View Full Version : Citi Plans to Halt Some Foreclosures Near Gulf Spill

16th June 2010, 05:49 PM
NEW YORK—Citigroup Inc. is halting certain foreclosures in the areas affected by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The bank announced a three-month suspension of foreclosure sales and notifications, as well as evictions on possessed properties for qualifying borrowers in the Gulf region with first mortgages held by CitiMortgage. The suspension is effective from Thursday through Sept. 17. Citi expects about 1,000 borrowers to participate initially, but that number might climb.

The economic impact of the environmental disaster on the region is still unknown, but it is becoming clear that borrowers are hurting and banks need to respond, said Sanjiv Das, chief executive of CitiMortgage. His unit will cooperate with CitiFinancial, the bank's consumer finance unit that refinances mortgages mainly for customers with low credit scores and that has branches in the Gulf area, to help customers. Mr. Das said he expected other banks to follow with programs like Citi's.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, banks implemented broad payment-suspension plans for the Gulf region in response to the destruction of homes and the distress borrowers faced. While "Katrina hit with great force" at once, the current disaster caused by the April 20 explosion of a BP PLC oil rig "is gradually evolving into a crisis for our customers," Mr. Das said in an interview. "We cannot grasp the impact just yet."

There is a lot of anxiety," and several customers contacted Citi about the disaster's impact on their jobs or businesses, Mr. Das said. Such concerns prompted Citi to initiate the program to give customers more time to work out their finances.

Citi Chief Executive Vikram Pandit said in a statement: "We aim to ease the burden on residents of the Gulf states. In the midst of this crisis, we will continue to explore ways to help people avoid foreclosure so they and their families can remain in their homes and have one less thing to worry about."

Citi has been looking at other potential programs that might help delinquent borrowers, but nothing has been designed yet, Mr. Das said.

"Many small business put their homes as collateral to get working capital," Mr. Das said. Citi is already in contact with the Small Business Administration about potential programs to help distressed small-business owners, he said.

The SBA said in May it was making low-interest loans available to Gulf-area small businesses in Louisiana, Alabama, Florida and Mississippi that suffer financial losses from the oil spill.

For now, only mortgages within about 25 miles of affected coastal areas that the bank holds on its balance sheet qualify, rather than all mortgages that CitiMortgage services. Many loans Citi services were sold to investors. Mr. Das said he gave the owners of such mortgages heads-up about the suspension program, but has not yet approached them about expanding it to include mortgages Citi does not own.

link (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704198004575310922629264004.html?m od=rss_whats_news_us_business)

16th June 2010, 05:52 PM
Yeah right.. They know the houses are going to be uninhabitable and demolished in the near future... Hey, if we're going to take the loss anyway... Why not make ourselves look like the good guy during this disaster... Freaking monsters!

Saul Mine
16th June 2010, 08:26 PM
They don't want the legal expenses to foreclose on a lot with a mess on it.

16th June 2010, 08:52 PM
This is about as empty a gesture as there is. If they really wanted to help people they would suspend credit card and mortgage payments.