View Full Version : As oil spews in Gulf, BP chief at UK yacht race

the white rabbit
19th June 2010, 08:14 AM
And the zombies are still asleep http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100619/ap_on_bi_ge/us_gulf_oil_spill

22nd June 2010, 04:16 PM
Cause of comments made to Rolling Stone Magazine.

Breaking: General Stanley McChrystal tenders his resignation

Is Gen. Stanley McChrystal someone the president can afford to fire?

McChrystal’s Fate Is Unclear as Obama Cites Poor Judgment

W.H. signals Gen. McChrystal's job on the line

Consider, McChyrstal pushed for troop surge putting Obama on the spot,
it was not appreciated and divided white house, he got his men, also, many
have spoken out and resigned cause of war in Afghanistan, telling the truth,
they are not fighting "alqueda" which does not exist, even according to
NSA Jones, "less than 100 in country", they are fighting locals coming out
to repel invaders, consider WIKILEAKS controversy and timing here, it is
for real, the war is not winable, nothing McChrystal said comes from him
and his men being loose canons, these guys are special forces that have
deliberately killed civilians, destroyed Iraq getting the civilians, Shia/Sunni
to kill themselves, nothing they do is without calculation, most Americans do not read the wires and do no know McChrystals history, he runs death squads in Iraq, and Afghanistan even, even running murdering mercenaries many of which are not Americans but Israelis. McChrystal was one Bush's key people operating under Negroponte, all this is publicly available info
from news, Negroponte has history of running death squads in Vietnam,
South America and was sent over to Iraq to do just that. Consider also others, key people are jumping ship, rats leaving a sinking ship, all coincidence,
key movements of key ships in ME, etc, etc, you don't just abandon your
men like that on eve of major offensive. What's up ?

Just like many key people that were marginalized or resigned from
Bush NeoCon Admin, McChrystal will be spilling some beans distancing
himself from policy as a soldier, he already did that blaming Obama
and his appointments. They are not supposed to win the war, he knows