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17th June 2010, 06:12 AM
Borrowed from rodin.

Forensic Armageddon (part 1)
by M.K.

This is an article where the subject of Armageddon is discussed, not as an attempt at solving the enigmatic riddles of the Revelations of St. John, but rather examining forensically how these riddles are being used as a script in a massive crime.

This author is a believing Christian but will refrain from promoting the theory that the Revelations of St. John are useful guides to a divinatory sort of understanding of our immediate destiny, for this theory itself is the object of suspicion and the means by which a great crime is apparently being committed. Rather, this author takes the view that the real meaning of the Revelations is a mystery which will reveal itself in time, probably in hindsight, but it is not meant to be taken as if Revelations’ true mysteries are all possible to interpret beforehand.

The sense that the Book of Revelations can be interpreted confidently without experiencing the future is precisely the sense of false pride which ‘goes before the fall’. It is the temptation by which Christians are being led astray into a destruction planned long in advance to occur by and through them. It is, in the words of the mind control researcher, a template.

It is the template upon which the mind control script is programmed into the mind of the subject and once in place subverts the subject’s free will to a point where it guides his choices and actions both voluntarily and unconsciously. And in the words of the Church, it is a heresy, which leads away the unsuspecting from the true object of faith. So in both cases it is vital to gain a clear understanding of this template of heresy and how it is being sold to both Christians and New Agers worldwide as truth itself.

The book “The Union Jack” (1971) is one unnamed author’s synthesis of the research of two American women, done in the decades following WW II, whose instincts presumably led them to question the basic assumptions that led America into the disastrous holocausts of great populations of non-combatants and the accompanying huge suffering and loss of life.

Credit is here given to those who previously researched and wrote on the issue of World War III and Christian Armageddon-centered mind control who are named in the books dedication:

Helen P. Lasell (author: Power Behind Government Today (1963 , NY: Liberty Publications, 270pp) ) and Catherine Palfrey Baldwin (author “And Men Wept” (1954, NY: Our Publications)). Baldwin is mentioned in the book “Women of the far right: the mothers’ movement and World War II”, by Glen Jeansonne, available online [1.]

There is the influence of the feminine virtue of protective mother love evident in these works. These were intelligent women of learning morally challenged by the wartime annihilation of countless of millions and the tragic loss of hundreds of thousands of America’s most hopeful sons, and soon thereafter by an economic and moral decline of the nation. Their sense of duty to help rectify this huge error, which was evidently grounded in the Christian tradition, propelled them to the work of extensive research and the search for overall understanding.

These women finally wrote books summarizing the facts and their own related conclusions. The women of “The Union Jack” all seem to be derived from an old stock of American patriots from the northeast, and their worldview could be described as Christian, Constitutional and traditionally patriotic.

And their conclusions make a convincing argument that our traditional national enemies are presently attempting to program us with a narrative of future history based on bogus judaized Biblical prophesy.

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17th June 2010, 06:13 AM
Forensic Armageddon (part 2)
by M.K.

The majority of the English speaking peoples of the world can be deceived into accepting a false interpretation of Revelations and current events, resulting in the belief in a coming flesh-and-blood millennial Kingdom of Christ which is really Jewish Messianism, Noahide theocracy, Communitarianism and Zionism.

This is the assumption upon which plans for World War III and a future world state are now apparently in motion. Through the combined propaganda of both Fundamentalist Christian churches and Hollywood movies visualizing an apocalyptic New Age future, the psyche of America and the Anglosphere is slowly being programmed to identify with the ‘End-Times’ script.

Studies in trauma based mind control reveal that the emotional shock of living through actual apocalyptic battle scenes and epic disasters in the future will likely render all but the wisest survivors open to massive suggestion, particularly of a religious and political nature. It is in preparation for this great moment of vulnerability that the templates for a pre-planned future are being taught and programmed through the mass media and the churches, so that most people will respond according to the plan.

