View Full Version : Halliburton Buys Boots & Coots a week before the Gulf Disaster

16th June 2010, 08:50 AM
Haliburton buys Boots & Coots, one of the largest oil cleanup companies in the world a week before the disaster:

Halliburton Buys Boots & Coots (http://www.thestreet.com/story/10722752/halliburton-buys-boots-coots.html)

Haliburton was on the rig sealing pipes hours before the explosion.

Drilling Process Attracts Scrutiny in Rig Explosion (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703572504575214593564769072.html)

According to Transocean Ltd., the operator of the drilling rig, Halliburton had finished cementing the 18,000-foot well shortly before the explosion. Houston-based Halliburton is the largest company in the global cementing business, which accounted for $1.7 billion, or about 11%, of the company's revenue in 2009, according to consultant Spears & Associates.

This info may not be new but needs to stay fresh in our minds.

The conspiracy becomes more clear with each passing day.

16th June 2010, 08:59 AM
while searching for a relevant image to go with my "quelle surprise" thought, i found this, which is not entirely relevant but entertaining anyway:


so we're up to BP CEO selling half his BP stock a week before, government sachs doing the same, and haliburton buying the premier clean up the mess company a few days before so far on the "conspiracy theory" trail, did i miss any?

16th June 2010, 09:03 AM
I think that about sums it up uranian. I'll second the implied facepalm.... :sigh:

16th June 2010, 09:34 AM
Just like 9/11 the facts and the players will be seen for what they are, only problem is, is that only a small % of people will bother to look at these facts and will instead take at face value whatever the propaganda machine feeds them.

willie pete
16th June 2010, 10:18 AM
When this first happened, way,way back in my mind I was thinking, "this might just be a poison pill for BP" but then I thought naw, wouldn't happen... :D the more I think about it, especially after this $20b slush-fund created, BP may end up falling on the sword and being absorbed

16th June 2010, 10:43 AM
There's more... apparently the oil-rig sitting at the bottom of the ocean was recently insured for double the amount... I'll have to find link...


16th June 2010, 11:44 AM
There's more... apparently the oil-rig sitting at the bottom of the ocean was recently insured for double the amount... I'll have to find link...


Is'nt that the link tagged as comedy?

16th June 2010, 01:10 PM
Is it possible that the oil spill really was an accident, but they didn't make it public until they'd secured themselves financially? Then they set off an explosion to cover it up and kill those who knew and might come forward.

16th June 2010, 01:32 PM
there's also the schlumberger rumour (http://www.picassodreams.com/picasso_dreams/2010/06/what-does-schlumberger-know-about-the-deep-water-horizon-accident.html):

BP contracted Schlumberger (SLB) to run the Cement Bond Log (CBL (http://www.glossary.oilfield.slb.com/Display.cfm?Term=cement%20bond%20log)) test that was the final test on the plug that was skipped. The people testifying have been very coy about mentioning this, and you'll see why.

SLB is an extremely highly regarded (and incredibly expensive) service company. They place a high standard on safety and train their workers to shut down unsafe operations.

SLB gets out to the Deepwater Horizon to run the CBL, and they find the well still kicking heavily, which it should not be that late in the operation. SLB orders the "company man" (BP's man on the scene that runs the operation) to dump kill fluid down the well and shut-in the well. The company man refuses. SLB in the very next sentence asks for a helo to take all SLB personel back to shore. The company man says there are no more helo's scheduled for the rest of the week (translation: you're here to do a job, now do it). SLB gets on the horn to shore, calls SLB's corporate HQ, and gets a helo flown out there at SLB's expense and takes all SLB personel to shore.

6 hours later, the platform explodes.

16th June 2010, 02:17 PM
so we're up to BP CEO selling half his BP stock a week before, government sachs doing the same, and haliburton buying the premier clean up the mess company a few days before so far on the "conspiracy theory" trail, did i miss any?

what this leads to is, the madmen decided to create an environmental disaster.

clearly, many of their policies are of population reduction, e.g. the use of Depleted Uranium munitions in Iraq & Afghanistan. there is no reason to use them militarily when you have a huge military advantage, as the US obviously does.

what the pieces of the puzzle are pointing to is that the madmen wanted to create an environmental disaster and one can only conclude that they accept the associated population impacts.

it's an interesting crime, because what happened on the Deepwater Horizon was recklessness. they broached several industry standard safety protocols.

now, normally management does that to save money, but it's looking like TPTB may have "bigger plans".

