Large Sarge
30th June 2010, 05:04 AM
Treachery In The Gulf
By Robbi Skye Campbell
What has happened in the Gulf of Mexico was not by accident. It was most likely a design to support an agenda. What that agenda is we do not know exactly but I will try to connect the dots. We may soon know the true extent of its nature by the "solutions" our government imposes on the people in the Gulf area.
There are some major problems:
The Obama administration allowed BP to drill at an unstable site (highly over pressured) in 5,000 feet of water;
BP CEO Tony Hayward dumped his BP stock 2 months before the spill;
The well was kicking since they drilled into the production zone, so the drilling fluid or mud was underbalanced (mud weight not quite heavy enough for the upward pressure of the gas);
Goldman Sachs dumped 44% of BP stock and went short on Transocean stock the day before the spill;
The drilling crew knew that the annular blowout preventer was damaged and BP company man Kazula did not order it repaired;
BP company man Kazula was a greenhorn on the Deepwater Horizon (he was inexperienced);
The well was cased, cemented and had two cement abandonment plugs in place, so how could the well be kicking (trying to blow out)?;
BP company man Kazula sent away the Schlumberger team (supposed to do the cement bond log to check Halliburton's cement job on the casing);
Despite this the BP company man made the decision to change the mud over to seawater (seawater is 40% lighter than the drilling mud). This is not logical;
Shouting match between the rig superintendent and the company man. Superintendent felt that the order to change over to seawater was irrational and suicidal;
During the changeover of the mud to seawater is when the blowout naturally occurred;
President Obama stood by but did not take action for at least three weeks after the spill;
BP and the White House allowed the spill to continue;
The White House allowed BP to spray the highly toxic chemical, Corexit 9500, which is considered to be four to ten times more toxic than the oil itself. EPA told BP not to use Corexit 9500 and BP ignored the federal agency. Corexit is being sprayed at nighttime on coastal residences by the CIA-front, Evergreen Air (which reportedly also sprays chemtrails);
Negligible cleanup measures on the shores and at sea;
Barack Obama sent SWAT teams to production platforms and drilling rigs;
Obama sent the Army and National Guard into the Gulf States テつ* for what reason?
Suppression of investigative reporting of the spill;
BP arrested people taking pictures of the area;
BP is allowed to reap the benefit of gathering oil rather than stopping the spill;
Interests and livelihood of the residents suppressed and not considered in decisions;
President Obama is using the spill to get the "Cap and Trade" bill passed;
Twenty-two countries have offered their experience in spill control and cleanup but neither our government nor BP has accepted their offers;
BP and Obama have declined to use non-toxic microbes as a clean-up measure;
BP company man Kazula invoked the Fifth Amendment under congressional questioning of his orders.
Where are the environmental groups? The Santa Barbara spill in 1969 was from an offshore drilling rig in the Santa Barbara Channel. It was a blowout on Union Oil's platform A; over ten days it was estimated that 80,000 to 100,000 barrels of crude oil spilled into the channel and onto the beaches from Goleta to Rincon and all four Channel Islands. The oil spill prompted a congressional moratorium in 1981 on new offshore oil leasing with exceptions of the Gulf of Mexico and parts of offshore Alaska that remained in effect until 2008 when Congress did not renew it.
This was the coming out of environmental groups. At the same time Friends of the Earth was heavily supported by BP, ARCO, and EXXON in its litigation against those companies to prevent the completion of the Alaska Pipeline until the price of oil was raised by the Ayatollah in 1978. Friends of the Earth then withdrew is lawsuit and the pipeline was allowed to begin transporting much more valuable oil.
In 1989 we saw the Exxon Valdez spill which was the largest oil spill at 10.8 million gallons (250,000 barrels) when it hit the Prince William Sound's Bligh Reef. Others estimated a far greater amount, closer to 30 million gallons. It was considered to be one of the most devastating environmental disasters. The tanker's Rayas sonar was not turned on. It was broken and disabled for longer than one year and was considered too expensive to repair or replace. The environmental groups were all over them, and the media piled on.