The following quotes from “The Union Jack” were collected by Bobby Garner and presented by Nikki Raapana of the Anti-Communitarian League on her website [2.] They are a distillation of the relevant message in the book:

“Masonry is the spirit of anti-Christ and the spirit of the unity of faith into a world religio-political state. While it denies with every breath the union of church and state, it is its spirit that has harmonized humanity into a collective world spiritual union. Though it takes on every political color imaginable it is of one spirit and one faith — the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God.” — Chapter 7

“British Israel and a Zionist Millennial World Theocracy are one and the same regardless of the name or front that covers the deceit. Millennialism is Judaism (Pharisaism) and it is being used to promote world government under the Throne of Britain.” — Chapter 3

“People who believe in any form of earthly paradise, Heaven on earth, New Age or Millennial Age are supporting British Communism.” — Chapter 3

“The figure of ancient Babylon exists today in the spiritual Babylon of “Christianity.” It draws not the sword to dip the blood of martyrs but seeks to cut off their spirit from God for eternity.” — Chapter 6

“In order to work this fakery the British Empire has infiltrated the Church with its Cabalistic Jews and Masons in order to give the Church the prophetic appearance of the harlot of mystery Babylon so that it can be “prophetically” destroyed.” — Chapter 5

“Americans will be surprised to learn that America is being used as the major incubator of this neo-orthodox Christianity which is not antagonistic to Marxian Communism at all, but is indeed the spirit of it. It is this spiritual Communism in the guise of Christianity that is to emerge as the crowning achievement of world revolution.” — Prologue

World War Three has been meticulously planned to appear to be the scriptural “Battle of Armageddon”. This has been evident since the time period of the above authors, but since then it has become increasingly clear that there is a UFO element involved. As hard as this may be to argue to a skeptic, there are a number of clues which indicate something like UFOs are part of the predictive prophesy which British Israel Zionism has been disseminating.

In these various prophesies the Anglo-American Commonwealth and the State of Israel, playing the ‘armies of God’, are warred against by the great ‘Beast’, a coalition of Russia, China, the Islamic countries, with Africa and South America’s left-wing populist dictatorships.

Prophesies supposedly coming from George Washington and General McClellan promise that America has a divine destiny guarded by national angels who rescue her when it seems that the ‘Beast’ has nearly overcome the defenses of the homeland, appearing in the sky and decisively turning the battle, wiping out the ‘Beast’ with some great display of power [3.]

It seems likely in the light of current events that this portion of, “George Washington’s prophesy” may in fact refer to the planned employment of the Zionist entity’s secret space fleet to produce a seemingly miraculous victory by “heavenly hosts” for the Anglo-Israel alliance. This event is apparently the big shock they have prepared in order to brainwash people into a religious conviction that the Zionists have a divine mandate to rule.

The existence of this space fleet was made public by UK hacker Gary McKinnon. Hacking into the Pentagon’s computer network he came upon prima facie evidence of the transfers and manifests surrounding this advanced ‘space Navy’ belonging to the Zionists. [4.]

Furthermore, separately In May and again in July of 2009 a person referring to himself as “General Jeremiah” contacted researchers Don Nickoloff and Ken Adachi live during an internet radio broadcast [5.]

Claiming to be from a Star Trek style ‘Federation of Planets’, but sounding more like a Southern Baptist military aristocrat from the US, he gave the hosts assurances that he was a devout Christian and was part of a mission of ‘space Christians’ to insure the stability and survival of the people of the Earth in the coming times ahead.

Whether it is true or not, it is many times more likely that this “General Jeremiah” is a tool of the Zionist space fleet than that he represents a genuine Federation of planets. In any case, it is worthy of noting with suspicion that Ken Adachi has dropped out of cyberspace completely and off his website without a single word. His last posting was 22 December, 2009 and he hasn’t been heard from since, which is quite irregular for him.

There is also at present a New Age propaganda movement based on something called NESARA which puts forth the belief that benevolent ‘ascended masters’ from space ships are planning to intervene in our human destiny and to usher in an era of prosperity and peace through currency reform and the re-establishment of Constitutional common law. [6.]

This movement comes complete with its own news aggregator conspiracy website in the style of, and sometimes linked to, the Jeff Rense one, often parsing out rare insider information from original sources [7.] A thorough examination of NESARA has led this author to conclude that it is a planned execution of a ‘One World’ currency and Communitarian wealth redistribution system based first in the ‘reform’ of the US, but then spreading the system worldwide.

This resonates with “General McClellan’s prophesy”, which claims that after WW III, the US republic will grow into a worldwide universal state. All of these New Age prophesies and websites seem to indicate the same outcomes which just by chance are confluent with the interpretations of the Book of Revelations popularized by the British Israel Zionist movement and its Scofield Bible.

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17th June 2010, 06:14 AM
Forensic Armageddon (part 3)
by M.K.

This mind-control script has certain acts and scenes according to the predictive prophesy of Scofield, now evangelized throughout the Anglosphere and regarded by the deceived as the true message of Christianity. These include specific details: the emergence of the Anti-Christ; the rapture and tribulation period; the battle of Armageddon; and the second-coming of Christ and the Millennial Kingdom.

