View Full Version : Webbots say tomorrow is a key date/turning point (6/28)

Large Sarge
27th June 2010, 07:47 AM
I will try and dig up the key info

but seem to remember it revolved around the metals, and silver especially

Large Sarge
27th June 2010, 07:54 AM
pg 23

Silver moves away from gold

flood of the system

old currencies begin to wear out, like rags

the rush of silver moving upward, leaving gold behind

(I wish I could copy and paste part of a PDF into here)

27th June 2010, 07:56 AM

And this:

[diaspora] [coastal alteration] [coastal plains].[disruption (of coastal habitation)] which include [earthquakes] and [volcanoes (altering marine current flows)] . Sets grow significantly through 2010 and sometime after the Summer solstice of that year, both sets merge into [sustained damage] sub set within the Terra entity

27th June 2010, 08:03 AM
from wiki:

Future predictions
July 8th, 2010 - The web bot predicts building of tension language, leading to the events of November 11th.
November 11th, 2010 - The web bot warns of a big tipping point possibly World War III
Major catastrophe in 2012 - The Web Bot has gained most of its notoriety for contributing to the 2012 phenomenon by predicting that a cataclysm will devastate the planet in the year 2012, possibly a reversing of Earth's magnetic poles or a small series of nuclear attacks leading up to a major attack during the year. The prediction does not necessarily call for a complete end of the world.[


Fascinating :oo-->

27th June 2010, 08:27 AM
Shiat had better not hit the fan this week. My wife and I won't be moved into our house until Friday. :)

Large Sarge
27th June 2010, 08:32 AM
anyone wants to download it


goto page 23

27th June 2010, 08:51 AM
Sooner or later you'd have to figure that some break away gov. will overrule its CB and go all into PM.

This would be all that's needed for it to go richter.

How long that would last, and what the response, would be epic.

27th June 2010, 08:57 AM
It'll be a good swimming day in the Gulf of Mexico when I start to rely on webbots for reliable info.

Large Sarge
27th June 2010, 09:03 AM
It'll be a good swimming day in the Gulf of Mexico when I start to rely on webbots for reliable info.

they have had a number of accurate calls

27th June 2010, 09:07 AM

And this:

[diaspora] [coastal alteration] [coastal plains].[disruption (of coastal habitation)] which include [earthquakes] and [volcanoes (altering marine current flows)] . Sets grow significantly through 2010 and sometime after the Summer solstice of that year, both sets merge into [sustained damage] sub set within the Terra entity

I've seen a couple of these reports now, including the most recent (thx Sarge, & you can attach it to a post here too, PDF is allowed <250KB), and its writing style is almost impossible for me to read. All those bracketed buzzwords & so forth! The report would be of much higher value to me if he'd distill it to a plain english, maybe bulletpoint prediction list, with notes pointing to the esoteric text which makes up the report now, in case I want to "backfill" his predictions (or "interpretations of the raw data") by seeing what he's interpreting.

I love audio interviews with Clif, he's a great speaker/explainer, but his written report is just like jiberish to me, needs decoding.

General of Darkness
27th June 2010, 09:09 AM
Here you go.


27th June 2010, 09:13 AM
I will try and dig up the key info

but seem to remember it revolved around the metals, and silver especially

it's a big time options expiry day, for all 4 precious metals.

June 24 Comex July silver options expiry
June 24 Comex July copper options expiry

June 28 Comex June gold futures last trading day
June 28 Comex June copper futures last trading day
June 28 Comex July E-mini copper futures last trading day
June 28 Comex July miNY silver futures last trading day
June 28 Nymex June palladium futures last trading day
June 28 Nymex July Asian gold futures last trading day
June 28 Nymex July Asian platinum futures last trading day
June 28 Nymex July Asian palladium futures last trading day

also, Israel is poised for a dramatic increase in their civilian-killing program. they got their war-toys and troops massed around Iran. they're not out in the desert for the sun.

Large Sarge
27th June 2010, 09:15 AM
July 11 is a big date, a release date

they are saying 22.5 hour release date, and 9/11 was only 6 hour release date

then another release date in November this year, lasts 3+ months (Feb 2011)

whatever that is, its HUGE

@ Pat,

I know his writing is hard to take, but he offers dates, and his dates are remarkably accurate

this guy does a summary of it, perhaps halfway down


edit: add

july 11 is the new moon (meaning no moon)

I still think any bombing run is going to be on the new moon

27th June 2010, 09:38 AM
so, in basic, with futures last trading day. They either have to sell or rollover to the next month?

Large Sarge
27th June 2010, 10:33 AM

Also on page 36 of the same Webot report:

Since writing this yet another report has been issued with predictions for the coming two years. I strongly urge anyone intersted in this phenomenon to download the pdf report from www.halfpasthuman.com as it has many details that a summary here cannot supply. Note also that the following is my summary, as I understood the report (which can be obtuse at times!).

Oil volcano continues for 19 months. Attempts to stop it earlier fail and it becomes obvious that the well hole has problems which the public were not told about and which result is the problem getting worse, not better. There appears to be some highly toxic substance that is associated with the oil and this becomes the main problem. Eventually it will be the toxic damage to the air that is more urgent that the pollution to the water. The leak is stopped eventually by an earthquake.

Other wells burst, even old ones, signifying generalized pressure build up in earth's crust (sept.). Drikning water is contaminated, underground cables and pipelines are destroyed and the infrastructure is seriously injured.

Abiotic oil is finally realized to be real and the public accepts this in late Sept. This revelation, however, only makes the oil volcano that much more unstoppable.

Vapor from oil/solvent creates roaming lethal clouds, very dense, kill many people. The clouds form low to the ground and accumulate at the base of mountains where people inadvertently drive through them and die. Plant and animal life die as these clouds move across the US.

Israeli "mistake" actually happens (July Aug) -- possibly they use bunker buster nuke in Iran -- creating a nuke explosion in Israel which turns their three largest cities to a sea of glass.

Diaspora causes thousands of death in chaotic retreat North from Gulf. People literally leave the food on their tables to flee.

Many sinkholes appear, including a huge granite building that is "swallowed" in a big city. The city becomes so unstable that it it abandoned.

South Pacific floor rises, flooding coastal areas but media describes this as "extreme tide", extreme rainfall floods many places -- even Antarctica.

Rolling earthquakes - unusual- like 8+ in magnitude but happen in slow motion over 24 hrs or more. People watch as the land slowly deforms under them.

June 28 - soon! - market "shakes" and tumbles. Many people rush to buy silver as faith in the paper money begins to dwindle.

Augist 1-12 - "twelve days of torment" for Obama. He makes a decision that will haunt him. Not sure what this is about but the decision becomes a "trigger event" that causes dramatic changes in early 2011.

A "mad man laughing" at economic problems enrages the public. He is some powerful person who is feared by many people in The Powers That Be. There are assassinations of TPTB as the public gets disgusted with this elitism.

Aliens and hybrids (people with alien genes?) become "sick" from sudden solar changes and begin to age quickly. People notice this despite the media claiming they just are getting older.

Hybrids have a special occult-like ceremony/meeting and are zapped (assassinated?) by rays from space.

August-Sept, sun continues to have "spasms" making ordinary people blind and mentally ill.

Eventually 1.28 billion people will die.

27th June 2010, 10:39 AM
Thanks for all the good news Sarg. :boohoo

Large Sarge
27th June 2010, 10:49 AM
Thanks for all the good news Sarg. :boohoo

now Zap,
don't shoot the messenger


and at least we all can prepare.

thats put us ahead of 90% of the rest of the population, who are watching American Idol, Dancing with the stars, etc

27th June 2010, 11:49 AM
both silver and gold charts are looking bullish, on the threshold of upside breakouts from established basing patterns..

Here's the ETF charts, just because they're crisp,

gold (http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/quickchart/quickchart.asp?symb=gld&sid=0&o_symb=gld&freq=1&time=8&x=0&y=0)

silver (http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/quickchart/quickchart.asp?symb=slv&sid=0&o_symb=slv&freq=1&time=8&x=0&y=0)

So let's set some bar of legitimacy as to whether this prediction has come true by tomorrow. How about, silver is up at least 2% (~39 cents), and/or it's up twice as much percentage as gold? Just tossing ideas out there. Halfpasthuman is riding on a cloud right now based on their oil/ocean disaster language published in March (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gulf-oil-disaster/webbots-and-the-oil-spill/msg66921/#msg66921).

27th June 2010, 12:02 PM
Thanks for all the good news Sarg. :boohoo

Give me some good reasons why we as a despicable species deserve anything other then this demise?

I believe a mass upheaval and die-off must take place to have a new beginning.


27th June 2010, 12:14 PM
Quote From EE

Give me some good reasons why we as a despicable species deserve anything other then this demise?

I believe a mass upheaval and die-off must take place to have a new beginning.

There are none, I am in complete agreement with you, the world is overpopulated and cleansing does need to take place. Just hope is isn't me or mine.

