View Full Version : “Unprecedented” fish kill in Jacksonville, brain lesions point to toxicity

27th June 2010, 11:02 AM
Jacksonville's in NE FL, on the Atlantic! :o
(I've been pulling up a lot of maps of Gulf/FL lately, need a gentle reminder of where these cities we're hearing doomy voilcano/oilicane news of are actually located!)

“Unprecedented” fish kill in Jacksonville for past two weeks “isn’t related to annual cycle”; “Lesions in the brain… points to toxicity” (PHOTOS) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/unprecedented-fish-kill-in-jacksonville-for-past-two-weeks-isnt-related-to-annual-cycle-lesions-in-the-brain-points-to-toxicity-photos)

based on this story linked inside,

There's no easy solution for the puzzling fish kill in St. Johns (http://jacksonville.com/sports/outdoors/2010-06-26/story/theres-no-easy-solution-puzzling-fish-kill-st-johns)
Fish kill in St. Johns isn't related to annual cycle

Large Sarge
27th June 2010, 12:03 PM
tied to lethal corexit/oil rains is my guess

27th June 2010, 12:42 PM
More evidence the location and the mixing of this breech is going to be showing up in the news for years to come. The mass of it appears to be hung up in its current location only to be distributed finely in a wide track.

The repeated "dosing" of smaller amounts might be even worse in the long run than one heavy one that the bulk of is briefly mopped up.

the riot act
27th June 2010, 03:21 PM
Anyone have a clue just how big a port Jax is, and how many leaky shipe are in and out of there daily? I lived there for a couple of years, these fish kills are common stuff. There is oil in the St Johns river all the time.

This shit is going to go on forever till we will never be able to sift out the real truth. Now that pisses me off!

29th June 2010, 04:36 PM
Anyone have a clue just how big a port Jax is, and how many leaky shipe are in and out of there daily? I lived there for a couple of years, these fish kills are common stuff. There is oil in the St Johns river all the time.

This sh*t is going to go on forever till we will never be able to sift out the real truth. Now that pisses me off!

Thankyou for the moment of sanity, riot act.

There are so many possible causes for fish kills it's ridiculous, and corexit would rank just about on the bottom end of impossible, given that the St. Johns River is on the opposite side of the State from the Gulf.

High concentrations of amonia or nitrites from fertilizer run off can cause extreme toxicity. It happens all the time.

Half Sense
30th June 2010, 01:04 PM
I live near Jacksonville. The area they're talking about is not even very close to the Atlantic Ocean. The Buckman Bridge is at least 20 miles from the Ocean, and the rest of the affected area is even further south - (keep in mind that the St Johns River is one of the few that flows north).