It is contended that the evidence exists to indicate that a false fulfillment of those prophesies, or an event fulfilling the first one has been cynically planned to coincide with the year 2012. This project has seems to have been stewarded for generations by occultist Kabbalistic Zionists desirous of ushering in an occult New Age.

Reason alone indicates that a similar wave of misguided Christian millennialist longing led to the First Crusade around the year 1000 A.D. Whatever theories and occult groups gave rise to the Crusades they have been around so long that they are effectively invisible most of the time. Yet these occult lineages have had centuries to work the influence of this New Age Millennialism, many from within positions of great religious learning and influence.

By the same token it is reasonable to suppose that just as the first millennium did not turn out to be the end of the world despite certain prophesies to that effect, neither will the world actually end with the next great debacle. It just stands a chance of getting worse the more people get programmed with the script.

This author contends that the acts and scenes of the Armageddon script are most likely meant be accompanied by HAARP displays and Tesla/Nazi/Area 51 secret space craft and weaponry. In fact below is a possible scenario where technology and infrastructure of that type could reasonably produce remarkable theatrical illusions (with the whole world as its stage) corresponding to Scofield prophesy.

The coming of the Anti-Christ:

Maitreya is the name for a person appearing to fulfill the role of the ‘Beast’, in the fashion of the Heglian dialectic of controlled opposition. This character is apparently alive and well on the Internet for anyone to learn about [8.] The Let Us Reason internet ministry makes credible connections between the Occult leader Dietrich Eckart’s attempt to summon Maitreya in the person of Hitler, his occult disciple. And between Maitreya’s apparent expected arrival in present day Iran [9.]

This makes Maitreya, centered in Iran and attracting ‘Nazi’ followers and Muslims, the ultimate Hollywood super-villain to appear to oppose British Israel Zionism. As a supposed trans-human ‘ascended master’, and as Islam’s “twelfth Mahdi”, Maitreya’s arrival at the scene by UFO will be accompanied with many staged signs and wonders.

He will unify the ‘Beast’ coalition of Communist, Ant-Semitic, Islamic and third world countries. And then they, emboldened by his magical leadership, will rally in an attempt to overcome America, the UK Commonwealth and Israel, a ‘tying down of Gulliver’ if you will, which they will devoutly believe is a pious and honorable duty for a Muslim and so forth.

Of course by that time the Bush plan of creating white race-patriot and Fundamentalist Christian reaction by having a foreign born black bisexual radical Communist preside over the greatest economic and cultural crash in America’s history will presumably have led to a political victory for the Sarah Palin-type Republican electoral machine and its Zionist corporatist fascism.

Throwing the traitor atheist trash out, they will inherit a government fit for their own ambitions with a greatly enhanced domestic police state apparatus, a corporate-owned public sector and a trebled Pentagon budget. And an ally in a full blown regional crisis: The State of Israel. Thus will the stage likely be set by 2012.

The Rapture, the Tribulation Period and the Battle of Armageddon:

One can scarcely imagine any intelligent person in command of the resources of the English-speaking world laying plans far in advance for WW III and not making provision for deep underground/undersea survival bases.

In fact books, stories and websites all attest to the existence of vast underground facilities. One often-cited anecdote is that the patent for the ‘Therm-bol’ nuclear powered drilling machine has existed since the 1950’s. Whatever the case, most people reading this are probably aware that these capabilities and facilities exist “from the cold war era” at the very least, and only the present extent is unknown.

How then to remove the families of the privileged few to safety, as well as many more brainwashed lower-downs for servants and clean genetic breeding stock? How then to do so without the risk of massive civil upheaval resulting in a failure to get the ‘chosen ones’ to shelters and blowing the cover of the deception?

The best way would be to do so suddenly and stealthily using hidden transportation assets like underground tube trains, secret airports and possibly even UFO technology to ‘spirit away’ these people and simply make them appear to vanish. Certainly, there will be those who witness what has truly happened, but without support from the media they will remain silent.

How will this mysterious disappearance seem to those who have been programmed with the template of Scofield’s Armageddon? It will be believed to have been ‘the Rapture’ and these people will be widely believed to have been taken up to Jesus.

In fact, many well connected Jews, and gentiles from the upper echelons of Zionist churches and government will likely be removed to safety. But for the ‘left behind’ it will seem as though God has decided to put them through the ‘tribulation period’. This will only further reinforce the program for all those within it, and may serve to win many more converts who wish to repent since judgment is apparently at hand.