Large Sarge
27th June 2010, 01:04 PM
well there are answers out there, for most of the problems we all face.
pollution, food production, fresh water, etc

just greed and human nature have kept them locked away.

the internet has helped share those ideas and technologies.

probably why the criminals want an "internet kill switch"

27th June 2010, 01:33 PM
the only thing i don't like in the webbot report is

Vapor from oil/solvent creates roaming lethal clouds , very dense, kill many people. The clouds form low to the ground and accumulate at the base of mountains where people inadvertently drive through them and die. Plant and animal life die as these clouds move across the US

another " what if " to prep for

27th June 2010, 03:27 PM
the only thing i don't like in the webbot report is

Vapor from oil/solvent creates roaming lethal clouds , very dense, kill many people. The clouds form low to the ground and accumulate at the base of mountains where people inadvertently drive through them and die. Plant and animal life die as these clouds move across the US

another " what if " to prep for

Do we have any resident scientist types that could confirm that this is even possible? (The Lethal clouds)

I only have a high school background in natural science and a few college courses but from my understanding those clouds wouldn't just sit on the ground but would instead dissipate into the general atmosphere through wind currents.

Anyone with a better background/understand who would like to chime in? I am going to do some research into this as I have family living in Florida and another gulf state.

Large Sarge
27th June 2010, 03:29 PM
the only thing i don't like in the webbot report is

Vapor from oil/solvent creates roaming lethal clouds , very dense, kill many people. The clouds form low to the ground and accumulate at the base of mountains where people inadvertently drive through them and die. Plant and animal life die as these clouds move across the US

another " what if " to prep for

Do we have any resident scientist types that could confirm that this is even possible? (The Lethal clouds)

I only have a high school background in natural science and a few college courses but from my understanding those clouds wouldn't just sit on the ground but would instead dissipate into the general atmosphere through wind currents.

Anyone with a better background/understand who would like to chime in? I am going to do some research into this as I have family living in Florida and another gulf state.

there is an old story, from Pennsylvania, of a whole valley getting poisoned by trapped gas

I cannot remember if the gas was a byproduct of the steel mill/foundry, or a mine the region, etc

but yes it has happened.

I will look for the story, I believe some did die from it, some escaped in time

Large Sarge
27th June 2010, 03:33 PM

The 1948 Donora smog was an historic air inversion wall of smog that killed 20 and sickened 7,000 people in Donora, Pennsylvania in the United States, a mill town on the Monongahela River, 24 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

Contents [hide]
1 The incident
2 Aftermath
3 In the media
4 See also
5 References
6 Sources

[edit] The incident
The smog first rolled into Donora on October 27, 1948. By the following day it was causing coughing and other signs of respiratory distress for many residents of the community in the Monongahela River valley. Many of the illnesses and deaths were initially attributed to asthma. The smog continued until it rained on October 31, by which time 20 residents of Donora had died and approximately a third to one half of the town's population of 14,000 residents had been sickened. Sixty years later, the incident was described by The New York Times as "one of the worst air pollution disasters in the nation's history".[1] Even ten years after the incident, mortality rates in Donora were significantly higher than those in other communities nearby.[2]

Sulfur dioxide emissions from U.S. Steel's Donora Zinc Works and its American Steel & Wire plant were frequent occurrences in Donora. What made the 1948 event more severe was a temperature inversion, in which a mass of warm, stagnant air was trapped in the valley, the pollutants in the air mixing with fog to form a thick, yellowish, acrid smog that hung over Donora for five days. The sulfuric acid, nitrogen dioxide, fluorine and other poisonous gases that usually dispersed into the atmosphere were caught in the inversion and accumulated until the rain ended the weather pattern.[1]

One of the heroes to emerge during the four-day smog was Chief John Volk of the Donora Fire Department and his assistant Russell Davis. Volk and Davis responded to calls from Friday night until Sunday night, depleting their supply of 800 cubic feet of Oxygen, borrowing more from all nearby municipalities including, McKeesport, Monessen, and Charleroi. “I didn’t take any myself. What I did every time I came back to the station was have a little shot of whiskey. “

The eight doctors in the town, who belonged to the Donora Medical Association, made house calls much like the firefighters during the period of intense smog, often visiting the houses of patients who were treated by the other doctors in town. This was a result of patients calling every doctor in town in the hope of getting treatment faster. It was not until mid-day Saturday that Mrs. Vernon had it set up so that all calls going to the doctors’ offices, would be switched to the emergency center being established in the town hall. The smog was so intense that driving was nearly abandoned; those who chose to continue driving were risky. “I drove on the left side of the street with my head out the window. Steering by scraping the curb.” recalls Davis.

It was not until Sunday morning the 31st of October, that a meeting occurred between the operators of the plants, and the town officials. Burgess Chambon requested the plants temporarily cease operations. The superintendent of the plants, L.J. Westhaver, said the plants already began to shut down operation at around 6am that morning. With the rain alleviating the smog, the plants resumed normal operation the following morning.

Researchers analyzing the event have focused likely blame on pollutants from the zinc plant, whose emissions had killed almost all vegetation within a half-mile radius of the plant.[1] Dr. Devra L. Davis, director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, has pointed to autopsy results showing fluorine levels in victims in the lethal range, as much as 20 times higher than normal. Fluorine gas generated in the zinc smelting process became trapped by the stagnant air and was the primary cause of the deaths.[2]

[edit] Aftermath
Preliminary results of a study performed by Dr. Clarence A. Mills of the University of Cincinnati and released in December 1948 showed that thousands more Donora residents could have been killed if the smog had lasted any longer than it had, in addition to the 20 humans and nearly 800 animals killed during the incident.[3]

Lawsuits were filed against U.S. Steel, which never acknowledged responsibility for the incident, calling it "an act of God".[1] While the steel company did not accept blame, it reached a settlement in 1951 in which it paid about $235,000, which was stretched over the 80 victims who had participated in the lawsuit, leaving them little after legal expenses were factored in. Representatives of American Steel and Wire settled the more than $4.6 million claimed in 130 damage suits at about 5% of what had been sought, noting that the company was prepared to show at trial that the smog had been caused by a "freak weather condition" that trapped over Donora "all of the smog coming from the homes, railroads, the steamboats, and the exhaust from automobiles, as well as the effluents from its plants."[4][2] U.S. Steel closed both plants by 1966.[1]

By 1949, a year after the disaster, the total value of the predominantly residential property in Donora had declined by nearly 10%.[4]

The Donora Smog marked one of the incidents where Americans recognized that exposure to large amounts of pollution in a short period of time can result in injuries and fatalities. The event is often credited for helping to trigger the clean-air movement in the United States, whose crowning achievement was the Clean Air Act of 1970, which required the United States Environmental Protection Agency to develop and enforce regulations to protect the general public from exposure to hazardous airborne contaminants.[1]

The incident was little spoken of in Donora until a historical marker was placed in the town in 1998 to mark the 50th anniversary of the incident. The 60th anniversary, in 2008, was commemorated with memorials for the families of the victims and other educational programs. The Donora Smog Museum was opened on October 20, 2008, located in an old storefront at 595 McKean Avenue near Sixth Street, with the slogan "Clean Air Started Here". Fewer than 6,000 people still live in Donora.[1]

[edit] In the media
Devra Davis' 2002 novel When Smoke Ran Like Water starts with the Donora Smog.

The 2009 novel Don't Kill the Messenger by Joel Pierson features a fictional town, Wyandotte, Pennsylvania, which became a ghost town after a smog incident, based on the Donora Smog.[citation needed]

[edit] See also

27th June 2010, 03:51 PM
I am not a chemist, but I think a low flying toxic hydrocarbon cloud is far more likely than a toxic rain. The reason for this is that contrary to water H2O, hydrocarbons doesn't have a lot of polarity. Thus the heavier hydrocarbon molecule evaporates easily, but due to it's heavier molecular weight it doesn't go up to high in the atmosphere. Further because it doesn't have a strong electrical charge, it will not condensate easily (form drops). These heavy gas clouds will tend to get stuck in valleys and areas close to the sea leve. If the wind is still they will acumulate, and it is not unlikely that people may die from the gases...

27th June 2010, 04:02 PM
We could also finally see the market's reaction to all the negative pressures with landslide effect.

Everything seems aligned for it finally leaving for resettlement in China.

27th June 2010, 04:30 PM
pg 23

Silver moves away from gold

flood of the system

old currencies begin to wear out, like rags

the rush of silver moving upward, leaving gold behind

(I wish I could copy and paste part of a PDF into here)

Thats OK it sounds fine to me :sun:

27th June 2010, 04:41 PM
Well, so far its right, though early in Asia trading.

Gold close Friday $1,255.70 now $1,255.00
Silver close Friday $19.10 now $19.18

edit:bahh, there rising in tandium now. Will keep above prices anyway's, and compare with tomorrow.

