View Full Version : Any bee keepers here?

28th June 2010, 09:20 PM
Have just started doing a little research on the subject. Wondering if any here already doing it and have some pointers. ( I have no problem learning from others mistakes)
Bee Stuff (http://www.dadant.com/)

29th June 2010, 09:20 AM
one thing i have noticed - bees LOVE spearmint.

i had a big spearmint plant in the 2009 season. it was about 4 feet x 4 feet. always covered with bees, hundreds of bees.

then i got accused of having an "invasive plant" by a neighbor and had to trim it back this year.

29th June 2010, 05:40 PM
What? none? guess this could be a valid 'hobby' post shtf. I go through about a quart every 3 weeks.

Rip Van Winkle
8th July 2010, 07:55 AM
I've done it for three years, it has been profitable but you need a lot of space for storage and extraction.

8th July 2010, 08:31 AM
I have kept bees.
I picked up 3 hives and quite a bit of kit (screen helmet, smoker, etc) at an auction for $20 flat.
The hives sat in the backyard for a year while I waffled back and forth on how to proceed.
The hives became occupied in about 1 year.
I primarily just let the bees do their thing and liked to show them off opening the hives with no protection.
Prior to this I had a deathly fear of all flying, stinging insects. Today I only fear the yellow jacket.
I occasionally collected honey just to see how it was done. It was not bad but wasn't the best honey, either.
After about 8 years the bees left as suddenly as they had appeared.
The hives still stand, deserted, on that property.

I have an herb garden in my present yard and, like the poster above, the mint and lemon balm plants are absolutely covered with bees. I suppose a hive would be soon occupied naturally but I have bigger fish to fry at the moment. I'm just happy to be supporting the bee population.

8th July 2010, 08:47 AM

8th July 2010, 09:02 AM
yes I love those critters.
I also never used hoods bair
skin.stung yes..

love those critters. we as people can learn from them.

Have no hivesnow but..brefore I die.wil again..

love them..