View Full Version : TED NUGENT: The Declaration of Defiance

23rd June 2010, 05:47 PM
any one post this yet?

Get ready to toss out the Fedzillacrats in November

By Ted Nugent
5:34 p.m., Monday, June 21, 2010

Defiance is the DNA of America. Every fiber of my being is overdosed on high-octane defiance. I often rise in the morning convinced that I am Rosa Parks with a loud guitar. It is beautiful.

From our forefathers tossing tea into the Boston Harbor over abusive taxes; to the brave defenders of the Alamo, who were outnumbered 25-to-1; to Brig. Gen. Anthony C. McAuliffe, who answered the Nazi punks with "Nuts!" when he was asked to surrender at Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge, the DNA of America is rife with proud defiance.
We celebrate our freedom on Independence Day, but when you read Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence, it could have easily been called the Declaration of Defiance.

What Jefferson and his fellow patriots John Adams and Benjamin Franklin wrote was a uniquely defiant document that not only listed their grievances defying King George's oppressive government but also was a declaration of out-and-out war against tyranny.

Our forefathers knew when they signed the Declaration that they were pledging their sacred honor, fortunes and, more than likely, their lives in hopes that we could live free. They knew their Declaration of Defiance would bring war against the world's most powerful, undefeated military. Our forefathers then fired a shot heard around the world.

America faces new challenges that once again require our steadfast defiance if we are to leave future generations of Americans with a more vibrant republic, more freedom and more liberty. That is the goal, right?
Those of us who truly care must stand in defiance of an out-of-control spending Fedzilla that clearly is intent on bankrupting America with an orgy of proven wasteful spending. The share of the national debt for each taxpayer is now more than $115,000, and it keeps climbing wildly every day. That's despicable and intolerable. Toss the Fedzillacrats out this coming November and all future Novembers. All of them.

We must stand in strong defiance of those who support amnesty to illegal invaders and virtually open up our borders, and we must instead stand arm in arm with Arizona and draw a line in the sand on the banks of the Rio Grande.

Law-and-order Americans must defy those who support turning violent, recidivistic punks loose from prison while advocating disarming the American public. The only good carjacker or rapist is a dead carjacker or rapist. Case closed. It's so simple only stupid people could find fault with that. A polite society is an armed society.

Americans must defy those who seek to enslave us to foreign energy when America can and must be energy-independent. We have the energy. What we lack is the leadership and the will.

We must defy those who, because of their fantasy-driven ideologies, seek to tear down America and reshape her in their warped cultural, social and political views. Clowns belong in the circus, not in charge of anything.
Americans must stand in defiance of Fedzilla taking over the world's premier health care system and smothering it with bureaucrats, lawyers, stacks of new requirements and more government agencies. If you enjoy standing in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles, you will adore Fedzilla Care.

We must stand in defiance of those who blame America first instead of promoting and believing in American exceptionalism. If you don't like it here, pack your trash and set sail for Mexico or Cuba, where all your wishes are already public policy. Mexico and Cuba put the fun in dysfunction.

Americans must defy those bureaucratic numbnuts and toxic bloodsuckers who believe more government is the answer to our problems. All clear-thinking and sober Americans know a drastically reduced Fedzilla is the solution.

We must stand in defiance of those Fedzillacrats who seek to reshape Wall Street without first cleaning up the root cause of the economic meltdown - Fedzilla's very own Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and the gaggle of power abusers run amok. We know who they are, and they need to be brought to justice.

Defy the sheeplike epidemic of apathy that has willingly opened the door to the Mao Zedong fan club in the White House.

Let your uniquely American defiant DNA rise to the surface. Join those organizations and support those individuals who most closely align their beliefs and ideologies with the dreams and aspirations of our forefathers. Raise your healthy voice in defiance.

Get angry. Get passionate. Get cracking. Take back America from the Fedzillacrats, who, if they get their way, ultimately will destroy the dreams of our forefathers. Slay Fedzilla at the ballot box. Do it for your grandchildren.