16th June 2010, 02:25 PM
good series of pics from a chinese source (http://www.aladding.com/newsDetail.cfm?postid=496714):


16th June 2010, 02:42 PM
data on just how well informed (http://moneycentral.msn.com/ownership?Holding=Institutional+Ownership&Symbol=BP) GS are:

16th June 2010, 07:45 PM
Is it possible that the oil spill really was an accident, but they didn't make it public until they'd secured themselves financially? Then they set off an explosion to cover it up and kill those who knew and might come forward.

That's pretty crafty there, vacuum. Anything is possible.

16th June 2010, 09:11 PM
Is it possible that the oil spill really was an accident, but they didn't make it public until they'd secured themselves financially? Then they set off an explosion to cover it up and kill those who knew and might come forward.

Way to take it to a whole new level! I like the way you think. I'm gonna be watching you.


16th June 2010, 09:24 PM
This info may not be new but needs to stay fresh in our minds.

The conspiracy becomes more clear with each passing day.

Good work Dmac and Uranium, two very well informed people
connecting the dots and thinking.

You are right this is not news but this thread is good work to
refer to later as are others, we should compile them.

I have been referencing Haliburton involvement from day one
and that they will make money at the cleanup too, Haliburton
is a criminal company involved in crimes and swindling, a
bankster NeoCon company raping Iraq and poisoning US soldiers
too. And they work for BP that has it's own criminal history.
Butchers for real run these companies, Rockefeller/Rothchild
criminal partners.

Was on the ball here from day one.
Even when people here posted a spoof on GS shorting BP,
at the very same time real information on this was out there.
The spoof may have been cover to confuse.
They pay for disinfo online don't forget, the establishment.

Is it possible that the oil spill really was an accident, but they didn't make it public until they'd secured themselves financially? Then they set off an explosion to cover it up and kill those who knew and might come forward.

Very possible that this was lost and they took measures then
made it look like an accident later.
Who would know ? Or they did it on purpose from the
beginning, I believe that is probable too, they destroy countries
and kill people, that is their past and current history, who
gives a sh*t about Gulf, they can spin it and pass cap and trade,
and look now, they are doing nothing, they want it to get worse,
just finished reading up on this failure, it seems deliberate they
want it to get worse. No real clean up efforts are underway.
BP was leader in "cap and trade" lobby believe it or not.

16th June 2010, 09:25 PM
When this first happened, way,way back in my mind I was thinking, "this might just be a poison pill for BP" but then I thought naw, wouldn't happen... :D the more I think about it, especially after this $20b slush-fund created, BP may end up falling on the sword and being absorbed

Thats peanuts for BP .

PEANUTS ! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gulf-oil-disaster/gulf-of-mexico-especially-chosen-for-spill/msg63030/#msg63030)

17th June 2010, 04:31 AM
so we're up to BP CEO selling half his BP stock a week before, government sachs doing the same, and haliburton buying the premier clean up the mess company a few days before so far on the "conspiracy theory" trail, did i miss any?

Is there one thread in particular that compiles all the links to the facts that you have all referenced here?

I would like to start spreading the truth on this, but there are so many threads I don't know where to start.

17th June 2010, 10:32 AM
Awoke, the only fact missing a link in this thread is that BP chief Tony Hayward sold shares weeks before oil spill (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/7804922/BP-chief-Tony-Hayward-sold-shares-weeks-before-oil-spill.html) - and there you go. Double check the thread everything is sourced.


17th June 2010, 10:39 AM
NY Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/30/us/30rig.html?pagewanted=all) have done a decent job of covering a lot of this in the MSM too, that article is about how BP knew before the explosion that there were problems and did nothing about it. Follow the links from the article for more of the same, internal BP docs proving that a number of other companies told them so, etc.

17th June 2010, 11:17 AM
....Same cast of charachters ( halliburton, big oil us gov goldman sachs)....same M O ....same virtual press blackout of the REAL facts.

17th June 2010, 11:32 AM
NY Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/30/us/30rig.html?pagewanted=all) have done a decent job of covering a lot of this in the MSM too, that article is about how BP knew before the explosion that there were problems and did nothing about it. Follow the links from the article for more of the same, internal BP docs proving that a number of other companies told them so, etc.

There is so much material out there now I can't even keep up.

