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17th June 2010, 10:48 AM


They're gonna start the party soon.

19th December 2010, 09:04 PM
He makes a strong case it is well past time to end these 'parties'.


Col. Edward Mandel House had the unmitigated gall to appoint himself as a king-maker who should choose for America who would be the Democrat Party’s presidential candidate for 1912. Where did he get the monumental self-confidence to assume such a role? He got it from the fact that someone gave him the power and authority to do exactly that. That someone was J.P. Morgan, who was the king of America at that point, serving at the pleasure of the Rothschild empire in Frankfurt, Paris and London, the same way that the Rockefellers serve today.

House’s assignment was to take America to war in the opening act of the perpetual war for perpetual control of humanity.

The simplest solution is always the best one. The simple solution to most of our problems is the removal of what’s causing them. And what is that?

The answer is: a poisonous little club of psychopaths in Manhattan. These guys have done it all and they’ve been in charge of our country since 1911. They’ve run the military, the State Department, the White House and the Congress. They have seized control of the government beginning with Edward Mandel House in 1911 choosing Woodrow Wilson as the Democrat candidate for 1912. In one year, House managed to create the Federal Reserve and its criminal collection agency, the Internal Revenue Service. He also managed to nullify the US Constitution, already declared meaningless by Lincoln, by arranging the 17th Amendment and the direct election of senators. By the next year he organized the First World War. He and his cronies, FDR and Churchill, got the Lusitania sunk in 1915. His crowning achievement of 1917 was to send Leon Trotsky from New York City to join Lenin in St. Petersburg where they made the Bolshevik coup and prepared the slaughter of scores of millions of humans and the unspeakable suffering of hundreds of millions more.

House’s only notable failure in his program of doom was the American rejection of his precious League of Nations following WWI and the Versailles dictate. So, another world war was planned by House’s assistants, namely the Dulles brothers, Alan and John Foster, and their uncle, Robert Lansing. These were three of the founding psychos of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921. Their plan was to design a new war to end all wars, to be followed by a real world government body that could not be denied. The war only took them eighteen years to foment, and the world government framework six years after that. Their body count was approximately 60 million humans, plus the degradation and suffering of a billion more. The world was never the same after the catastrophe of 1939-45. Everything we are enduring today is the aftermath of those six years, all deliberately designed and executed by the Council on Foreign Relations.