View Full Version : Israeli Air Force has landed in S Arabia (uh oh)

Large Sarge
24th June 2010, 09:32 AM

Reports: IAF Landed at Saudi Base, US Troops near Iran Border

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
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The Israeli Air Force recently unloaded military equipment at a Saudi Arabia base, a semi-official Iranian news agency claimed Wednesday, while a large American force has massed in Azerbaijan, which is on the northwest border of Iran.

Both reports follow by less than a week the Pentagon’s confirmation that an unusually large American fleet sailed through the Suez Canal Saturday. Several reports stated that an Israeli ship joined the armada.

The Pentagon played down the news, saying the American maneuvers were routine. However, a report by Iran on Wednesday that it has enriched dozens of pounds of 17 per cent enriched uranium serves as a reminder that time is running out to stop Iran from being able to produce a nuclear weapon.

Iran’s Fars News Agency said the Israeli military aircraft landed 10 days ago at the Saudi base near the city of Tabuk, located in northwest Saudi Arabia, one of the closest areas in the oil kingdom to Iran.

Fars said that the Tabuk base will be the central station for an Israeli attack on Iran. It quoted an Islamic news site that a commercial airline passenger said the airport in Tabuk was closed to all other traffic during the alleged Israeli landings. The passenger said that "no reasonable explanation” was given for shutting down the airport and those passengers were compensated financially and booked in four-star hotels.

“The relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel have become the talk of the town,” the passenger added. The chief authority in Tabuk, Prince Fahd ben Sultan, was reported be coordinating the cooperation with Israel.

Iran’s government-funded Press TV reported that the Revolutionary Guards began closely patrolling the Islamic Republic’s northwestern border after noticing the American forces, which Iran claimed also included Israeli troops. Azerbaijan’s independent Trend news site also reported on Wednesday that American armed forces are in the country, which is in an armed conflict with rebels.

Revolutionary Guards Brigadier General Mehdi Moini said Tuesday that his forces are mobilized “due to the presence of American and Israeli forces on the western border.” The Guards reportedly have called in tanks and anti-aircraft units to the area in what amounts to a war alert.

Enriched Uranium
As signs point to a higher American-Israeli military profile aimed at Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, the Islamic Republic’s vice president and director of the nuclear program, announced Wednesday that Iran has produced another 37 pounds of uranium enriched to 20 percent. The production of the uranium defies United Nations demands that Iran stop its unsupervised nuclear development, although the 20 percent level is far below level that is needed to build a nuclear weapon.

"Potentially, we can produce 5 kilograms (11 pounds) a month, but we are not in a hurry over this," Salehi told the semiofficial ISNA news agency. (IsraelNationalNews.com)

24th June 2010, 10:06 AM
All that the state of Israel is doing is telling the whole world WE ARE HERE.

The state of Israel now have their foot in the door and it will be impossible to make them take the foot out..........all that the world can do now is to chop it off.

24th June 2010, 10:23 AM
I looked on the english version of the Fars news agency website (this was the previously cited source), and I couldn't find this reported anywhere.

"By Way of Deception..."?

24th June 2010, 10:34 AM
Could this be why gold "which was around 1,228 ozt this morning" is suddenly back to 1,244+?

Large Sarge
24th June 2010, 10:36 AM
I am not sure on this

remember awhile back we had a U.S. source saying by mid-july they would have 6 carrier groups in the persian gulf

thats like half the U.S. Navy

the moon is gone July 12


Large Sarge
24th June 2010, 10:51 AM
here is the old thread, prediction true


For the first time, too, the US force opposite Iran will be joined by a German warship, the frigate FGS Hessen, operating under American command. It is also the first time that Obama, since taking office 14 months ago, is sending military reinforcements to the Persian Gulf. Our military sources have learned that the USS Truman is just the first element of the new buildup of US resources around Iran. It will take place over the next three months, reaching peak level in late July and early August. By then, the Pentagon plans to have at least 4 or 5 US aircraft carriers visible from Iranian shores.

24th June 2010, 10:59 AM
Check this post I made in the Iran Attack Plan thread:

Very important article regarding the Straits of Hormuz

No attack on Iran until this is done (http://bostonwealth.blogspot.com/2010/05/no-attack-on-iran-until-this-is-done.html)

Iran attack coming to a screen near you in early 2011

They still have not solved the Straights of Hormuz problem yet (but are getting close). They can't attack Iran until this is done unless we magically switch out infrastructure from dependence on oil to pixie dust.

