View Full Version : Police arrest more than 500 at Toronto summit

27th June 2010, 09:41 AM
TORONTO – Police conducted a large raid and rounded up more protesters Sunday in an effort to quell further violence at the global economic summit after black-clad youths rampaged through the city, smashing windows and torching police cruisers.

Police said they have arrested more than 500 demonstrators, many of whom were hauled away in plastic handcuffs and taken to a temporary holding center constructed for the summit.

Thousands of police in riot gear formed cordons to prevent radical anti-globalization demonstrations from breaching the steel and concrete security fence surrounding the Group of 20 summit site.

Toronto Police Sgt. Tim Burrows said police made at least 50 arrests in a Sunday morning raid on a building on the campus of the University of Toronto, where they seized a cache of "street-type weaponry" such as bricks, sticks and rocks.

"We think we put a dent in their numbers with this and with the arrests that happened overnight," Burrows said.

The disorder and vandalism occurred just blocks from where U.S. President Barack Obama and other world leaders were meeting and staying.

"What we saw yesterday is a bunch of thugs that pretend to have a difference of opinion with policies and instead choose violence to express those so-called differences of opinion," Prime Minister Stephen Harper's chief spokesman Dimitri Soudas said Sunday.

The streets of downtown Toronto were quiet at daylight, but Burrows said a protesters gathered Sunday morning at a park near the detention center — about 2.5 miles (four kilometers) east of where the leaders are meeting. Police went into the crowd and made some arrests.

Burrows said many of the violent protesters were Canadian. He added that authorities had known of their plans for some time.

"We're not sure we have the leaders, but we have a large proportion of those people and the people who decided they wanted to be influenced by these violent protesters and join with their cause," Burrows said. "A lot of them were home grown. There's a lot of Canadian talent in the group."

Two security guards at a downtown department store witnessed two men emerging from a manhole around 1:30 a.m. more than four blocks north of the security perimeter. The windows of the Hudson's Bay Company store had been damaged earlier during the protests.

"I noticed the manhole cover pop up off the ground and I saw two guys pop up," security guard Peter Panagopoulos said. "My partner saw the police, waved them down. ... In about two minutes there were about 30 to 40 police officers here and they just were all over the boys."

Panagopoulous said he was "freaked out."

"You never know what the hell is going down — there could be bombs. Who knows what is down there."

Police later welded the manhole cover.

Thousands of police headed to Toronto to reinforce security there after the smaller Group of Eight summit ended Saturday in Huntsville, Ontario, about 140 miles (225 kilometers) away. Security was being provided by an estimated 19,000 law enforcement officers drawn from across Canada, and security costs were estimated at more than US$900 million.

Saturday's protests began with a peaceful march, sponsored by labor unions and dubbed family friendly, that was the largest demonstration planned during the summit weekend. Its organizers had hoped to draw a crowd of 10,000, but only about half that number turned out on a rainy day.

Police in riot gear and riding bikes formed a blockade, keeping protesters from approaching the security fence a few blocks south of the march route. Police closed a stretch of Toronto's subway system along the protest route and the largest shopping mall downtown closed after the protest took a turn for the worse.

The black-clad demonstrators broke off from the larger crowd of peaceful protesters and began torching police cars and smashing shop windows.

Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair said the goal of the militant protesters was to draw police away from the security perimeter of the summit so that fellow protesters could attempt to disrupt the meeting.

Some police officers were struck by rocks and bottles and assaulted, but none was injured badly enough to stop working, Blair said.

"We have never seen that level of wanton criminality and vandalism and destruction on our streets," Blair said.

Previous global summit protests have turned violent. In 1999, 50,000 protesters shut down World Trade Organization sessions in Seattle as police fired tear gas and rubber bullets. There were some 600 arrests and $3 million in property damage. One man died after clashes with police at a G-20 meeting held in London in April 2009.

At the September G-20 summit in Pittsburgh, police fired canisters of pepper spray and smoke and rubber bullets at marchers.


27th June 2010, 01:13 PM
Didn't know if this had been posted elsewhere, but needs to be seen:

The Toronto G20 Riot Fraud: Undercover Police engaged in Purposeful Provocation
At Tax Payers' Expense

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/MaeuV2RNL3o&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>


27th June 2010, 01:32 PM
Sorry but this dates back to the montebello summit in quebec that happenned in August 2007...

Right you are...I wasn't reading carefully enough. The article at http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=BUR20100627&articleId=19928

is new, and was using the 2007 footage as background. They say that the ones who are inciting violence at the G20 this year are all wearing identical boots, leading them to suspect these ones are again soldiers/police like they admitted using in 07 in Quebec.

Thanks for the correction.

From the link:

Fast Forward to the Toronto 2010 G20 Protest Riot

On Saturday June 26, 2010, the Globe and Mail published on their website a number of photographs taken at the afternoon riot in downtown Toronto precipitated by the ‘black bloc.’

Using these photos, I am going to show you that once again, the ‘black bloc’ provocateurs and the armoured police are wearing the exact same shoes.

27th June 2010, 02:05 PM
Why don't they ever hold these meetings in the south? :thinkey: :D

27th June 2010, 02:19 PM
Catered with fresh local seafood prepared by the local fishermen and their families?

27th June 2010, 02:20 PM
i wonder if they make more money arresting 500 than arresting 400.

27th June 2010, 02:23 PM
Nah, 500 sounds more substantial than 400. And 300 would sound like Sparta. ;D

600 would just be over the top. It's like the magic 30 jihadis that are always killed.