27th June 2010, 04:53 PM
so, in basic, with futures last trading day. They either have to sell or rollover to the next month?

i don't know.

anybody know ?

if nothing else, the last trading day makes for volatility, although i would like to understand it better than that.

something about it being a reliable producer of price downticks / buying opportunities 8)

Large Sarge
27th June 2010, 06:11 PM
I believe $1258 was the old all time high for gold (intraday)

we just crossed that

Large Sarge
27th June 2010, 06:18 PM
here is a 30 day chart

27th June 2010, 07:02 PM
Have these "web-bot" things EVER been accurate on anything?

27th June 2010, 07:11 PM
Have these "web-bot" things EVER been accurate on anything?

The ocean/oil/gas/disaster language published in the Mar-10 letter, in advance of the Apr 20 deepwater horizon event, was awfully impressive.

But I really wanted to ask: Clif said to Rense the other night, the gulf voilcano call was only the second biggest success they've had, said the top success was still something a couple years ago dealing with the east coast. Anyone know what that was about? Was it the 2nd half of '08 financial drama? Or something else?

27th June 2010, 07:44 PM
Have these "web-bot" things EVER been accurate on anything?

The ocean/oil/gas/disaster language published in the Mar-10 letter, in advance of the Apr 20 deepwater horizon event, was awfully impressive.

But I really wanted to ask: Clif said to Rense the other night, the gulf voilcano call was only the second biggest success they've had, said the top success was still something a couple years ago dealing with the east coast. Anyone know what that was about? Was it the 2nd half of '08 financial drama? Or something else?

The Northeast power outage of 2003 I believe was his biggest claim of success.

27th June 2010, 09:07 PM
The Northeast power outage of 2003 I believe was his biggest claim of success.

OIC, thanks, I didn't want to listen to the audio again to recall exactly what he said. Is the text floating around which successfully predicted the blackout? Be curious just how detailed etc it was.

'03?!? Must've had like 3 subscribers then, the whole concept is so wild. The webbot thing wasn't really on anyone's radar until Rense, and perhaps C2C had Clif and/or George Ure on their show now and then. And even now, webbot's only known by freaks like us who listen to such programming.

27th June 2010, 09:19 PM
Anyone know how many of those reports are sold nowadays?

I wonder if enough people read those that they could be some sort of...

"Self-fulfilling prophecy" ?

The web bots use internet chatter...right?

Not that that would make them less reliable...maybe even more so....

I dunno...just throwing that out there

27th June 2010, 09:26 PM
They predicted an Israeli attack on Iran for Nov 2009 which would result in some toxic cloud that would circle the globe many times and kill millions.

Uncle Salty
27th June 2010, 11:05 PM
And even now, webbot's only known by freaks like us who listen to such programming.

And those in the military and alphabet agencies of many governments, especially the Chinese and Russian.

27th June 2010, 11:50 PM
They predicted an Israeli attack on Iran for Nov 2009 which would result in some toxic cloud that would circle the globe many times and kill millions.

Yes that was a nasty experience!

27th June 2010, 11:51 PM
And even now, webbot's only known by freaks like us who listen to such programming.

And those in the military and alphabet agencies of many governments, especially the Chinese and Russian.

This reminds me of how I sometimes hear more/less awake, "red pill" people talk about how the internets are the enemy of TPTB, people are waking up to TPTB's conspiracies etc. While the internet has served that role for many, who "invented" it again? DOD & some universities.

The internet is like a global brain: each human is like a brain cell, discovering truths, formulating opinions together, efficiently communicating publicly & "privately"-- it's a data mining gold mine for the agencies for whom all internet traffic is transparent (despite the beliefs of many participants who believe their activities are private/anonymous). TPTB's being at the center of this global brain, they gain much more than they give away, with their ability to profile, map social networks (think facebook etc), track information/trends (and try to "steer" them via their shill-a-thon networks) etc; such that TPTB's grip on power/control is strengthened thanks to "Total Information Awareness".

The webbot project is just one example of the data mining possibilities - gathering & deciphering the alleged "precognitive abilities of the global hive mind".

Large Sarge
28th June 2010, 03:45 AM
looking at the chart, Gold just crossed $1260


28th June 2010, 04:58 AM
looking at the chart, Gold just crossed $1260


Well a turning point at all time high may not always be a good thing for the holders of said good... We may see a buying opportunity in a few weeks time...

28th June 2010, 05:40 AM
I wonder if enough people read those that they could be some sort of...

"Self-fulfilling prophecy" ?

Cliff has mentioned in his interviews that any sites that make high reference to the webbots is excluded from the data collection process so the data doesn't get skewed. Apparently he's constantly adding sites to the exclusion list.

28th June 2010, 05:55 AM
I don't buy into the whole Web-bot thing.

I don't really understand what it is, but I don't really care much either.

28th June 2010, 06:05 AM
I wonder if enough people read those that they could be some sort of...

"Self-fulfilling prophecy" ?

Cliff has mentioned in his interviews that any sites that make high reference to the webbots is excluded from the data collection process so the data doesn't get skewed. Apparently he's constantly adding sites to the exclusion list.

If he excludes us and our ilk it's not strange they get things consistently wrong. Is he datamining my little pony and American Idol forums?

Large Sarge
28th June 2010, 06:12 AM
some of it is interpretation also

and of course they make "wrong calls"

but in reference to interpretation

They have said for awhile "the Israeli mistake"

and everyone thinks it is an attack on Iran ( and maybe it is)

but what about these flotillas to Gaza.?

after the last massacre, world opinion has really changed on them

and the next one is all women.

And reports that the Israeli military is training to board and take over the new flotillas.

anyway, food for thought

Large Sarge
28th June 2010, 06:59 AM
Gold $1263 ++

Large Sarge
28th June 2010, 07:34 AM
I am going to put this here, although it might deserve its own thread (this might be part of the tipping point)


anyway, a brief summary states that the G-20 has failed, and actually generated a bigger rift, where Europe has decided "debt, and more debasement are not the solution"

And the U.S. with it being an election year "debt, spending and debasement are the only solutions"

Guest Post: Destined to Fail – Magical Thinking at the G20
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/27/2010 18:28 -0500

Budget Deficit Chris Martenson Fail Government Stimulus Gross Domestic Product Guest Post Japan Larry Summers Obama Administration President Obama Reality Recession recovery Sovereign Debt Timothy Geithner

Submitted by Chris Martenson

Destined to Fail – Magical Thinking at the G20

The G20 meeting has revealed two important things that tell us something about our combined economic future. First we learned that the US lost the battle to try to get everyone back on the Keynesian print-a-thon bandwagon. This tells us something about US leadership in these troubled times. Once-upon-a-time, the US could dictate such things, and those days are apparently over which deserves to be noted.

I am a supporter of austerity as the least worst of two paths which I will outline below (the other being printing), but I want to be sure to give the global rejection of the US position on stimulus the proper attention it merits. Here’s the relevant information:

TORONTO — Despite President Obama’s pitch at the summit meeting for developed nations here for continued stimulus measures to prevent another global economic downturn, the United States will go along with other leaders who are more concerned about rising debt and join in a commitment to cut their governments’ deficits in half by 2013, administration officials said on Saturday.

(Source – NYT – all quotes below from same article)

In the lead-up to the G20, the US was lobbying heavily for a very different outcome. The US wanted continued stimulus and thin-air money printing and made its plea for this policy stance very publicly in the days and weeks leading up to the G20 meeting.

The reasons for this stance are numerous and complex, but one stands out prominently: Elections are coming up. If you are an incumbent, now is not the time to cut off the stimulus efforts.

The story here is that the US wants to stay on the path of printing, borrowing, and government stimulus, but a significant portion of the rest of the developed world has decided this is not a direction that makes sense. Such fundamental splits in philosophy are what great historical turning points are made of.

The second thing we learned is that, despite these differences in how to fund future growth, there is nothing yet to indicate that any the world leaders are aware that the very concept of perpetual growth is an unworkable fallacy. It’s obvious, hopefully to even the most casual of thinkers, that someday, sooner or later, whatever growth one is engaged in will have to stop. Nothing grows forever; everything has a limit.

But apparently the concept of limits is not part of the magical framework of modern economic thinking (emphasis mine, below):

Mr. Cameron and Mr. Obama, in their first private meeting since Mr. Cameron took office, acknowledged their different approaches toward balancing the need to promote greater economic growth and job creation in the short term with the long-term desire to reduce national debts, which reached dangerous heights during the downturn. But they played down those differences.

It’s funny how these things are always expressed as a “need.” We “need” economic growth and job creation. Have you ever wondered why this is? Why is it that we “need” either? Needs are not negotiable; wants are. How sure are we that job creation and economic growth are actually needs?

Well, we need job growth, because there are more and more people entering the work force each year due to population growth. If there were no population growth and everybody already had a job, then there would be no “need” to create jobs. Zero percent job growth is the right amount for a stable population. No growth = no need for new jobs.

