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25th June 2010, 01:02 PM
Republic of Texas Begins Minting Private One-Ounce Silver Proof Medallions

Wed Jun 23, 11:35 pm ET
Nation introduces a new Silver-based currency to avoid the fallout of the failing US Dollar.

(PRWEB) June 22, 2010 -- As the U.S. federal government increases its pressure on states and individuals working to reclaim rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, the response from the freedom movement varies across the U.S., from the subtle “Tenth Amendment” resolutions to the re-awakening of state militias.

But to the south, the republic of Texas nation has taken a slightly different, yet more pro-active and hands-on approach.

“Everything's bigger in Texas,” says District 8 senator Robert Wilson, “especially our will to resist tyranny. Remember the Alamo? We won nationhood by international treaty in 1836 when we soundly defeated Mexico's president Santa Anna and his armies at the battle of San Jacinto. And since the U.S. Constitution doesn't grant congress the authority to 'annex' another nation by a 'resolution', we stand on a solid lawful foundation to enjoy all the rights God granted us, like establishing our own separate economic system.”

While the rest of the country's economic outlook turns more bleak by the day, the republic of Texas's elected government implements precautionary measures to weather the storm. “Our three-tiered approach keeps us virtually unaffected by the federal reserve's inflationary policy: we store our nation's wealth in Silver, trade Silver with local vendors as often as practical, and help Texians ditch the sinking U.S. dollar by providing a cost-effective method to revert to the republic of Texas national metal currency, modeled from our currency of the 1800's.”

Wilson, who is on the nation's Depository Committee, views the strategy as a proportional response to the U.S. federal government's recent rumblings regarding Americans' right to own guns and organize local militias. “They don't want us to have the means to protect ourselves. What are they afraid of? We must protect the Texian people with our independent silver-backed system, immune from their fraudulent and inflationary manipulation.”

The basis for the new Silver currency is established in partnership with the American Open Currency Standard, an organization most well known for the design of a similar economic system built for the Lakota Nation and the Free Lakota Bank.

"We are delighted that the republic of Texas selected the Open Currency standard for their new currency,” says Rob Gray, Executive Director. “This is a major accomplishment for our mission and a huge step in the direction of an honest system of trade not just for Americans, but also for nations across the world.” Gray's group helps communities mint precious metals for local currencies and barter purposes.

Future plans for the republic include recruiting manufacturers and producers to trade with the government and Texians, as well as the establishment of a metals 'bank' to facilitate commerce and create an opportunity for loans and investment. Wilson concludes that more is to come: “The rest of the world is invited to join us in this historic project by purchasing our Silver currency and investing in our first depository. This is just the beginning; we don't intend to sit on our hands and watch our nation and the U.S. drift into financial slavery.”

Texas silver (http://news.yahoo.com/s/prweb/20100624/bs_prweb/prweb4145084)

25th June 2010, 01:23 PM
I love the idea but at 35.00 a pop I will stick to normal one ounce rounds/bars.

25th June 2010, 02:00 PM
As long as these types of items continue to be produced and marketed as proof collectors items, they will only act as an obstacle in the move toward silver currency. As such, the notion that they are intended to counteract the falling dollar is totally fraudulent, which is what one would expect coming from congress.

25th June 2010, 04:26 PM

the state is shaped wierd. looks like up in the Northwest they're claiming some additional territory, or maybe that is an un-identified feature of the coin.


25th June 2010, 06:25 PM
Republic of Texas


25th June 2010, 06:47 PM
Two things:

1. WTF is a "TEXIAN"? I was born there, and I've always referred to myself as a "Texan"...

2. If the point of making these coins is to demonstrate "Texian" state sovereignty, what's with the "One Nation Under One God" thing? Seems self-defeating.

25th June 2010, 06:50 PM
Obviously they don't wish to exclude the Mexicans from their economy... "Texian"!

25th June 2010, 07:09 PM
Lady being from texas and have know some of the republictypes
I do AGREE with a lot of their topics ,

I do dissagree with the way they carry them selfs, most come off as wackooos

Just saying

25th June 2010, 08:34 PM
The citizens of the Republic of Texas (when Texas was a nation) called themselves "Texians".

25th June 2010, 08:40 PM
The citizens of the Republic of Texas (when Texas was a nation) called themselves "Texians".

You sir, are always a wealth of knowledge. Thank you. I never knew all these factoids you've shared in this thread.

25th June 2010, 08:44 PM
The citizens of the Republic of Texas (when Texas was a nation) called themselves "Texians".

Texian was the preferred demonym for all the people of the Republic of Texas, before it became a US state. This term was strongly favored by the majority of Texas residents, and President Mirabeau Lamar frequently used it to foster Texas nationalism.

Hmmm... I guess this would be my "learn something new every day" moment.

25th June 2010, 08:57 PM
That is from the map of the Republic of Texas about 1847. Look at the map here: http://www.sonofthesouth.net/texas/republic-texas-map.htm

Looks like several of you beat me too it!



the state is shaped wierd. looks like up in the Northwest they're claiming some additional territory, or maybe that is an un-identified feature of the coin.


25th June 2010, 09:05 PM
You sir, are always a wealth of knowledge. Thank you. I never knew all these factoids you've shared in this thread.
Thanks for the kind words. Having lived in Texas the better part of my life and reading "The Alamo" as well as Sam Houston's life story among other books whose titles I've also forgotten, there are still a few things that haven't slipped my feeble memory...yet.

I remember seeing old maps of the Republic of Texas in peoples offices back in the 80's and 90's, so as soon as I retired I felt compelled to buy some books and study our history.

Texas has a rich history. It's a shame it died so easily in the last decade.