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Large Sarge
28th June 2010, 10:19 AM

EDIT: Changed thread title due to stickying and intended future purpose of thread.

Large Sarge
28th June 2010, 10:25 AM

Large Sarge
28th June 2010, 10:34 AM

28th June 2010, 01:36 PM
Awesome videos........ Thanks Sarge!

We need a sticky on PREDICTIONS........... Gallo, are you listening??

I'm listening. It sounds like a good idea to me as well, at least for now.

I've stickied this thread for that purpose.


28th June 2010, 01:39 PM
Predictions for 7-11: ;D

1. Underaged individual will attempt to buy beer.
2. Someone will read Maxim without paying for it.
3. Dropped change on the floor will incite a free for all.
4. Late night robbery attempt will net the perp $19 plus change.
5. Cops will get free doughnuts and coffee.

I feel strongly about these!

28th June 2010, 03:26 PM

28th June 2010, 05:45 PM
Predictions for 7-11: ;D

1. Underaged individual will attempt to buy beer.
2. Someone will read Maxim without paying for it.
3. Dropped change on the floor will incite a free for all.
4. Late night robbery attempt will net the perp $19 plus change.
5. Cops will get free doughnuts and coffee.

I feel strongly about these!

I giggled.

28th June 2010, 05:51 PM
Predictions for 7-11: ;D

1. Underaged individual will attempt to buy beer.
2. Someone will read Maxim without paying for it.
3. Dropped change on the floor will incite a free for all.
4. Late night robbery attempt will net the perp $19 plus change.
5. Cops will get free doughnuts and coffee.

I feel strongly about these!

I bet you hit some of these!

I'll spill a Slurpee and get the "dirty look" on free Slurpee day!!

28th June 2010, 10:36 PM
I'll spill a Slurpee and get the "dirty look" on free Slurpee day!!



Large Sarge
29th June 2010, 05:53 AM
July 11 is the new moon (no moon)

this is the best time for bombing

and again, the added bonus, "11" is Israel or the eternal number to the zionist criminals in charge

Silver Rocket Bitches!
29th June 2010, 06:50 AM
I predict BP will be bailed out once this disaster causes their insolvency.

29th June 2010, 04:50 PM
Some of the best news I have heard in ages.

The only pity is that we have to wait a couple of weeks for these things to come to pass.

29th June 2010, 07:05 PM
I'll spill a Slurpee and get the "dirty look" on free Slurpee day!!



Cool JQP!! He's got my Blue Raspberry and his dazed and confused look!

29th June 2010, 09:26 PM
On July 12, South Africans want to kill all the whites.


On July 12 we will kill all the whites...' Afrikaners, black workers warned.

11 June 2010 - "Alex" writes: "My husband happened to be in one of the
firearms shops at the East Rand, whose owner is a friend. While they were
talking a black man walked into the shop and started blowing the vuvuzela
really loudly. The shop owner told him to take the vuvuzela elsewhere or
he'd stick it in a very uncomfortable place.

"The black man then turned on my husband and the shop owner in a tirade,
saying that 'you'd better enjoy your shop for a few days more, because that
shop is going to belong to me after 12 July 2010 because I am going to come
and take it.'

"On July 12 we black people will be ready to mow down all you whites,' he
reportedly said.

This man 's identity is known to the gunshop-owner: he regularly purchases
firearm for Winnie Mandela's security staff and had just ordered 400
bulletproof vests through them.

"The man said that they were going to kill all 'your people's' children,
women, old people and men, and that time they won't be fighting with
knobkieries and pangas, they now are well-armed. We are going to come and
fetch nice stuff from you whites,' he said.

Alex: "The shocked shop-owner still tried to laugh it off but he must have
seen the angry look on my husband's face. The black man threatened my
husband with the words 'I will see you on 12 July or even before depending
on how Bafana-Bafana (the South Bfrican football team, the name translates
to 'boys-boys') is faring.' The man also added that when 'they were finished
killing the whites they would turn on the Chinese". He also mentioned a
black tribal whose people would also be attacked and murdered but my husband
couldn't recall the tribe's name afterwards because he'd become so angered.'

Alex: "The black man told my husband that he would 'shoot at people's legs'.
My husband responded that he never did - he would shoot right between the
eyes - and that he would not miss.'

" After a sleepless night my husband went to visit his friend at the gunshop
again. His friend confirmed that he'd asked a black woman who works there to
find out more about this threat, and she confirmed that the black workers
are constantly being told on the trains between home and work that 'the
workers will have to start helping to kill them on July 12 when they will
start killing all the white people. And if the black workers didn't help
they would be killed too. "

The shop owner said 'the intelligence service was well-aware of the threats
to start killing all the whites on July 12."