Everyone should go to

It is devastating, the damage and exposures made,
criminality, incompetence, seems they don't want to
clean it up and are hampering efforts to do so,
that was key theme yesterday. Devastating info.

Like JDR said the media is in on the cover up of information.
That is clear now. Some info getting out is devastating from
at scene sources. Some media is blaming BP. lol

17th June 2010, 11:37 AM
Was on the ball here from day one.

That's definitely one of the best alternative news sites.

Even when people here posted a spoof on GS shorting BP,
at the very same time real information on this was out there.
The spoof may have been cover to confuse.
They pay for disinfo online don't forget, the establishment.


No real clean up efforts are underway.

That's right, and only things that bring lots of $$$$$ to the top players will be done.

They will milk this disaster for every last dime, and then they'll claim "we did everything we could, now we need help," at which point the clean-up bill will be presented to the general public.

The big cherry on the pie will be when the government absolves them of any responsibility, since "they did everything they could." Then there will be some sophisticated psy-ops campaign to sanitize their image, and it'll be back to business as usual.

17th June 2010, 11:40 AM
Awoke, the only fact missing a link in this thread is that BP chief Tony Hayward sold shares weeks before oil spill (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/7804922/BP-chief-Tony-Hayward-sold-shares-weeks-before-oil-spill.html) - and there you go. Double check the thread everything is sourced.


You can't sell it all cause it would be too obvious, GS sold about 40%
of their holdings and they shorted TransOcean which got killed worse
than BP in markets, look at chart, who knows what else they shorted
and the various ways they made money, how about bonds, GS is MM
in bonds, see my link above, bonds moving strong in this fiasco.
Oil price is going to go up alone cause of this, they are positioned.

17th June 2010, 04:46 PM
Is it possible that the oil spill really was an accident, but they didn't make it public until they'd secured themselves financially? Then they set off an explosion to cover it up and kill those who knew and might come forward.

Did the BP Oil Well Really Blow Out in February, Instead of April?

However, as a whistleblower previously told 60 Minutes, there was an accident at the rig a month or more prior to the April 20th explosion:

BP Plc was struggling to seal cracks in its Macondo well as far back as February, more than two months before an explosion killed 11 and spewed oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

17th June 2010, 07:05 PM
The big cherry on the pie will be when the government absolves them of any responsibility, since "they did everything they could." Then there will be some sophisticated psy-ops campaign to sanitize their image, and it'll be back to business as usual.

you mean like the commercials that BP had before an up until the oil explosion? Though I'm sure efforts will be "tiered up"


24th June 2010, 04:09 AM
Awoke, the only fact missing a link in this thread is that BP chief Tony Hayward sold shares weeks before oil spill (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/7804922/BP-chief-Tony-Hayward-sold-shares-weeks-before-oil-spill.html) - and there you go. Double check the thread everything is sourced.


Thanks DMac!

My contribution, which I hope is not a re-post:

Gulf Spill: Disaster Or a Well Organized Plan?

June 18, 2010 by NotForSale2NWO
Filed under Featured, Gulf Oil Disaster, Intel Hub Exclusives

Deepwater Horizon Explosion Intel Hub

June 18, 2010

Shepard Ambellas & Alex Thomas

In the last few months, a strange series of events has taken place surrounding the April 20th BP Gulf oil spill. The Intel Hub will attempt to lay out some of the seemingly unbelievable facts in a manner which can easily be understood.

Between March 22nd and March 24th, several drills involving an oil spill took place.“Spills Of National Significance” was a drill ran by DHS and the Coast Guard. The SONS documents were first broke by the Intel Hub on May 8, 2010. More than a week later, ABC News would of course take credit for the story.

We now know, through witness testimony, that there were cracks reported in the drill casing two weeks prior to the disaster. Goldman Sachs sold 44% of their total holdings, 4,680,822 shares of BP stock in the first quarter of 2010. Goldman Sachs earned about $ 266 million on the sale.

Apparently, Halliburton also had some psychic insight on what was soon to come. Eleven days before the explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon, Halliburton purchased an oil spill prevention firm. Halliburton was the lead company in charge of cementing the Deepwater rigs as well.

Just hours before the rig explosion, The Bureau of Land Management took part in a surprise inspection aboard the Deepwater Horizon. A four man team quickly flashed credentials to a supervisor and was then allowed access to the entire rig. Zac Zimmerman reveals in this interview how odd this particular BLM visit really was. Not to mention,many rigs have burned for weeks at a time without collapsing.

