View Full Version : Lakers WIn! Riots in La

18th June 2010, 05:39 AM
Lakers Fans riot in LA, some waiving Mexican Flags

VIOLENT riots broke out in Los Angeles following the LA Lakers’ championship-clinching win over the Boston Celtics in the NBA finals.
The trouble began shortly after the Lakers claimed their 83-79 victory over their rivals last night at the Staples Centre in LA.
LAPD officers clashed with crowds in streets surrounding the stadium, with rowdy fans smashing windows, starting fires and attacking passing motorists.
At least one civilian was badly beaten and a police officer suffered a broken nose in street fights. A cyclist was also hit by a patrol car attending the crisis.
Police fired non-lethal rounds to disperse mobs of troublemakers, as a cab was set alight and two newspaper stands ripped apart.





18th June 2010, 05:44 AM
This is a phenomenon that I will never understand: Rioting when "your" home team wins.

About the video . . . 100 kicks to a newspaper stand and it's still standing. ??? And those boys could use some Boy Scout training to learn how to start a fire. WTF were they burning their Laker's jersey? I am so confused.

18th June 2010, 05:54 AM
good thing they won.

Imagine the chaos if they lost!

18th June 2010, 05:58 AM
Hispanics rioting??? Never, they're as calm as Latin American soccor fans... Ohh wait.. nevermind

18th June 2010, 07:11 AM
where are the white people?? i NEVER see them rioting.....

18th June 2010, 07:51 AM
where are the white people?? i NEVER see them rioting.....

Maybe it's because white people today are mostly pussies who have let other people run over them.

18th June 2010, 07:55 AM
Rioting after sports wins is not an exclusive to blacks phenomenon:

Police cars burned, stores looted in Montreal hockey riot (http://www.cbc.ca/canada/montreal/story/2008/04/22/mtl-habs.html)

I've never understood the psychology behind it either.

Grand Master Melon
18th June 2010, 08:00 AM
Rioting after sports wins is not an exclusive to blacks phenomenon:

Police cars burned, stores looted in Montreal hockey riot (http://www.cbc.ca/canada/montreal/story/2008/04/22/mtl-habs.html)

I've never understood the psychology behind it either.

One or two morons and a boatload of "groupthink."

18th June 2010, 11:19 AM
Where are the Korean grocers when you need them?


18th June 2010, 11:27 AM
where are the white people?? i NEVER see them rioting.....

Maybe it's because white people today are mostly pussies who have let other people run over them.
Sometimes there's a thin line between pussified and civilized.

But I do not disagree.

Oh by the way, I was not trying to condone rioting/looting/what-have-you, I was merely pointing out that white people are pretty much castrated as well as 'civilized'.

Regarding their lack of rioting in this case, I'd say it's due to both (as in, I'm not sure whites would get too upset even if there was a just cause... we have become too passive in general). :'(

18th June 2010, 11:53 AM
where are the white people?? i NEVER see them rioting.....

Maybe it's because white people today are mostly pussies who have let other people run over them.
Sometimes there's a thin line between pussified and civilized.

But I do not disagree.

Oh by the way, I was not trying to condone rioting/looting/what-have-you, I was merely pointing out that white people are pretty much castrated as well as 'civilized'.

Regarding their lack of rioting in this case, I'd say it's due to both (as in, I'm not sure whites would get too upset even if there was a just cause... we have become too passive in general). :'(

Yeah, but what's weird is that these people are rioting because they are happy. I am not sure if you can get much more dumb than that.

18th June 2010, 11:53 AM
Yeah, but what's weird is that these people are rioting because they are happy. I am not sure if you can get much more dumb than that.


18th June 2010, 12:37 PM
This is a phenomenon that I will never understand: Rioting when "your" home team wins.

i don't understand it either. as far as i can tell, the last time they rioted was in 1992, in the case of an unwelcome verdict for the Rodney King trial.

so what does the Lakers win have in common with the Rodney King trial ?

