View Full Version : Is the gulf oil catastrophe causing you to prep more?

27th June 2010, 09:51 PM
This oil spill is causing me to consider increasing preps and also getting preps where I had none. Some of the preps I am getting are laterns, boxes of matches, candles, and more food. Survival knifes, swiss army knives, even a compass. Also another pistol, but this was more for fun.

I may buy whole lot more of canned food too when this seasons salmon arrive from this one online salmon place. Although I might just get more of the cheaper price bumble bee.

I also have desires to buy some acres, but need to save up more for that.

28th June 2010, 06:35 AM
I would also consider maps of all states touching yours to go along with your compass. Do yourself a favor. Pick a fixed location on your property and mentally or physically mark Magnetic N,S,E,W.

Worst case scenario, if you need to leave at night, you won't be fumbling around trying to figure out which way you're pointed.

Also, if the webbots are correct and there could be a pole shift coming, you'll know for sure if Magnetic North has changed.

28th June 2010, 08:06 AM
Yes. Also stocking up on cane sugar.

28th June 2010, 09:05 AM
The gulf oil catastrophe is causing me to prep less. Transporting all of the preps I have acquired over the past 3 years is going to be difficult.