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26th June 2010, 10:49 PM
Sixth Sense Technology--Projection Interface Device


27th June 2010, 07:21 AM
Yippee! Another 10 years and we can all have that delightfully anticipated "brain implant" to entangle us full time in the Internet Web of dependency. We can then all become true IBM automatons, or Chippies.

From Hippies to Yippies to Yuppies to Chippies. lol

Technology Entanglement by Design(TED)

TED represents that good old fashion Luciferian fandango, Transhumanism... Self induced human evolution with the ultimate goal of personal immortality.

The problem is that self induced evolution means the end of being human; therefore the end of humanity... and physical immortality means the end of the immortal soul, which breaks the natural law contract all living beings are born with; free will.

And as usual, it's being hustled to us as these brilliant new life enhancing innovations. Very enlightening and illuminating.

27th June 2010, 07:44 AM
Amen. Exactly what I saw.

Somebody will make all your decisions for you, you won't have to think about anything ever again.

Yippee! Another 10 years and we can all have that delightfully anticipated "brain implant" to entangle us full time in the Internet Web of dependency. We can then all become true IBM automatons, or Chippies.

From Hippies to Yippies to Yuppies to Chippies. lol

Technology Entanglement by Design(TED)

TED represents that good old fashion Luciferian fandango, Transhumanism... Self induced human evolution with the ultimate goal of personal immortality.

The problem is that self induced evolution means the end of being human; therefore the end of humanity... and physical immortality means the end of the immortal soul, which breaks the natural law contract all living beings are born with; free will.

And as usual, it's being hustled to us as these brilliant new life enhancing innovations. Very enlightening and illuminating.

27th June 2010, 07:53 AM
Yippee! Another 10 years and we can all have that delightfully anticipated "brain implant" to entangle us full time in the Internet Web of dependency. We can then all become true IBM automatons, or Chippies.

From Hippies to Yippies to Yuppies to Chippies. lol

Technology Entanglement by Design(TED)

TED represents that good old fashion Luciferian fandango, Transhumanism... Self induced human evolution with the ultimate goal of personal immortality.

The problem is that self induced evolution means the end of being human; therefore the end of humanity... and physical immortality means the end of the immortal soul, which breaks the natural law contract all living beings are born with; free will.

And as usual, it's being hustled to us as these brilliant new life enhancing innovations. Very enlightening and illuminating.

Fantastic way of putting it.

I am of 2 minds about this:

1- This lady is Satans wife. She entices me with her nice smile, cool gadgets, and promises of emotional ejaculations. Everything Satan would deploy to entangle me in his web...

2- Technology is quite incredible. For all of us living now, we are witnessing the baby steps of the 'Technical Revolution'. Its speed is immeasurable. It is happening at a rate that the human mind has never processed before. It will make the Industrial Revolution look like the 2nd age of cavemen. Which will lead to only 1 thing, and as TPTB put it, it will be the end of humanity.

Im only thankful i will not live to see the day the very last human gives away his birthright to a machine. The last step. The very last essence of biological and spiritual life, given away to an artificial entity controlled by electricity and metal.


27th June 2010, 08:03 AM
Yippee! Another 10 years and we can all have that delightfully anticipated "brain implant" to entangle us full time in the Internet Web of dependency. We can then all become true IBM automatons, or Chippies.

From Hippies to Yippies to Yuppies to Chippies. lol

Technology Entanglement by Design(TED)

TED represents that good old fashion Luciferian fandango, Transhumanism... Self induced human evolution with the ultimate goal of personal immortality.

The problem is that self induced evolution means the end of being human; therefore the end of humanity... and physical immortality means the end of the immortal soul, which breaks the natural law contract all living beings are born with; free will.

And as usual, it's being hustled to us as these brilliant new life enhancing innovations. Very enlightening and illuminating.

Fantastic way of putting it.

I am of 2 minds about this:

1- This lady is Satans wife. She entices me with her nice smile, cool gadgets, and promises of emotional ejaculations. Everything Satan would deploy to entangle me in his web...

2- Technology is quite incredible. For all of us living now, we are witnessing the baby steps of the 'Technical Revolution'. Its speed is immeasurable. It is happening at a rate that the human mind has never processed before. It will make the Industrial Revolution look like the 2nd age of cavemen. Which will lead to only 1 thing, and as TPTB put it, it will be the end of humanity.

Im only thankful i will not live to see the day the very last human gives away his birthright to a machine. The last step. The very last essence of biological and spiritual life, given away to an artificial entity controlled by electricity and metal.


excellent post sui, thanx.

27th June 2010, 08:26 AM
This discussion reminds me of this song.

27th June 2010, 10:02 AM
I think we can rule out the brain implant,but the rest was interesting

27th June 2010, 01:32 PM
I think we can rule out the brain implant,but the rest was interesting

I agree that these TEDfomercials are interesting. I love watching them. They're seductive as hell, and I really want to believe technology can and will save us from the end of the world, or at least allow us one last shot at a Star Trek Federation sort of future, but...

that isn't what we're likely to get. Nope, we're gonna get chipped one way or another. We're gonna get borged. Resistance is futile.

Here's another TED presentation I just watched last night. Oh, it's a keeper. lol

That is, if you want something more to piss you off. Seriously, watch this debunker asshole convince you that global warming is real and that 9/11 really was perpetrated by 19 hijackers, and that you really can't believe what you see.