Grand Master Melon
18th June 2010, 05:13 PM
This is a phenomenon that I will never understand: Rioting when "your" home team wins.

i don't understand it either. as far as i can tell, the last time they rioted was in 1992, in the case of an unwelcome verdict for the Rodney King trial.

so what does the Lakers win have in common with the Rodney King trial ?
The last time they rioted was when the Lakers lost in the finals.

18th June 2010, 05:22 PM
When I was younger, I was in a riot. Stanley Cup win, was downtown at the pubs, and the masses just went berzerk. Police cars were flipped over, big bonfires in the streets, first time I was actually teargased. Teargas really works.

It's not so much a riot, as more of a crazy celebration. Add alcohol, add excited people, 'groupthink' and things can get out of control.

It's not race specific, it's sport specific.

Anyway, not condoning this type of behavior, but I do understand it...at least a little. ;D

18th June 2010, 05:41 PM
Here in Boston if you try to celebrate, look out.
Have your affairs in order, you might not see morning.
This is after a pennant, not even a world series

Postgame police projectile kills an Emerson student
O'Toole accepts responsibility but condemns acts of 'punks'

By Thomas Farragher and David Abel, Globe Staff | October 22, 2004

An Emerson College junior, drawn to Fenway Park to toast the first Red Sox pennant in 18 years, was killed yesterday, shot in the eye by a projectile fired by police seeking to disperse revelers who authorities said threatened to spin out of control.

Victoria Snelgrove, a 21-year-old journalism student from East Bridgewater, was struck by a pepper-spray-filled plastic ball at about 1:30 a.m., some 90 minutes after the Red Sox celebrated on the infield at Yankee Stadium, provoking an estimated 80,000 jubilant and mostly young fans to converge on Kenmore Square.

Police said they intended the pepper-spray balls, propelled by a compressed air system similar to those used in paintball guns, to be "less than lethal."

"While I firmly and emphatically accept responsibilities for any errors," Police Commissioner Kathleen M. O'Toole said, "I also condemn in the harshest words possible the actions of the punks [Wednesday] night who turned our city's victory into an opportunity for violence and mindless destruction."
http://www.boston.com/sports/baseball/redsox/articles/2004/10/22/postgame_police_projectile_kills_an_emerson_studen t/

SOUTHWICK - The family of a Southwick man, who died after sustaining injuries during an arrest while celebrating the Boston Celtics 2008 NBA championship, has reached a $3 million settlement with the city of Boston.

Thursday's announcement of the settlement in the case involving the death of David J. Woodman came hours before the Celtics again played the Los Angeles Lakers in Game 7 of the NBA finals.

Woodman's family, who recently established a foundation in his memory, said the settlement was "not a satisfactory resolution" of their claims against the Boston Police Department but instead reflected "our choice not to allow anger to affect our family any further."

Their statement, issued through their attorney, Howard Friedman, of Boston, said the settlement would allow the Woodmans to "look forward to honoring David's life and carrying on the work that he started." The first scholarship in his name was awarded this month to a senior at his alma mater, Southwick-Tolland Regional High School.

Two years ago, David Woodman joined a group celebrating the Celtics' championship near the Fenway area when police spotted him around 1 a.m. with an open container of beer. Authorities quickly apprehended and tried handcuffing the 22-year-old Woodman before he collapsed and was taken away in an ambulance. Woodman died at the hospital 11 days later.

Reports by both the Suffolk County district attorney's office and an independent investigator, former U.S. Attorney Donald Stern, concluded Woodman's death was brought on by a heart arrhythmia that was due to a pre-existing heart condition. Both reports cleared Boston police of any wrongdoing.

The Woodmans said, however, they do not accept the findings and believe that police lied about what happened during their son's arrest. They cited a failure by Stern's report to mention their son's injuries, as documented by the medical examiner, including seven abrasions or bruises on his face, a laceration of his lip, a bruise on his right arm, and a cut under his chin.