The war which will then befall will flatten America and vast segments of those who survive will be health-damaged and reduced to extreme poverty and hunger. World War Three will be waged against the ‘left behind’ populace by the ‘Beast’ coalition, on American soil and in Israel and the Middle East.

This war will be and was always intended to be a rout, since ‘angelic’ forces come in to do battle on one side. The ‘Beast’ modern armies of the world will spread destruction far and wide, but will ultimately not stand a chance against even one hundred flying saucers with beam weapons, force fields and cloaking devices. The Communist, Islamic and third world countries will be reduced to utter military ruin, they will lose many of their men, and hunger and fallout will kill many more within their vulnerable populations.

Hypothetically, the Russians possess some UFO craft of their own. They might be used as part of the Maitreya deception due to the likely case that a network of secret Zionist fellow travelers holds key positions of military power within the Russian Federation, probably posing as ultra-nationalists. It is not suggested that Russia’s secret space assets are at the command of its president or prime minister or that they are in fact public property at all.

One only has to spend some time studying the fundamentalist Scofield Revelations material to see that at the apex of the coming WW III, it is predicted there will be a great battle between ‘all the armies of the world’ and the ‘armies of God’.

They expect this to literally occur in the valley of Meggido in the north of present day Israel when the ‘Beast’ armies of Gog (Russia) try to roll in and conquer it. But they are to be met with shining white UFOs armed with ‘Star Wars’ weaponry.

This will reinforce the ‘End times’ programming as well, leaving prophesy from the Bible apparently fulfilled. Although in reality it will be a cynical slaughter that the poorer nations of the earth will be led into by occult manipulators like Maitreya, who himself is merely a creation of the Luciferians after the methodology of Hegel.

The defeat will be complete and shattering, leaving the entire world at the mercy of the Anglo-Israel alliance’s military. “Every knee shall bend and every tongue shall confess that he is Lord” will probably find its most ironic application at that time.

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17th June 2010, 06:15 AM
Forensic Armageddon (part 4)
by M.K.

The second coming of Christ and the Millennial Kingdom:

The Zionists with their invincible ‘angelic’ UFO fleet will have conquered the dark forces of Maitreya, and have spared the ‘best’ of the people to repopulate the earth as “light workers”. They will provide us with both meaning and context in our world after the war.

Who knows who or what they will say ‘Christ’ is, but the important thing to understand is that ‘Christ’ will be whoever they say he is. If they say he’s a man, he will be a man. If they say he’s a king, he will be a king. If they say he’s just an idea then he’s just an idea. But they will instruct us in how to view him. They will inaugurate a worldwide Communitarian system which they will enforce with instant death for rebellion.

This system will seductively appear to be all things good to the flesh: it will talk in the most pious and highest philosophical terms; it will feed everyone, there will be no crime, it will be ‘green’ and use organics and new clean technology for energy production and to clean up and restore the earth. Men will serve it from their hearts. They will come to believe that paradise on earth has finally arrived. At least at first …

A relevant excerpt from Chapter 7 of “The Union Jack”:

“It is with the establishment of this political religion in the name and form of Christianity which has caused the hope of the world to be the kingdom of God on earth. This spiritual unity of heaven and earth is the Judaized Pharisaic veil of world revolution. It is precisely the political rabbinicism which caused the blindness of the jews, their rejection of Christ’s kingdom of Grace and His subsequent crucifixion by them.”

“It is also the source of spiritual blindness which denies the blessings of the grace of Christ and divides us against ourselves. We cannot have God The Holy Spirit and a natural messiah; we cannot have America and the kingdom of God on earth.

We must choose this day between Jesus Christ and the Cosmic Christ of British Israel Masonry; we must choose this day between the United States of America and the World State Kingdom of God on Earth British Empire. We cannot serve both God and mammon; we cannot serve both the Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack.”

“We must keep in mind that the Empire runs the world with its servant Masonry and that Masonry knows the meaning of the anxiety of race war and revolution in America and its planned objective of World Government in the name of Christ…”

“Absolute tyranny must be erected upon mind control, the process of which is completely subtle to its subjects. The reversing of the conscience of man, through a slow process of reeducation, builds a receptive spirit to the invisible power of suggestion.”

“Man can then become enslaved and betrayed with his own thoughts. He has indeed become a mental robot, completely unaware that he is such, and absolutely oblivious to the invisible power that controls him. So then, as man thinks to do “good” he does evil; as he proclaims Christ he denies Him; as he seeks truth he tramples it; as he strives for political freedom he engages in sedition. In all these things he has the image of respectability and he believes in his heart he is right.”

