View Full Version : Palm Beach Florida to post signs warning of oil in the water

20th June 2010, 08:07 AM
Palm Beach is on the east coast of Florida

Local County To Post Oil Warning Signs Along Beaches


"More than 300 of the plastic signs will be placed from Boca Raton to Tequesta.

The top reads "Oil Spill Information," and it will ask anyone to report tar balls, oil-covered wildlife, or any evidence that oil has reached the shore."

20th June 2010, 08:17 AM
I havent heard of this around here, but then again I havent watched the local news in a while. I'll keep a look out for the signs. The oil isnt really close to here yet though and tar balls, as the articles says, arent uncommon.

There will probably be panic ensuing at every tar ball found from now on though. Should be fun to watch.....

EDIT: Fixed my typo to say "tar balls ARE NOT uncommon". Ive stepped in enough to know.

the riot act
20th June 2010, 10:45 AM
These people here are highly excitable, and the noozreaders willingly fan the fire. No oil on PB yet that I know of. But I'm not a noozereader on TV either.

20th June 2010, 01:37 PM
Ive stepped on a quite a few tars balls over the years at So. Cal beaches.
Not sure if the were from the few oil rigs there or just natural ones.

the riot act
20th June 2010, 02:00 PM
Ive stepped on a quite a few tars balls over the years at So. Cal beaches.
Not sure if the were from the few oil rigs there or just natural ones.

Ships leak oil and then it gets pumped out of the bilge every day. We used to have a lot of tar balls being so close to the port. They finally made the ships dump their bilge farther out. That helped solve the problem somewhat. But tar balls still come ashore.

Now that the MSN has everyone scared to death there have been many reports of tarballs on the beach. Only to be tested and found to come from some Haitian freighter. LOL