View Full Version : is Florida about to Die?

Large Sarge
18th June 2010, 04:19 PM
American Patriots,


This is a sad day for Florida and I wish I did not have to send this warning out. But as a watchman on the wall I must let you know what is happening right now to you.

The government has been lying to us about the oil spill in the gulf all along. It is a disaster that BP & the government will not be able to stop, in spite of the Obamanation's lies that it will be cleaned up 90% by this fall.

Here's why, they have drilled down into the strata 6 miles below the ocean floor and tapped into a high pressure cavity. At this level the oil is called A-Biotic oil, it is being created by chemical reaction and will produce an endless supply of oil, sounds like the oil shortage is over , right, wrong. You see the pressure coming up from that well casing is up to 70,000 psi and we have no way to stop it. We do not even possess the science to contain that kind of pressure, let along stop it. On a normal oil rig there are two reading's that are read immediately after they hit oil, the first is flow rate & the second is well head pressure and on a normal rig it is about 1,500psi. At that level all the safety systems work to keep everything safe.

On the Horizon rig in the gulf the well head pressure hit 70,000psi +- and blew the rig apart and every safety system with it. BP was told by the rig engineers that the fail safe valve needed to be replaced, but they told the crew to keep drilling anyway and Boom, off it went. The valve probably would not have stopped the oil at 70,000psi any way.

The amount of oil blowing into the gulf every day is about 4,000,000 gallons and increasing daily. With the pressure so high no body knows what to do to stop it, everything they have tried has failed and relief wells will not help only increase the problem. Here's why, you see the well casing is down 6 + miles into the earth and the pressure has broken through in several places and continues to erode the well casing, it was 4 inches thick it is now aprox 1 inch thick and soon will be gone leaving the 70,000psi pressure to open the whole wider and spew out faster and faster. But according to the NOAA ( National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration), the pressure is opening up wholes all over the ocean floor up to 20 miles away and releasing oil plumes into the gulf, it is estimated by oil industry experts and the government NOAA that as much as 40% of the gulf is now covered with underwater oil clouds and growing. (SEE ATTACHED LINKS)

Now comes the really bad part, oil is not the only thing coming out of the well head and the plume leaks. Deadly gases are escaping into the atmosphere. You will hear in the days to come about " Volatile Organic Compounds" in the air, the EPA has now begun to let out their research and readings on the deadly gases escaping into our air here in Florida. Number one, Benzine (C6H6) gas, the amount one breathes should not go pass 0 to 4 PPB, ( parts per billion) the reading this week in the gulf was 3,000 PPB, this gas is now moving over Florida and will cause problems with the brain, the stomach, and especially for pregnant women to name a few problems. Gas number two, Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) It is a colorless, very poisonous, flammable gas with the characteristic foul odor of rotten eggs. what humans can breath and survive is 5 to 10 PPB, the EPA reading this week 1,200 PPB, we die. Gas number three is Methylene Chloride ; human exposure is 61 PPB to survive, the EPA readings this week, 3,000 to 3,400 PPB. Its health risks is high volatility which makes it an acute inhalation hazard,. It also metabolized by the body to carbon monoxide potentially leading to carbon monoxide poisoning. Acute exposure by inhalation has resulted in optic neuropath and hepatitis. Prolonged skin contact can result in the dissolving some of the fatty tissues in skin, resulting in skin irritation or chemical burns. It may be carcinogenic, as it has been linked to cancer of the lung, liver, and pancreas in laboratory animals. It may be time to start thinking about moving out of the state, at least get on your knees and pray, pray, pray for God's direction.

IF YOU DO NOTHING ELSE PLEASE, PLEASE, I BEG YOU LISTEN TO THIS TWO HOUR INTERVIEW WITH LINDSEY WILLIAMS ON POLITICS 101 FROM JUNE 16TH LAST NIGHT. LINK IS: http://www.livestream.com/newchannel/popoutplayer?channel=wafstv&clip=pla_9c76be2b-633e-420f-ab6f-f4e5606f96e7


I have ordered the video and it will be shipped out in about three weeks they told me. At that time I get it, I will host a screening here in Apopka for all. Also, we will be asking everyone to make copies and send it out to your friends and families.



The times are grave, you will see gas at $6 to$8 a gallon by the end of this year, our dollar devalued by 50%, and by 2012 the dollar will be worthless as a world currency, most Americans will be working for the government as the free enterprise system will be gone. Regionalism will be in full force with states gone and the federal territories will be instituted, by the way we live in region 4. You say what proof? It would take me a book to explain it all to you and show all the documents, which I don't have the time to do now. Just look for yourself it's all online on youtube, and the many patriotic radio and internet programs like WAFS.TV. See my attached web sights for more.

My last bit of information for you, which you may not know. The Luciferian doctrine is being instituted as we speak and preparing the way for the return of Lucifer, (Anti-Christ) which by the way is the head of the Illuminati and every system on earth outside of Christianity. If you are a christian you need to REPENT and turn from your sins, but you say where have I sinned? Then see attached file, Individual Sins, read and repent and maybe God will forgive us and save Florida and our country!

Yours for freedom,
Richard C Wilmot
Pastor & Chairman
Orange County Constitution Party

Matt 4:17

18th June 2010, 04:33 PM
If the Yellowstone super volcano was going to erupt in 24 hours, would the government tell the people?

Large Sarge
18th June 2010, 04:40 PM
IF YOU DO NOTHING ELSE PLEASE, PLEASE, I BEG YOU LISTEN TO THIS TWO HOUR INTERVIEW WITH LINDSEY WILLIAMS ON POLITICS 101 FROM JUNE 16TH LAST NIGHT. LINK IS: http://www.livestream.com/newchannel/popoutplayer?channel=wafstv&clip=pla_9c76be2b-633e-420f-ab6f-f4e5606f96e7


Lindsey starts about 10 minutes into the interview, so fastforward

18th June 2010, 04:43 PM
Scary stuff, Large Sarge. I think that the Chairman of the Constitution Party of Orange County would have to be very convinced (and courageous) to post such a warning.

Thanks for posting.

Signed k-os, a Florida resident.

J in AZ
18th June 2010, 05:01 PM
How the ultimate BP Gulf disaster could kill millions
by Terrence Aym

Disturbing evidence is mounting that something frightening is happening deep under the waters of the Gulf of Mexico—something far worse than the BP oil gusher.

Warnings were raised as long as a year before the Deepwater Horizon disaster that the area of seabed chosen by the BP geologists might be unstable, or worse, inherently dangerous.

What makes the location that Transocean chose potentially far riskier than other potential oil deposits located at other regions of the Gulf? It can be summed up with two words: methane gas.

The same methane that makes coal mining operations hazardous and leads to horrendous mining accidents deep under the earth also can present a high level of danger to certain oil exploration ventures.

Location of Deepwater Horizon oil rig was criticized

More than 12 months ago some geologists rang the warning bell that the Deepwater Horizon exploratory rig might have been erected directly over a huge underground reservoir of methane.

Documents from several years ago indicate that the subterranean geologic formation may contain the presence of a huge methane deposit.

None other than the engineer who helped lead the team to snuff the Gulf oil fires set by Saddam Hussein to slow the advance of American troops has stated that a huge underground lake of methane gas—compressed by a pressure of 100,000 pounds per square inch (psi)—could be released by BP's drilling effort to obtain the oil deposit.

Current engineering technology cannot contain gas that is pressurized to 100,000 psi.

By some geologists' estimates the methane could be a massive 15 to 20 mile toxic and explosive bubble trapped for eons under the Gulf sea floor. In their opinion, the explosive destruction of the Deepwater Horizon wellhead was an accident just waiting to happen.

Yet the disaster that followed the loss of the rig pales by comparison to the apocalyptic disaster that may come.

A cascading catastrophe

According to worried geologists, the first signs that the methane may burst its way through the bottom of the ocean would be fissures or cracks appearing on the ocean floor near the damaged well head.

Evidence of fissures opening up on the seabed have been captured by the robotic submersibles working to repair and contain the ruptured well. Smaller, independent plumes have also appeared outside the nearby radius of the bore hole itself.

According to some geological experts, BP's operations set into motion a series of events that may be irreversible. Step-by-step the drilling team committed one error after another.

Congressmen Henry Waxman, D-CA, and Bart Stupak, D-MI, in a letter sent to BP CEO Tony Hayward, identified 5 missteps made by BP during the period culminating with the explosion.

Waxman, chair of the Congressional energy panel and Stupak, the head of the subcommittee on oversight and investigations, said, "The common feature of these five decisions is that they posed a trade-off between cost and well safety."

The two Representatives also stated in the 14-page letter to Hayward that "Time after time, it appears that BP made decisions that increased the risk of a blowout to save the company time or expense."

Called by some insiders investigating the ongoing disaster a "perfect storm of catastrophe," the wellhead blew on the sea floor catapulting a stream of mud, oil and gas upwards at the speed of sound.

In describing the events—that transpired in a matter of seconds—they note that immediately following the rupture the borehole pipe's casing blew away exposing a straight line 8 miles deep for the pressurized gas to escape. The result was cavitation, an irregular pressure variance sometimes experience by deep diving vessels such as nuclear submarines. This cavitation created a supersonic bubble of explosive methane gas that resulted in a supersonic explosion killing 11 men and completely annihilating the drilling platform.

Death from the depths

With the emerging evidence of fissures, the quiet fear now is the methane bubble rupturing the seabed and exploding into the Gulf waters. If the bubble escapes, every ship, drilling rig and structure within the region of the bubble will instantaneously sink. All the workers, engineers, Coast Guard personnel and marine biologists measuring the oil plumes' advance will instantly perish.

As horrible as that is, what would follow is an event so potentially horrific that it equals in its fury the Indonesian tsunami that killed more than 600,000, or the destruction of Pompeii by Mt. Vesuvius.

The ultimate Gulf disaster, however, would make even those historical horrors pale by comparison. If the huge methane bubble breaches the seabed, it will erupt with an explosive fury similar to that experienced during the eruption of Mt. Saint Helens in the Pacific Northwest. A gas gusher will surge upwards through miles of ancient sedimentary rock—layer after layer—past the oil reservoir. It will explode upwards propelled by 50 tons psi, burst through the cracks and fissures of the compromised sea floor, and rupture miles of ocean bottom with one titanic explosion.

The burgeoning methane gas cloud will surface, killing everything it touches, and set off a supersonic tsunami with the wave traveling somewhere between 400 to 600 miles per hour.

While the entire Gulf coastline is vulnerable, the state most exposed to the fury of a supersonic wave towering 100 feet or more is Florida. The Sunshine State only averages about 6 inches above sea level. A supersonic tsunami would literally sweep away everything from Miami to the panhandle in a matter of minutes. Loss of human life would be virtually instantaneous and measured in the millions. Of course the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and southern region of Georgia—a state with no Gulf coastline—would also experience tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of casualties.

Loss of property is virtually incalculable and the days of the US position as the world's superpower would be literally gone in a flash...of detonating methane.


Evidence that methane gas catastrophe may be building

Video #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMEr4FctWAM&feature=player_embedded#!

Video #2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4hfGY6i75w&feature=player_embedded#!


18th June 2010, 05:04 PM

where did you find this?

I don't see it on his ( Richard C Wilmot) page at resistnet.com

ETA I did find that story here though


the riot act
18th June 2010, 05:12 PM
Scary stuff, Large Sarge. I think that the Chairman of the Constitution Party of Orange County would have to be very convinced (and courageous) to post such a warning.

Thanks for posting.

Signed k-os, a Florida resident.


M is watching PBS. They have a DOOM program on.

We are all gonna die.

18th June 2010, 05:14 PM
Yep. There is a good chance that we will all die.


willie pete
18th June 2010, 05:20 PM
Yep. There is a good chance that we will all die.


I think it's a better than "good" chance we'll all die Kenster :D

18th June 2010, 05:26 PM
They destroyed the gulf, it is crazy, they don't want to clean it up
and are hampering efforts even, too much to post and keep up
with, it's crazy, blatant, very bad, the future ain't good, don't
know the ramifications but it ain't good, they destroyed the deep
water and animals, evil runs this planet, thats for sure.

http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/ really on the ball, lots daily

even drudge has good links, crazy stuff even

18th June 2010, 05:29 PM
:o What did Boston Know??? :o

18th June 2010, 05:35 PM
Scary stuff, Large Sarge. I think that the Chairman of the Constitution Party of Orange County would have to be very convinced (and courageous) to post such a warning.

Thanks for posting.

Signed k-os, a Florida resident.

so what're your thoughts on moving away from there, k-os? now that the reports of methane et al at hundreds of times safe levels are becoming less and less conspiratorial, i'd be jumping in my motorhome for a few weeks away from the area while seeing how things pan out. i recommend behind door panels for decent hidey holes, having travelled across europe for 3 months in our motorhome, stash aboard!