Another important fact is that Obama, along with DHS and the Department of the Interior, sent SWAT teams to the gulf to inspect all platforms and rigs. One must question, why would you deploy over 30 SWAT teams in response to an oil spill unless it was an act of terrorism, an act of war, or they if they were sent to carry out some sort of covert operation?

Federal regulators sent a SWAT team of inspectors into the Gulf of Mexico area to ensure compliance with safety rules on deep water drilling rigs. Source

We must also look into what organizations the major players belong too. It now appears that there are too many interlocking connections for this to be a coincidence. British Petroleum has ties to the Queen of England. The C.E.O. of BP Pacific, Peter Sutherland is a Trilateral Commission member, a Bilderberg member and a financial adviser to the Vatican. Tony Hayward has also attended numerous meetings of the world elite and was caught selling his stock in BP justweeks before the disaster.

Wackenhut, also known as G4S, has been hired by BP to block and or arrest reporters who attempt to probe the workers and staged media location in and around Grand Isle, LA. Wackenhut is a known arm of the Bilderbergers and also has ties to other agencies. There has been numerous confirmed staged media events that have taken place in and around Grand Isle. One such eyewitness reporter called into the Decompression Session and described how he and other members of the mainstream media were led to a small area on the beach where a staged photo op took place. He reported the presence of Army personal and that if he were to leave the barrier to either side, he would have been immediately arrested.

Next one must look at the CIA, Evergreen Air, and their connection to chemtrail spraying and the Gulf oil spill. The following is an excerpt of an article we did that linked Evergreen Air to the spraying of Corexit, the deadly chemical being sprayed over the spill by the cover of night. This was documented in the article ” BP Crop Dusting U.S. Population Under Cover of Night“.

The Intel Hub

Alex Thomas & Shepard Ambellas

On May 19th, The Waco Tribune Herald reported that an Evergreen Air Supertanker 747 had trained at Texas State Technical College-Waco, where it flew 100 feet in the air and dropped water on targets applied to the ground. Evergreen Air was training for its planed run to fly over the spill while dropping a substance that could break up oil that threatens to damage the coastline. As we all know the chemicals being used underwater are considerably worse than the oil itself. It is now safe to say that the chemicals that were dropped from the air are just as bad, if not worse. It is possible that the fly overs are still happening at this very moment. Read more…

One of Evergreen Air's Facilities, Oregon
Evergreen Air is a known CIA front company. The Intel Hub, along many others, have established this fact without a reasonable doubt. This evidence was backed by witness testimony. Once this is established, one must realize just how deep the rabbit hole may actually go?

As it turns out the deadly chemical Corexit is linked to the Rothschild’s, a known controlling party of the New World Order global crime syndicate.

Army deployments to the Gulf have been confirmed by the president. It is now a reality. National Guard troops have been mobilized. Workers have been bused in and out by the masses, none wearing protective gear such as gas masks or full bio suits. Reports are circulating that the workers could be prisoners and may be part of the Army Inmate Labor Program defined in this Document 210-35.

We have had numerous reports of people in the Gulf region who have fallen ill with “flu like” symptoms. Many people have reported the smell of toxic chemicals in the region. Clinics in some Gulf regions are reportedly at an elevated capacity. Birds have been seen migrating north, while sharks and dolphins seek shallower waters in Florida. This would seem to signify the presence of toxic air and water content. Poison gases from the oil mixed with the Corexit appear to be an Orwellian combo of death. Fish are turning up on the banks of streams in several states. Plants have burn holes through them from acid rain as reported in Texas, Arkansas, and Tennessee.

Most insurance companies do not cover “oil damage”. As the acid rain and hurricanes push inland in the coming months, we may see a rise in property damage claims. The likely winners being the very people who caused the problem.

The way Obama is treating the oil spill is somewhat erie. His use of war terminology seems to signal the true magnitude of this disaster. Terms such as ” Battle Plan” seem to be paving the way for militarization of the streets of America.

Some of the comments following the article are good. Especially the one by "Martha Washington"


EDIT - Note that the souce article is jam-packed with source links to back up the statements made in the text body. I was too lazy to link everywhere.

25th June 2010, 04:12 PM
i think it's pretty obvious.

they knew about the problems back in February, and the sick-fuck insiders (BP, Nalco, Goldman, Halliburton) took advantage of it instead of using the early notice to get working on solutions.

these are some of the sickest sick-fuck executives we'll ever see.