No banner #18 for the Celts yesterday, but props to the lakers.

18th June 2010, 05:50 PM
I updated the first post with some more vids.....

Burning cars, smashing windows and whatnot....... LOL

18th June 2010, 07:47 PM
where are the white people?? i NEVER see them rioting.....

Maybe it's because white people today are mostly pussies who have let other people run over them.
Sometimes there's a thin line between pussified and civilized.

But I do not disagree.

Oh by the way, I was not trying to condone rioting/looting/what-have-you, I was merely pointing out that white people are pretty much castrated as well as 'civilized'.

Regarding their lack of rioting in this case, I'd say it's due to both (as in, I'm not sure whites would get too upset even if there was a just cause... we have become too passive in general). :'(

Most have jobs (still ?). Gotta go to work in the morning.

Most sane people (race independent) understand the cost effectiveness of getting shot with nonlethal weapons and don't' do the rioting. What is the ultimate point and goal? Free shoes and tv's?

Out of curiosity, what would the percentage rioters to the metro population be?

The dumbassedness of humans will always amaze me.

18th June 2010, 07:49 PM
It's not so much a riot, as more of a crazy celebration. Add alcohol, add excited people, 'groupthink' and things can get out of control.

So there's a logical reason for my aversion to crowds after all.

18th June 2010, 08:39 PM
I was a little worried the Lakes weren't going to pull it off.

Liquid summed(?) it up pretty nicely that it's SPORTS specific......oh and alchohol and juvenilism......high testosterone and you got some destruction 8)


18th June 2010, 08:44 PM
Professional sports seems to have become ersatz tribalism. It is a way to keep the masses docile...except when it doesn't.

Dave Thomas
18th June 2010, 10:19 PM
All I was thinking that whole time, that poor newspaper dispenser. What did it ever do to anyone? It was probably dispensing a Latin American periodical to boot.

To boot.


20th June 2010, 09:05 AM
Just released by the LAFD.....More craziness! Watch what happens to this cab.....Authorities now looking for the criminals. LOL


20th June 2010, 09:18 AM
Riots/burning/death at sporting events are expected and considered a normal part of doing business/profiting.
Profit is why it is accepted.

On the other hand, those elderly white "tea partiers" are a real problem requiring squads of police in full riot gear...just in case they get noisy.
No profit there to overlook this unacceptable behavior by old white people.
These assemblies must be stopped!

20th June 2010, 09:26 AM
Just released by the LAFD.....More craziness! Watch what happens to this cab.....Authorities now looking for the criminals. LOL

That's the biggest thing that creeps me out...even in the first video. Camera's everywhere, everything gets recorded these days and posted on youtube.

I mean, this thread really has me looking back in time. If there had been camera's around when we flipped that cop car in the riot I was in years ago...that didn't even make the local paper, it was conveniently left out.

Again, not condoning mass stupidity, but does everything need to get recorded?

I tend to avoid crouds too, just for this reason.

20th June 2010, 03:28 PM
Look at this objectively if you would for a moment. This was over a "basketball game" in which they won. Now place yourself in a yet to be determined time in the near future when these same people have no food on the table. Social disintegration will be rapid and incredibly hostile.

So you are saying tptb favor the social desintegration of these groups, while the groups like the "Tea Partiers" stand in the way of their plans?

20th June 2010, 09:22 PM
The taxi business is tough enough these days without people destroying your cab. That sucks.

20th June 2010, 09:54 PM
Look at this objectively if you would for a moment. This was over a "basketball game" in which they won. Now place yourself in a yet to be determined time in the near future when these same people have no food on the table. Social disintegration will be rapid and incredibly hostile.

So you are saying tptb favor the social desintegration of these groups, while the groups like the "Tea Partiers" stand in the way of their plans?

I didnt get that from his post. TPTB probably dont really care how things collapse, as long as they retain their power and/or gain from it.

I think he was just saying that when social order begins to break down, its going to go quick and violent because of this type of group think. I cant say I disagree.