Large Sarge
18th June 2010, 05:36 PM
interesting in the interview from florida

both the radio hosts reports "strange health problems over the last few days"

one reports his kid developing "explosive nose bleeds"

one thing to remember, most chemicals/poisons are cumulative.

the old stories of the beaten housewife that poisons her husband with arsenic over years.

and he drops dead one day.

the poison enters the body, and never leaves, and even though he is never given a "fatal single dose" the effect is cumulative.

18th June 2010, 05:44 PM
Scary stuff, Large Sarge. I think that the Chairman of the Constitution Party of Orange County would have to be very convinced (and courageous) to post such a warning.

Thanks for posting.

Signed k-os, a Florida resident.

so what're your thoughts on moving away from there, k-os? now that the reports of methane et al at hundreds of times safe levels are becoming less and less conspiratorial, i'd be jumping in my motorhome for a few weeks away from the area while seeing how things pan out. i recommend behind door panels for decent hidey holes, having travelled across europe for 3 months in our motorhome, stash aboard!

I've talked to the most important person in my life (my dad), and he says "go for it!" Thanks for the tip about hiding stuff, as that is one of my concerns. That, and . . . how the hell am I going to fit all of these preps I have been accumulating over the past few years into a motor home?

I've dropped the motorhome idea bomb on a few of my closest friends and they're gently supportive. Sunday I will be ridiculed by my sister and her husband when I tell them of my potential plans, but that's OK. :-\

Large Sarge
18th June 2010, 05:46 PM
I am unsure what your personal vehicle, etc

but you might think about a "travel trailer" over a motorhome.

simply because you still have your own car with you (and not towing it)

you need a SUV or Pickup to start with

just food for thought

18th June 2010, 05:48 PM
Nowhere have I seen anyone telling me that I was right when I told you all this on the second day..........I guess that I will have to pat my own back.....excuse for a second ...............PAT PAT PAT, OK I feel better now ;D

Now then, the coast for now and later on the interior as soon as the gas gets worse.

Later on many countries will be raising hell with the US because of this "leak"...

"And many will die"... Ponce

18th June 2010, 05:52 PM
Nowhere have I seen anyone telling me that I was right when I told you all this on the second day..........I guess that I will have to pat my own back.....excuse for a second ...............PAT PAT PAT, OK I feel better now ;D

Now then, the coast for now and later on the interior as soon as the gas gets worse.

Later on many countries will be raising hell with the US because of this "leak"...

"And many will die"... Ponce

You know why, Ponce? Because you pat your own back at least once a day! Your hand is blocking the way. Seriously.

18th June 2010, 05:54 PM

No one has died yet...(sept the rig workers)

Im not saying none will.

I just saying don't be patting your self on your back too soon.

just sayin :oo-->

18th June 2010, 06:01 PM
My hands are in front of me, praying. Praying for the folks near the gulf.

I am not a religious man either.

18th June 2010, 06:03 PM
wrap the stash in strong tape, as the coins will get battered otherwise.

sell it to the friends as a bit of an extended holiday? i think at this time trusting your gut is becoming ever more important. those figures on the VOCs would be enough to get me on the move.

how much preps you got?? you'll get a 100 or 2 kgs of rice stashed in a motorhome easily enough, combine that with spirulina/multivitamin of some kind and you've got calories and nutrition. i'd take seeds, i imagine a lot of americans would take guns too, neither of which take up a lot of space.

i'm wanting to say, don't vacillate, too, if you feel you should be getting out of there, go.

18th June 2010, 06:13 PM
sell it to the friends as a bit of an extended holiday? i think at this time trusting your gut is becoming ever more important. those figures on the VOCs would be enough to get me on the move.

I am doing exactly that, an adventure. And they know me well enough to know that it's not unlike me to do something adventurous.

how much preps you got?? you'll get a 100 or 2 kgs of rice stashed in a motorhome easily enough, combine that with spirulina/multivitamin of some kind and you've got calories and nutrition. i'd take seeds, i imagine a lot of americans would take guns too, neither of which take up a lot of space.

I've got about 500 square feet of food (rice, beans, MREs, canned veggies, #10 cans). Then I have a stash of other things like medical, alcohol, and items for barter).

i'm wanting to say, don't vacillate, too, if you feel you should be getting out of there, go.

There was a thread here about decision making . . . I take my time making a decision. I stew on it as long as I need to, and then I jump. That's why I am non-committal about my plans at this moment. I will know when I know, and when I know I will act (or not).

18th June 2010, 06:46 PM

I am Praying for you also.

You could just get a suit like the one in my avatar and stay put?

18th June 2010, 07:01 PM
People who read my stuff can figure out I'm not squeamish about much. But the Aym article is just beyond my imagination, something I can't even fathom in real, human terms. And then to think he might be absolutely right. It would be like an asteroid strike or volcanic eruption in the gigaton range. Casualties in the World War II range, tens of millions, in a couple of hours. All of Florida, all of the Texas, Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi Gulf Coast, plus large inland sections of those states plus those of Georgia. The 4th, 12th, 38th, and 43rd largest cities just gone. Not to mention the east coast of Mexico, all of Cuba and many Caribbean islands.

While the entire Gulf coastline is vulnerable, the state most exposed to the fury of a supersonic wave towering 100 feet or more is Florida. The Sunshine State only averages about 6 inches above sea level. A supersonic tsunami would literally sweep away everything from Miami to the panhandle in a matter of minutes. Loss of human life would be virtually instantaneous and measured in the millions. Of course the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and southern region of Georgia—a state with no Gulf coastline—would also experience tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of casualties.

18th June 2010, 07:05 PM
I apologize to everyone, especially Large Sarge, for laughing at some of the previously-believed-outlandish assertions that evacuations will be needed.

At this point, if you live on the Gulf Coast or anywhere in Florida, and have any possibility of moving north and fast, do so now. Even if nothing happens, you'll be in a better location as things continue to go down hill in America and particularly its urbanized areas.

I do stand by my believe that the US Government won't be doing much to evacuate anyone - you're on your own...but embrace the opportunity.

18th June 2010, 07:08 PM
If the Yellowstone super volcano was going to erupt in 24 hours, would the government tell the people?


"They wouldn't"

18th June 2010, 07:10 PM
Nowhere have I seen anyone telling me that I was right when I told you all this on the second day..........I guess that I will have to pat my own back.....excuse for a second ...............PAT PAT PAT, OK I feel better now ;D

Now then, the coast for now and later on the interior as soon as the gas gets worse.

Later on many countries will be raising hell with the US because of this "leak"...

"And many will die"... Ponce

You know why, Ponce? Because you pat your own back at least once a day! Your hand is blocking the way. Seriously.

Too funny!

18th June 2010, 07:22 PM
I do stand by my believe that the US Government won't be doing much to evacuate anyone - you're on your own...but embrace the opportunity.

Right, the Gov isn't going to do sh!t until it's too late.

But, maybe folks on this board don't need to be alone. Maybe we should have an accountablility thread, where folks could post their whereabouts. People all over our nation post on this board, perhaps we could pool some resources. If folks in FL get displaced, this forum could really help those that need it.

18th June 2010, 07:24 PM
Hahahahahahah ..........love you guys.........I am not worried about it because I know that is going to happen and that's it, is only part of what makes this world and only you can do something about it but only if you do it NOW.

I am willing to bet anything that my brother and his wife and two kids, who didn't like it here, will be begging me to let them come back once again....but of course I wont let them.

18th June 2010, 07:28 PM
I am willing to bet anything that my brother and his wife and two kids, who didn't like it here, will be begging me to let them come back once again....but of course I wont let them.

Ponce, why won't you let them? That's kin, that's family. Family ought to stick together in tough times.

18th June 2010, 07:37 PM
Well, let me put it this way........his wife wanted get something from their bedroom and I went with her, my bro and his 15 years old were under the covers on the bed with the bedroom door closed and they came apart faster than a speeding bullet.........no way Jose.

I know what is all about because one time I was accused of child molestation but lucky for me the detective found out the truth.......the problem was not with the kid but the mother because she came to me one night and I didn't want anything to do with her, at that time I was a friend of the family.........for me it was pure hell.

18th June 2010, 07:58 PM
Nowhere have I seen anyone telling me that I was right when I told you all this on the second day..........I guess that I will have to pat my own back.....excuse for a second ...............PAT PAT PAT, OK I feel better now ;D

Now then, the coast for now and later on the interior as soon as the gas gets worse.

Later on many countries will be raising hell with the US because of this "leak"...

"And many will die"... Ponce

Ponce, when the lives and livelihoods of millions are at stake, gloating is not cool.

Bad form.

18th June 2010, 08:51 PM
I've found myself in some pretty fvcked up situations before but I think this one about takes the cake folks! Never in my life would I have thought I'd become some sort of half ass oil spill refugee, trying my damndest to get out of Florida not only before the calamity strikes but before everybody else who's really paying attention gets the bright idea to haul ass. There's gonna be a tremendous strain put on the rest of the country for available jobs, housing etc..etc.. as if there wasn't a huge strain to begin with.

I'll tell ya though, from talkin' to the public in and around my work setting the general population is screwed, I'd put the awareness ratio at about 1-100, 2-100 if I was being generous. The only thing that will stir them is to cancel American Idull and to have the fear put into'em by the idiot box and I think we all know that ain't/can't gonna be an orderly event, if it happens.

I aim to GTFO here ASAP, hopin' and prayin' the whole time that things stay calm until I've saved up the cash for the move and I figure that to be about 8 weeks. If I'm extremely lucky I'll be able to line up some work and a place to park it beforehand, if not, I'll wing it as usual.

I do want to reference what Sparky said....There are people on this board who are talking about this behind the scenes and I've got to say it warms my heart, some of these people are far removed from the gulf/Florida area and offered up an invite, and that my friends is cool!!!

Right now I'm planning on South Carolina, but 8 weeks is a long time sometimes and things are apt to change, so we'll have to wait and see.

What a trip...................

18th June 2010, 09:19 PM
I hope you all have 8 weeks.

I think the preacher guy has his PPB and PPM mixed up and is spouting off nonsense, personally. I read the other story on the methane bubble on another site a few days ago. It's scary stuff. I am very worried about it and I am 650 miles offshore.

Let's check our sources before we scream teotwaki. There's all kinds of folks out there lining up to sell you dvd's and take your donations after scaring you half out of your pancakes.

18th June 2010, 09:46 PM
What is stopping the gases from simply going into the general air? Why would it hover over Florida? Seems to me that any exposure would be very short.

18th June 2010, 10:19 PM
oso? what appears to you to be "gloating" is ANGER because you don't listen to me........because I know a lot more than what I am saying and I only know why.

I have told you a few things only to show you that you should get ready for what is to come, I for one have been getting ready for the past ten years.........I wont even say anything about the dream, while awake, that I had last nigh.

As a matter of fact, from now on I won't say anything more about what is to come........I don't want to appear to be "gloating".......only one last word "BUY FOOD"..........."BUY FOOD"........"BUY FOOD".

Buy today as you want to eat tomorrow.

18th June 2010, 10:33 PM
What is stopping the gases from simply going into the general air? Why would it hover over Florida? Seems to me that any exposure would be very short.

Mouse reported sh*t in the rain, consider even the Iraq war, DU
was measured in UK and they shut the station down, and that
is a very heavy element, what about the rain, been reading the
above links I gave last couple of days, they have destroyed the
gulf, deep water, evidence of this is very strong, animals coming
to shore, deep water sharks etc, they are lying about everything.
Benzene even if it comes down in rain will be bad, don't know
science here if it breaks down or what, we need to find out.
All of North America may be screwed. When Chernoble hit they
were throwing milk away all over Europe and maybe even NA ?
Reports of people already getting sick on coast too.

Dangers of Benzene
LINK (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gulf-oil-disaster/oil-spill-health-dangers-benzene/)

1 (http://beforeitsnews.com/news/79/934/BP_scaring_the_crap_out_of_people:_dispersants_hav ing_laxative_effect_on_Floridians.html)

2 (http://abcnews.go.com/WN/bp-oil-spill-gov-bobby-jindals-wishes-crude/story?id=10946379)

3 (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gEsS5h6C_l_Ndr7VMsRzKLN9qNdgD9GCIK304)



18th June 2010, 10:35 PM
oso? what appears to you to be "gloating" is ANGER because you don't listen to me........because I know a lot more than what I am saying and I only know why.

I have told you a few things only to show you that you should get ready for what is to come, I for one have been getting ready for the past ten years.........I wont even say anything about the dream, while awake, that I had last nigh.

As a matter of fact, from now on I won't say anything more about what is to come........I don't want to appear to be "gloating".......only one last word "BUY FOOD"..........."BUY FOOD"........"BUY FOOD".

Buy today as you want to eat tomorrow.

Perhaps you can tell us all about it while we are asleep tonight. Write it down in a post. If you have some majik juju you should tell us what you see. If not, then don't. Your silence on the matter will indicate either your selfishness, or your lack of majik juju.