“Mind control motivates ideological zeal, as opposed to superficial conviction. It is the solidification of ideological zeal for the world kingdom that causes the people to unwittingly subvert their national system into a world order, and when man is divided against himself, he is divided against God and His country — not passively but actively.”

In conclusion, the forensic examination of the goals and methods of Zionist Millennialism and its associated false prophesies and twisted Jewish Messianic interpretations of the Book of Revelations supports the finding that the pattern is intentionally seditious, criminal and revolutionary in its motives and in its intended effect upon its targets.

In assistance with this effort, it would seem that the ‘Black-Ops’ aspect of our country is fully in on this deception, and that most of its members are probably enculted into this New Age Judeo-Christian mythology and voluntarily acting on its behalf. With the combined assistance of Hollywood, the Mainstream Media and the Defense-Technological complex, our judaized churches are preparing to exercise their political might in seizing the coming elections.

What may be heralded as a conservative reaction will actually mean a takeover by an even more radical group than the Communists. Putting this group at the helm is necessary to frame up World War III to fit the template.

There is also a role given to ‘anti-Semites’, Jew haters and wannabe Nazis in this script. It is the role of arch-nemesis under the ‘Anti-Christ’ Maitreya, who will claim to be both Islam’s “twelfth Mahdi” and a Buddhist avatar. Not only that, but one can expect him to be a rational sounding critic of Israel and to appear very holy.

The peoples of the second and third world will take hope in his message of a unified spiritual alliance against Zionism and global brotherhood between all religions, while at the same time Christian Zionists will be quick to conclude that he is Satan incarnate and that the Book of Revelations is coming true according to Scofield. This will cement opinion in America and it will be a bad time to be an ‘anti-Semite’, Islamic or Black.

A strong component of racism is present in the name ‘The Beast’, which in part refers to the Pharisaical belief that all colored people are ‘beasts of the field’ and sub-human. Maitreya cynically holds out false hope to the oppressed people of the Earth, uniting them to advance onto the battlefield on cue for their ultimate soul-shattering destruction and betrayal to a vastly more technologically advanced enemy. This will seem to prove that Christian Zionism is the ‘one true faith’ in God.

The final intended outcome of the Third World War by the ruling criminal cabal seems to be the reduction of the ‘surface population’ to ‘manageable levels’, and their deprivation under abject poverty and virtual slavery in pursuit of hand-to-mouth needs.

This will be an opportunity for sharing in the ‘community-oriented’ charity of the Zionists, from supplies stored in vast underground warehouses, which will be given along with a smooth sounding pitch for the ownership of all property by the greater ‘community’ by and through their benevolent ‘Christian’ ministry.

Other options at this time may include dying, being killed and hiding out in secret with supplies. But for most surviving people there will be a deeply emotional conversion as they receive this ‘loving gift’ of life saving help and an exhilarating spirit of Millennial optimism. At that point, saying what I am writing now might likely get you killed by a mob or detained by Zionists for re-education.

So we have outlined the goals and grand strategy of the enemies of mankind to defraud and dispossess the entire earth of its self-ownership. They will attempt to bring in their Messiah through the Hegelian dialectic. They expect to finish off any last resistance quickly once civilization has been brought to its knees and converted to its ‘brotherhood’ religion by cynical deception, shocking deprivation and mind-control.

They have a path to victory lined up and the pieces are in motion on the grand chessboard. What does it really mean? How will it all turn out? Will they really get away with it? To try to answer these questions one must live out the answer. If one is not willing to dutifully hold to the truth whether or not he will be shown victory, the same is unworthy to be given real peace. Are these the times spoken of in Revelations? To attempt prophetic divination is to try to grasp the water.

Whatever will be, will be and we must live our best regardless. But one thing is certain: there is a criminal and occult plan to use Scofield’s interpretation as a script to enact WW III under the identity of Armageddon, thereby gaining the Zionists the supreme throne of this world in Jerusalem and the willful obedience of mankind. And it now seems like the eleventh hour before midnight for that plan.

The Peace of Christ be with You.


17th June 2010, 08:00 AM
This is an article where the subject of Armageddon is discussed, not as an attempt at solving the enigmatic riddles of the Revelations of St. John, but rather examining forensically how these riddles are being used as a script in a massive crime.

I could not read beyond the first paragraph.

There is no such thing as "Revelations of St. John."

