View Full Version : Uh-oh, Spaghetti-O - Campbell's Recalls Some of Them

17th June 2010, 11:24 PM
The combination of shrinking corporate profits leading to cuts in maintenance, more and more affirmative action staffing, and an ever-decreasing number of perpetually-distracted White workers is leading to an ever-increasing number of food recalls...


Campbell Soup recalls 15M pounds of SpaghettiOs

By MARY CLARE JALONICK, Associated Press Writer Mary Clare Jalonick, Associated Press Writer Thu Jun 17, 10:56 pm ET

WASHINGTON – Campbell Soup Co. is recalling 15 million pounds of SpaghettiOs with meatballs after a cooker malfunctioned at one of the company's plants in Texas and left the meat undercooked.

The Agriculture Department announced the recall late Thursday. Campbell spokesman Anthony Sanzio said the company is recalling certain lots of the product manufactured since December 2008 "out of an abundance of caution" because officials don't know exactly when the cooker at the Paris, Texas, plant malfunctioned. Officials believe it happened recently but aren't sure, he said.

The meatballs that went through the cooker did not get the requisite amount of heat, according to the company.

Recalled are certain lots of three varieties of the pasta product often consumed by children: SpaghettiOs with Meatballs, SpaghettiOs A to Z with Meatballs, and SpaghettiOs Fun Shapes with Meatballs (Cars).

The USDA said there are no reports of illnesses associated with the product and Sanzio said the company has received no customer complaints to date.

The recalled products have "EST 4K," as well as a use-by date between June 2010 and December 2011 printed on the bottom of the can. The products were manufactured between December 2008 and June 2010 and distributed to retail establishments nationwide.

Sanzio said the company believes there are about 35,000 cases of SpaghettiOs subject to the recall on the market right now. He said USDA announced the recall of 15 million pounds because that is all of the product that has been manufactured since December 2008. Much of it has likely been consumed.

Consumers with questions about the recall can call Campbell's Hotline at (866) 495-3774.

18th June 2010, 12:03 PM
They have those... the large cans with meatballs at the .99 cent stores

18th June 2010, 12:08 PM
So does CosCo, WalMart and many other stores........just because it cost a dollar doesn't mean that only the dollar store got them.

Shorty Harris
18th June 2010, 12:36 PM
More fake food for the useless eaters. I would be surprised if anybody here would even think about eating that crap. ..recalled or not.

Zero any real nutritional value.. Garbage in, garbage out.

willie pete
18th June 2010, 12:40 PM
More fake food for the useless eaters. I would be surprised if anybody here would even think about eating that crap. ..recalled or not.

Zero any real nutritional value.. Garbage in, garbage out.

Yep, a LOT of empty Fat Calories, IF you're gonna eat anything out of a can, just go with pork& beans, at least you'll get some fiber, carbs and less fat, just go with the store brand, forget about "Bush's" and the others, they got a LOT of sugar in 'em