I had a dream last night that I was in battle, shooting real bullets and it was NOT fun. I was pinned down. A group helped me out, and we had another battle, where I was well covered and saw a flanking maneuver, took out 4 or 5 and helped prevent the flank. I didn't feel anything about shooting them. It was like we were all kids (both sides) playing a game but everyone knew you don't want to get hit. I threw out my techie gun that didn't work when I was pinned down and held to the simpler weapon....it was an sks with only ten poppers but it worked and had a small scope. can't remember past that.

I don't mean to downgrade your doom, Ponce, but it's bad enough to have all this shit floating around. If you know something, even from a dream, you should open up. At least give me some good material for tonight's nightmares :)

18th June 2010, 10:36 PM

18th June 2010, 11:11 PM
What is stopping the gases from simply going into the general air? Why would it hover over Florida? Seems to me that any exposure would be very short.

The primary danger is what Aym wrote about.

18th June 2010, 11:13 PM
Hey Micky? all that you have to do is to read my posting from the day of the oil "spill".........and then tell me what you think about it...........by the way, I hve no jusico or jujo or what ever you call it, read the news and you can do the same, but of course it helps to be a little bit crazy hahahahahahaha

Nite nite everyone.......

19th June 2010, 12:38 AM
OK, besides what we are being told on TV as well as opinions by others whats really going on?

Anyone live in the gulf/Florida and see/taste/feel anything going on?

Someone from this forum must be from and/or in that area...so whats going on?

I'm not talking about what you think is going on or what you feel is going on....whats really going on?

I know several people in that area and they aint seen shit.

Some birds covered in oil here and there...

Im not denying whats going on....but dont want to follow whats being said by anyone except those actually there.

Does anyone here actually know how much oil is being spewed out besides what they tell us on TV or some PM sales company telling us?

19th June 2010, 01:07 AM
if i were any of you peeps living on america's gulf coast, i would at this stage be ready to GTFO at the drop of a hat. i don't know that i'd be going yet, that would depend on my family (had a chat with them this morning and i think actually that we'd probably be leaving now for a few weeks' adventure tour while waiting to see what happens there, worst thing then being we're wrong and have a few weeks travelling around the US), but i'd be absolutely ready to go at a moment's notice now. the reports of drifting clouds of benzene and other shit at 1000s of PPB rather than a few single digits coming from MSM sources, along with the reports that the sea floor is leaking oil in a few places as well as at the well head, would be enough for me.

the riot act
19th June 2010, 05:33 AM
I truly believe that we who are in Fla are not dissing this. From my view we are doing what is needed hopefully some of us who have a lot of preps to move will have the time.

I'm already in contact with two out of state RE agents. I'm not just going to go willie nillie. If all goes well we should be out before a month has past.

I may joke about it, but I am taking this very seriously.

Ponce give it up. Like k-os said, you patting yourself on the back does nothing to help in getting the correct information out to the folks who need it.

the riot act
19th June 2010, 05:36 AM
OK, besides what we are being told on TV as well as opinions by others whats really going on?

Anyone live in the gulf/Florida and see/taste/feel anything going on?

Someone from this forum must be from and/or in that area...so whats going on?

I'm not talking about what you think is going on or what you feel is going on....whats really going on?

I know several people in that area and they aint seen sh*t.

Some birds covered in oil here and there...

Im not denying whats going on....but dont want to follow whats being said by anyone except those actually there.

Does anyone here actually know how much oil is being spewed out besides what they tell us on TV or some PM sales company telling us?

k-os and I are and with a few others are on the east side of Fla. I haven't noticed anything as of yet. But then we have a good breeze blowing from the east. If that shifts I will be paying attention.

19th June 2010, 09:10 AM
From the riot act = Ponce give it up. Like k-os said, you patting yourself on the back does nothing to help in getting the correct information out to the folks who need it.

Very true amigo........but......I am making you talk and think about it which is my purpose of being so sarcastic on this matter.......unless you would like me to sound passive, like if everything will be OK?, that's a job for the sheep's that wants to stay and be buried there.

Only while you KNOW what is going to happen will you be able to plan accordingly and not while you have a question mark in your mind........I started getting ready ten years ago because I KNEW what is going to happen.

Once in a while you have to hit a burro over the head with a 3X4 to move him out.

19th June 2010, 09:22 AM
I've talked to the most important person in my life (my dad), and he says "go for it!" Thanks for the tip about hiding stuff, as that is one of my concerns. That, and . . . how the hell am I going to fit all of these preps I have been accumulating over the past few years into a motor home?

I've dropped the motorhome idea bomb on a few of my closest friends and they're gently supportive. Sunday I will be ridiculed by my sister and her husband when I tell them of my potential plans, but that's OK. :-\

i get ridiculed by my older brother on a regular basis. I sent him a copy of Hirsch's Peak Oil report in 2005 & his response was, "why you so full of bad news ?"

he's a little more open to the subject nowadays. he just got laid off by Morgan Stanley - he was a VP in real estate.

i was thinking about this while i was taking a bath. DAMN, this situation is giving me a stomach ache. (when i get stressed, it's my stomach that lets me know.)

definitely, the time to move is while you are strong.

before the disaster comes to your neck of the woods.

if it was me, i'd lay down a plan to move in about 1 month, and would begin packing and throwing stuff away accordingly.

this reminds me of a line from the Adrian Douglas interviews at King World News. they're talking about paper gold. Adie says, "if you take physical possession and it's a false alarm, there's no harm done, is there ?"

we don't have all the information, but what we are getting tells us that this might literally be a 2012 "end of the world" type event - for the Southeast US.

as far as where to go ... family, friends, far enough away that you won't be another "BP refugee".

one of the odd data-points that came in this morning is the strange way BP is hiding info about the spill. apparently, by law, if they recover a dead animal, they're supposed to save the corpse for an autopsy. BUT, if the animal's head is separated from the body, they don't have to do an autopsy. so they're literally paying clean-up workers to de-capitate dead animals so they don't have to do an autopsy.

sounds like something right out of Pet Sematary - but i's real. that little bit came from an interview with Ricki Ott, she worked on the Valdez spill too.

19th June 2010, 09:50 AM
is Florida about to Die?
No Florida is not going to die.

I know you doom and gloomers will say I'm a sheep and have my head in the sand.

Im gonna go on record here and say,

Im Not Buying all the Hype.

Yes It is a terrible disaster for sure and I love the sea and its critters and I am sad that they will be dieing because of this.

But I don't think millions of people are gonna die from this. (like Ponce does)

I do think it is a good idea(for everyone) to be prepared and have Food storage
and for folks near the gulf to have Respirators and a plan to leave if necessary.

"Hope for the best and plan for the worst"

Of course I realize I could be wrong and many will die from this...
.But I don't think so.

At least I can hope to be right about this....Does Ponce hope he is Right?

19th June 2010, 10:07 AM
Well, I feel neutral about how many will die.......and like I said "They will die over the years an not all at once".....and NO Florida will not die but it will never be the same because many will loose their jobs and tourists will be going elsewhere and the old people will have to move because of the fumes and much of the crop will die and some of its water will be contaminated and it will take a very long time for the sea to recover and the oil will surface over the years.

About using a "gas mask"......for how long do you think that you can live with a protective gas mask on? how many spares filters do you have? do you have one to fit your three months old baby? your three years old?......does your home has a positive pressure air filter in place? does your cars has a positive pressure filter in the air vent?...........to know the problem you have to imerse yourselves into the problem and become part of the problem in order to see what the problem is.

19th June 2010, 10:09 AM
+1 Ken

I am skeptical and have a suspicion that they are playing this thing to the max effect. Ricki Ott strikes me as a greenpeace socialist, so her agenda is out there and she presents no proof of any allegations. The whole thing stinks to high heaven but it is more likely that they want to plant the fear to push the green agenda and cap n tax out of this. I won't be surprised if a lot of people also die, but I think they are fear-mongering to push a cause out of this disaster and trying to make it look bigger than it is.

What if....the whole thing is a false flag? The press control and all that could be hiding the fact that it's NOT that big or concealing the actual source of the oil. Maybe they had too much oil and decided to dump some to cause panic and up the price of oil? Who knows.

Large Sarge
19th June 2010, 10:12 AM
I agree with gundriller, just get ready now, while you are healthy/strong

depending on how many in your family, etc

you could buy a travel trailer or motorhome (depending on your preference)

buy the thing on credit, make payments, this does not require a major outlay of cash, only the time required to find one, and pack it full of your preps.

if the end of the world does not occur, keep the trailer a year or 2, and sell it at cost (let someone take over your payments)

your basically out a few thousand dollars at that point.

if the end of the world does occur, you have a clean, dry, safe place to sleep everynight, you have your preps with you, etc

19th June 2010, 10:17 AM
I don't see how Florida can survive this. Even in the best case, real estate is dead, fishing industry is dead, tourism...LOL! What else have they? What i'd like to know is how many neighboring states will be willing or able to cope with an influx of people -possibly 10s of millions- fleeing a poisonous Gulf?

Large Sarge
19th June 2010, 10:21 AM
I guess I would only add, especially to the members here,

remember 9/11, and NORAD standing down, (they could have easily intercepted the jets), etc

well, I kind of look at this like that, everyone with any real experience is saying with a fractured well, leaks in the floor, etc an explosive (nuke) is the only option to close it.

yet these folks go through these other maneuvers, as if it will make a difference.

like ordering NORAD to stand down

and I look at the Cluster$uck with containment/harvesting the oil

just raises my suspicions even more

so my thoughts are "they do not really want to close this thing yet"

and they have no real intentions to stop or mitigate the oil flows

19th June 2010, 10:32 AM

Gulf Oil Showing Radiation In New Test
Gasses May Be Radioactive, Too
From An Exclusive Rense.com Source

Initial radiation tests on a sample of oil washing ashore near Shalimar Florida conducted on Friday seem to confirm that the oil coming from the Deep Horizon blow out is carrying some radiation.

The ad hoc testing was conducted by the webmaster and owner of the popular conspiracy site "Godlike Productions.com" Trinity" aka Jason Lucas .

The radiation meter used to test the sample is a surplus Civil Defense meter CDV 700 quote "CD V-700 is a low-range meter more suited for peacetime use than the above three high-range CDV-715's, 717's and 720's.

According to the 1993 FEMA publication #SM 320 'Fundamentals Course for Radiological Monitors':

"It is only able to measure up to 50 mR/hr and unit may become "saturated" in a higher field of radiation and act erratically, even to the point of giving false low readings in radiation fields exceeding 1000 mR/hr
(1 R/hr)." http://www.radmeters4u.com/

In an ironic comment, the Economist (UK) online said Shareholders have dropped BP stock "as if it were not merely oily but radioactive." http://www.economist.com/node/16381032story_id=16381032&source=most_read

The oil is, in fact, radioactive and due to the limitations of the meter used and small sample taken, we do not now with any degree of certainty know the actual readings of the oil as it is released. There is a small chance that the oil could in fact be bringing to surface large volumes of low level radioactive gases and oil.

There is no plan in place to deal with the oil let alone the possible consequences of radiation.

The consequences for life on the Gulf Coast become grimmer by the hour. The mainstream media will not cover this critical aspect of the disaster, or it will downplay it. MSM will say it's not up to a 'conspiracy website' to test for and publish radioactive contaminant results...it is the Government's duty. So...why isn't the government doing it?

19th June 2010, 10:33 AM
Thanks Mouse Good points. Thats what Im trying to say...Im skeptical...thats all.

Ponce: You made a good point there in your last post about the children.
Im not sure what I would be thinking or doing if I lived on the gulf and had young children. ???

I guess I can afford to be skeptical...and It would be different if I lived there Im sure.

But something similar happened back in 79 (lots of oil in the gulf)
How many people died from that one?

19th June 2010, 10:35 AM
I don't see how Florida can survive this. Even in the best case, real estate is dead, fishing industry is dead, tourism...LOL! What else have they? What i'd like to know is how many neighboring states will be willing or able to cope with an influx of people -possibly 10s of millions- fleeing a poisonous Gulf?

it's possible that we have been hoodwinked & are turning a molehill into a mountain.

but there's very little that i'm hearing news-wise that gives me the impression that people are crying wolf.

as far as the question about refugees ... the Katrina evacuation didn't go too well and that involved fewer than 1 million.

