reason as to why the white race will cease to be.
Take a lesson from the Zionists.........even when they are wrong if it is about one of their own people then they are wonder they are taking over the US.
First, what makes you think I am white?
Next, what makes you think the human race will continue more than this decade?
The whole game is almost over and people playing puny games are missing the mark.
16th June 2010, 05:46 PM
OK OK OK you are pink...........I get you ;D
It is my intentions are to live to be 132 no matter how many have to go down.....
16th June 2010, 06:27 PM
OK OK OK you are pink...........I get you ;D
It is my intentions are to live to be 132 no matter how many have to go down.....
Ponce- you got less than 5 years left. I am being real generous in that number. If you live past the 5, you won't last another 3 for certain. Many people reading this will be done less than 3 years from now.
16th June 2010, 06:35 PM
I'm no fan of cops, but "woman" applied to this violent & beastly ape is a stretch.
Who is a bigger threat to the average person? Probably the Niqqabeast.
16th June 2010, 06:36 PM
While I generally hate cops, this is hilarious. Don't put your hands on someone and not expect to get smacked. I'm just surprised the white cop had the balls to do it and that the band of watching apes didn't pile on.
Agreed. Cops are no friends of the patriot, but they are, usually, human. Hit someone, slap someone, and expect that after enough times, you're gonna get a response.
This Niqqabeast is lucky he didn't simply use his Taser or service pistol.
16th June 2010, 06:37 PM
f*ck the police.
No disagreement, but often it's f*ck the Niqqers even more.
7th trump
16th June 2010, 07:48 PM
Unity in stupidity is still stupidity.
Unity for unity's sake is stupidity.
Unity when wrong is stupidity.
I respect unity ONLY when its purpose is good and true.
I can see that you don't know what I am talking about......that's one reason as to why the white race will cease to be.
Take a lesson from the Zionists.........even when they are wrong if it is about one of their own people then they are wonder they are taking over the US.
First, what makes you think I am white?
Next, what makes you think the human race will continue more than this decade?
The whole game is almost over and people playing puny games are missing the mark.
Actually spec I think they are right on the mark....the mark of the beast that is.
Look at them thinking their gold and silver is gonna have any value when the STHF.
Buy all the gold and silver you want guys its gonna be worthless when everything is gonna be free.
Satan is coming play acting as the Christ and hes gonna put a chicken in every pot and pay off every mortgage if you woreship him.
Dont take the mark of the beast on your forehead by beleiving this fake messiah is real.
Mill Man
16th June 2010, 09:28 PM
I live about 30 miles north of Seattle and I've been listening to this event on talk radio the last few days, including the show which broke the story. Now, I'm personally very critical of police, but in this incident, I don't think the officer did anything wrong. The damn school nearby had asked for an emphasis on jay walking because of the dangers of the busy street and there was a friggin skybridge built over the road that was not used because these "girls" were either too damn lazy to walk the stairs, or they just wanted to show how "cool" they were and f with the passing motorists. This is one rare incident where I support the officer and hope things turn out well for him.
16th June 2010, 09:36 PM
OK OK OK you are pink...........I get you ;D
It is my intentions are to live to be 132 no matter how many have to go down.....
Ponce- you got less than 5 years left. I am being real generous in that number. If you live past the 5, you won't last another 3 for certain. Many people reading this will be done less than 3 years from now.
Ah, I believe you may be right.
16th June 2010, 09:37 PM
Yep. With all the cops that have been killed in Washington lately, I think he could have gotten away with murdering her/them.
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