Large Sarge
24th June 2010, 11:02 AM
there are 10 nimitz class aircraft carriers, so half the navy will be in the persian gulf, in the next few weeks


The aircraft carrier continues to be the centerpiece of the forces necessary for forward presence. In times of crisis, the first question leaders ask in a crisis is: “Where are the carriers?” Often the presence of an aircraft carrier has deterred potential adversaries from striking against U.S. interests. Aircraft Carriers support and operate aircraft that engage in attacks on airborne, afloat and ashore targets that threaten free use of the sea; and engage in sustained power projection operations in support U.S. and coalition ground forces in Operation Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. The aircraft carrier and its battlegroup also engage in maritime security operations to interdict threats to merchant shipping and prevent the use of the seas as a highway for terrorist traffic. Aircraft also provide unique capabilities for disaster response and humanitarian assistance. The embarked carrier air wing provides helicopters for direct support and C4I assets to support them and ensure aid is routed quickly and safely. The 10 Nimitz class aircraft carriers are the largest warships in the world, each designed for an approximately 50 year service life with one mid-life refueling. USS Nimitz (CVN 68), USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), and USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) have all completed their Refueling Complex Overhauls (RCOH) at Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding-Newport News, Va., with USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) commencing RCOH in 2009. The next generation of aircraft carrier, the Gerald R. Ford class (CVN 78) was ordered in 2008 and is slated to be delivered in 2015 to replace USS Enterprise (CVN 65).

24th June 2010, 11:07 AM
A guy called in a radio station that I was listening to this morning. It began like this "Are we going to war or something?" He said he lives near the naval air station in Jacksonville, FL and there were F-18s leaving every minute and a half. He said that he's lived there for 8 years and never experienced such action at the naval base.

Not sure if this is relevant here, but it certainly wasn't relevant enough to start a thread with it.

Edit: The host of the talk show suggested that maybe the planes were leaving to get onto carriers.

24th June 2010, 11:25 AM
Every carrier (with it's aircrew aboard) has just over 6,000 people each (not counting the crews of the support ships, destroyers, frigates etc.) making them VERY juicy targets, Iran also has the capability of killing them... The one and only reason to put so many of them into a small shooting gallery like the Persian gulf would be to sacrifice all of them so that the citizens of America would agree to a MUCH larger war. IMO it is damned ignorant to put more than 2 carrier battlegroups into those waters unless there is a more sinister agenda at hand.

Plastic, ex-navy cryppy.

24th June 2010, 01:37 PM
Why would Israel use Tabuk as a base? It's quite close to Israel itself.

I guess what it has going for it is its remote location. It's in the middle of nowhere and the whole town seems to be built around the airbase.

Still, I think at Tabuk they may place ground controllers and some equipment.

The small airbase at Al Qaysumah, OTOH, looks like it would be a good place to refuel IDF/AF jets.

24th June 2010, 01:40 PM
Saudi or Yahoodi Arabia? ;D

24th June 2010, 02:24 PM
The more ships that we send, the more ships that they will sink..........and the more men that we send the more men that they will kill.

They don't have to come to the US to make war.....we are going to them to make war.

Remember folks that like in Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan it has been prov-en that you don't need a ten million dollar missile to kill someone........all that you need is the will not to surrender and a good rifle in your hands.

24th June 2010, 06:32 PM
The US isnt going to lose any carriers in a war with Iran, These "Invincible" silkworm missiles everyone keeps on about are of limited range. Why would a carrier position itself so close to shore when it launch planes from hundred of miles away combined with USAF assets in Afghanistan and Iraq? think about this. These carriers will not operate in the gulf at all, they will launch from the Indian ocean out of harms away, thats what they are designed to do, these arent battleships, they dont need to be close, the ship is a floating airfield, not a assault unit in itself.

24th June 2010, 06:42 PM
Biker? what's the object of whowing a show of force unless there is something else in the background?............Iran will not back down on their nukes because they don't have any nukes...................and if they do have them then they came from Russia, Pakistan, N Korea and so on, I for one would like it if they did have at least one because that would put the Zionist in the state of Israel on a stop mode in their plans to take over the whole of the Middle East.

When someone points a gun at you and you point back with your own gun then you better fire and hope that the other guy doesn't fire first.....unless they both makes an about face.

24th June 2010, 06:47 PM
Biker? what's the object of whowing a show of force unless there is something else in the background?............Iran will not back down on their nukes because they don't have any nukes...................and if they do have them then they came from Russia, Pakistan, N Korea and so on, I for one would like it if they did have at least one because that would put the Zionist in the state of Israel on a stop mode in their plans to take over the whole of the Middle East.