BP & the US gov. are going to considerable effort to clamp down on information - and to keep foreigners out of the affected area - foreigners who can go home and talk about what they saw.

i think it's possible to over-state some of the dangers (e.g. tsunami's) but not the urgency of the situation. we are still pre-hurricane-season - and surface temps in the Gulf are 85 to 90 degrees F - as they were in 2005, the year of Katrina & Rita.

in this situation, it does not seem wise to depend on -
* a weak hurricane season
* the US gov., e.g. FEMA
* BP & their corporate buddies (Nalco, Goldman, Halliburton)

well, I kind of look at this like that, everyone with any real experience is saying with a fractured well, leaks in the floor, etc an explosive (nuke) is the only option to close it.

yet these folks go through these other maneuvers, as if it will make a difference.

like ordering NORAD to stand down

and I look at the Cluster$uck with containment/harvesting the oil

just raises my suspicions even more

so my thoughts are "they do not really want to close this thing yet"

and they have no real intentions to stop or mitigate the oil flows

i think there may be some geological reasons for not using nukes. beneath the 1 mile of seawater, beneath the 2 to 5 miles of rock, there's a huge natural gas reservoir, in addition to the oil.

if they use a nuke, and it fractures the seafloor - and all that natural gas enters the atmosphere - that's hard to even think about.

they keep talking about cracks in the sea-floor.

overall, it looks like they are in way over their head, without an effective Plan B/C/D/E/F. and they are trying to act like they "understand the seriousness of the situation", "have everything under control", etc.

19th June 2010, 10:37 AM
I saw that story....and while it sounds scary...I don't believe everything I read on the internet. Same as I don't believe everything I see on MSM...

Im a skeptic....thats all.

Still a prepper though ;)

Large Sarge
19th June 2010, 10:40 AM
But something similar happened back in 79 (lots of oil in the gulf)
How many people died from that one?

In the initial stages of the spill, an estimated 30,000 barrels of oil per day were flowing from the well. In July 1979, the pumping of mud into the well reduced the flow to 20,000 barrels per day, and early in August the pumping of nearly 100,000 steel, iron, and lead balls into the well reduced the flow to 10,000 barrels per day. Pemex claimed that half of the released oil burned when it reached the surface, a third of it evaporated, and the rest was contained or dispersed.[7] Mexican authorities also drilled two relief wells into the main well to lower the pressure of the blowout, however the oil continued to flow for three months following the completion of the first relief well.[8]

Pemex contracted Conair Aviation to spray the chemical dispersant Corexit 9527 on the oil. A total of 493 aerial missions were flown, treating 1,100 square miles of oil slick. Dispersants were not used in the U.S. area of the spill because of the dispersant's inability to treat weathered oil. Eventually the on-scene coordinator (OSC) requested that Mexico stop using dispersants north of 25°N.[7]

In Texas, an emphasis was placed on coastal countermeasures protecting the bays and lagoons formed by the barrier islands. Impacts of oil to the barrier island beaches were ranked as second in importance to protecting inlets to the bays and lagoons. This was done with the placement of skimmers and booms. Efforts were concentrated on the Brazos-Santiago Pass, Port Mansfield Channel, Aransas Pass, and Cedar Bayou which during the course of the spill was sealed with sand. Economically and environmentally sensitive barrier island beaches were cleaned daily. Laborers used rakes and shovels to clean beaches rather than heavier equipment which removed too much sand. Ultimately, 71,500 barrels of oil impacted 162 miles of U.S. beaches, and over 10,000 cubic yards of oiled material were removed.[7]

from 1979

the white rabbit
19th June 2010, 10:43 AM
You can have all the food in the world but if you cannot suck in the air well you got it. Leave while the gettins good and do not look back.

Large Sarge
19th June 2010, 10:44 AM
you know, as the oil hits some of the caribbean islands (Cuba, Jamaica, etc)

their news items will be out there, and you will get more pictures, etc

BP seems only interested in doing the blackout in the U.S.

something to watch for, more confirmation

the crayon smell is a biggie also IMO (more and more reports of that all over the gulf)

Large Sarge
19th June 2010, 10:52 AM
interactive oil spill map


the riot act
19th June 2010, 11:51 AM
interactive oil spill map


Interesting link Sarge.


19th June 2010, 12:46 PM
This leads me to another dilemma.

To share the potential life altering/ending information I have or keep quiet about it all. Chicken Little or Paul Revere?

I care about these people and at the same time some of these people are work related, IOW, how much to divulge as to possible/probable/definitive plans of scootin' outta here?

Another damn quandry.

the riot act
19th June 2010, 12:59 PM
This leads me to another dilemma.

To share the potential life altering/ending information I have or keep quiet about it all. Chicken Little or Paul Revere?

I care about these people and at the same time some of these people are work related, IOW, how much to divulge as to possible/probable/definitive plans of scootin' outta here?

Another damn quandry.

Well I'm pretty much keeping my mouth shut till I'm ready to go. I've been trying to enlighten people since 03 and they won't hear it, my own kids included.

But in the end it is your decision.

old steel
19th June 2010, 01:30 PM
Last time i checked the oil volcano is still pouring oil and deadly gasses into the gulf. See below.


Until this thing is totally shut down things will continue to worsen and deteriorate affecting more of the living creatures including humans in the gulf and surrounding areas.

I don't see them shutting this spewer of death down anytime soon.

That means things will continue to get worse day by day until there is a day of reckoning.

Have no idea what exact day that will be only that it is coming.

The government won't save the day or the creatures inhabiting the gulf or the people.

This much i know.

My heart goes out to those in the affected areas but hopefully most will realize the gravity of the situation they are in and be able to act in time to save themselves and their loved ones.

19th June 2010, 01:35 PM
This leads me to another dilemma.

To share the potential life altering/ending information I have or keep quiet about it all. Chicken Little or Paul Revere?

I care about these people and at the same time some of these people are work related, IOW, how much to divulge as to possible/probable/definitive plans of scootin' outta here?

Another damn quandry.

Protect yourself and those most close to you. Do not stick your neck out now. It is too late to convert the masses. They had their chances and will now cling to the govt and lash out at anyone seen tyring to protect themselves first.

The attack on the USA will be relentless. To add to this catastrophe, the govt has sent the best and safe oil drilling operations packing. Rigs are shutting down and heading to other parts of the globe while good jobs are lost.

The USA has a history of govt disdain and the search for liberty and freedom. The USA has the only large middle class left on the planet with still a semblance of self protection rights. TPTB can not and will not let the USA survive this decade in its current form. They have managed to remove the silver from the money in every corner of the globe and have made private ownership of arms for self protection against the law everywhere but in the USA. The USA is the thorn in the side of the PTB,. The central govt of the USA which is controlled by these super powerful global financial and military interests will take orders from them. These orders will work to destroy everything good inside the nation and wage wars around the globe.

Florida may become ground zero next, but in the end there will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

19th June 2010, 01:39 PM
I too, feel for the folks that live near the gulf.
Even more so for the folks on this board that live there.

Riot; Im glad you are getting ready. Im also glad that K-os and Hiemdhal are preppers and are planing to do what it takes to stay safe.

All You guys are in my prayers...

19th June 2010, 05:34 PM
If the Yellowstone super volcano was going to erupt in 24 hours, would the government tell the people?

What makes you think they would know themselves :)

19th June 2010, 05:51 PM
Hey Liverty Tree? Paul Revere is old..........how about Paul Ponce hahahahahahah.

19th June 2010, 06:05 PM
Hey Liverty Tree? Paul Revere is old..........how about Paul Ponce hahahahahahah.

Now hes comparing himself to Paul Revere. ::)

19th June 2010, 06:36 PM
If the Yellowstone super volcano was going to erupt in 24 hours, would the government tell the people?

What makes you think they would know themselves :)

They would check with Goldman Sachs...they know everything two weeks before it happens!

19th June 2010, 07:12 PM
Hey Liverty Tree? Paul Revere is old..........how about Paul Ponce hahahahahahah.

Now hes comparing himself to Paul Revere. ::)

Hey, if I want to "compared" myself to some one it would sure as hell not be Natanyaju.........is that his name?.......I simply call him Yahoo.

old steel
19th June 2010, 08:22 PM
It won't be limited to Florida but i'm willing to bet that is where the horrible reality of the situation will become apparent.



19th June 2010, 10:37 PM
Tell you what, five to one that they are already working on the script for a movie, I wonder if BP has the final cut for the movie.

19th June 2010, 11:23 PM
There was a thread here about decision making . . . I take my time making a decision. I stew on it as long as I need to, and then I jump. That's why I am non-committal about my plans at this moment. I will know when I know, and when I know I will act (or not).

Road Rally!!!


the white rabbit
19th June 2010, 11:44 PM
Residents of the Gulf Coast braced for more oil from a ruptured BP Plc well to hit their beaches on Sunday as oil washed ashore at Panama City, a popular Florida tourist destination. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/us_oil_spill

19th June 2010, 11:45 PM
How the ultimate BP Gulf disaster could kill millions

Disturbing evidence is mounting that something frightening is happening deep under the waters of the Gulf of Mexico—something far worse than the BP oil gusher.

Warnings were raised as long as a year before the Deepwater Horizon disaster that the area of seabed chosen by the BP geologists might be unstable, or worse, inherently dangerous.

What makes the location that Transocean chose potentially far riskier than other potential oil deposits located at other regions of the Gulf? It can be summed up with two words: methane gas.

The same methane that makes coal mining operations hazardous and leads to horrendous mining accidents deep under the earth also can present a high level of danger to certain oil exploration ventures.

Location of Deepwater Horizon oil rig was criticized

More than 12 months ago some geologists rang the warning bell that the Deepwater Horizon exploratory rig might have been erected directly over a huge underground reservoir of methane.

Documents from several years ago indicate that the subterranean geologic formation may contain the presence of a huge methane deposit.

None other than the engineer who helped lead the team to snuff the Gulf oil fires set by Saddam Hussein to slow the advance of American troops has stated that a huge underground lake of methane gas—compressed by a pressure of 100,000 pounds per square inch (psi)—could be released by BP's drilling effort to obtain the oil deposit.

Current engineering technology cannot contain gas that is pressurized to 100,000 psi.

By some geologists' estimates the methane could be a massive 15 to 20 mile toxic and explosive bubble trapped for eons under the Gulf sea floor. In their opinion, the explosive destruction of the Deepwater Horizon wellhead was an accident just waiting to happen.

Yet the disaster that followed the loss of the rig pales by comparison to the apocalyptic disaster that may come.

A cascading catastrophe

According to worried geologists, the first signs that the methane may burst its way through the bottom of the ocean would be fissures or cracks appearing on the ocean floor near the damaged well head.

Evidence of fissures opening up on the seabed have been captured by the robotic submersibles working to repair and contain the ruptured well. Smaller, independent plumes have also appeared outside the nearby radius of the bore hole itself.

According to some geological experts, BP's operations set into motion a series of events that may be irreversible. Step-by-step the drilling team committed one error after another.

Congressmen Henry Waxman, D-CA, and Bart Stupak, D-MI, in a letter sent to BP CEO Tony Hayward, identified 5 missteps made by BP during the period culminating with the explosion.

Waxman, chair of the Congressional energy panel and Stupak, the head of the subcommittee on oversight and investigations, said, "The common feature of these five decisions is that they posed a trade-off between cost and well safety."

The two Representatives also stated in the 14-page letter to Hayward that "Time after time, it appears that BP made decisions that increased the risk of a blowout to save the company time or expense."

Called by some insiders investigating the ongoing disaster a "perfect storm of catastrophe," the wellhead blew on the sea floor catapulting a stream of mud, oil and gas upwards at the speed of sound.

In describing the events—that transpired in a matter of seconds—they note that immediately following the rupture the borehole pipe's casing blew away exposing a straight line 8 miles deep for the pressurized gas to escape. The result was cavitation, an irregular pressure variance sometimes experience by deep diving vessels such as nuclear submarines. This cavitation created a supersonic bubble of explosive methane gas that resulted in a supersonic explosion killing 11 men and completely annihilating the drilling platform.

Death from the depths

With the emerging evidence of fissures, the quiet fear now is the methane bubble rupturing the seabed and exploding into the Gulf waters. If the bubble escapes, every ship, drilling rig and structure within the region of the bubble will instantaneously sink. All the workers, engineers, Coast Guard personnel and marine biologists measuring the oil plumes' advance will instantly perish.

As horrible as that is, what would follow is an event so potentially horrific that it equals in its fury the Indonesian tsunami that killed more than 600,000, or the destruction of Pompeii by Mt. Vesuvius.

The ultimate Gulf disaster, however, would make even those historical horrors pale by comparison. If the huge methane bubble breaches the seabed, it will erupt with an explosive fury similar to that experienced during the eruption of Mt. Saint Helens in the Pacific Northwest. A gas gusher will surge upwards through miles of ancient sedimentary rock—layer after layer—past the oil reservoir. It will explode upwards propelled by 50 tons psi, burst through the cracks and fissures of the compromised sea floor, and rupture miles of ocean bottom with one titanic explosion.

The burgeoning methane gas cloud will surface, killing everything it touches, and set off a supersonic tsunami with the wave traveling somewhere between 400 to 600 miles per hour.

While the entire Gulf coastline is vulnerable, the state most exposed to the fury of a supersonic wave towering 150 to 200 feet or more is Florida. The Sunshine State only averages about 100 feet above sea level with much of the coastline and lowlands and swamps near zero elevation. [

Elevation map] A supersonic tsunami would literally sweep away everything from Miami to the panhandle in a matter of minutes. Loss of human life would be virtually instantaneous and measured in the millions. Of course the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and southern region of Georgia—a state with no Gulf coastline—would also experience tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of casualties.