So we can therefore reduce the politicians' statements about the need for jobs to its more basic level and discover that they are really saying we “need” population growth. It's certainly been a very real and dominant factor for a very long time, but it is not a need. There are many who would even say it shouldn't even be considered a “want.” We can trace an enormous number of the problems or predicaments we face to over-population or to the strain that results from accommodating the needs of a growing population.

It seems to me that if job creation is a ‘need’ then we’d do well to ask ourselves if we’d prefer to spend our time trying to figure out how to create an ever larger number of jobs in perpetuity or if we’d like to spend our time figuring out how to create a stable population. While this may be an uncomfortable topic for some, it also happens to be reality.

Since it’s logically true that eventually population growth will have to stop it’s entirely probable that we’d gain more bang for our buck if we expended our efforts towards creating a stable population than trying to build a perpetual-motion job creation machine.

And what about the “need” to grow the economy? Where does that come from?

If you’ve watched the Crash Course you know that this imperative for economic growth comes from the money system itself. Debt-based money requires growth. If we had a stable population engaged in stable and sustainable activities using non debt-based money as their freely circulating medium of exchange, then there would be no “need” for economic growth. Zero percent economic growth would work just fine.

But we’ve got a growing population and we’ve got debt-based money and that’s the long and the short of it. Hence, we are stuck with the political reality that we “need” growth in the economy and job creation (even though these “needs’ are self-inflicted by our decisions, not due to some fundamental law of the universe like gravity).

Knowing that something is wrong with this perpetual growth narrative, we've taken to adding a few comforting words around ‘growth’ to make it seem as if our thinking is actually very clever and mature:

“But we are aiming at the same direction, which is long-term sustainable growth that puts people to work,” Mr. Obama said.

“Long-term sustainable growth” that “puts people to work.” Sounds good, doesn’t it? Who could be against that?

The problem is that the first part of the statement is an oxymoron. There’s no such thing as “long-term sustainable growth”. Heck, in the long run, there’s no such thing as “sustainable growth.”

Sooner or later, whether its bacteria in a Petri dish, mice in the pantry, or humans on a globe, growth stops. The only question is whether you cease that growth by design, on your own terms, or by disaster on some other terms.

Whenever you hear the words “sustainable growth” I invite you to recall this line of thinking and ask yourself if such a thing as sustainable growth is even possible. If it is, I have certainly I have never seen any workable plan, not even sketched onto a napkin in crayon, that explains how growth can be sustainable. Growth always ceases the only question is when and under what terms.

Some more quotes from the G20:

Mr. Cameron added, “Those countries that have big deficit problems like ours have to take action in order to keep that level of confidence in the economy which is absolutely vital to growth.”


The Obama administration did have allies at the meeting in opposing rapid moves to withdraw governments’ stimulus measures. The Brazilian finance minister, Guido

Mantega, told reporters that the debt-reduction targets could compromise economic growth


Trying to bridge the differences among leaders here, [Timothy Geithner] said: “Our challenge, as the G-20, is to act together to strengthen the prospects for growth. This will require different strategies in different countries. We are coming out of the crisis at different speeds.”


The setback underscored the difficulty Mr. Obama has had in making the case for stimulus. At home as abroad, Mr. Obama is confronting the limits of the consensus that took hold after the economic crisis began in 2008, which favored bigger deficits to spur job creation. At stake, as the administration sees it, is continued global recovery or a relapse into another recession.

Recovery, growth, and jobs. This is what the world seems to want in unison, and this is something we can easily understand and appreciate given the fact that all the world’s leaders were born and raised during a period without limits.

Now that we can clearly see a wall of limits right in front of us, the question remains as to which countries will be able to navigate the treacherous shoals of change as we try to find a different set of understandings upon which to build a new world that can offer prosperity without growth.

It’s a big challenge and I am keeping my fingers crossed that somehow we’ll manage to figure out that our current trajectory is unsustainable and that we need entirely new thinking, centered on reality, to enter our global discourse. The alternative is to default into the comforting arms of growth only to discover, much to our dismay, that it was prosperity we wanted after all and that growth and prosperity are very different things. In a world of limits, one steals from the other. My preference would be to have prosperity be the thief and growth the victim, but our leaders seek the opposite.

This theme of what we might expect in a world of limits is a dominant portion of my analysis that I perform for my enrolled members. We do not live in a world where anything will suddenly run out, but a world where there will be slightly less and less that needs to be spread around more and more people, and more and more debt.

Running an analysis of all three E’s, the Economy, Energy and the Environment, and tying these to personal actions and financial implications is one unique service I that I provide. The other is to be your information scout.

The Challenge For The US

Now, back to the more immediate challenge for the US:

Yet even within Mr. Obama’s administration there are fault lines on how much additional stimulus is desirable.

Some news reports in recent days suggested that Peter R. Orszag, the budget director who recently announced that he would be leaving in late July, was resigning partly out of frustration that he had lost the argument for deeper and quicker reductions in projected deficits.

The apparent rift here is between Orszag, who wants the US to begin to live within its economic means, and the staunch Keynesians Geithner and Summers who want to print and spend to achieve political aims. As a card-carrying member of the green eyeshade club, Mr. Orszag knows that their path represents the eventual and probably catastrophic bankruptcy of the US.

Rather than continue to duke it out with the “print now, pay later” club, Orszag has opted to leave for greener and friendlier climes. In full disclosure, Larry Summers is among my least favorite people on the planet. I cannot figure out how he manages to get to such prominent positions given the fact that his track record is a nearly unblemished trail of poor decisions and economic ruin. Everything in his record suggests that his only form of competency is political ambition, yet somehow he keeps getting his ideas enacted. It’s a real mystery and not the good kind, like where that extra $20 in your pocket came from. In my view Summers is a gigantic liability for this country and the current administration and the sooner he is sent packing the better. Geithner too for that matter.

At any rate, the G20 plan calls for the US to cut its existing budget deficit to only 3% of GDP by 2013. For the US this would represent a decline from a $1.4 trillion deficit to a roughly $420 billion deficit, or ~$1 trillion in cuts in just three years.

Without getting too technical, this is just not going to happen. Cutting a trillion in federal spending would cut 7% from the GDP.

And even if we were willing to undertake a 7% hit to GDP, where would the trillion come from? It turns out that much of the US deficit is now structural meaning it sits in the “mandatory” column as opposed to the “discretionary” column. To help frame the predicament, I’ll note that Obama recently proposed a three-year freeze on all non-defense discretionary budget spending which – drum roll please – constitutes only $447 billion out of a $3.5 trillion budget.

In other words, finding a trillion is simply out of the question if the only part of the budget that can be controlled right now because it is both discretionary and politically viable in an election year, is only $447 billion. You can’t squeeze blood from a stone and you can't save a trillion from a budget of less than half a trillion. And that’s only part of the problem.

One path to getting the deficit to 3% from its current 10% of GDP is to cut spending. However, this path carries the seeds of its own failure. Government spending is a big part of GDP so cutting spending shrinks the GDP. The more spending is cut the more GDP shrinks which makes the deficit ratio less favorable. Adding insult to injury, government revenues expand and shrink in proportion to GDP so cutting spending actually leads to reduced revenues which leads to higher deficits which lead to more cutting which results in an endless spiral into the dumpster.

The other path consists of elevated government borrowing and spending done with the hope that eventually GDP climbs up over time thereby reducing the deficit to GDP ratio. The US sees this as the only viable option but Europe has figured out that this path too has its own ‘end-game’ which is the eventual collapse of sovereign debt and the high likelihood of associated political and social chaos.

Neither option is really attractive at this point, which is the definition of a predicament.

My final analysis is that because we have such political animals as Summers driving the ship of state the US will tell the G20 it agrees to the plan but will not honor those words. At least not during this election year. And probably not next year either because it will be inconvenient then too for some reason or another. And probably not ever unless forced by external circumstances because the political class in the US seems unable to confront the idea that limits apply.

And so the US, and its ever compliant side-kick Japan, will continue to spend wildly even as Europe dutifully wrestles with the new reality. At first it will seem like the US is the place to invest because its ‘growth prospects’ will appear stronger but someday, and not too terribly far in the future, it will dawn on the financial markets that the US is a hopeless basket case saturated with debts that cannot ever be paid back under current terms. This is already true, but for some reason financial markets seem ignorant of this reality. Someday there will be a sudden revolt in the Treasury markets, a new equilibrium will be found, and vast quantities of wealth and our national standards of living will disappear seemingly overnight.

And that’s only if those other two E’s don’t thunder out of the chute and into the arena for all to see. Then all bets are off.

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28th June 2010, 08:12 AM
looking at the chart, Gold just crossed $1260

28th June 2010, 09:01 AM
Gold $1263 ++

I think you pinpointed the turning point exactly. Now it is $1238...

Large Sarge
28th June 2010, 09:24 AM
dollar went parabolic up, why????

28th June 2010, 09:27 AM
dollar went parabolic up, why????

So it has room to triple leg down by the end of the week.

They see the softness coming on hard.

I'm guessing here, but calling for total market decimation by the end of the week.