30 insurgents killed (http://www.google.com/search?q=30+insurgents+killed&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a)

27th June 2010, 03:28 PM
From Toronto:



Also, another new law to remove liberties:


27th June 2010, 03:31 PM
Awoke, we've got to get you out of there. Move south buddy!

27th June 2010, 03:57 PM
So who is the BLACK BLOC?

We are getting a lot of stuff on the news down here (oz) about an anarchist group called the BLACK BLOC. I assume they are a PTB fabrication. If so then the vandalism would be all Govt created.

27th June 2010, 04:20 PM
Awoke, we've got to get you out of there. Move south buddy!

If I could only talk my wife into it...

So who is the BLACK BLOC?

We are getting a lot of stuff on the news down here (oz) about an anarchist group called the BLACK BLOC. I assume they are a PTB fabrication. If so then the vandalism would be all Govt created.

Black Bloc is a Quebec-based anachist protester group which started off with good intentions, yet has, as always, been infiltrated by agents of TPTB. You are correct in assuming they are a tool for the PTB. They typically will show up at any large anti-establishment protests, always wearing black, and covering their faces with bandanas or masks, and they will trash businesses, break windows, light cars on fire, etc.

They serve a dual purpose, which is to incite violence in J6P's, so that the NWO pigs can exert unconstitutional authorites on people and arrest protesters, and also the make legitimate protesters look like crazy wack-jobs, because the average Blue-Piller doesn't know the difference between an agent-pseudo-anarchist and a concerned citizen.

They are traitors of the worst type. NWO agents posing as libertarians in order to have the cops bust the true libertarians.

28th June 2010, 01:50 PM
Police beat journalist covering G20: report

Mon Jun 28, 4:43 AM

TORONTO (CBC) - Freelance journalist Jesse Rosenfeld says police beat him Saturday night in Toronto as he covered a G20 demonstration.

A second journalist who witnessed the incident said it was "not a great night for democracy."

Steve Paikin, host of TVO's The Agenda public affairs show, was watching protesters on a downtown Toronto street, the Esplanade, on Saturday night.

In a message posted on Twitter, Paikin wrote that the demonstration was peaceful. "It was like an old sit-in. No one was aggressive, and yet riot squad officers moved in."

Police told him to leave, and "as I was escorted away from the demonstration, I saw two officers hold a journalist."

"The journalist identified himself as working for the Guardian," Paikin tweeted. "He talked too much and pissed the police off. Two officers held him. A third punched him in the stomach. Totally unnecessary. The man collapsed. Then the third officer drove his elbow into the man's back."

The man was Rosenfeld, 26, a left-wing freelancer from Toronto who is now based in the Middle East.

"An officer came up to me, looked at my ID, my alternative media centre press pass and said: 'This isn't a legitimate press pass. Put him under arrest!'" Rosenfeld said.

"At which point I was immediately jumped and beaten. The officer grabbed my arm, ripped it behind my back. I was punched in the stomach to make me go down to the ground. I was being hit in the ribs.

"All the time I was saying 'I am not resisting arrest. I am a journalist. Why are you beating me?'"

According to Paikin, "this guy is about 5-foot-4, 140 pounds. I later spoke to his father and found out he's only got one kidney, and he's an asthmatic. Hard to see how he was a threat to anything."

"Not a great night for democracy in our city, the way I saw it."

Toronto police said Rosenfeld is welcome to file a complaint. He has hired a lawyer.

Rosenfeld was not the only person whose arrest perturbed Paikin.

On Sunday, he said he had heard from author and academic Valerie Zawilski. She had just been released from jail after being arrested for breaching peace during the Saturday night demonstration. "Gimme a break," Paikin tweeted.

And Paikin monitored the arrest of the son of Kate Holloway. Holloway is a journalist, activist and was a Liberal party candidate in the 2007 Ontario election.

Her son Sam and Sam's girlfriend were watching a demonstration Saturday night and were arrested.

They spent a night in jail and Sam's parents had no idea where they were.

Some of the police arrests resulted from a regulation passed by the Ontario Liberal government headed by Dalton McGuinty.

"Kate told me today she is so disgusted with her party's passing this new regulation, she is washing her hands of the McGuinty government," Paikin blogged Sunday.



28th June 2010, 01:59 PM
How long before citizens start going to these protests armed with weapons?

I think the cops will act very different staring down the barrel of a couple thousand pissed off peasants.

28th June 2010, 03:20 PM
Sorry but this dates back to the montebello summit in quebec that happenned in August 2007...

Sorry but this is good cause it proves and shows
how the game is played and people need to be
introduced to this game, create some violence,
control the situation, paint the protesters as
violent, discredit them, no concerns are heard,
legitimate concerns ignored, mocked, of people
that are aware and concerned.

Seems that they have some more goods on the cops.

I was reading people are suspicious of cop cars set up
as decoys, they were just left in the middle of the street,
what did they think was going to happen ?

Police went after peaceful protesters too.

But not window breakers. ? ? ?

28th June 2010, 04:24 PM
Sorry but this is good cause it proves and shows
how the game is played and people need to be
introduced to this game, create some violence,
control the situation, paint the protesters as
violent, discredit them, no concerns are heard,
legitimate concerns ignored, mocked, of people
that are aware and concerned.

Seems that they have some more goods on the cops.

I was reading people are suspicious of cop cars set up
as decoys, they were just left in the middle of the street,
what did they think was going to happen ?

Police went after peaceful protesters too.

But not window breakers. ? ? ?

You're right again, Magnes my friend.