Loss of property is virtually incalculable and the days of the US position as the world's superpower would be literally gone in a flash...of detonating methane.



20th June 2010, 01:15 AM
Hey let's repost this shit a third time. We all get it. It's frickin DOOOOOOOM.


Can we please stop reposting the same damn shit over and over?


I like NEW information that tells me what's going on in the gulf, not the same reposted stuff that's been on here for days.

Smite at will, brothers.

20th June 2010, 06:46 AM
Warnings were raised as long as a year before the Deepwater Horizon disaster that the area of seabed chosen by the BP geologists might be unstable, or worse, inherently dangerous.

Well, all the more reason to go poke around down there.

Is this overblown propaganda, or truth?

Large Sarge
20th June 2010, 06:56 AM
Warnings were raised as long as a year before the Deepwater Horizon disaster that the area of seabed chosen by the BP geologists might be unstable, or worse, inherently dangerous.

Well, all the more reason to go poke around down there.

Is this overblown propaganda, or truth?

Joel Skousen interview, debunking lindsey williams (listening now)


20th June 2010, 06:59 AM
Warnings were raised as long as a year before the Deepwater Horizon disaster that the area of seabed chosen by the BP geologists might be unstable, or worse, inherently dangerous.

Well, all the more reason to go poke around down there.

Is this overblown propaganda, or truth?

That's the $64T question! In this case though, you can only afford to be wrong once. I'd sure feel like an idiot if I vamoosed, gave up my job etc.. only to find out later it was propaganda. It's nerve wracking in a lot of different aspects and I wish to hell I had the answers.

the white rabbit
20th June 2010, 07:41 AM
So this guy says 9000 to 11000 psi

Large Sarge
20th June 2010, 08:05 AM
So this guy says 9000 to 11000 psi


and he says all oil clean ups are just inept "dog and pony shows"

that oil companies have never tried to stop the spills

I was listening to Jim McCanney, and he mentioned an oil spill in california, 1920 or so, and it went for 500 days

20th June 2010, 08:12 AM
So this guy says 9000 to 11000 psi

We can argue the details all day (not calling you out WR), but if it is 10k PSI or 100K psi, it doesn't matter. The 6,000 psi BOP cannot sustain the pressure this gusher is firing out.


20th June 2010, 08:23 AM
In regards to the supposed methane bubble.

AS Hoagland and others have stated the methane bubble is due at some point for an explosion. My question is this, Are they talking about a combustible explosion or an explosion of the gases suddenly bursting to the surface(non-combustible)?

There seems to be confusion on this issue, anyone have a take on it?

Large Sarge
20th June 2010, 08:25 AM
I think the gases are still deadly

I think it has the potential (maybe it already has?) to get into the rain clouds (toxic rains)

Skousen does a pretty good job on refuting him

20th June 2010, 08:33 AM
Not to go too off topic...but regarding methane, here's a very interesting video.

It really gets fascinating about half way through, when they light frozen lakes on fire...


20th June 2010, 08:42 AM
In regards to the supposed methane bubble.

AS Hoagland and others have stated the methane bubble is due at some point for an explosion. My question is this, Are they talking about a combustible explosion or an explosion of the gases suddenly bursting to the surface(non-combustible)?

There seems to be confusion on this issue, anyone have a take on it?

methane will burn in the presence of oxygen & an ignition source.

although, the pressure it is under - 70,000 psi - that is the pressure of an explosion.

during the primary Deepwater Horizon incident, it was a lot like an explosion - even before the methane ignited.

as far as the sea-floor cracking and releasing some humongous bubbles of flammable methane - it's a big TBD (to be determined.)

20th June 2010, 09:00 AM
as far as the sea-floor cracking and releasing some humongous bubbles of flammable methane - it's a big TBD (to be determined.)

From my understanding, methane on the sea floor is in the form of methane hydrates...ie frozen. The tempurature is too cold down there for methane to be in the form of a gas or huge 'bubble'. As the sea tempurare rises, trapped methane gets released slowly. This is actually happening worldwide, but in a slow manner.

20th June 2010, 09:06 AM
That's the $64T question! In this case though, you can only afford to be wrong once. I'd sure feel like an idiot if I vamoosed, gave up my job etc.. only to find out later it was propaganda. It's nerve wracking in a lot of different aspects and I wish to hell I had the answers.

You are right on.

A tough question and situation? And the Titanic only had a small leak!

I'm sure glad I don't have to make that decision.

We are praying for you, yours, and everyone in the situation there.


the white rabbit
20th June 2010, 09:35 AM
So this guy says 9000 to 11000 psi

We can argue the details all day (not calling you out WR), but if it is 10k PSI or 100K psi, it doesn't matter. The 6,000 psi BOP cannot sustain the pressure this gusher is firing out.

Your right and we are cooked !!!

20th June 2010, 09:36 AM
...I wish to hell I had the answers.

Protect yourself but don't give up your job yet. That would be my 2 cents.

I would not be tied down to real estate or other assets that could go to zero in the blink of an eye. I think it is more likely that the warning signs will evolve slowly and give you enough time to "quit job and flee" if it comes to that.

If you have a bug out location or plans already and if you have your assets protected then you are likely ready to face whatever comes. If you have cash flow that allows you to stock up more PMs and preps and have the ability to safeguard those things with mobility plans for them then you don't want to halt that program quite yet. You are already monitoring these boards, thinking for yourself and have the ability to step outside the matrix to understand the true nature of events. Given that situation I think the answers will come to you easier than you think.

the white rabbit
20th June 2010, 09:40 AM
as far as the sea-floor cracking and releasing some humongous bubbles of flammable methane - it's a big TBD (to be determined.)

From my understanding, methane on the sea floor is in the form of methane hydrates...ie frozen. The tempurature is too cold down there for methane to be in the form of a gas or huge 'bubble'. As the sea tempurare rises, trapped methane gets released slowly. This is actually happening worldwide, but in a slow manner.
What would happen to the ice if you nuked it?

Large Sarge
20th June 2010, 09:41 AM
...I wish to hell I had the answers.

Protect yourself but don't give up your job yet. That would be my 2 cents.

I would not be tied down to real estate or other assets that could go to zero in the blink of an eye. I think it is more likely that the warning signs will evolve slowly and give you enough time to "quit job and flee" if it comes to that.

If you have a bug out location or plans already and if you have your assets protected then you are likely ready to face whatever comes. If you have cash flow that allows you to stock up more PMs and preps and have the ability to safeguard those things with mobility plans for them then you don't want to halt that program quite yet. You are already monitoring these boards, thinking for yourself and have the ability to step outside the matrix to understand the true nature of events. Given that situation I think the answers will come to you easier than you think.

agree with the above, get a personal respirator, watch the local animals/pets for funny behavior (signs of poison gas)

and I see 2 key things as turning points for the herd

1. Hurricane

2. relief well failures

I kind of look at those as tipping points.

20th June 2010, 09:49 AM
What would happen to the ice if you nuked it?

I don't know. Blow up the whole planet? ;D

Makes you think if anyone really knows.

Think back to when we split the first atom, for the a-bomb. Nobody really knew what would happen. A lot of scientists thought if you split one atom, it would cause a chain reaction and split all atoms...and just blow everything up.

Yup, we did that anyway. Give it a 'go', and just see what happens.

old steel
20th June 2010, 09:55 AM
agree with the above, get a personal respirator, watch the local animals/pets for funny behavior (signs of poison gas)

and I see 2 key things as turning points for the herd

1. Hurricane

2. relief well failures

I kind of look at those as tipping points.

I would be all packed up and ready to go at the turn of a key.

I remember the flight out of Texas a few years ago to avoid hurricane Rita everyone knew was coming

Gas stations empty, people pulling firearms on other people in lineups, gridlock on the freeways till people started abandoning their vehicles and walking (with no water)

20th June 2010, 12:54 PM
Gulf oil full of methane, adding new concerns (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/feedarticle/9133315)

The oil emanating from the seafloor contains about 40 percent methane, compared with about 5 percent found in typical oil deposits, said John Kessler, a Texas A&M University oceanographer who is studying the impact of methane from the spill.

That means huge quantities of methane have entered the Gulf, scientists say, potentially suffocating marine life and creating "dead zones" where oxygen is so depleted that nothing lives.

"This is the most vigorous methane eruption in modern human history," Kessler said.

In early June, a research team led by Samantha Joye of the Institute of Undersea Research and Technology at the University of Georgia investigated a 15-mile-long plume drifting southwest from the leak site. They said they found methane concentrations up to 10,000 times higher than normal, and oxygen levels depleted by 40 percent or more.

The scientists found that some parts of the plume had oxygen concentrations just shy of the level that tips ocean waters into the category of "dead zone" — a region uninhabitable to fish, crabs, shrimp and other marine creatures.

note that this is an MSM source, the UK's guardian newspaper.

the riot act
20th June 2010, 01:28 PM
In regards to the supposed methane bubble.

AS Hoagland and others have stated the methane bubble is due at some point for an explosion. My question is this, Are they talking about a combustible explosion or an explosion of the gases suddenly bursting to the surface(non-combustible)?

There seems to be confusion on this issue, anyone have a take on it?

I know I stated elsewhere that I wasn't 100% convinced that there would be some kind of volcanic eruption and that Hoagland and others are not all that creditable. I also responded to Libertytree via PM to him asking me where on the oil drum I say the post discrediting the idea.

Well that was then and this now. I found this pdf "Methane-driven oceanic eruptions and mass extinctions" (http://pangea.stanford.edu/research/Oceans/GES205/methaneGeology.pdf) just a few minutes ago. I haven't read it yet, but I thought it to be relevant so I'm posting it. If I change my outlook on the subject after reading the pdf, I will come out and say so.

20th June 2010, 01:41 PM
Great find Riot Act.

Consider this, methane is 23 times more potent to the ozone layer than carbons. There is enough methane hydrates in the ocean floor to cause the next mass extinction, killing over 95% of all life as we know it.

It's happening now. Methane hydrates are being released from the ocean floor due to changes in the sea water tempuratures warming. The more methane is released, the more the oceans warm, and speeds up the process.

We are in the feedback loop, it will continue to feed itself until the whole planet dies. No amount of green energy, clean fuel, etc can stop it. We are done basically, it's just a matter of time now. Time, is the only missing part of the equation.

the riot act
20th June 2010, 01:42 PM
OK here is the scary part.


The consequences of a methane-driven oceanic eruption for marine
and terrestrial life are likely to be catastrophic. Figuratively speaking,
the erupting region ‘‘boils over,’’ ejecting a large amount of methane
and other gases (e.g., CO2, H2S) into the atmosphere, and flooding
large areas of land. Whereas pure methane is lighter than air, methane
loaded with water droplets is much heavier, and thus spreads over the
land, mixing with air in the process (and losing water as rain). The airmethane
mixture is explosive at methane concentrations between 5%
and 15%; as such mixtures form in different locations near the ground
and are ignited by lightning, explosions2 and conflagrations destroy
most of the terrestrial life, and also produce great amounts of smoke
and of carbon dioxide. Firestorms carry smoke and dust into the upper
atmosphere, where they may remain for several years (Turco et al.,
1991); the resulting darkness and global cooling may provide an additional
kill mechanism. Conversely, carbon dioxide and the remaining
methane create the greenhouse effect, which may lead to global warming.
The outcome of the competition between the cooling and the
warming tendencies is difficult to predict (Turco et al., 1991; Pierrehumbert,

Upon release of a significant portion of the dissolved methane,
the ocean settles down, and the entire sequence of events (i.e., development
of anoxia, accumulation of dissolved methane, the metastable
state, eruption) begins anew. No external cause is required to bring
about a methane-driven eruption—its mechanism is self-contained, and
implies that eruptions are likely to occur repeatedly at the same

Because methane is isotopically light, its fast release must result
in a negative carbon isotope excursion in the geological record. Knowing
the magnitude of the excursion, one can estimate the amount of
methane that could have produced it. Such calculations (prompted by
the methane-hydrate-dissociation model, but equally applicable here)
have been performed for several global events in the geological record;
the results range from ;1018 to 1019 g of released methane (e.g., Katz
et al., 1999; Kennedy et al., 2001; de Wit et al., 2002). These are very
large amounts: the total carbon content of today’s terrestrial biomass
is ;2 3 1018 g. Nevertheless, relatively small regions of the deep
ocean could contain such amounts of dissolved methane; e.g., the Black
Sea alone (volume ;0.4 3 1023 of the ocean total; maximum depth
only 2.2 km) could hold, at saturation, ;0.5 3 1018 g. A similar region
of the deep ocean could contain much more (the amount grows quadratically
with depth3). Released in a geological instant (weeks, perhaps),
1018 to 1019 g of methane could destroy the terrestrial life almost
entirely. Combustion and explosion of 0.75 3 1019 g of methane would
liberate energy equivalent to 108 Mt of TNT, ;10,000 times greater
than the world’s stockpile of nuclear weapons, implicated in the nuclearwinter
scenario (Turco et al., 1991).