28th June 2010, 09:28 AM
silver better try a little harder, at $18.86 this pull away from gold is not gonna happen.
edit:err, make that $18.76

Large Sarge
28th June 2010, 09:29 AM
Second Gold Price Intervention In An Hour
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/28/2010 11:26 -0500

There is smoke rising from the windows of the LBMA as the 270 Park boys have rarely been so busy creating gold short contracts out of thin air and selling them to all willing manipulators. Gold now down $22 after second major leg down on no news, and in fact as ML reiterates it $1,500 PT for gold by the end of 2011. In the meantime, the CHF is rising. The paper cartel is doing all it can to present the Swissie as the last ditch reserve currency. For now, it is succeeding.

28th June 2010, 09:33 AM
By next month the only thing left is China.

28th June 2010, 02:17 PM
dollar went parabolic up, why????

So it has room to triple leg down by the end of the week.

They see the softness coming on hard.

I'm guessing here, but calling for total market decimation by the end of the week.

why ? because the shorts are going to keep hammering away, because people are getting margin calls and are selling physical to cover positions ...

i wouldn't mind a triple leg down. it seems like each leg is about $10. from 1240, is "triple leg down", does that leave us at around $1210 ?

28th June 2010, 02:24 PM
that rickety time machine is having a bad day it seems. so much for the "hot date".

28th June 2010, 03:22 PM
i wonder if they're better at generalised prediction, rather than dates. the stuff on the methane/oil volcano has been pretty accurate, but AFAIK there were no dates mentioned.

28th June 2010, 04:54 PM
I believe $1258 was the old all time high for gold (intraday)

we just crossed that

No it had been higher.


by Aaron Smith and Hibah Yousuf, staff writersJune 18, 2010: 4:36 PM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The price of gold surged to an all-time high for the second straight day Friday as economic anxiety continued to fuel a rally for the precious metal.

Gold for August delivery climbed $9.60, or 0.8%, to settle at a record $1,258.30 an ounce, beating the record closing high of $1,248.20 set the previous day.

The contract also set a record for intraday prices, at $1,263.70. The previous mark was $1,254.50, set June 8.

"I would attribute this latest surge in the price of gold to expectations of political calamity that could lead to considerable economic distress," said John Lonski, chief economist for Moody's. "The jump in the price of gold betrays a lack of confidence in global political and economic leadership. It may not be well-founded, but that's what it's telling me."

I was thinking $1262.50 was the high.

I will say I think this Lonski dude is a doomer though.

28th June 2010, 05:13 PM
the only thing i don't like in the webbot report is

Vapor from oil/solvent creates roaming lethal clouds , very dense, kill many people. The clouds form low to the ground and accumulate at the base of mountains where people inadvertently drive through them and die. Plant and animal life die as these clouds move across the US

another " what if " to prep for

Do we have any resident scientist types that could confirm that this is even possible? (The Lethal clouds)

I only have a high school background in natural science and a few college courses but from my understanding those clouds wouldn't just sit on the ground but would instead dissipate into the general atmosphere through wind currents.

Anyone with a better background/understand who would like to chime in? I am going to do some research into this as I have family living in Florida and another gulf state.

I am no expert by any means, but...

I would say that wind currents and natural degradation of particles/hazardous gas would have to come into play. The degradation may come from solar or natural reactions in the environment.

I wouldn't see them circulating around the globe unless it is an unrelenting source.

I don't think that our current spew has hit the saturation point as far as the Gulf region is concerned, yet. Since we have yet to get any of the full story on the numbers involved with the Macondo spew, it is all guesstimates. No massive radius of die off has occurred as far as we know. If die offs hit La, Ms, & Al then southern part of Fl would be close behind. I think one of the early spill vids said they took off from Al and they were 87 miles from the DWH site.

I have not seen widespread reports of insect die offs, a couple, but not enough to be credible.
This is what I have been looking for. I have seen /heard some stuff about the plankton disappearance, but not enough. Maybe, it's being suppressed? Who knows.

I wouldn't go into the water personally.

the riot act
28th June 2010, 05:32 PM
OK just got here and haven't read all the posts.

But I'm still alive, TV isn't doing any nonstop news. So I guess the world didn't end. Have to see what excuse George gives tomorrow morning.

WebBots=u a sucker for spending 10$ for their crap.

old steel
28th June 2010, 05:47 PM
Considering the spyders that run out of the web bot project to collect all the data are on the www, which is outside of space and time it would be very difficult to predict or affix a date to anything imho but i am not privy to Clif and all the fine details of how this works.

I know any credible RV'ers i have heard about who were trained by the CIA say numbers are almost impossible to gain through their program.

Predicting dates, lottery numbers things of that nature i pay no attention to other than their obvious entertainment value.

Events which lay ahead of us have been hit enough times to warrant paying attention to what this program is saying about our future.

28th June 2010, 10:54 PM
that rickety time machine is having a bad day it seems. so much for the "hot date".

Well, maybe a first kiss at least.

Let's wait for the ripples.

But yes, that was a dud.

28th June 2010, 11:30 PM
Well there was a turning point in the price of gold where it turned down sharply at all-time high. Not exactly how they had interpreted the turning, but interpreting is a human thing and as such inherently flawed.

I just want to state that I am by no means certain that we actually have a downtrend in gold and silver in front of us, but for the webbots to be correct gold will continue down for a while.

29th June 2010, 01:04 AM
it's just gold in USD, in EUR we're actually going up ATM:


the riot act
29th June 2010, 08:37 AM
Grasping for straws, are we?

29th June 2010, 08:51 AM
Turning point days tend to not have TEOTWAWKI events, IMO. What could be a key date will not appear so until hindsight is able to be applied.

It is another way charlatans can show how accurate their predictions were.

I think there is some use to the webbot project, however I don't find it worth spending a half ounce of silver on the report.

Much of their forecasting, if you are on the web long enough, will include themes and events already on your radar. One must ask himself if he needs his views to be authenticated by a seer for some reason..?

I don't visit psychics either.

Large Sarge
29th June 2010, 09:01 AM
the video covers silver, says the event starts on june 28th, and the elite will scramble to get their money out (default)

Jim Willie has been reporting for months that LBMA is paying 25%+ over spot to settle all gold contracts in paper (no delivery)

of course this is not reported, would a silver default be reported??


29th June 2010, 09:07 AM
DJIA down 2.5% ATM...

Large Sarge
29th June 2010, 09:08 AM
here is a follow up

"an astonishing amount of silver has been withdrawn from the comex in the last 2 weeks"

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Silver: "Looking Good Billy Ray - Feeling Good Lewis!"

The bullish set up in silver (and gold) has turned insanely bullish. An astonishing amount of silver has been removed from the Comex warehouses over the past two weeks. Most of it from Scotia - who has unrefutedly been accused by many, including me, of operating a "fractional" bullion custodian operation - and from HSBC - who has by far the 2nd largest paper short position in silver, on the Comex and via OTC derivatives as per the latest Comptroller of the Currency's Q1/2010 Report on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities.

Every day last week silver (and gold) traded up in the physical buying markets of Asia and India, only to undergo massive paper selling in London and on the Comex. What was incredibly bullish was the way silver recovered from repeated paper price attacks during the paper-only Comex trading sessions every day last week. I can't recall seeing price "snap-back" action like this in nearly nine years of trading silver. Silver closed the week slightly lower than a week ago, but closed nearly a dollar above it's intra-day trading low last week. This is an even more remarkable feat considering that the Dow and the SPX were demolished for the week.

The trading action I observed and participated in, combined with the amount of silver leaving the Comex, tells me that the paper shorts are having a hard time triggering any meaningful stop-loss selling, which is how the big Comex shorts (JPM, HSBC) have historically covered their short positions. Here is Ted Butler's comments from his weekly King News World radio interview:

There's not a lot of people out there looking to dump physical metal right now...and I can see situation developing where a lot people wake up and say they want to acquire big physical positions and that mismatch of no big physical supply and potential physical demand is what the doctor ordered for a big price explosion.
Here's the link to the entire interview - it's about 10 minutes and worth hearing: Ted Butler on silver

Large Sarge
29th June 2010, 09:10 AM
even more

Possible Run on COMEX Silver Inventories May Already Be Underway
By Patrick A. Heller on June 25th, 2010
Categories: Featured Articles, Gold and Silver Commentary, Precious Metals

On June 16th, the COMEX reported total silver inventories of 119.5 million ounces. Six trading days later, on June 24, total inventories had fallen to 114.9 million ounces, a 4.6 million ounce decline.

On June 24th, the COMEX silver market had over 137,000 open contracts. At 5,000 ounces per contract, that means that commodity contract sellers owed a total or more than 685 million ounces of silver at contract maturity. The COMEX bonded warehouse inventories cover less than 17% of all silver owed.

Now, most COMEX contract buyers never ask for physical delivery. In practice, most buyers will sell their contracts before maturity or will roll them over for a new contract with a delivery date further in the future.

