View Full Version : Obama Eliminating the 2012 Competition
Silver Rocket Bitches!
24th June 2010, 08:46 AM
Obama’s decision to replace Gen. McChrystal with Iraq war hero David Petraeus was more than just a way to keep the Afghan battle on course. Tunku Varadarajan on the president’s masterstroke.
Barack Obama, who has in recent days turned haplessness into an art form, played a masterstroke today, making perhaps the canniest, wiliest, even wisest decision of his generally rudderless presidency. I refer, of course, to his appointment of David Petraeus to the Afghan war command, in place of the Rolling-Stoned Stanley McChrystal. In doing so, Obama has, at a stroke, taken Petraeus out of the 2012 presidential race.
To those tempted to argue that Obama has now elevated Petraeus to Eisenhower-like status, I’d point out that Eisenhower never ran for office against a president who raised him up to the military apex.
Keep your friends close—and the competition closer. There has been a buzz about Petraeus and the presidency since about the fall of last year, and to many in the Republican Party—a party bereft of ideas and credible leaders—the general has increasingly taken on the aspect of a possible messiah. His impeccable military credentials, his undoubted intelligence, his mastery of personal and professional politics (you wouldn’t catch him talking to Rolling Stone in a million years), plus his undoubted (if carefully tailored) conservatism have led many to see in him a man who can take on Obama in 2012, and beat him. He is even the sort of guy who’d allow the GOP to broaden its tent, drawing in “undecideds†and independents.
• Read our full coverage of McChrystal's Rolling Stone interview fallout. This can no longer happen. And Obama’s brilliant move also preserves his own Afghan war strategy (which is effectively a Petraeus-McChrystal strategy). So, in throwing out the “McChrystal bathwater,†he has been careful not to jettison the “policy baby."
To those tempted to argue that Obama has now elevated Petraeus to Eisenhower-like status, I’d point out that Eisenhower never ran for office against a president who raised him up to the military apex. I have met Petraeus, and had the chance to talk to him in an informal way, and I would be flabbergasted if he would now contemplate a political run against a man who has entrusted him with America’s most sensitive theater of war. Besides, the job Petraeus is taking would normally be a two-year stint.
So Obama has reason to be delighted with himself right now: He has sacked a recalcitrant big-mouth; he has entrusted said big-mouth’s job to a certified hero and military star; and he’s taken that star out of contention for 2012, making his own re-election that much more likely, given the headless turkey that is currently the GOP.
Twisted Titan
24th June 2010, 09:18 AM
So Obama has reason to be delighted with himself right now: He has sacked a recalcitrant big-mouth; he has entrusted said big-mouth’s job to a certified hero and military star; and he’s taken that star out of contention for 2012, making his own re-election that much more likely, given the headless turkey that is currently the GOP.
I repeat Anybody will be able to destroy Obama come 2012
He will make Hoover look like Clinton during the boomtime 90"s
The GOP are guaranteed 2012.
That is if we are not at Civil war.
24th June 2010, 10:25 AM
I repeat Anybody will be able to destroy Obama come 2012
He will make Hoover look like Clinton during the boomtime 90"s
The GOP are guarantee 2012.
That is if we are not a civil war. [/i]
technically, i think we are in a Civil War. i date its start as September 11, 2001.
it's taking the citizens some time to catch on - but they're catching on.
as far as the "Rule of Law" - what rule of Law ?
if somebody poisoned a town drinking water supply, it would certainly be aggressively prosecuted - especially if they were Muslim.
yet an English company does something many orders of magnitude worse - and the executives get off scot-free.
something's obviously not right there.
i would say this is the part of the Civil War before the citizens realize en masse that they have been designated as expendable. but they're slowly catching on - as shown in the Kindra Arneson video -
as far as Obama's "approval ratings" ... normally i wouldn't care, but i guess they're important to him.
yes, there are still some African Americans that will support him no matter what he does; same for many California liberals.
among the rest of the public - he is widely detested. i was a lifelong Democrat but it seems like the whole country changed around the year 2000.
the BP oil disaster is one of Obama's biggest tests ... and he is flunking so terribly badly.
Lint, dust, and dirt will get more votes than Obama in 2012.
24th June 2010, 10:37 AM
I repeat Anybody will be able to destroy Obama come 2012
He will make Hoover look like Clinton during the boomtime 90"s
The GOP are guarantee 2012.
That is if we are not a civil war.
Yes, and so sad to say, a DEM victory is assured for 2016, because the uninitiated sheep have such short memories, except for sports trivia. Hundreds of thousands of these idiots standing in line for the latest iPhone (the TOP news story on MSM today ::)), and surely not one of 'em brought along "Creature From Jekyll Island" to read while they wait. Absent a war, I'm afraid the 2016 presidential elections will be American Idol style: "text 1 for Republican, or text 2 for Democrat, straight from your iPhone!". You know it's true.
24th June 2010, 02:48 PM
In the minds of whacked out neocon artists this guy might be a hero and electable, but.
I think the "surge" would easily be exposed by MSM for what it was, a surge of dollars to the Sunnis to stop fighting us.
It is funny this article brings up Eisenhower, he was half a century ago.
No general has done well since then.
I don't know who will win in 2012, but remember Obama controls the cash same as FDR. He should not be written off so quickly.