Now, do we have the conditions needed to cause a eruption? I know about the posts explaining the water rushing down the hole and causing a eruption in theory. (I read GLP sometimes too) But this article is dealing more with a volcano (a real one) happening under a high methane concentration. Also the article deals mostly with a scenario that would happen in a lake with stagant water. The GOM is highly fluid and far from stagnant.

So back to the water down the whole theory.

Large Sarge
20th June 2010, 01:49 PM
In regards to the supposed methane bubble.

AS Hoagland and others have stated the methane bubble is due at some point for an explosion. My question is this, Are they talking about a combustible explosion or an explosion of the gases suddenly bursting to the surface(non-combustible)?

There seems to be confusion on this issue, anyone have a take on it?

I know I stated elsewhere that I wasn't 100% convinced that there would be some kind of volcanic eruption and that Hoagland and others are not all that creditable. I also responded to Libertytree via PM to him asking me where on the oil drum I say the post discrediting the idea.

Well that was then and this now. I found this pdf "Methane-driven oceanic eruptions and mass extinctions" (http://pangea.stanford.edu/research/Oceans/GES205/methaneGeology.pdf) just a few minutes ago. I haven't read it yet, but I thought it to be relevant so I'm posting it. If I change my outlook on the subject after reading the pdf, I will come out and say so.

a sharp rise in methane on a planetary scale, could be from a comet

the tails of comets are full of hydrocarbons

I am not saying a big eruption did not/will not happen, I am just saying that there is another possible cause.

the riot act
20th June 2010, 01:55 PM
a sharp rise in methane on a planetary scale, could be from a comet

the tails of comets are full of hydrocarbons

I am not saying a big eruption did not/will not happen, I am just saying that there is another possible cause.

Agreed. My research into comets says the same thing. For that matter close encounters with a comet in the past may be why we have oin in the first place. I'm 50/50 on the dino source for oil.

20th June 2010, 02:03 PM
To one and all........calm down.......wait till you see the government start pulling people out of FL and sending them up North to their summer camps, but of course by this time you will be allowed to take only one bag, and forget about your firearms.

If husband is working then the wife should take a trip elsewhere to find a place for the family up north or northwest and if the wife is the one working then the other way around........even if it is only a one room flat.

After finding a place then go back home and load up as much as you can and take it there......after that then keep on living your usual life till something actually happens.....at least you will have a place to nest if you have to leave your home.

Keep up to date about the quality of the air......and ready to run like hell.

20th June 2010, 02:13 PM
Keep up to date about the quality of the air......and ready to run like hell.

Well said Ponce. Also, I posted this in another thread, but thought it bears repeating.

This is a website, updated hourly, on the air quality down there.


20th June 2010, 02:27 PM
This Lord Stirling dude of http://europebusines.blogspot.com/ has this nice little doomer video up today, says it's over for the whole planet... scary music and all, 6 mins:

Special Video Report by Lord Stirling - A Planetary Life Extinction Event (http://www.clayandiron.com/news.jhtml?method=view&news.id=2468)

20th June 2010, 03:08 PM
Hey Mr Crusher? you are starting to sound like Ponce, are you trying to scared me or something?..........

I already gave my opinion about protective gas masks.........only if you are leaving or while on the will it do you any good, no one can live with a gas mas on for ever.

If you are planning in staying in S Florida then start planning how to build an air filter attached to your home with a positive pressure air flow.........same for your car, if I was living in that area my home already would have had one build in....... no good to think unless you are going to do because there is a world of death between those two.

20th June 2010, 03:12 PM

I am me, I am free
20th June 2010, 03:45 PM
This Lord Stirling dude of http://europebusines.blogspot.com/ has this nice little doomer video up today, says it's over for the whole planet... scary music and all, 6 mins:

Special Video Report by Lord Stirling - A Planetary Life Extinction Event (http://www.clayandiron.com/news.jhtml?method=view&news.id=2468)

I've read some of that 'Lord Stirling' stuff, and he strikes me as 'certifiable'.

I am me, I am free
20th June 2010, 03:48 PM
Will we see the 21st century version of The Grapes of Wrath?

20th June 2010, 03:53 PM

Large Sarge
20th June 2010, 03:56 PM

write up on that video via youtube

June 09, 2010 — First, this is not an "Air Force Base" — it is a PRIVATELY OWNED FACILITY known as "Reynolds Airpark" a private Airport and "manufacturing facility". A Mr. Ted McGowan is the manager -- and their phone number is: 904-284-3505. Second, these are not "U.N. Vehicles". These white vans belong to Pegasus International and Cerberus/DynCorp.

"Reynolds Airpark" is listed in the Clay County Fla. plat/tax rolls as being wholly owned by a company named Pegasus International. Ok, I thought, what exactly is "Pegasus International" and what exactly do they do?? Well -- among other things, they just happen to be involved in the OIL DRILLING BUSINESS -- with ties to Halliburton and BRITISH PETROLEUM!!! What the hell??? See their website at: pegasus-international.com

Then, of all things, they just happen to have an office in Salt Lake City, Utah. Here is where the plot thickens. Their SLC office also houses Dick Cheney's Halliburton, and is next to the Minerals Management Service (MMS) offices. Worse, their U.K. office "address" is next door to (or possibly even a part of) British Petroleum as well. What is going on?? They also have "offices" in Turkmenistan, Nigeria, and Azerbijan -- hotbeds of political intrigue and profiteering for BP. See universalpegasus.com

But — it gets worse, if possible. "Pegasus International" owns and operates Pegasus Technologies -- which is involved in a neat little NSA/CIA operation titled the "Information Sharing Council" or ISC. Their "unclassified" 2006 report can be seen here (pdf). A careful reading of this document shows that part of the "Pegasus Program" is the deployment of thousands of vehicles across America, outfitted with domestic spying "Maximum Information Technology" (MaxIT) systems. MaxIT is a joint venture of the following companies: Appriss Inc., Bio-Key International, Inc., Business Communications Inc., Circadence Corporation, Cquay Technologies, Dell, eLabs Inc., MS e-Center and Sun Microsystems. (See 12/12/03 report here)

When I studied DynCorp International, I found that DynCorp and Pegasus International are basically joined at the hips with many international "joint projects". There is NO DOUBT in my mind that DynCorp, and Pegasus are CIA FRONT COMPANIES involved in the deepest black ops. (See NanoTech expose in "Dr. Ott's Papers" here.)

Also, check this out. Dyncorp Int. was "purchased" back on April 12 by Cerberus Capital, and the "deal" was brokered by, you guessed it, Goldman Sachs who SHORTED TRANSOCEAN STOCKS on April 17, three days before the Gulf Oil debacle began. (See here for more details about that).

WHAT IN THE GATES OF HELL IS GOING ON????? Here we have VISUAL PROOF of hundreds of vehicles undergoing modifications by Pegasus International teams at their Reynolds AirPark facility, all indications of MaxIT information is that the process involved is basically making the vehicles ultra-modern "spy-mobiles" (the on-line google-earth picture was dated Jan. 2008, while the most current picture of May 28, 2010 -shows the spy-vans still on property.) We also now know that Dyncorp is now Cerberus, and they are tied to Pegasus International. So, what's in a name?

Consider that Pegasus and Cerberus are both central figures of Greek (and Roman) mythology. Pegasus is the preferred mode of transportation for the pantheon of gods, while Cerberus — well — this is the mythical guardian of the gates of hell! What would possess anybody to name their corporation Cerberus???

This world is in deep trouble, it would appear.

Cerberus was the guard to the gates of hades, sometimes described as a dog or a wolf and the original "hound from hell". Cerberus had three heads & its said a serpents tail, like the Chimera it was said to be the offspring of Echidna and the Dragon Typhon. This creature crops up not only in greek myth but also in ROMAN myth. Said to have been placated with honeyed cakes mourners would place them in coffins to appease the beast. Any spirit attempting to leave hades was said to have been torn apart by the savage guardian.

20th June 2010, 03:57 PM

The google earth image was from January 3, 2008

Large Sarge
20th June 2010, 03:58 PM

20th June 2010, 04:00 PM
one of the GS.US posters said (a few weeks ago) the vans are Not there anymore...

20th June 2010, 04:02 PM
one of the GS.US posters said (a few weeks ago) the vans are Not there anymore...

plus that google map was 2 years old? this fear mongering is getting to be overkill.

20th June 2010, 04:03 PM
one of the GS.US posters said (a few weeks ago) the vans are Not there anymore...

plus that google map was 2 years old? this fear mongering is getting to be overkill.


20th June 2010, 04:05 PM
one of the GS.US posters said (a few weeks ago) the vans are Not there anymore...

plus that google map was 2 years old? this fear mongering is getting to be overkill.

Yeah but it's still fun!

Large Sarge
20th June 2010, 04:05 PM

write up on that video via youtube

June 09, 2010 — First, this is not an "Air Force Base" — it is a PRIVATELY OWNED FACILITY known as "Reynolds Airpark" a private Airport and "manufacturing facility". A Mr. Ted McGowan is the manager -- and their phone number is: 904-284-3505. Second, these are not "U.N. Vehicles". These white vans belong to Pegasus International and Cerberus/DynCorp.

"Reynolds Airpark" is listed in the Clay County Fla. plat/tax rolls as being wholly owned by a company named Pegasus International. Ok, I thought, what exactly is "Pegasus International" and what exactly do they do?? Well -- among other things, they just happen to be involved in the OIL DRILLING BUSINESS -- with ties to Halliburton and BRITISH PETROLEUM!!! What the hell??? See their website at: pegasus-international.com

Then, of all things, they just happen to have an office in Salt Lake City, Utah. Here is where the plot thickens. Their SLC office also houses Dick Cheney's Halliburton, and is next to the Minerals Management Service (MMS) offices. Worse, their U.K. office "address" is next door to (or possibly even a part of) British Petroleum as well. What is going on?? They also have "offices" in Turkmenistan, Nigeria, and Azerbijan -- hotbeds of political intrigue and profiteering for BP. See universalpegasus.com

But — it gets worse, if possible. "Pegasus International" owns and operates Pegasus Technologies -- which is involved in a neat little NSA/CIA operation titled the "Information Sharing Council" or ISC. Their "unclassified" 2006 report can be seen here (pdf). A careful reading of this document shows that part of the "Pegasus Program" is the deployment of thousands of vehicles across America, outfitted with domestic spying "Maximum Information Technology" (MaxIT) systems. MaxIT is a joint venture of the following companies: Appriss Inc., Bio-Key International, Inc., Business Communications Inc., Circadence Corporation, Cquay Technologies, Dell, eLabs Inc., MS e-Center and Sun Microsystems. (See 12/12/03 report here)

When I studied DynCorp International, I found that DynCorp and Pegasus International are basically joined at the hips with many international "joint projects". There is NO DOUBT in my mind that DynCorp, and Pegasus are CIA FRONT COMPANIES involved in the deepest black ops. (See NanoTech expose in "Dr. Ott's Papers" here.)

Also, check this out. Dyncorp Int. was "purchased" back on April 12 by Cerberus Capital, and the "deal" was brokered by, you guessed it, Goldman Sachs who SHORTED TRANSOCEAN STOCKS on April 17, three days before the Gulf Oil debacle began. (See here for more details about that).

WHAT IN THE GATES OF HELL IS GOING ON????? Here we have VISUAL PROOF of hundreds of vehicles undergoing modifications by Pegasus International teams at their Reynolds AirPark facility, all indications of MaxIT information is that the process involved is basically making the vehicles ultra-modern "spy-mobiles" (the on-line google-earth picture was dated Jan. 2008, while the most current picture of May 28, 2010 -shows the spy-vans still on property.) We also now know that Dyncorp is now Cerberus, and they are tied to Pegasus International. So, what's in a name?

Consider that Pegasus and Cerberus are both central figures of Greek (and Roman) mythology. Pegasus is the preferred mode of transportation for the pantheon of gods, while Cerberus — well — this is the mythical guardian of the gates of hell! What would possess anybody to name their corporation Cerberus???

This world is in deep trouble, it would appear.

Cerberus was the guard to the gates of hades, sometimes described as a dog or a wolf and the original "hound from hell". Cerberus had three heads & its said a serpents tail, like the Chimera it was said to be the offspring of Echidna and the Dragon Typhon. This creature crops up not only in greek myth but also in ROMAN myth. Said to have been placated with honeyed cakes mourners would place them in coffins to appease the beast. Any spirit attempting to leave hades was said to have been torn apart by the savage guardian.

here is the original link, so all the links work


Large Sarge
20th June 2010, 04:13 PM
pretty elaborate if this PDF is a hoax


Large Sarge
20th June 2010, 04:17 PM

NanoTech, DynCorp, and NSA Goes B.A.N.G.