Live free or die. Throw some tea in the harbor. Remember the Alamo. Tell 'em "Nuts!"

Ted Nugent is an unstoppable American rock 'n' roll, sporting and political activist icon. He is author of "Ted, White & Blue: The Nugent Manifesto" and "God, Guns and Rock 'N' Roll" (Regnery Publishing).


Ted Nugent for President!
He rocks

Edit to fix link

23rd June 2010, 05:51 PM
Two ways that a dictator can kill you........fast with a bullet or slowwwwwwwly with everything that he does is for "your protection".

23rd June 2010, 05:58 PM
Two ways that a dictator can kill you........fast with a bullet or slowwwwwwwly with everything that he does is for "your protection".

Ponce Im pretty sure If Ted had his way,
Ever man woman and child would be packing heat to protect them selfs

But I could be wrong....he could be full of crap.

23rd June 2010, 06:05 PM
Isn't Ted a kill the muslims, they hate us for our freedoms neocon? I like his gun stance but I think he is a koolaid drinker on some things. Cool letter though, I agree for the most part.

23rd June 2010, 06:20 PM
Ted has one intent. To kick maximum ass until his last breath. More people should live like Ted.


Agreed...Thanks for posting that Video

23rd June 2010, 06:20 PM
Two ways that a dictator can kill you........fast with a bullet or slowwwwwwwly with everything that he does is for "your protection".

Good one Ponce.

23rd June 2010, 06:44 PM
Thanks Guard........I have seen a "few" revolutions in my days, with two of them in Cuba so that I know what a dictatorship looks like......and that's why I know that you have one right here in the US.

Where there was a 70% of saving the US ten years ago, 50% five years ago now is down to 30%.

"When the government is not for the benefit of the people it is then the duty of the people to take over the government...after all, the people are the real government"... Ponce

By the way........this is part of the US Constitution.

23rd June 2010, 07:08 PM
Isn't Ted a kill the muslims, they hate us for our freedoms neocon? I like his gun stance but I think he is a koolaid drinker on some things. Cool letter though, I agree for the most part.

I hate Muslims and im not a neocon. If your a Westerner, Islam is not your freind.

23rd June 2010, 07:09 PM
"When the government is not for the benefit of the people it is then the duty of the people to take over the government...after all, the people are the real government"... Ponce

By the way........this is part of the US Constitution.

and the Declaration of Independence too Ponce

whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

23rd June 2010, 08:16 PM
Two ways that a dictator can kill you........fast with a bullet or slowwwwwwwly with everything that he does is for "your protection".

Ponce Im pretty sure If Ted had his way,
Ever man woman and child would be packing heat to protect them selfs

I would think that's a big yes.

(I love this interview btw...)

23rd June 2010, 10:27 PM
Biker? I like your honesty and I thank you for that.......OK, enough butt kissing ;D, tell me, why don't you like the Muslims?........what have they done to you?, and please do without the 911 bit.

I am really interested because all that I see is the propaganda put out by the Zionists and none by the average John Doe.......and you appear to me to be a average John Doe......to me that's good and is what makes America.

24th June 2010, 03:21 AM
Biker? I like your honesty and I thank you for that.......OK, enough butt kissing ;D, tell me, why don't you like the Muslims?........what have they done to you?, and please do without the 911 bit.

I am really interested because all that I see is the propaganda put out by the Zionists and none by the average John Doe.......and you appear to me to be a average John Doe......to me that's good and is what makes America.

I will answer that Ponce, Ive dislked Muslims and Arabic peoples long before 9/11. I consider Islam the enemy of Western civlization since Muhammed .I lived in Europe for a few years in the 80s and experienced their actions in Germany towards their hosts.They remind me of Zionists n their ways of lieing,political games and treachery.It is possible to dislike both and favor neither.

24th June 2010, 04:45 AM
Hey Gpysy thanks for that. I agree wholeheartedly.

And to Ponce, i would also add this.

While i hate both of these ******* on the world stage, i look at it this way.

If someone told me that i were to be exiled to either Israel or Iran for the rest of my life, I WOULD PICK ISRAEL HANDS DOWN!