When someone points a gun at you and you point back with your own gun then you better fire and hope that the other guy doesn't fire first.....unless they both makes an about face.

just sayin ponce, the Navy isnt going to put those ships where Iran can shoot at them,period,the planes they launch yes, the ships, no. the last US carrier to be hit in battle was in 1945.

24th June 2010, 09:59 PM
the Navy isnt going to put those ships where Iran can shoot at them

Shias run Iraq, the US and Israel gave Iraq to Shias,
the Mullahs in Iran run the Shias in Iraq, when they
were gearing Bush up for a hit on Iran many people
wrote great articles, "how to lose an army", why would
they attack Iran with the situation in Iraq, the US did
not win the fight even though they destroyed the country
and people, you can kiss them all good bye if they attack
Iran, they can't even control one road from green zone
to airport, paid everyone off including the Shias, got them
to fight each other, Shias in Iraq are militant crazies, they
are not fighting now, never did, because the US was on
their side, so why are they going to attack Iran, do they
believe they can control the situation ? No way.

The US in Iraq is sitting ducks if they attack Iran,
losing a ship is nothing to them, mission is accomplished,
destruction and chaos.

They will sacrifice a carrier and if Iran doesn't do it they
will make it look like they did. They don't care about the
men and mayhem caused, don't care about millions of US
soldiers sucking in DU, they did 9/11, do you really think
they give a sh*t, command is totally taken over by ZOG
and the whole world knows it. Even Muslims know it and
blame ZOG not Americans nor the USA, why no real Muslim
terrorist attacks, cause they lose, they know it. So Jews
and their false flags do it for them.

24th June 2010, 10:07 PM
I am not sure on this

remember awhile back we had a U.S. source saying by mid-july they would have 6 carrier groups in the persian gulf

thats like half the U.S. Navy

the moon is gone July 12


They are going to drop gold and silver hard before an attack.
In order to better control it on way up with the capping.
Maybe it would be the last stop on the train, lol .

Today was option expirey too on them metals,
they didn't do anything significant this round.

Let's see what happens, any serious drop short term,
look at the new moon as a timetable ?

Ships maybe just putting pressure on Iran, threatening, etc,
they did that before too.

Expect Izzy to start something before a hit too.

Large Sarge
25th June 2010, 05:38 AM
Why would Israel use Tabuk as a base? It's quite close to Israel itself.

I guess what it has going for it is its remote location. It's in the middle of nowhere and the whole town seems to be built around the airbase.

Still, I think at Tabuk they may place ground controllers and some equipment.

The small airbase at Al Qaysumah, OTOH, looks like it would be a good place to refuel IDF/AF jets.

missile defense?


refueling point?


25th June 2010, 07:50 AM
The US isnt going to lose any carriers in a war with Iran, These "Invincible" silkworm missiles everyone keeps on about are of limited range.

The Iranians have the Russian made SS-N-22 Sunburn that has a range of 100 miles and that was 5 years or more ago.

From Rense.com...


Celtic Rogue
25th June 2010, 08:04 AM
The US isn't going to lose any carriers in a war with Iran, These "Invincible" silkworm missiles everyone keeps on about are of limited range. Why would a carrier position itself so close to shore when it launch planes from hundred of miles away combined with USAF assets in Afghanistan and Iraq? think about this. These carriers will not operate in the gulf at all, they will launch from the Indian ocean out of harms away, that's what they are designed to do, these aren't battleships, they don't need to be close, the ship is a floating airfield, not a assault unit in itself.

What better way to galvanize support for the war than a Carrier sunk many hands lost... In this end game I don't think anything is off the table as far as TPTB are concerned. After all they are looking for population reduction in a big way!

7th trump
25th June 2010, 08:04 AM
A small EMT will take care of the sun burn.

25th June 2010, 03:06 PM
A small EMT will take care of the sun burn.

How are you going to take care of the millions of Shias in Iraq ?

The military does not want a hit on Iran, even Zionist clowns
know the dangers like Petraeus himself warned Israel, another
general recently went to Israel and warned them, mentioned
USS LIberty too, that was a big deal, McChrystal blowing himself
up for a reason too, that was no mistake.

25th June 2010, 03:42 PM
it may go something like this

:box :taunt: :taunt: :CS :rocket_hor :boom :boom :boom :boom :rocket_hor :rocket_hor :rocket_hor