Still, there have been a growing number of reports of delays in delivering physical silver when owners requested it. Further, the number of maturing COMEX silver contracts where the owner asks for physical delivery is running far above the same period for 2009. So, there is reason to worry about the ability of the COMEX to meet continuing demand for physical delivery.

If withdrawals continue at this pace, COMEX warehouses could be empty within seven months! Long before that happened, I would expect COMEX rule changes to limit or prohibit taking delivery. Existing COMEX rules would also be used, which allow for settlement of contracts with cash or with shares of a silver exchange traded fund in lieu of providing physical metal.

The main reason to worry about this run on COMEX silver inventories is that there are no significant quantities of physical silver held by governments, central banks, or in the private sector that could be mobilized to stem a panic. Equally important, any run on the COMEX silver market would certainly expand to a run on COMEX gold contracts. As physical demand for gold increased, that would inevitably lead to higher gold prices, thereby hurting the value of the US dollar.

COMEX inventories fluctuate, so any declines are not automatically an indicator of a run on silver. Still, the withdrawals each of the six days through June 24 have been significant. When you put this trend in the context of already existing concerns over the ability of the COMEX to deliver physical silver, I fear this COMEX silver market problem could come to a head before the end of July. Any supply squeeze would result in soaring silver prices.

If you own any forms of what I call "paper silver," you now face a higher risk of losing some or all of your investment. I urge you to strongly consider getting out of these positions (commodity and options contracts, shares of exchange traded funds, unallocated accounts in storage, and certificates of stored silver) within the next two weeks and replacing them with delivery of physical silver. My columns are not so widely studied that this essay would likely hasten the breakdown of the COMEX silver market. But, even if there is no commercial signal failure by late July, there remains a good possibility it could still happen later. If you prepare now, you will be ready for any eventuality.

Patrick A. Heller owns Liberty Coin Service in Lansing, Michigan and writes "Liberty's Outlook," a monthly newsletter covering rare coins and precious metals. Past issues can be found online at http://www.libertycoinservice.com/ Pat Heller is also the gold market commentator for Numismatic News. Past columns online at http://numismaster.com/ under “News & Articles". His periodic radio interviews can be heard on WILS 1320 AM in Lansing, www.talkLansing.net, and on www.yourcontrarian.com.

29th June 2010, 09:12 AM
Much of their forecasting, if you are on the web long enough, will include themes and events already on your radar.

never bought a report either, but their march report including stuff about oil volcanoes and clouds of methane caught my attention...no radar caught that other than the bots.

Large Sarge
29th June 2010, 09:17 AM
ed steer

The U.S. Mint had report on Monday. They reported selling a very tiny 1,000 ounces worth of gold in the gold eagle program... and an even smaller 500 24-k gold buffaloes. However, they redeemed themselves with silver eagle sales... reporting that an additional 467,500 silver eagles were sold. This brings June sales figures in silver eagles up to 3,001,000 for the month so far. I would expect that we might hear from the mint one more time before month end. But, on the other hand, these numbers could be it. We'll find out soon enough.

The Comex-approved depositories were very busy on Friday. Their latest update on Monday showed activity in all warehouses... both in and out. When the smoke cleared, they reported receiving a net 547,748 ounces of silver last Friday. As I said, there was a lot of action... and the link to that is here.


29th June 2010, 09:25 AM
Much of their forecasting, if you are on the web long enough, will include themes and events already on your radar.

never bought a report either, but their march report including stuff about oil volcanoes and clouds of methane caught my attention...no radar caught that other than the bots.

The very method the bots use means it was something discussed on the web, it just wasn't on the radar of most.

For example, December 2009 saw a bunch of videos on the net of undersea volcano eruptions, I'm sure there are other examples.

The methane explosion showed on the history channel premiered in 2007 and could have been discussed somewhere in late 2009 giving it webbot hits.

I don't claim it is a useless technology, far from it, but I don't give the predictive nature too much credit. By the very definition of the project it gets all of its data from posted material on the web. Someone(s) made the prediction first in order for it to appear on their report.

Large Sarge
29th June 2010, 09:45 AM
this gets more interesting, this guy is reporting that COMEX is withholding "standing for delivery"


Withdrawals from Dealers Inventory 415575
Withdrawals from customer Inventory
Deposits to the dealer Inventory 963,323
Deposits to the customer Inventory 330,457 ozoz
No of oz served zero 5 25000
No of oz to be served xxx

Withdrawals from Dealers Inventory 1397
Withdrawals from customer Inventory zero
Deposits to the dealer Inventory
Deposits to the customer Inventory
No of oz served
No of oz to be served

COMEX Warehouse Stocks June 28, 2010.

Again, we got zero updates from the comex. This is getting quite ridiculous as they are trying to hide nefarious activities inside the comex.

Thus I cannot report on what is standing for delivery. However you can bet it is around 2.3 million oz of gold and 200,000 oz of silver.

By 1:30 pm on Wednesday, the longs must deposit all their money down when taking delivery. I should have a good idea as to what

will stand, save the options.

old steel
29th June 2010, 09:49 AM
Missed it by one day, imho.

29th June 2010, 09:52 AM
Good posts as usual, Sarge. Thanks.

Large Sarge
29th June 2010, 09:54 AM
Missed it by one day, imho.

there was 6++ times the amount of silver in contract(paper) than in physical at the COMEX

so the magic question is how many want delivery??

29th June 2010, 11:40 AM
The very method the bots use means it was something discussed on the web, it just wasn't on the radar of most.

For example, December 2009 saw a bunch of videos on the net of undersea volcano eruptions, I'm sure there are other examples.

The methane explosion showed on the history channel premiered in 2007 and could have been discussed somewhere in late 2009 giving it webbot hits.

I don't claim it is a useless technology, far from it, but I don't give the predictive nature too much credit. By the very definition of the project it gets all of its data from posted material on the web. Someone(s) made the prediction first in order for it to appear on their report.

You are correct and it was on someone's radar somewhere. I find it interesting the webbot's data focused more on a methane explosion and oil volcano that had not happened than say...the G20, War in the Middle East, etc that were known events happening while they were processing.

29th June 2010, 03:10 PM
Dow Jones Industrial Average
.DJI »

-268.22 (-2.65%)
Jun 29 - Close

29th June 2010, 03:47 PM
yes one day off. part of full reading indicated "shortly after soltice" see:


Dow Jones Industrial Average
.DJI »

-268.22 (-2.65%)
Jun 29 - Close

29th June 2010, 04:07 PM
TRIN Index Goes Nuts, Second Highest Since Flash Crash, Fifth Highest In Recent History (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/trin-index-goes-nuts-second-highest-flash-crash-fifth-highest-recent-history)

...based on the TRIN/ARMS index, the NYSE index hit 5.88. It has been higher on just 4 other times before, specifically the four dates noted above. The indicator tracks up/down stocks divided by up/down volume on the NYSE - the higher the number, the greater the rush into decliners. Today's reading indicated that on the NYSE people could not get enough of selling, and in size. What is more worrisome is that in the last two months, we have seen an amplitude in the TRIN that has never occurred before: it has approached 0 (on low-volume melt up days), all the way to 12+ on 5/6 and nearly 6 today.

also interesting that today we had a "flash crash" in citigroup stock:

Shares of Citigroup Inc. (C) fell as much as 17% Tuesday before trading was halted in the stock for five minutes as a result of the new circuit-breaker pilot program.

The trading halt was only the second time that a single-stock circuit breaker has been hit since a pilot program started earlier this month. It was the first to be triggered for a slide. The first trading halt from the program was prompted by a surge in shares of the Washington Post Co. (WPO) on June 16 that was later deemed erroneous.

The halt in Citi's stock was triggered at 1:03 p.m. EDT, according to NYSE Euronext spokesman Raymond Pellecchia Jr. Pellecchia said it remains unclear whether the trade in Citi was legitimate or erroneous.

After the five-minute pause, trading in Citi resumed with the stock down about 5.5%.


29th June 2010, 04:18 PM
too big to crash >:(


29th June 2010, 04:57 PM
TPTB read the report after it was leaked on Rense and were therefore prepared to stop the flash crash that should have taken place. The drop in Citi was fast but really not that big a deal imo.

Seriously, -$.60 triggers circuit breakers? Pretty weak

29th June 2010, 05:05 PM
equivalent to a $200 fall in gold in a few minutes...would catch my attention!

the riot act
29th June 2010, 06:04 PM
"Amerika's Got Talent" is still on so I guess, all is well. :oo-->

Large Sarge
30th June 2010, 07:25 AM
another update from that site last night
, quite a chunk (1.2 million ounces)of silver left COMEX yesterday, and they still are not saying how much more is leaving


Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Commentary ...June 29.2010.

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen:

Gold closed today up by $3.80 to its final resting position at 1:30 pm at 1242.00. Silver however closed down by 8 cents to 18.59.

It is the silver commodity that worries our banking cartel right now as we are now entering into the delivery process of the front month of July.

