View Full Version : Corexit = 2-Butoxyethanol, a neurotoxin, along with arsenic, cadmium, cyanide

21st June 2010, 04:43 AM
so my question is - when the 2-Butoxyethanol neurotoxin evaporates and co-mingles with the clouds, does it carry the arsenic, cadmium, & cyanide with it - or does it just leave them in the ocean ?


"Reports from the Gulf of Mexico just keep getting worse. Estimates of the rate of oil spillage from the Deepwater Horizon wellhead just keep gushing (the latest official number: up to 60,000 barrels per day). Forecasts for how long it will take before the leak is finally plugged continue pluming toward August—maybe even December.

In addition to the oil itself, BP has (in this case deliberately) spilled a million gallons of toxic Corexit dispersant, banned in the UK, that contains 60 percent 2-Butoxyethanol, a neurotoxin, along with arsenic, cadmium, cyanide, and mercury."

it is really a testament to how dysfunctional American business & government has become, that we allow this stuff to be used in our environment.

what to do ? i like the idea of incarcerating all the responsible BP & Nalco executives & making them drink seawater from the Gulf of Mexico.

21st June 2010, 05:04 AM
That's some really nasty stuff that the dispersant is made of if it's true. Yikes.

21st June 2010, 05:29 AM
That's some really nasty stuff that the dispersant is made of if it's true. Yikes.

Google search corexit MSDS = Material Safety Data Sheet

It will tell you everything you want to know.


21st June 2010, 06:00 AM
Nalco MSDS:

Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service
Glycol Ethers c/o California:

21st June 2010, 11:27 AM
so my question is - when the 2-Butoxyethanol neurotoxin evaporates and co-mingles with the clouds, does it carry the arsenic, cadmium, & cyanide with it - or does it just leave them in the ocean ?


the article at that link doesn't say anything about the heavy metals - arsenic, cadmium. i don't think cyanide is a heavy metal, though it's obviously something you don't want in the ocean, or evaporating and raining on your house in Florida.

i was reading something else that had the statement about these toxins, but i can't find it now.