The author has no idea what he is talking about.

17th June 2010, 08:20 AM
This is an article where the subject of Armageddon is discussed, not as an attempt at solving the enigmatic riddles of the Revelations of St. John, but rather examining forensically how these riddles are being used as a script in a massive crime.

I could not read beyond the first paragraph.

There is no such thing as "Revelations of St. John."

The author has no idea what he is talking about.


by Wayne Blank
"The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His servants what must soon take place; and He made it known by sending His angel to His servant John, who bore witness to the Word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. Blessed is he who reads aloud the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written therein; for the time is near. John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the first-born of the dead [see What Is Jesus Christ Doing Right Now?], and the ruler of kings on earth. To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood and made us a kingdom, priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen." (Revelation 1:1-6 RSV)
All True Prophecy Comes From God
As stated in the Scriptures above, although The Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation (and the Gospel of John), and although Revelation has sometimes been referred to as "The Revelation of St. John the Divine" (King James), God was, and is, the ultimate source of all that is in the Book of Revelation. It originated from God, was given to Jesus Christ, Who delivered it by "His angel" to John while the apostle was being held as a prisoner by the Romans (see Ancient Empires - Rome) on The Island Of Patmos some time after 90 AD. John then addressed it to The Seven

17th June 2010, 08:34 AM
and although Revelation has sometimes been referred to as "The Revelation of St. John the Divine" (King James)

that is not true.

King James Bible never calls John "the Divine".

17th June 2010, 08:37 AM
take it up with Wayne.

Or prove it.

17th June 2010, 08:43 AM
take it up with Wayne.

Or prove it.

Just open the Bible, the Book of Revelation and search for the word "divine".

It is not in there.

anybody can see it:

Here are all occurrences when the word "divine" is encountered in the Bible.


There is no word "divine" in Revelation ( King James )

It is ridiculous lie and I proved it.

17th June 2010, 08:52 AM
How many versions are there of the King James bible?

You haven't searched them all.

You have only proved that you don't know everything about King James bibles.

I suggest you search for

The Revelation of St. John the Divine

and you will find many references to the King James Bible.

17th June 2010, 09:01 AM
How many versions are there of the King James bible?

You haven't searched them all.

You have only proved that you don't know everything about King James bibles.

There is one version of the King James Bible.


I own 1611 edition and I own whole bunch of later re-prints.

I own Bibles in six different languishes, including Greek and Hebrew.

I read them (almost) every day. That is why I know that there is no such thing as Book of Revelations.

I would be willing to be corrected if you point out the exact verse were John is called "divine". Do it!

17th June 2010, 09:12 AM
I have see above.

many references to the King James Bible.

from Joo o pedia

From this latter noun comes the title in the Authorized King James Version, the Revelation of Saint John the Divine, divine being a seventeenth century word for theologian.[2]

17th June 2010, 09:34 AM
The cliff note version of this is that the Jews like to plan well in advance and put the book of revelations into the bible to set the scene for their plan.

Mind control at it’s best planted long before the events are to take place.

They are now in the process of bringing the book of Revelations about.

The final intended outcome of the Third World War by the ruling criminal cabal seems to be the reduction of the ‘surface population’ to ‘manageable levels’, and their deprivation under abject poverty and virtual slavery in pursuit of hand-to-mouth needs.

This will be an opportunity for sharing in the ‘community-oriented’ charity of the Zionists, from supplies stored in vast underground warehouses, which will be given along with a smooth sounding pitch for the ownership of all property by the greater ‘community’ by and through their benevolent ‘Christian’ ministry.

Other options at this time may include dying, being killed and hiding out in secret with supplies. But for most surviving people there will be a deeply emotional conversion as they receive this ‘loving gift’ of life saving help and an exhilarating spirit of Millennial optimism. At that point, saying what I am writing now might likely get you killed by a mob or detained by Zionists for re-education.

29th July 2010, 03:38 PM
Pretty powerful stuff.

29th July 2010, 03:46 PM
Actually I think it's referred to as " The Revelation of Jesus Christ" :)

29th July 2010, 04:47 PM
This is the assumption upon which plans for World War III and a future world state are now apparently in motion. Through the combined propaganda of both Fundamentalist Christian churches and Hollywood movies visualizing an apocalyptic New Age future, the psyche of America and the Anglosphere is slowly being programmed to identify with the ‘End-Times’ script.

This is how I see it and it is why I am no longer in the "End Times" camp.

30th July 2010, 07:33 PM
We'll know soon enough.