Its a no brainer for me. While i would not enjoy living there, at least i could wear what i want, eat what i want,listen to what i want ,think what i want.

Can you say the same for IRAN?

Keep in mind, that i lived and worked in the middle east , in the UAE right across the channel from Iran.

24th June 2010, 05:16 AM
Isn't Ted a kill the muslims, they hate us for our freedoms neocon? I like his gun stance but I think he is a koolaid drinker on some things. Cool letter though, I agree for the most part.

I hate Muslims and im not a neocon. If your a Westerner, Islam is not your freind.

I don't want muslims running this country. I also don't want zionists running this country. I have not seen to many arabic names
in the current or former administrations. My point on Ted Nugent and others is "the muslims are out to get us" is a little naive when we are controlled by israel. I don't care for either group but lets speak out against both and not buy into the hype of one of these groups against the other. America---F+ck Yeah

7th trump
24th June 2010, 06:55 AM
You guys seriously need to think everything through before acting on compulsion.
What makes mexicans coming through the border into America illegal?
They are no different than the first settlers from Europe and Asia except these people are our neighbors.
Ask yourself what makes them illegal?
And who set up the rules that make them illegal?
I'm asking what in legal terms makes them different than the first settlers of America?

Are you under assumption that they are illegal because they do not contribute into the system you volunteered into?
I'd like your side of the story because the US Constitution doesnt say anything about foreign people coming into America as "illegal".
Nor does the US Constitution say any foreigner has to sign up for Social Security to contribute into the system to be accepted as an American and not "illegal".
What I find is that 99.9% of most Americans refer to these so called "illegal" mexicans being illegal because they do not contribute in the global social system that the American government has set up in this land of the supposed "free".
I'm calling you people out on this because I think you guys are being hippacrits to people trying to find a better life. I mean I see you guys defending an evil global social system that you hate and rebell from and then point fingers at people who are like minded and dont like the global system anymore than you. However, the people come from a country that doesnt have any option of not being involved in Socialism. they come to America where theres a choice to participate or not in global socialism and exercise it and you people being hippacrits condem them for exercising what this country is about..............freedom!

Think about it for a minute and reflect on what you are doing and saying because its an indicater of just how brainwashed you people really are.
Are you really awake???
Seriously .......how many times do you read in this forum that muslims hates us for our freedoms and yet you same people hate the mexicans for our freedoms.

24th June 2010, 07:47 AM
...poor Ted....i predict he will "accidently" step in front of some machine gun fire...

13th July 2010, 03:55 AM
You guys seriously need to think everything through before acting on compulsion.
What makes mexicans coming through the border into America illegal?
They are no different than the first settlers from Europe and Asia except these people are our neighbors.
Ask yourself what makes them illegal?
And who set up the rules that make them illegal?
I'm asking what in legal terms makes them different than the first settlers of America?

Are you under assumption that they are illegal because they do not contribute into the system you volunteered into?
I'd like your side of the story because the US Constitution doesnt say anything about foreign people coming into America as "illegal".
Nor does the US Constitution say any foreigner has to sign up for Social Security to contribute into the system to be accepted as an American and not "illegal".
What I find is that 99.9% of most Americans refer to these so called "illegal" mexicans being illegal because they do not contribute in the global social system that the American government has set up in this land of the supposed "free".
I'm calling you people out on this because I think you guys are being hippacrits to people trying to find a better life. I mean I see you guys defending an evil global social system that you hate and rebell from and then point fingers at people who are like minded and dont like the global system anymore than you. However, the people come from a country that doesnt have any option of not being involved in Socialism. they come to America where theres a choice to participate or not in global socialism and exercise it and you people being hippacrits condem them for exercising what this country is about..............freedom!

Think about it for a minute and reflect on what you are doing and saying because its an indicater of just how brainwashed you people really are.
Are you really awake???
Seriously .......how many times do you read in this forum that muslims hates us for our freedoms and yet you same people hate the mexicans for our freedoms.

