View Full Version : Jesus will return by 2050, say 40% of Americans

23rd June 2010, 07:36 PM
Jesus will return by 2050, say 40pc of Americans
More than 40 per cent of Americans believe Jesus Christ will return to Earth by 2050, according to a poll.

Published: 7:28PM BST 22 Jun 2010


A statue of Jesus in Sydney, Australia. 40 per cent of Americans believe He will return by 2050. Photo: REUTERS Americans are largely optimistic about the future, according to the poll from the Pew Research Center For The People and The Press/Smithsonian Magazine.

By mid century, 71 per cent believe cancer will be cured, 66 per cent say artificial limbs will work better than real ones and 81 per cent believe computers will be able to converse like humans.

But Americans are also braced for a major energy crisis and a warming planet, according to the survey. More than half, or 58 per cent, fear another world war in the next 40 years and 53 per cent expect a terrorist attack against the United States using a nuclear weapon.

The poll also shows a sharp dip in overall optimism from 1999, when 81 per cent said they were optimistic about life for themselves and their families. The current poll found just 64 per cent were.

Sixty-one percent said they were optimistic about the future of the United States, compared to 70 percent in 1999. And 56 percent predicted the US economy would be stronger in 40 years, compared to 64 percent of those polled in 1999.

The results were compiled from telephone and online interviews with 1,546 adults in April. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points, according to Pew.

Here are some other findings of the poll:

• 71 per cent believe cancer will be cured by 2050.

• 81 per cent believe computers will be able to converse like humans.

• 68 per cent of those under 30 predict a world war by 2050.

• 53 per cent say ordinary people will travel in space

• Nearly three-quarters, or 74 per cent, of those polled believe it likely that "most of our energy will come from sources other than coal, oil, and gas".

• Yet 72 per cent believe the world is likely to experience a major worldwide energy crisis by 2050.

• 66 per cent say the Earth will definitely or probably get warmer but it breaks down strongly along political lines, with just 48 per cent of Republicans saying so and 83 per cent of Democrats.

• 42 per cent say it is likely that scientists will be able to tell what people are thinking by scanning their brains but 55 say this will definitely or probably not happen.

• 89 per cent believe a woman will be elected US president by 2050.

• 86 per cent say it is at least probable that most Americans will have to work into their 70s before retiring.

• 41 per cent say Jesus Christ will return within the next 40 years while 46 per cent say this will definitely or probably not happen.

• 63 per cent anticipate the demise of paper money

• 61 per cent say almost no one will send letters by 2050.

• 31 per cent expect the planet will be struck by an asteroid.


23rd June 2010, 07:41 PM
I think those polls are way too far out in the future.

We don't even have 10 years left in this world. We are in the beginning of sorrows and the calamities will increase in intensity and frequency. The next few will take your breath away.

23rd June 2010, 07:47 PM

Can I asked how you came to that conclusion? An suggested reading? Thanks.


I think those polls are way too far out in the future.

We don't even have 10 years left in this world. We are in the beginning of sorrows and the calamities will increase in intensity and frequency. The next few will take your breath away.

23rd June 2010, 07:59 PM
I want to bail out of here just before the gnashing of teeth. My dentist told me that I'm wearing away the enamel of my teeth, in my sleep. Imagine if I started wearing away whatever is left in the day time? He would be fitting me for a set of chompers in no time!

Please keep me advised of the current state of Apocalypse.


23rd June 2010, 09:15 PM
By 2050? hummmmmmmm that should be interesting, by that time I should be only 108.....only 24 more years to go.

23rd June 2010, 09:27 PM
By 2050? hummmmmmmm that should be interesting, by that time I should be only 108.....only 24 more years to go.

You'll make it. Just keep doing whatever the hell you've been doing. 24 yrs is but a drop in the bucket.

Remember first and foremost, that you never have to die, that line about death and taxes is pure BS. I say live your life as the younger generation lives theirs. They don't consider death as a prospect. My son still goes to tanning salons, even after I've warned him against such.

I am 100% convinced that I will never die, and I will continue to live my life in such a fashion, until proven otherwise.

23rd June 2010, 09:41 PM
• 66 per cent say the Earth will definitely or probably get warmer but it breaks down strongly along political lines, with just 48 per cent of Republicans saying so and 83 per cent of Democrats.

Ha! Shows what they know

Leading Scientist Says 30 Years of Global Cooling Are Coming,

Saul Mine
23rd June 2010, 10:14 PM
Yawn. Just the usual made up stuff. Nobody can predict whether it will rain tomorrow, but everybody firmly believes somebody will invent a flying car within the next couple of decades. Not one person foresaw how cellphones would clobber the wristwatch market, or how social interactions would be dislodged by the internet, but still they believe they can predict the next major technological development. If you look back at predictions from the 20th century you quickly notice that people have always been lousy at predicting things. They never predict anything more than a simple extension of what they already have.

23rd June 2010, 10:16 PM
Religion in general is coming to a crossroads. Faith the world around will be tested like never before in all of history, and at the same time, within our lifetime.

23rd June 2010, 10:24 PM
Hehehehehehe Guard, you are like me.........I am to busy to die and in ted to live to be at least 132......I am 70 now so that I still have 62 more years to go.

I don't smoke, drink or do any kind of drugs, eat good and drink a lot of milk.....the only think that the Dr says that is wrong with me is my blood pressure which is always around 180/126........but.........its been that way ALL my life, here I have all the fresh air that I need and now I started to jog once again.

I say that you die only if you are bored with life..........I am working on to many things to be bored.

Grand Master Melon
23rd June 2010, 10:37 PM
Yawn. Just the usual made up stuff. Nobody can predict whether it will rain tomorrow, but everybody firmly believes somebody will invent a flying car within the next couple of decades. Not one person foresaw how cellphones would clobber the wristwatch market, or how social interactions would be dislodged by the internet, but still they believe they can predict the next major technological development. If you look back at predictions from the 20th century you quickly notice that people have always been lousy at predicting things. They never predict anything more than a simple extension of what they already have.

Good post. Due to my never having been a watch kind of guy I've never given one thought about how cellphones have displaced wrist watches, that's a great observation.