Before going into details on that front, the total OI for the gold comex fell slightly with today reading to the tune of 3543 contracts. Its final resting position

is 600,145. Remember that we are 24 hours back so this OI is of last night but we get the reading at 1:30 pm.

The OI for the silver comex fell another 2882 contracts to 130,172

The volume today on the comex for the entire silver complex came in at 51891 contracts.

I commented to you yesterday that if the gold comex OI closed anywhere near 600,000 , the gold cartel would be in trouble and would have to regroup and go to higher

ground. They tried to influence option holders of both silver and gold contracts to surrender their gains. This was to no avail. Today was a huge defeat for the cartel

who saw gold rise and the Dow plummet by 268 points. Not only that but the 10 yr bond yield fell below the 3% level to 2.92%

There is a flight to quality and the only two recepients are:

1. the bond market
2. gold.

With the continual printing of money how can one put money into a bond vehicle that will surely default?
Gold is the only safe haven off there.

OK let us go to the gold and silver delivery notices and inventory changes:

June 29.2010.

Withdrawals from Dealers Inventory 1,119,880 oz
Withdrawals from customer Inventory N/A
Deposits to the dealer Inventory 244,292
Deposits to the customer Inventory n/a
No of oz served
No of oz to be served xxx

Withdrawals from Dealers Inventory ZERO
Withdrawals from customer Inventory N/A
Deposits to the dealer Inventory 63,998 oz
Deposits to the customer Inventory
No of oz served
No of oz to be served


Notes: you will see that a huge 1,119,880 oz was withdrawn from the dealer inventory.
Usually when the front month of a delivery month is upon us, you see massive amounts of inventory enter the dealer
inventory. We saw the complete opposite as 1.19 million oz was removed and of that 244,000 oz entered the customer inventory.

To me, this is indeed strange and indicitive of real physical problems with the silver metal.

I do not trust any inventory figures given by comex people. However if anyone is keeping track, the dealer inventory

reported by the comex folks fell below the 50million oz level to 49.58 million oz.

Today is called First Day Notice where the longs must place in their accounts the full value of the silver contract.
The longs had until today to make the choice as to whether they should roll to a September contract or stand for delivery.

The estimated volume of trading on the front month of July today was a huge 13,571 contracts. That volume is real and is of today (remember that July went off the board)
The open interest recorded by the comex is 7173 contracts. However this is really last nights closing OI and not tonight.

So this number will go down. Also all of those option holders who exercised contracts get a contract today and those numbers
will be included in OI by tomorrow.

As a best guess, I think that around 4500 contracts will stand eventualy or around 22.5 million oz to which we must add the .2 million oz of options
exercised for the June contract.

Let us see tomorrow how things will play out.

With respect to gold, we saw again zero oz deposited into the dealer warehouses. Strange indeed for the entire month.
However a huge 63,000 oz or 2 tonnes of gold was deposited into the customer inventory.

In gold over 2.3 million oz was standing and nothing entered the vaults. This could be scary on both fronts, silver and gold.

For those keeping record:

the final amt of gold standing for June was 2.3 million oz and the final amt of silver standing for options exercised was 200,000 oz.

We shall now go to the big economic stories of the day:

This one caught my eye big time: (from the respected: EconomicPolicy Journal.com)

Large Sarge
30th June 2010, 07:45 AM
another update from that site last night
, quite a chunk (1.2 million ounces)of silver left COMEX yesterday, and they still are not saying how much more is leaving


is 600,145. Remember that we are 24 hours back so this OI is of last night but we get the reading at 1:30 pm.

The OI for the silver comex fell another 2882 contracts to 130,172

@ 5,000 ounces of silver per contract = 65 million ounces of silver

just FYI

30th June 2010, 01:43 PM
Well, it appears the bots work in hindsight too. :o

30th June 2010, 02:32 PM
To me, this is indeed strange and indicitive of real physical problems with the silver metal.

While the article is talking about the COMEX market - it's a simple fact that the pickin's on flea-bay get slimmer by the day. A few gems in piles of over-priced crap... now, much of it plated.

1st July 2010, 05:28 AM
It's good that Clif posted this. Might help some people gain insight into the process and predictions.

Tick...tick...tick - Israeli Mistake, Confusion, and a chart

After speaking with George Ure about the current events as of today, and having run into a wall of confusion, and misunderstanding between us over certain forecasts and the language and the tension values, i thought it wise to post this small article and a chart in aid of the confusion, either to increase, or decrease.

The issue is the July 11th break into 18 and a half hours of release language. George, and apparently others, are under the impression that some big 'thing' would happen on that date. This may well be the case, however, note that the release language (all the downward slanting lines in the charts below) continues all summer as punctuations to building tension. So the pattern from July 11th through to November 8th is one of building tension and then release of tension, almost on a daily basis. Note that this is the USUAL state of our charts for the planet. What is unusual is that we have been in a very long period of building tension for these past few months. What is also unusual is the 'tipping point' that is forecast to occur over 4 days in November from the 8th through the 11th inclusive. Then what is even more unusual is that the release language continues unabated, without deviation for over 2 months, from November 11th through to January 23rd. Please note some slight distortion in the charting software related to fonts alters the dates placement visually. The above dates are from the raw data, not from charting.

So, knowing that the September 11th attacks on the money center of the planet by TPTB (we call this the 9/11 event), had a tipping point that lasted about 4 hours, followed by 12 hours of release language, before returning to building tension language as the planet tried to sort things out the next day, we can base our speculations on what may occur given the values that we have forecast for release and building tension language trends. .

Now, on July 11th, the 'crocodile teeth pattern' of daily building tension, followed by release tension, returns. This lasts in a general way until the tipping point on November 8th forms. The daily release of tension does not purge from the total build up of tension completely so the general trend is one of a building tension continuum through to November 8th.

In addition to the chart below, note that the collector programs that we run that collect daily language and compare it to forecasts, has a sudden jump from .9% fulfillment to over 9.8 % in the 'israeli mistake' language. So it appears as though the Israelis are going to attack Iran within a short period of time, perhaps within the next 30 days. This would fit with the release language on the 11th of July, or any of the subsequent release language episodes for the rest of that month. One can also allow monkey mind to speculate that the 12 days of torment for the Obama administration minions over the first 12 days of August *could* be provoked by the israeli mistake having been initiated in the weeks prior.

I had a failure of imagination in that i could not conceive of the Israeli mistake (attack on Iran) as taking *months* to lead to the overwhelming response, i.e. global thermonuclear war. This was a failure on my part. In speaking with George, we were able to noodle up a scenario whereby it does take several months following the Israeli mistake launch before the multinational thermonuclear response could/would/does occur. This then does fit the current chart (from a speculative, monkey mind perspective), in that a July attack on Iran produces a November global thermonuclear war as the Allies take on the TPTB and their stooges, the Israelis and the American Military Empire.

Being a human, this idea that TPTB trick the populace of the planet into yet another useless war over religion by the religious in servile slavish worship of the irreligious does not sit well with me. I had repeatedly thought that the Terra entity involvment within the November tipping point could well be the clue that it was to NOT be horrific, species ending war, but rather would be some giant earth changes such as the Pacific tectonic plate cracking that we are also expecting. Or even, giant radiation from the sun.

However, the recent and very large jump in magntitude of the language forecast for the 'israeli miske', sub set 'active war launch', is too much to ignore. So without regard as to how long it may take, or the many other ramifications, the data streaming in now suggests that the [israeli mistake] that leads to so much planetary misery is on, and likely soon.

Please note that the temporal markers along the way to the [active attack phase (of israeli mistake)] have all been met, and the largest, and closest to the actual manifestation of the [israeli mistake] was the [ranking general faux pas (mal mots)] that we have just seen fulfilled in these most recent news stories about Obama and his General McCrystal.

So my position has altered in that it is seeming more likely by the day that the [israeli mistake] is 'on' and soon. Many of the critical elements now in place are not able, from a military logistics view point, to be maintained for too long in place before their usefulness degrades below acceptable levels.....therefore, certain conclusions need to be drawn appropriately.

As you may note from the chart below, the period from July 11th through to the tipping point of November 8th through the 11th is both very short, and extremely 'toothy'....as may be expected of the time between the skirmish (the israeli mistaken attack on Iran), and the resultant global thermonuclear war.

Also note, we could be wrong about the 'whats' and 'whys' of the building tension and release tension points....there is always consistent hope for that as we get the details wrong repeatedly. However, the temporal marker of the ranking general in deep sh*t came from the same data set that produced the israeli mistake forecast. So......take it all as speculative, until it is not.

Now it is up to you to decide what will occur, and how. After all, it is the mass of humans who run this planet, though they may not rule it, they can shut down and stop anything they choose when they choose, by simply *not* cooperating with stupid bullsh*t from the 'system'...aka, TPTB.

Chart is annotated.
A larger image of the chart can be found by clicking HERE (http://halfpasthuman.com/DOCS/2010chart1.JPG)
clif high

June 30, 2010

copyright to HalfPastHuman. All rights reserved.