This is our country, they have their own. You speak as a Globalist for no borders.I do not hate Mexicans by any means, I do not think a Mexican can just move in either and avoid our tax system, then use the benefits of it.That is theft in my opinion.What makes them different is that the US no longer INVITES large amounts of immigrants to the country as it once did.In the colonial period, the British encouraged immigration to solidify its hold on the land, same with the US during the 1800s.The boat is full now and invites arent being given.More Mexicans now come here now than when the borders were wide open,that tells you something about Mexico as well.

I am me, I am free
13th July 2010, 07:20 AM
The Nuge, despite all his good intentions, is EXTREMELY naive.

13th July 2010, 03:33 PM
I declare my defiance of gangster government led by Democrats or Republicans. I declare my defiance of the US Government's "security" policies. I declare my defiance of "we must balance freedom with safety." I declare my defiance of endless war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. I declare my defiance of the criminal state of Israel.

Somehow, I doubt Ted would like my defiance.

13th July 2010, 03:36 PM
"Libertarian columnist [sic] Ted Nugent calls on Israel to use "Total Warfare" against enemies: Calls Hamas vermin who need to be exterminated"


"There comes a point when violence is clearly the only answer. Peace most often throughout history is achieved through the application of relentless and superior firepower. Now is such a time for Israel."

Nugent at: http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=30146

Fu*k Ted Nugent.

I am me, I am free
13th July 2010, 04:08 PM
"Libertarian columnist [sic] Ted Nugent calls on Israel to use "Total Warfare" against enemies: Calls Hamas vermin who need to be exterminated"


"There comes a point when violence is clearly the only answer. Peace most often throughout history is achieved through the application of relentless and superior firepower. Now is such a time for Israel."

Nugent at: http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=30146

Fu*k Ted Nugent.

I had no idea the Nuge was a Zionist tool.

I agree - the Nuge can go fuck himself.

13th July 2010, 04:44 PM
"Libertarian columnist [sic] Ted Nugent calls on Israel to use "Total Warfare" against enemies: Calls Hamas vermin who need to be exterminated"


"There comes a point when violence is clearly the only answer. Peace most often throughout history is achieved through the application of relentless and superior firepower. Now is such a time for Israel."

Nugent at: http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=30146

Fu*k Ted Nugent.

I had no idea the Nuge was a Zionist tool.

I agree - the Nuge can go f*ck himself.

Ted Nugenthttp://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5986/hechsherlittle.jpg is thoroughly Kosher.

11th March 2011, 01:12 PM
NYDN 2011/03/11: Brooklyn restaurateur finds out he's the son of Ted Nugent (http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2011/03/11/2011-03-11_chip_off_the_old_madman_block__brooklyn_restaur ateur_finds_out_hes_the_son_of_te.html#ixzz1GK8Hha 5I)

Bay Ridge native Ted Mann, 42, got the news about "The Nuge" in an October phone call from a sister he never knew he had. She had reached out to the adoption agency that placed him.

"I'm like, 'What!?'" laughed Mann, whose newest eatery is Cubana Social in Williamsburg. "It took me a little while to kind of breathe normal again - and not just sit in my house staring at YouTube videos of him running around like a crazy person."

Nugent, the "Cat Scratch Fever" rocker known for his pro-gun stance and a VH1 reality show where he made people build outhouses and skin a wild boar, immediately welcomed Mann into the family.

"His first words to me were 'Hello, son,'" Mann said. "Within an hour of knowing him, he said, 'Let's go shoot some guns.'"

Half Sense
11th March 2011, 07:30 PM
Yeah, his whole, Vote the Bums out! thing is really lame. Next he'll be telling us to call our Congressman.

11th March 2011, 10:08 PM
Too late Ted, the patient's terminal, he just doen't know it yet.

11th March 2011, 10:15 PM
Ted is a hook-nosed kike with long hair and a satanic-looking beard...

12th March 2011, 12:53 AM
Too old to rocknroll but too young to die.

When in doubt, I whip it out.
Got me a Viagra add, it's a free-for-all............
