View Full Version : BP Oil Spill: As Pay Czar Promises Money, Workers Turned Away From BP Claims Cen

19th June 2010, 06:32 PM
What the hell is going on with all this "Czar" for this and "Czar" for that..... hey guys??? from now own I am "CZAR PONCE".........if you cannot kill them then joing them............by the way, at the end the people wont get sh*t.
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BP Oil Spill: As Pay Czar Promises Money, Workers Turned Away From BP Claims Center.

Feinberg Says Money is on the Way; Coast Guard Defends Spill Response, Saying Regulations Got in the Way

Feinberg arrived at the Louisiana State Capitol today in Baton Rouge with a mandate from President Obama -- get the money flowing to the people of the Gulf.

Louisiana Governor Jindal frustrated over decision-making red tape. Millions of dollars worth of claims have been filed by businesses and people who've lost their livelihoods because of the BP oil spill, but 60 days into the crisis, lawmakers say the company has paid only 12 percent of them.

Feinberg promised that will soon change and encouraged workers to file their claims. President Obama this week named Feinberg as his "pay czar" for BP's oil spill escrow account.

"We'll decide who will get paid," he promised, saying "we're going to get them paid immediately. [...] A matter of days."

Feinberg said he can fix the problem.

"We're going to make sure people get emergency money and accelerate the process," he said.

For Gulf Coast workers like deckhand Dan Wolfer, the relief can't come soon enough. He filed a claim a month ago but, so far, hasn't received a single check. Wolfer had to give up the family car after they couldn't make payments, and his wife is now walking to work.

For business owners who have received checks, like charter fishing captain Dave Joachim, the payments that have come have not covered their losses. He said he's lost more than $40,000 already, but his check from BP was for $5,000.

The average payment from BP is just $3,000, but Feinberg said today that those checks will soon get "much higher."

"Even BP has admitted to me that these are emergency payments," he said, promising that people will be paid in full on his timeline.

If you are looking to contact the claims facility please call 1-800-440-0858


19th June 2010, 09:21 PM
If you need someone payed off to shut up, Feinberg's the right kinda name for the man to do it.