View Full Version : Cooking from preps?

21st June 2010, 06:22 PM
I wanted to start this thread as a way to share ideas. Its just a general question to get an idea to avoid things like food fatigue and increase variety, etc.

So, my "challenge" is this:

Prepare a weekly meal menu just from what you have in preps as if SHTF and you can only use your preps for at least a couple of weeks, or months for a family of three. Try to make it from a pantry only perspective, as in not soley based around a massive garden or live-stock, so things like canned foods, frozen foods, dehydrated/freeze dried, etc.

What kind of meal plan would you come up with to avoid repetative meals and to balance out your prep consumption so you dont run out of one thing too fast. Portion sizes are important as well.

If you have a large garden and live stock as a major part of your preps, feel free to make a meal plan with that included as well, but I also want ideas for more (sub)urban types where they might have to focus strictly on things they can store INSIDE a house.

So, whatcha got!? ;)

25th June 2010, 07:17 PM
Great thread idea. I pretty much cook like that already. Thank goodness for a well-stocked freezer & fridge. But once electricity is off for an extended period of time, all bets are off!

25th June 2010, 07:58 PM
Great thread idea.

Totally agree... a week of prep food, maybe even a little electricity deprivation would be a good waker-upper right about now...

I hope my generator starts! ;D

26th June 2010, 06:44 AM
One of my all time favorite prep foods is pasta.

I can cook it up and add almost anything from the panty to make a main dish. Sometimes with tomato sauce, sometimes tossed with seasonings & olive oil, sometimes with a light cheese sauce.

Add some little sausages, or canned asparagus or variety of beans to make a spicy cajun dish. Or add some tuna & olives for a cold meal. The combinations are endless!

26th June 2010, 06:29 PM
Tomorrow is going to be a dry-run... we will keep the fridges hooked up, but all else will be manual. Lights, cooking, water, etc.

Fun Fun!

26th June 2010, 06:40 PM
Looking forward to the report BT! One day or longer?

26th June 2010, 07:15 PM
I too look forward to the "field report" BT.

I dont know about electrcity deprivation though, I just wanted a menu. lol

26th June 2010, 10:04 PM
Looking forward to the report BT! One day or longer?

Just one day, unless it's better living, then indefinitely! :D

29th June 2010, 08:00 PM
How'd it go BT?

29th June 2010, 08:58 PM
How'd it go BT?

Well, it wasn't that big of a deal since I was brewing outside in the garage all day anyway. I only needed propane for that. Used the camp stove to cook food made from ready preps... tuna and beans and some canned fruit mostly. I found that I really enjoyed the quiet - you don't realize how "noisy" life is until you turn (most) everything off... I'm actually looking forward to doing that again... is that weird?

27th July 2010, 08:28 AM
New recipe for tonight: entirely from preps.

So-Easy Slow Cooker Pot Roast

3-4 lb. beef chuck roast
10-3/4 oz. can tomato soup
10-3/4 oz. can cream of mushroom soup
2 16-oz. cans new potatoes, drained
2 14-1/2 oz. cans sliced carrots, drained

Mix together all ingredients in a slow cooker. Cover and cook on low setting for 7-8 hours.
Serves 6.

ETA: Turned out o.k., but not my favorite. Had more of a 'stew' flavor, so might be better removing the roast & then shredding it before serving.