(article by Adriana Stuijt a.j.stuijt@knid.nl The sources of this article
are reliable and known. They greatly fear victimisation and refuse to be

I guess we will have to wait and see, I have this in my memory. which will happen first? The mass killing of whites by blacks, Or an invasion of Iran by whites? Ashkenazi and such. Only time will tell, I bet you that nothing comes of the former.

30th June 2010, 06:59 AM
forgive my ignorance, but what does STICKIED mean??? :conf:

30th June 2010, 07:01 AM
"stickied" means the topic is tacked to the top of category, so it won't shift/scroll off the front page.

30th June 2010, 07:17 AM

4th July 2010, 07:54 AM
be warned;

Severe Earthquake Warning For California In September :boohoo



I can't get this vid to embed,
so you might have to click it :conf:

EDIT: Attempted to fix video embedding. -Gaillo

Silver Rocket Bitches!
5th July 2010, 07:18 PM

8th July 2010, 06:01 PM

9th July 2010, 09:37 PM
My prediction: "The planet's fu*ked, it's your fault, and it's going to get a lot worse!"

(apology to the FKN News guy)

10th July 2010, 02:28 PM
Sounds like the next couple of days are going to suck. :)

10th July 2010, 04:36 PM
Sounds like the next couple of days are going to suck. :)

Sounds like it.................we shall see

I feel fine :)

10th July 2010, 07:12 PM
OK, here is my prediction.
An earthquake 7.0 or greater will hit the New Madrid fault and/or Califorina within 16 months of today 07/10/10.


11th July 2010, 01:31 AM
webbots from 20/07/09:

...described as being so [radioactive] a [material] that a single [dust mote] being [inhaled] will produce [violent death (through) anal/internal bleeding] and [bleeding from the mucus membranes]...

Gulf toxicologist: Shrimpers exposed to Corexit "bleeding from the rectum":


11th July 2010, 09:16 PM
well 7/11/2010 turned out to be uneventful

whats the next date?

11th July 2010, 11:45 PM
I think that would be 7/12/2010. Sorry, Ken, I had to.

Wait and watch, the numnuts work in mysterious ways. Stuff may have happened today that you just don't know about that will cause something and then you will put the pieces together and proclaim, very loudly:

"That's complete and utter nonsense!"

Wait and see, wait and seeeeeeee

Large Sarge
12th July 2010, 04:29 AM
here is what I think it is, this info was released Yest.

Hectic preparations for historic Ahmadinejad visit to Beirut
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 11, 2010, 11:33 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Ahmadinejad Israel Lebanon US-Iran
Ahmadinehad ready for his first close-up to Lebanese-Israel border
Feverish preparations are afoot in Tehran for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's first visit to the Lebanese capital. Reporting this, debkafile's Iranian sources define the trip's purpose as a confrontational exercise to warn the US and Israel that full implementation of the tough new UN, US and European sanctions will provoke an Iranian war on Israel - waged from Lebanon. Ahmadinejad's trip is expected before September - with the Syrian and Qatari rulers in tow.

Read more

1970 silver art
13th July 2010, 04:13 AM
FWIW....My gold and silver gut feeling predictions:

1. Silver (a.k.a the DOG) will finish at $23 (or more) on December 31, 2010.

2. Gold will finish at $1450 (or more) on December 31, 2010.


30th August 2010, 03:57 PM
be warned;

Severe Earthquake Warning For California In September :boohoo



I can't get this vid to embed,
so you might have to click it :conf:

EDIT: Attempted to fix video embedding. -Gaillo

This better happen darnit. California could use another emergency that isn't manmade, they need the FEMA money... :P

30th August 2010, 04:38 PM
be warned;

Severe Earthquake Warning For California In September :boohoo



I can't get this vid to embed,
so you might have to click it :conf:

EDIT: Attempted to fix video embedding. -Gaillo

This better happen darnit. California could use another emergency that isn't manmade, they need the FEMA money... :P

A big one in the Bay area would be good...... I could use the work....and it pays good there.

18th September 2010, 06:30 AM
some non-hits for the bots recently. if the november "tipping point" fails to materialise (clif high is saying this will be a 911 type event but of magnitudes greater impact), time to put them on permanent ignore.

other interesting predictions, a guy called patrick geryl has done some work on the electric universe theory and its effects on the sun. he apparently predicted the major solar storms of august 1st (http://www.universetoday.com/70290/aurora-alert-solar-storm-reaches-earth/) this year, can't vouch for that as i wasn't aware of it beforehand. if there's anything to the theory, we should have a similar event october 27th. good summary here (http://blog.2012pro.com/2012/prediction-next-complex-eruption-of-the-sun).