The Unholy Trinity and the Implosion of Freedom

By A. True Ott, PhD, ND

February 21, 2010

The year 2003 changed the world in many respects. The independent, oil-rich nation of Iraq was invaded by American and British forces without cause, while the shadowy “War on Terror” reached new heights in America. As a direct result of the events of September 11, 2001, the “Patriot Bill” greatly expanded the federal government’s power to spy on its citizens. The new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) quickly became a strategic partner with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the National Security Agency (NSA) while the “U.S. Spy Industry” as a whole spent billions on “nano-technology”.

“Nano” is defined basically as “one-billionth of a meter” and “NanoTech” is easily the hottest new science on the planet. A 2003 report advises: “In the USA, senior science policy makers and industry players are devising a new-style ‘Manhattan’ or ‘Apollo’ project to merge strategic technologies at the nano-scale (one billionth of a meter). Their aim is to combine biotechnology, information technology and cognitive (neural) science with atomtechnology at the nano scale. The operative unit in information science is the Bit; nanotechnology manipulates Atoms; cognitive science deals with Neurons and biotech exploits the Gene. Together they make B.A.N.G. Merging these technologies into one, proponents say, will drive a huge industrial revolution and a societal “renaissance” that will guarantee American dominance – military and economic – through the 21st century.” [i]

In other words, the U.S. GOVERNMENT, beginning in 2003, has to date spent untold billions of dollars to create and deploy the ultimate tool of WORLD CONTROL AND PLANNED GENOCIDE – the science of “nano” RFID (radio frequency identity) chips and nano-robotics all connected to and driven by a master, all-powerful super computer with a truly amazing artificial intelligence. This paper will identify the major players in this field, and expose the hidden agendas of those whose desire is to erode personal freedom in the quest for unlimited earthly power and wealth. This paper will show how the NSA, (which today controls the world’s BITS or information-retrieving technology) has partnered with an extremely dangerous paramilitary, mercenary, private corporation named DynCorp International to drastically curtail human population levels on the Earth, while placing the survivors under complete and total, super-computer-driven mind control. Sound incredible? Of course it does, but please, read on before judging!

I know how incredibly bizarre and radical that last paragraph sounds. I will grant you that it may seem to you as if this author has been reading too many science fiction novels – but I humbly submit, that truth is often stranger than fiction – especially in the nano-tech world. Dear reader, you can choose to take the “red pill” and read no further. You have the choice to keep your blindfold on tight. Or, you can choose to take the “blue pill” and read on and see just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember the immortal words of Thomas Jefferson: “The Price of Freedom is ETERNAL VIGILANCE.” In today’s world, “eternal vigilance” is even more vitally important – as the tools and practices of the enemies of personal freedom have become increasingly sophisticated and devious. Each month there are new and incredible breakthroughs in this exploding NANOTECH field. This is all the more reason to be alert and vigilant about what is happening on this front. America MUST make some important and monumental decisions NOW – or face the dire consequences in just a few very short years.


Whether the average American believes it or not, it is a well-documented fact that a select few “elite” families have been striving to create a “New World Order” since the early 1900’s. This “New Order” was the driving force behind Hitler’s “Third Reich” and the inhumane atrocities of the Nazis. Hitler was funded and brought to power by these “elite” banking families, and their “point man” was none other than Prescott Bush, the father of George HW Bush, and the grandfather of our last president nicknamed “Dubya”.[ii] It should never be forgotten that an integral part of this dark agenda is the “science of eugenics” or, in plain language – the establishment of a “master race” of white supermen while eliminating all “inferior” races from existing on planet earth. World War II did not end this godless insanity; it only caused it to go underground, working in covert secrecy, and planning for a “new unveiling” on a global scale. Eugenics did not originate in Nazi Germany, but rather, in the United States, the “Land of the Free”. Furthermore, the sad reality is that the vast majority of the sadistic Nazi Gestapo S.S. officers under General Gehlen (Hitler’s head of the S.S. Gestapo) were given new identities, American citizenship papers, and employment in the newly-created Central Intelligence Agency as well as the NSA. We’re not talking about a few hundred upper echelon Nazis here, but literally thousands! The 2nd generation of Gestapo thugs and Nazi leadership is alive and well today. Its name is DYNCORP INTL. – and like an octopus hiding amongst the rocks of a coral reef, its dastardly tentacles has penetrated deep into, and gained virtual control of the DHS, the CIA, and of course, the NSA.

This paper will show strong evidence that DynCorp International is the driving force behind the manufacturing of weaponized viruses such as the “Novel H1N1”, and will also expose the true agenda behind their desire to vaccinate the world. The evidence shows that DynCorp is responsible for the creation of these viruses at Ft. Detrick Maryland, the placing of nano-RFID chips into the virus’ vaccine needles, and finally, the expansion of multiple new and immensely powerful TRACKING COMPUTERS for the NSA to implement the “final solution” and quite literally, to control and subjugate the entire world. It literally follows this “B.A.N.G.” formula — Bits (super-computers) control Atoms (nano-chips) which control Neurons (human mind control) which control Genes (Nazi eugenics).[iii] Make no mistake, the TECHNOLOGY TO COMPLETELY PROGRAM AND EVEN BUILD HUMANS IN THE LAB EXISTS AND IS BEING UTILIZED TODAY!!

The NSA’s super-computers on-line at Ft. Meade literally scan the entire world’s telecommunications and record “suspicious” conversations. Likewise, the same super-computers have combined with biological nano-tech to literally resurrect and re-create various versions of the 1918 Killer Virus that killed millions of people worldwide.[iv] The next phase is to use the same nano-tech to control the NEURONS of the human brain in massive, world-wide computerized mind control – with the ultimate goal to eventually control the human GENE POOL – ala the Nazi agenda of 1938. Let’s explore the evidence behind each of these fact-based allegations. Consider the evidence trail, and draw your own conclusions.


Founded in 1946 at the conclusion of WWII by associates of the CIA/NSA founder and O.S.S. director William “Wild Bill” Donovan (Dyncorp was then doing business as Eastern Air Freight Co.), Dyncorp Intl. was a continuous target of FBI surveillance and investigation during the 1950’s. In fact, following a recent FOI request, the FBI has released a whopping 747 pages of documents on the clearly questionable activities of “Wild Bill” Donovan and his cronies.[v] The reason for such an investigation appears to be due to the early connections of Donovan, and CIA director Allen Dulles with the Nazi Gestapo chief, General Reinhardt Gehlen and Gehlen’s entourage of “scientists”, thugs, and spies that became a major part of the United States’ “intelligence” community following “Operation Paper Clip”. This was all formally agreed to by treaty, and the CIA/NSA was formed following the signing of the “secret” “Treaty of Ft. Hunt.”[vi] General Gehlen became the de-facto head of the CIA’s German office, after he and his family (he reportedly had a son born in 1941) allegedly assumed the surname of Woolsey and received U.S. citizenship papers listing a residence in Oklahoma. Reinhardt’s alleged son, R. James Woolsey (born in 1941), appears to have followed in his father’s proud footsteps, and became the Director of DynCorp Intl., and headed up the CIA during the Clinton administration. (While I was not able to fully corroborate Woolsey’s father actually being SS Gestapo Chief Gehlen, (certain PaperClip details are still unavailable) I must say only that the family resemblance is quite remarkable!)

Nazi SS Gestapo Chief Reinhardt Gehlen CIA/DynCorp Director R. James Woolsey


Since its beginnings in 1946, DynCorp International today is, according to its own website, “a major government contractor for data processing, military operations and intelligence work.” DynCorp lists its primary “public sector clients” as: The Center for Disease Control (CDC), Department of Defense, Bureau of Census, Department of Education, Department of Energy, Department of Health and Human Services, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Air Force (USAF), U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and of all things, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS).

The Truth is, DynCorp International is much more than that. According to CorpWatch[vii] and even Wikepedia,[viii] DynCorp International provides training for police forces worldwide, is the primary “private security force” in Iraq and provides top security for the CIA’s extensive poppy fields in Afghanistan, provided the security for New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, is responsible for patrolling the entire U.S./Mexican Border, performs “essential services” in Colombia to known drug cartels, and of course – is deeply involved in the international “sex slave” trade so vividly portrayed in the recent movie “Taken” starring Liam Neeson. It would appear that DynCorp is just as sleazy as its predecessor, the Nazi Gestapo. Could this have anything to do with its most powerful directors being related to Gestapo officers?


I was shocked to discover that DynCorp has dozens of U.S. and International Patents relating to the process of MANUFACTURING VIRUSES from African Green Monkey kidney cells. US Patent 6025182 – “Method for producing a virus from an african green monkey kidney cell line” was issued to DynCorp Intl. on February 15, 2000.[ix] This patent clearly describes the process of creating a “novel” virus from monkey cell material. Moreover, we find that the “inventors” of the patented process, also are “employed” by Ft. Detrick – where we know that the 1918 killer flu virus was replicated and weaponized using monkey cell material as the construction material.
Why would a para-military company like Dyncorp want to possess and patent dangerous, killer, man-made viruses? Once again, the answer lies in the writings and world model of Adolph Hitler’s Reich – the genocidal destruction of the unfit at a future date. It has been well established that thousands of Hitler’s key henchmen came to America and were given new names and identities under the CIA’s “Operation PaperClip”. Should anyone be surprised that their children and grandchildren would not continue in seeing the vision of Hitler’s utopia (The New Order of the Ages) become a reality??

The website “Patent Storm” lists a total of 31 patents related to DynCorp.[x] In addition to a patent that allows them to glean information and create detailed information files on targeted individuals from “peer to peer” websites such as Facebook and Twitter, Dyncorp holds exclusive patents on “influenza vaccines” made once again from African Green Monkey cells.[xi] A careful search and review of exactly how the “novel H1N1” vaccine antigens are produced will show that the antigen is cultured in African Green Monkey cells. Considering the fact that many of Reinhardt Gehlen’s Nazi SS scientists were placed in large pharmaceutical positions once again during “Operation PaperClip” would explain how and why DynCorp Intl. would be positioned so strategically to reap windfall profits from the worldwide “pandemic influenza” vaccine market.

However, windfall profits is only a small part of the bigger picture. The pandemic influenza vaccine needles deliver dozens of small, nano-sized computer chips into the blood of each individual being vaccinated[xii]. These “nano-chips” are designed to pass the human “blood-brain barrier” and eventually lodge in the brain’s neurons. After reaching their intended final destination in the human brain neurons, these incredible nano-chips then are designed to communicate via satellite with a covert master computer, and the unsuspecting victim becomes an unwilling spy tool. The victim’s eyes become the NSA’s remote camera, and their ears become their listening device. This of course, is very ingenious, to say the least – but very, very dangerous to human freedom and privacy. The new RFID chips have a whopping 128-bit ROM capacity[xiii] (as much as many laptop computers) for storing a unique 38 digit number, which is then placed into the master computer’s data base along with the chip’s reading of the victim’s unique DNA structure. Every human thought, reaction, hearing, and visual observation causes a certain neurological potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its electromagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts, pictures, and voices at the master computer. Electromagnetic stimulation via implanted microchips can therefore change a person’s brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps experienced as torture, or on the other extreme, can stimulate the brain with euphoria and feelings of extreme peace when the individual follows the master computer’s instructions.

Large Sarge
20th June 2010, 04:18 PM
The NSA’s electronic surveillance system housed underground at Ft. Meade, can today simultaneously follow and handle millions of people. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in the brain, just as each human has unique fingerprints. With electromagnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded by these 128-bit ROM nano-chips, specific pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target. In addition to having the eyes and ears of the victim sending signals to the master mainframe computer, the computer can also manipulate the very thoughts and physical behavior of the victim as well! This is a very real form of electronic warfare. U.S. astronauts were implanted before they were sent into space so their thoughts could be followed and all their emotions could be registered 24 hours a day by NASA computers in Houston.

A terrific website that explains all of this in great detail is:


I would also HIGHLY RECOMMEND that everyone reading this paper also take the time to view the 5 part presentation entitled “One Mainframe to Rule them All” on Youtube at this address: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVWNlvI-eB4

This is exactly why Obama wants to restrict and curtail the internet – because so much TRUTH is given there – and the “mainstream” media cannot yet control its content! Watch and learn why you are still able!!

Nano-chips removed from a “powder” reported to be coating the inside of “H1N1” vaccine in comparison to a human hair.


On or about October 20, 2009, DynCorp Intl. completed its acquisition of Alexandria Virginia-based Phoenix Consulting Group. Earlier in September, Phoenix Consulting Groups website, www.intellpros.com outlined in rather graphic detail that it provided training for ALL intelligence officers in ALL branches of the intelligence community – from the CIA, the NSA, Navy Intelligence, Army Intelligence, etc. Now that Dyncorp owns Phoenix Consulting, the website is very vague about exactly what “intelligence courses” it provides – and of course, to exactly whom the “training” is offered.