27th June 2010, 05:24 PM
Excellent comments posted, I know that I don't need to watch a single video.

27th June 2010, 06:01 PM
This discussion reminds me of this song.

I'm reminded of Pink @ Pompeii.


27th June 2010, 06:54 PM
This discussion reminds me of this song.

I'm reminded of Pink @ Pompeii.

Awesome analogy Horn! I have that on VHS.....LOL

29th December 2010, 09:24 PM
The video in the OP was filmed in 2/09 ... the product is now commercially viable.

The Cashless Lifestyle Catches On

New electronic transfer technologies will turn paper and coin into historical anachronisms.

By Karen Mracek, Associate Editor, The Kiplinger Letter
Laura Kennedy, Associate Editor, The Kiplinger Letter
December 14, 2010

The phrase “Show me the money” is taking on a new meaning: By 2020, use of cash is likely to be a rarity. It won’t disappear entirely, of course. Individuals and businesses will still prefer to use bills for some transactions, if only in the underground economy -- for illicit activities or to escape paying taxes.

But electronic transfers will rule commerce. Imagine buying a cup of coffee using your fingerprint or paying for groceries by scanning your own bar code. Already, only a quarter of retail transactions involve cash. In 2007, businesses paid 74% of their bills by check. This year only 57% did, and the number keeps falling.

Strides in technology are clearing the way for even less use of cash. Use of near field communication chips, for example, is set to explode. Forty million of the chips, which let folks pay with a key fob or smart phone tied to their credit card or checking accounts, will be made and shipped to phone makers next year, up from hardly any this year. And the number of terminals that accept the contactless payments will mushroom in coming years. Only about 150,000 point-of-sale systems can read NFC chips now, but the number will grow by about 20% a year once the chips roll out. Visa and Discover are working with merchants to develop systems to process the payments. Such cooperation among the many players -- banks, telecommunications companies, retailers and others -- will be necessary for businesses to adopt and benefit from the new systems.

Retailers, for one, like NFC payments. For one thing, security is better than for regular transactions using cards because account information is encrypted directly in the chip rather than as part of the communication between the store and the credit card issuer. Plus businesses can tie NFC use to loyalty programs to gain more and easier access to customers’ buying habits. Retailers will be able to target frequent customers when they walk into a store, thanks to the storage and tracking technologies in the NFC chips and smart phones.

The convenience will also appeal to consumers, especially with the advent of the e-wallet -- phone software that allows users to pay from any of their bank or card accounts, automatically logs loyalty points and alerts users to electronic credits and coupons. Smart phones are “the Swiss Army knives of today,” says Mark Beccue, a senior analyst at ABI Research, a technology advisory firm. Google’s next Android phone operating system will support an e-wallet. So will the coming iPhone 5.

Smart phones will also make use of bar codes, speeding the move away from cash. The minimal required investment means some retailers are already adopting programs such as AisleBuyer -- software that lets shoppers scan products as they pick them up, then complete the purchase with account information stored on their phones. Terminals with the Cimbal system produce a bar code that triggers a payment when scanned into a smart phone. And TabbedOut lets diners run tabs and pay using their phones.

Electronic peer-to-peer payments are gaining headway, too, with new services making it easy for individuals to transfer funds from their accounts to accounts held by others. Dwolla charges 25˘ per transfer, letting users pay off Friday night’s poker IOU via Facebook or Twitter. Payment giant Fiserv offers money transfers in a day. The ease of person-to-person transfers will be crucial in expanding the cashless network, according to Brian Shniderman, director of the financial services, banking and payments practice at Deloitte Consulting.

The trend comes with some challenges. Banks will have fewer branches and ATMs. Retailers will need new or updated systems at the point of sale. Customers face possible higher costs because electronic transactions will still carry fees. And consumers lacking bank accounts may be left out.

Read more: http://www.kiplinger.com/businessresource/forecast/archive/electronic-transactions-replacing-cash.html#ixzz19ZE2dkWt

Silver Shield
30th December 2010, 05:36 AM
Technology in of itself is not good or bad...

It is the psychopaths that yield power to enslave us is bad.

They have and will be doing that since the Pharoahs.

Take away their source of power (fractional reserve banking, usury, media propaganda, tax free foundations) and all of this technology would be a blessing to humanity.

I believe that the Elite have suppressed technology that would have freed humanity from cancer, unlimited free energy, and improved our existence.

That being said the technocrats at TED are not the answer.

30th December 2010, 06:20 AM

Twisted Titan
30th December 2010, 09:04 AM
I agree with SS

Think about how Wifi has revolutionized our way of life today

That was Tesla Technology back in the late 1800's

Could you imagine what our lives would be like today if they Technology was alllowed to be cultivated BACK THEN???


Twisted Titan
30th December 2010, 09:21 AM
Just a few points.

What is the most ecologically responsible toilet paper we can purchase???

Are you shitting me???

How she able to keep a straight face while saying that I will NEVER know.

The Dude at mark 3.05 looks like a crude version of the Minority Report Technology

At Mark 6:44 The guy looks like he is "pinching a loaf" and reading the paper

At Mark 8:35 We hope to within 10 years will have a 6th sense brain Implant

Man there is nothing seductive about what she said.....all I saw TIA on absolute overdrive