6th October 2010, 11:21 AM
false flag before the nov elections

obama has an accident by a " anti-gov't white racist "

28th October 2010, 12:45 PM
other interesting predictions, a guy called patrick geryl has done some work on the electric universe theory and its effects on the sun. he apparently predicted the major solar storms of august 1st (http://www.universetoday.com/70290/aurora-alert-solar-storm-reaches-earth/) this year, can't vouch for that as i wasn't aware of it beforehand. if there's anything to the theory, we should have a similar event october 27th. good summary here (http://blog.2012pro.com/2012/prediction-next-complex-eruption-of-the-sun).


the circle in the centre represents the size of the Sun. that was a big CME.

this happened too:

http://spaceweather.com/swpod2010/28oct10/twister320.gif?PHPSESSID=42hfd2p3od7bh9h5nt58nq1l2 3

At its peak, the twister--or rather, untwister--towered more than 350,000 km above the stellar surface. It appears to have hurled a fragment of itself into space, but not toward Earth; the blast was not geoeffective.

3rd November 2010, 01:05 PM
Uranian - it's difficult for me to imagine the magnitude.....

http://spaceweather.com/swpod2010/28oct10/twister320.gif?PHPSESSID=42hfd2p3od7bh9h5nt58nq1l2 3

350,000km high....

30th December 2010, 05:23 AM
FWIW....My gold and silver gut feeling predictions:

1. Silver (a.k.a the DOG) will finish at $23 (or more) on December 31, 2010.

2. Gold will finish at $1450 (or more) on December 31, 2010.


Okay you win a prize.

Looks like the shorts lost control on SI for sure.

I predicted they would close out at prices under their capping.
Sub $20 and that didn't happen. Predicted they would fight at
$20 - $23, they did but lost big. Someone was closing out as
well above these prices, it is hard to imagine the control masters
losing $ 10 -17 for each SI OZ at $ 30.00. Who closed out,
raptors or big boys ? First time for a chart like this. Closing
out at higher prices. These charts are keepers.

1970 silver art
31st December 2010, 03:52 PM
FWIW....My gold and silver gut feeling predictions:

1. Silver (a.k.a the DOG) will finish at $23 (or more) on December 31, 2010.

2. Gold will finish at $1450 (or more) on December 31, 2010.



As of close of business on Friday, December 31, 2010.........Silver finished at $30.91.


15th January 2011, 12:09 PM
From the crystal ball of NostraQuadamus . . .

Widespread (multi-city) outbreaks of Black rioting will broadly coincide (plus or minus two years?) with Obama’s exit from the presidency. Clusters of racial violence in the U.S. tend to occur every 20-25 years, going back until at least the 1920’s, the latest instance being the “Rodney King” riots of 1992. 1992 +20 = 2112. 1992+25 =2117.

Future historians will view the 1960’s as the apex of African American artistic, intellectual, and legal influence, and the 1990’s as the height of Black influence on popular culture.

These same historians will view the Obama presidency as the high water mark of African American political influence.

The 21st century will witness a startling decline in African American cultural influence in the U.S.

As a sort of preview in miniature to this “decline and fall of Black America,” witness the ostensibly liberal bastions of Los Angeles and New York, where African American influence peaked from the mid-70’s to early 90’s and has since been steadily declining.

(The same process is currently under way in Washington D.C., where Blacks, now fully aware of what is happening, are putting up more of a fight. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/18/AR2010091804286.html)

By the end of the century, Blacks will be a small and largely invisible minority. (As is often the case in Latin America.)

5th February 2011, 10:47 AM
From the crystal ball of NostraQuadamus . . .

Widespread (multi-city) outbreaks of Black rioting will broadly coincide (plus or minus two years?) with Obama’s exit from the presidency. Clusters of racial violence in the U.S. tend to occur every 20-25 years, going back until at least the 1920’s, the latest instance being the “Rodney King” riots of 1992. 1992 +20 = 2112. 1992+25 =2117.

Future historians will view the 1960’s as the apex of African American artistic, intellectual, and legal influence, and the 1990’s as the height of Black influence on popular culture.

These same historians will view the Obama presidency as the high water mark of African American political influence.

The 21st century will witness a startling decline in African American cultural influence in the U.S.

As a sort of preview in miniature to this “decline and fall of Black America,” witness the ostensibly liberal bastions of Los Angeles and New York, where African American influence peaked from the mid-70’s to early 90’s and has since been steadily declining.

(The same process is currently under way in Washington D.C., where Blacks, now fully aware of what is happening, are putting up more of a fight. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/18/AR2010091804286.html)

By the end of the century, Blacks will be a small and largely invisible minority. (As is often the case in Latin America.)

May wanna check your math there...


1970 silver art
6th April 2011, 04:19 AM
My gut feeling prediction on silver for 2011......................

We will NOT see $50 silver in 2011

My gut says so. :)