24th June 2010, 03:00 PM
War hero petraeus? Exactly what daring feat did he accomplish?
I think a cow would give Obama a run for his money in 2012 at this point (if the elections weren't rigged that is).
24th June 2010, 03:04 PM
Outside of GSUS, nobody I know has anything bad to say about Obama. They are just silent. And if I ask questions, they just shake their head and shrug their shoulders. No words. My own father, my own flesh and blood, the man who raised me, the most important man in my life . . . voted for Obama, and defends everything he does.
I am not counting out an Obama victory in 2012. Not in the least.
24th June 2010, 05:44 PM
Outside of GSUS, nobody I know has anything bad to say about Obama. They are just silent. And if I ask questions, they just shake their head and shrug their shoulders. No words. My own father, my own flesh and blood, the man who raised me, the most important man in my life . . . voted for Obama, and defends everything he does.
I am not counting out an Obama victory in 2012. Not in the least.
well, it's good to know. not good news but good to hear how Obama is perceived.
i use my own family as an informal focus group too. my younger brother, who is pretty malleable politically & is surrounded by a Republican wife and pro-War-on-Terror co-workers ... actually he's talking about "giving Obama-care a chance" ... etc.
i think people don't want to know because it hurts too much.
to most people right now, the Gulf Oil Disaster is a bad oil spill and they're tired of hearing about it. it won't sink in what is happening, unless & until they evacuate 20 million people because of the fumes (although i think in the media, they will package it as "they're being moved because of the hurricane".)
i would like to see Cynthia McKinney run again in 2012. just because she's honest and is loyal to America and American citizens (which would be us.)
25th June 2010, 12:51 AM
Outside of GSUS, nobody I know has anything bad to say about Obama. They are just silent. And if I ask questions, they just shake their head and shrug their shoulders. No words. My own father, my own flesh and blood, the man who raised me, the most important man in my life . . . voted for Obama, and defends everything he does.
I am not counting out an Obama victory in 2012. Not in the least.
This is surprising; even here in Massachusetts there are plenty of Obama detractors. And that includes a number of moderate democrats who are sick of his BS. Incidentally, many of the democratic U.S. congressman here (and they are ALL democrats) who have gone uncontested for years are getting challenged in 2010.
But I agree; it's way too early to count him out. People have short memories, so he only needs to turn things around in that last year.
Twisted Titan
25th June 2010, 08:08 AM
I think a cow would give Obama a run for his money in 2012 at this point (if the elections weren't rigged that is).
25th June 2010, 03:41 PM
Outside of GSUS, nobody I know has anything bad to say about Obama.
The entire inter nets is against Obongo, then you have the 9/11
movement, the Ron Paul movement, the tea parties, the Repubs,
the military, the CIA, all were against Bush now they are against
Send you father some links, good ones, information
all over the place about Obongo, his admin is all degenerates
and we can show this easily.
25th June 2010, 10:22 PM
Obama is very likely to win the election in 2012. If for some reason he doesn't then we will have a Republican take the office. Either way, absolutely nothing of any significance changes.
TPTB are in control. Complete and absolute control and power is held by a very small number of global elite - it matters not who are the front men. JFK was taken out because he could not be trusted by TPTB. He was a rogue element and was removed from the scene without much trouble at all. The following 4 decades of cover-up were just as easy.
Nobody I know at work, parties, school events or wherever even understands what the laws of physics say about the official 911 story. Ask people if they know what "tower number 7" is, very few have even heard of it.
Do not look to the political system for clues to the future. If you want to predict the future turns which might impact your life and health and that of your family and community in the future, then look at the financial and military movements just as others have already said on these boards.
Uncle Salty
25th June 2010, 11:02 PM
Obama didn't eliminate anyone.
Generals don't attempt to become Presidents in this country anymore. This is just a silly article.
26th June 2010, 12:45 AM
Obama is very likely to win the election in 2012. If for some reason he doesn't then we will have a Republican take the office. Either way, absolutely nothing of any significance changes.
TPTB are in control. Complete and absolute control and power is held by a very small number of global elite - it matters not who are the front men. JFK was taken out because he could not be trusted by TPTB. He was a rogue element and was removed from the scene without much trouble at all. The following 4 decades of cover-up were just as easy.
Nobody I know at work, parties, school events or wherever even understands what the laws of physics say about the official 911 story. Ask people if they know what "tower number 7" is, very few have even heard of it.
Do not look to the political system for clues to the future. If you want to predict the future turns which might impact your life and health and that of your family and community in the future, then look at the financial and military movements just as others have already said on these boards.
You have a new applaud, you covered what I was going to type, thanks!
27th June 2010, 10:47 PM
Obama didn't eliminate anyone.
Generals don't attempt to become Presidents in this country anymore. This is just a silly article.
I agree. I think the main reason, maybe the only reason, for getting rid of McChrystal, and only have Petreus in charge, is to have only one General who is going to be loyal, in charge of the land forces in the military campaign against Iran. Which is imminent!
28th June 2010, 05:51 AM
Obama is very likely to win the election in 2012. If for some reason he doesn't then we will have a Republican take the office. Either way, absolutely nothing of any significance changes.
Especially considering that since the inception of the CFR, the revolving door of presidents has been, without fail, 8 years repulican or 8 years democrat, with the exception of FDR.
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