1st July 2010, 06:09 AM

Many sinkholes appear, including a huge granite building that is "swallowed" in a big city. The city becomes so unstable that it it abandoned.


"Re: Is anyone following the tectonic pressure ....

Hello Raye;

I live on the new madrid fault. And I can tell you this.

The surface rupture of the roads and highways is out of control.

Also, everyday of the week the structure of my moms home is "cracking" and shifting. You can hear the walls and the surface crack.

Nearby is a dollar general store. In that parking lot there are 3 flagpoles that "vibrate" violently. (not shaking from wind) Each and everyday, the roads "blow" up potholes. U.S. 41 is ruptured severely.

Interstate 65 is also badly damaged. They keep trying to repave them but it doesn't work.

The cline ave bridge at points is closing.

This bridge and off ramps leads right into Inland steel and LTV steel and BP amoco.

So far, I believe 5-7 bridges have been shut down or are scheduled for closing because they are unsafe.

I monitor the earthquakes daily. And as you know there are far too many happening too quickly.

I believe the general public has been misled. In my opinion, the 2012 shift is happening now, but everyone has been conditioned to believe that they still have time to prepare for the main event.

Thats b.s. It doesn't happen all at once.

In Momence Illinois, some of the buildings are beginning to "sink".

In cedar lake Indiana, the same is happening.

The bottom line is this; Buildings are cracking, parking lots can't be fixed, roads and bridges are closing every week, sidewalks are sinking and sinkholes are opening everywhere. At time day or night, you can literally feel the earth "vibrate" below your feet.

I'm in Northwest Indiana, and I believe we are about to get hit with a earthquake of biblical proportions. We are surrounded by propane, natural gas and bp amoco refineries.

And, Im more than concerned what will happen when the new madrid erupts.

best regards


1st July 2010, 08:40 AM
George Ure was on Devvy Kidd's radio show yesterday, here's the audio mp3,


Ure's site is http://urbansurvival.com/

He's partners with Clif in some way re the webbot thingee. I hadn't heard any Ure interviews before this, interesting sounding guy.

1st July 2010, 12:04 PM
Missed it by 3 days. Silver on sale today. 17.73 down 0.89 at this writing, down 1.03 from the close on 6/28.

1st July 2010, 01:35 PM
too big to crash >:(


Does that also mean that small stuff is too small to prosper..... ;D

1st July 2010, 01:39 PM

Many sinkholes appear, including a huge granite building that is "swallowed" in a big city. The city becomes so unstable that it it abandoned.


"Re: Is anyone following the tectonic pressure ....

Hello Raye;

I live on the new madrid fault. And I can tell you this.

The surface rupture of the roads and highways is out of control.

Also, everyday of the week the structure of my moms home is "cracking" and shifting. You can hear the walls and the surface crack.

Nearby is a dollar general store. In that parking lot there are 3 flagpoles that "vibrate" violently. (not shaking from wind) Each and everyday, the roads "blow" up potholes. U.S. 41 is ruptured severely.

Interstate 65 is also badly damaged. They keep trying to repave them but it doesn't work.

The cline ave bridge at points is closing.

This bridge and off ramps leads right into Inland steel and LTV steel and BP amoco.

So far, I believe 5-7 bridges have been shut down or are scheduled for closing because they are unsafe.

I monitor the earthquakes daily. And as you know there are far too many happening too quickly.

I believe the general public has been misled. In my opinion, the 2012 shift is happening now, but everyone has been conditioned to believe that they still have time to prepare for the main event.

Thats b.s. It doesn't happen all at once.

In Momence Illinois, some of the buildings are beginning to "sink".

In cedar lake Indiana, the same is happening.

The bottom line is this; Buildings are cracking, parking lots can't be fixed, roads and bridges are closing every week, sidewalks are sinking and sinkholes are opening everywhere. At time day or night, you can literally feel the earth "vibrate" below your feet.

I'm in Northwest Indiana, and I believe we are about to get hit with a earthquake of biblical proportions. We are surrounded by propane, natural gas and bp amoco refineries.

And, Im more than concerned what will happen when the new madrid erupts.

best regards


Holy Cow..........

1st July 2010, 01:41 PM
Missed it by 3 days. Silver on sale today. 17.73 down 0.89 at this writing, down 1.03 from the close on 6/28.

Coming into buying season hopefully...........

1st July 2010, 01:46 PM
another update from that site last night
, quite a chunk (1.2 million ounces)of silver left COMEX yesterday, and they still are not saying how much more is leaving


Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Commentary ...June 29.2010.

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen:

Gold closed today up by $3.80 to its final resting position at 1:30 pm at 1242.00. Silver however closed down by 8 cents to 18.59.

It is the silver commodity that worries our banking cartel right now as we are now entering into the delivery process of the front month of July.

Before going into details on that front, the total OI for the gold comex fell slightly with today reading to the tune of 3543 contracts. Its final resting position

is 600,145. Remember that we are 24 hours back so this OI is of last night but we get the reading at 1:30 pm.

The OI for the silver comex fell another 2882 contracts to 130,172

The volume today on the comex for the entire silver complex came in at 51891 contracts.

I commented to you yesterday that if the gold comex OI closed anywhere near 600,000 , the gold cartel would be in trouble and would have to regroup and go to higher

ground. They tried to influence option holders of both silver and gold contracts to surrender their gains. This was to no avail. Today was a huge defeat for the cartel

who saw gold rise and the Dow plummet by 268 points. Not only that but the 10 yr bond yield fell below the 3% level to 2.92%

There is a flight to quality and the only two recepients are:

1. the bond market
2. gold.

With the continual printing of money how can one put money into a bond vehicle that will surely default?
Gold is the only safe haven off there.

OK let us go to the gold and silver delivery notices and inventory changes:

June 29.2010.

Withdrawals from Dealers Inventory 1,119,880 oz
Withdrawals from customer Inventory N/A
Deposits to the dealer Inventory 244,292
Deposits to the customer Inventory n/a
No of oz served
No of oz to be served xxx

Withdrawals from Dealers Inventory ZERO
Withdrawals from customer Inventory N/A
Deposits to the dealer Inventory 63,998 oz
Deposits to the customer Inventory
No of oz served
No of oz to be served


Notes: you will see that a huge 1,119,880 oz was withdrawn from the dealer inventory.
Usually when the front month of a delivery month is upon us, you see massive amounts of inventory enter the dealer
inventory. We saw the complete opposite as 1.19 million oz was removed and of that 244,000 oz entered the customer inventory.

To me, this is indeed strange and indicitive of real physical problems with the silver metal.

I do not trust any inventory figures given by comex people. However if anyone is keeping track, the dealer inventory

reported by the comex folks fell below the 50million oz level to 49.58 million oz.

Today is called First Day Notice where the longs must place in their accounts the full value of the silver contract.
The longs had until today to make the choice as to whether they should roll to a September contract or stand for delivery.

The estimated volume of trading on the front month of July today was a huge 13,571 contracts. That volume is real and is of today (remember that July went off the board)
The open interest recorded by the comex is 7173 contracts. However this is really last nights closing OI and not tonight.

So this number will go down. Also all of those option holders who exercised contracts get a contract today and those numbers
will be included in OI by tomorrow.

As a best guess, I think that around 4500 contracts will stand eventualy or around 22.5 million oz to which we must add the .2 million oz of options
exercised for the June contract.

Let us see tomorrow how things will play out.

With respect to gold, we saw again zero oz deposited into the dealer warehouses. Strange indeed for the entire month.
However a huge 63,000 oz or 2 tonnes of gold was deposited into the customer inventory.

In gold over 2.3 million oz was standing and nothing entered the vaults. This could be scary on both fronts, silver and gold.

For those keeping record:

the final amt of gold standing for June was 2.3 million oz and the final amt of silver standing for options exercised was 200,000 oz.

We shall now go to the big economic stories of the day:

This one caught my eye big time: (from the respected: EconomicPolicy Journal.com)

Theres going to be a silver frenzy thats going to be totally nuts ,as long as it holds of for a little bit longer, can feel it in me bones......

1st July 2010, 02:39 PM
George Ure was on Devvy Kidd's radio show yesterday, here's the audio mp3,


Ure's site is http://urbansurvival.com/

He's partners with Clif in some way re the webbot thingee. I hadn't heard any Ure interviews before this, interesting sounding guy.

She has a nice voice and is refreshing to listen too ,thanks for the link PC

Silver Shield
2nd July 2010, 12:21 AM
Theres going to be a silver frenzy thats going to be totally nuts ,as long as it holds of for a little bit longer, can feel it in me bones......

I have had that same feeling for five years...
You will get used to it...

2nd July 2010, 03:28 PM
I've had it for 3 years. It is a nice feeling to have at the same time you own some silver... :sun:

2nd July 2010, 04:28 PM
All my silver is still at the bottom of a lake, those damned fish are gonna be rich as a lord soon. :o