Commenting on the merger, DynCorp CEO Bill Ballhaus declared: “This acquisition is consistent with our goal of accelerating growth, expanding service offerings and penetrating new segments.” “Phoenix’s talent complements DynCorp International’s business and extends our ability to deliver compelling services to the intelligence community and national security clients. This acquisition will continue to strengthen DynCorp International as a leading provider of specialized mission-critical services to civilian and military government agencies worldwide.”[xiv]

What is amazing is that such a large merger would go virtually unreported in the media. DynCorp business must be very profitable in order to justify such a large, cash acquisition.

Now, the DynCorp/Phoenix website seems to be promoting Private Sector/Fortune 500 spy-training classes. An excerpt from their website promoting their corporate courses reads:

I SPY: Your competitor is snooping on you. So what’s wrong with that?
By William Green

A DOZEN STUDENTS descend on Disney’s Paradise Island in Orlando, Fla. It’s a balmy night in February and they are up to no good. They have been assigned to accost strangers and extract secrets from them.

Ava Youngblood targets a Philadelphia landscaper. Within minutes she’s discovered that he makes $1,500 a week, has lost his savings in a wrenching divorce and owns a $150,000 house.

Another student collars an Arkansas businessman, quickly learning that he keeps at least $1,000 in his checking account. The student considers jotting down the number of the businessman’s American Express card.

A school for blackmailers and scam artists? Nope. These are corporate employees taking a course paid for by their bosses. Their teachers are William DeGenaro, who used to work in counterintelligence for the U.S. government, and John Nolan, who spent part of a 22-year military intelligence career recruiting and training spies in Germany, Cambodia and Vietnam.

The best corporate spooks appear
innocent and friendly – and know
when to play dumb.

The adjunct faculty at the Centre for Operational Business Intelligence includes John Quinn, who worked for the CIA as a Tokyo-based spy, and Lieutenant General (retired) James Williams, former director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency.

The students are here to learn how to help their employers gather “competitive intelligence.” That intelligence might concern the design and price of a competitor’s upcoming product, the benefits of acquiring a rival business or the dangers of entering a new market.

If business is war, companies need intelligence about the other side. That’s the premise on which the school is run. The course notes reinforce this warrior mentality with quotations from John Le Carre, and from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War: “Spies are a most important element in war because upon them depends an army’s ability to move.”[xv]


What is morally questionable about the “corporate training” outline above, is that by reviewing information on DynCorp’s public website one can find that DynCorp, a global “private” “for-profit” corporation is clearly in bed with the “public” company, the National Security Agency which operates on the taxpayer’s ledger.

For instance, DynCorp is currently advertising for a “Senior Director, Intelligence Community Capture Management” position with a SCI/NSA “Top Secret” Security Clearance. How exactly can a “private” corporation offer NSA “Top Secret” Security? This is insane!!

Furthermore, the Job Advertisement declares: EXPERIENCE: Must have demonstrated Intelligence Community (IC) business development and capture skills and possess a minimum of 10 years of relevant recent experience with IC/DoD, specifically working with the National Security Agency (NSA), National Reconnaissance Agency (NRO) and/or National Geospatial Agency (NGA), with preference to experience at the NSA. Candidate must have a proven record of captures for large opportunities ($100+M) with high win rate in a Government contracting environment. The candidate must have demonstrated history of positioning, defining strategy, and building proposal story for both large and small opportunities. [xvi]

What exactly is meant by “Intelligence Community Capture Management”, “proven record of captures” and “capture skills”? To answer this question, I found a “primer” printed by the Federal Government Dept. of Justice titled: Understanding Contemporary Law Enforcement Intelligence: Concept and Defintion.[xvii] Amazingly, the term “capture” is defined as the successful garnering of sensitive, proprietary information, by whatever electronic surveillance medium is available. So, in the case of DynCorp, they are looking for an individual to “manage Captures” potentially worth over $100 million in the very lucrative “GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING ENVIRONMENT!!

Let’s be sure we fully understand this scenario. DynCorp partners up with SuperSpy Network NSA and its taxpayer-funded telecommunication spy satellites in order to give favorable treatment to its “bidding partners” in massive U.S. government contracts. It seems to me that the taxpayers are really getting shafted with this one! Never fear, however, if you are a small, private company competitively bidding on a large government contract and fear that your telecommunications may have been hacked, you can always hire a NSA-trained “Certified Ethical Hacker” such as Mr. Haywood McDowell[xviii] to run a simulated “hack” on your network! What a racket!! The scary thing is, this is clearly a new “growth industry” – Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH) certification and training. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised that DynCorp/Phoenix provide the “certification” either.


In conclusion, this paper has shown that the NSA is not only supplying satellite spying for the U.S. Government and the Pentagon, but is also clearly working with “business clients” such as DynCorp International, IBM, and other Fortune 500 companies to give them a competitive advantage in the “global” marketplace. It should be clear that this “public” bureaucracy is making fistfuls of profits from taxpayer funded infrastructure. Incredibly, they want even more power and more control at the taxpayer’s expense.

In a place called “Camp Williams”, 30 miles south of Salt Lake City, Utah – the American taxpayer is being asked to spend at least $2 billion dollars for a new, state-of-the-art National Security Agency “data collection center”. This “data center” will be spread over 200 acres and have 1 million square feet of building to house a “new generation” of supercomputer that will consume at least 36 Megawatts of electricity – currently more than the entire City of Salt Lake consumes! What type of new computer, given the advances in NANOTECHNOLOGY outlined in this paper, would need to consume this much electricity and span this large of a secure facility? What exactly is this “data center” intended to do? The current NSA facility already is extremely effective in utilizing its satellite spying and hacking — what exactly is the “next level” they wish to access? Unfortunately, all requests for even the most basic disclosures have been ignored by all levels of the “intelligence” community.[xix]

I submit that until full disclosure is given to the Taxpayer, the “data center” has no business being built. There is simply too much at risk to allow complete “blind trust” to rule the day. Could this well be the “One Mainframe to Rule Them All, And in the Darkness Bind Them?” Common sense and past history leads us to no other logical conclusion!!

[i] http://www.etcgroup.org/en/node/169

[ii] http://tarpley.net/online-books/george-bush-the-unauthorized-biography/

[iii] http://www.etcgroup.org/upload/publication/55/01/tinyprimer_english.pdf

[iv] http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev.micro.091208.073359?cookieSet=1

[v] http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/donovan.htm

[vi] http://lookdeeper.org/Misc/TheSecretTreatyOfFortHunt/tstofh/

[vii] http://www.corpwatch.org/section.php?id=18

[viii] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DynCorp_International

[ix] http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6025182/fulltext.html

[x] http://www.patentstorm.us/search.html?q=Dyncorp&s.x=0&s.y=0&s=s

[xi] http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/5911998/fulltext.html

[xii] http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/health/vaccinations/news.php?q=1252603660

[xiii] http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/Science-Fiction-News.asp?NewsNum=939

[xiv] http://govconwire.com/2009/09/dyncorp-to-acquire-phoenix-consulting-group-inc/

[xv] http://www.intellpros.com/arch_four_one.html

[xvi] http://www.dyncorprecruiting.com/ext/detail.asp?dyn13852

[xvii] http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/pdf/e09042536_Chapter_02.pdf

[xviii] http://www.linkedin.com/pub/haywood-mcdowell-cssa-ceh-nsa-iam-iem/1/541/495

[xix] http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2010893950_apusnsadatacenter.html

[1] http://www.etcgroup.org/en/node/169

[1] http://tarpley.net/online-books/george-bush-the-unauthorized-biography/

[1] http://www.etcgroup.org/upload/publication/55/01/tinyprimer_english.pdf

[1] http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev.micro.091208.073359?cookieSet=1

[1] http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/donovan.htm

[1] http://lookdeeper.org/Misc/TheSecretTreatyOfFortHunt/tstofh/

[1] http://www.corpwatch.org/section.php?id=18

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DynCorp_International

Large Sarge
20th June 2010, 04:20 PM
WHAT IN THE GATES OF HELL IS GOING ON????? Here we have VISUAL PROOF of hundreds of vehicles undergoing modifications by Pegasus International teams at their Reynolds AirPark facility, all indications of MaxIT information is that the process involved is basically making the vehicles ultra-modern “spy-mobiles” (the on-line google-earth picture was dated Jan. 2008, while the most current picture of May 28, 2010 -shows the spy-vans still on property.) We also now know that Dyncorp is now Cerberus, and they are tied to Pegasus International. So, what’s in a name?

Consider that Pegasus and Cerberus are both central figures of Greek (and Roman) mythology. Pegasus is the preferred mode of transportation for the pantheon of gods, while Cerberus — well — this is the mythical guardian of the gates of hell! What would possess anybody to name their corporation Cerberus???

This world is in deep trouble, it would appear.

Cerberus was the guard to the gates of hades, sometimes described as a dog or a wolf and the original “hound from hell”. Cerberus had three heads & its said a serpents tail, like the Chimera it was said to be the offspring of Echidna and the Dragon Typhon. This creature crops up not only in greek myth but also in ROMAN myth. Said to have been placated with honeyed cakes mourners would place them in coffins to appease the beast. Any spirit attempting to leave hades was said to have been torn apart by the savage guardian.

Article from: atrueott.com

Large Sarge
20th June 2010, 04:23 PM
so you goto the airport website

and the featured picture, shows all the vehicles on the runway


anyone live near this airport??

200 acres
From nearest city: 2 nautical miles SE of Green Cove Springs, FL
Location: Clay County, FL
Magnetic Variation: 03W (1985)

20th June 2010, 05:13 PM
Look, I don' know 'bout the van thing. Saw it all before. Basically, there's so many canaries falling over dead already that what's the point of getting all hung up on a single detail?

We are talking a multi-state region and Florida could become ground zero for a special gift from the PTB and the govts of the world. It's truly the circus from hell with them and I'm not jesting either.

Like others have already said, keep watching the signs, the weather, the upcoming attempt in about a month to shut the thing off. Things could continue to spiral down for many months and even years. If this catastrophe just continues raging on into the end of the year, the entire world better start paying attention, not just Florida. But of course they won't, and the absolute powers with their absolute fiats will continue their absolutely sadistic agendas.

20th June 2010, 08:16 PM
All propaganda fear mongering crap to lower our frequency. Nothing more nothing less. They have been doing this for years. Bird flu, golf catastrophe no one has seen the real damage or death. False flag event. Nothing to see here move on.

20th June 2010, 10:01 PM
All propaganda fear mongering crap to lower our frequency. Nothing more nothing less. They have been doing this for years. Bird flu, golf catastrophe no one has seen the real damage or death. False flag event. Nothing to see here move on.


20th June 2010, 10:02 PM
Did you notice this little pyramid on the web page?

what's it mean Ima ?

20th June 2010, 11:24 PM
Warnings were raised as long as a year before the Deepwater Horizon disaster that the area of seabed chosen by the BP geologists might be unstable, or worse, inherently dangerous.

Well, all the more reason to go poke around down there.

Is this overblown propaganda, or truth?

Joel Skousen interview, debunking lindsey williams (listening now)


Thanks LS, I'll check that.

21st June 2010, 09:18 PM
Thanks LS, I'll check that.

Please do, and report back.

Florida is primarily about fishing, tourism, beaches and retirement living. Oil soaked beaches or worse are going to be horrific for the region even in the best case scenario where they're able to shut it down in a few months. I guess all hopes have come down to the 2 wells being drilled right now. The fact that they're not drilling at least 5 of them does not give me much faith in those 2.

21st June 2010, 09:30 PM
Tell me this, the well is under super high pressure, right?......so what makes them think that once they open up another well that they will be able to do anything better with them?..........the pressure of this one well has X power coming from it not because of the pressure itself but because of the size of the hole so that opening another hole will have the same power as this one.....you will have two or three wells spiting out oil............any bets?

This is one case where a "relieve" hole or holes will not be of any help..........IDIOTS.

21st June 2010, 09:58 PM
I say it's time to move the capital from Washington DC to Naples.

22nd June 2010, 08:08 PM
Tell me this, the well is under super high pressure, right?......so what makes them think that once they open up another well that they will be able to do anything better with them?...


Idiots or evil criminals. I'm actually guessing it's the latter. And no, I don't think it they will be able to do anything better. It is a hope against the odds, a longshot at best.

The fact that the govt didn't ask every nation of the world to send teams to help from day one speaks volumes to how things are in today's world. And the fact that the rest of the world didn't force themselves into making this a bigger issue than nearly any other in history also speaks volumes as to how far the corruption and control by TPTB goes. After all it is the ocean. The fact that they're not drilling 10 relief wells, the fact that they're not calling in clean up methods and tankers from around the globe to try and help things, the fact that they're not making this a front page story every 20 min., ... they all point to the same evil picture.

But denial of the truth is a principal strategy for those calling the global shots. The warning signs are so many they're hard to count now. I do not expect things to be any better in August. I'm really not sure how bad things will be in 2011 but it's only called paranoia if you're wrong.