The Exxon Valdez crew was criticized for its slow response. The environmental groups were powerful and their voices were heard. In response to this spill the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) was passed by Congress. It prohibited after 22 MAR 1989 any vessel that has caused a spill of greater than one million US gallons in any marine area from operating in the Prince William Sound. Even though the tanker involved in the spill was double-hulled, this spill resulted in all tankers ordered to be double-hulled. To this day, the spill affects the lives of the people living in the Prince William Sound area. The cleanup has not been successful; more than 26,000 gals of oil remain on the shoreline and the marine life has not recovered. Only 10% of the oil was recovered.
Even though the environmental groups may have had some effect on the spill it was the community that took the full brunt of the accident. The Chugach Alaska Corporation had to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Losses included recreational sports, fisheries, reduced tourism and of something economists call "existence value," which is the value to the public of a pristine Prince William Sound. The economy of Cordova, Alaska was adversely affected with damage to the herring and salmon stock. Several residents and the mayor committed suicide.
Let's take a look at what happened to the cleanup crew of the Exxon Valdez. Workers stood in oil foam for 18 hours per day. The boats steered through a hydrocarbon haze. The workers came from the area テつ* fisherman and sportsmen suddenly jobless. They were hired by Exxon. They were treated for headaches, nausea, chemical burns, breathing problems. Many or all of them were never the same after working the summer for Exxon. Most of the workers died young due to lung disease (asthma, emphysema), liver, pancreatic and spleen problems. Workers went in 100% healthy and came out sick. Well and vibrant, they all became sick after a summer of hard work in Prince William Sound. There were thousands of workers affected by headaches, cancer, rashes, kidney and liver disease テつ* all the result of massive chemical exposure to the dispersants, solvents and crude oil mix. We may never know how many people were affected by the Exxon Valdez spill because Exxon and their cleanup company, Velco Inc., denied government investigators the medical records.
* * *
Russia is another country that has had uncontrollable blowouts. They have had five cratered blowouts. They found that drilling a relief well that intersects the wild well and then placing and detonating a nuclear device (which slid the formation across the wild well bore, choking it off) were successful solutions.
In 1963 the Russians had a horrible blowout that lasted three years spewing twelve million cubic meters of flaming gas each day. Albert Vasiliev (nuclear physicist and gas well firefighter) said, "We were acting like surgeons in last resort cases, but it worked." The blowout sounded like 100 jet planes all at once. A nuclear blast choked it off. This method was found to be effective and they used it on similar cases. Vyacheslav Klishin (nuclear physicist, gas well firefighter) said, "One needs to tie up the well where the leak is. There are only two ways: 1. [A relief well to intersect the wild well, injecting mud and cement into the bore]; 2. A nuclear explosion." The Russians and other countries are obviously alarmed by the Gulf catastrophe and have offered their experience and expertise in wild well control, but Barack Obama and BP have ignored their offers. We can only infer from this that our government and BP are not going to control the well. There is an agenda, but what is it?
What will happen if the well continues to release 125,000 barrels of oil and at least 9,000 PSI hydrogen sulfide, benzene and methylene chloride gases each day? Benzene is the aromatic hydrocarbon component of crude oil, which is highly toxic and carcinogenic to boot. Acceptable levels are 0 to 4 parts per billion. In Florida, Alabama and Louisiana they have measured 3,000 ppb on shore! Hydrogen sulfide is allowable at 5 to 10 parts per billion. In the above states, H2S has been measured at up to 1,200 ppb. The allowable limit of methylene chloride is 61 parts per billion. The same states have found levels as high as 3,000 to 3,400 ppd!
The oil flow in the Gulf is equivalent to the Exxon Valdez every two days. It will follow the currents of the Gulf of Mexico to the shores of Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Bahamas and the Caribbean. Russian scientists have said that, once in the Gulf Stream, it will drastically affect the fishing industry globally. There are millions of families that have made their livelihoods on fishing, shrimping and crabbing. The restaurant, hotel and sports businesses based on tourism will be affected. The chemicals have evaporated into the atmosphere and have condensed, falling on the plant life, farms and the entire environment surrounding the Gulf of Mexico causing corrosive lesions on plants and killing the birds. It is now raining chemicals in Louisiana.
There may be more that it has affected so far but this is what we have seen on the Internet and YouTube. The currents move around the peninsula of Florida and along the East Coast. This will directly affect more coastal regions in a similar fashion as what we are seeing in the Gulf. We are nearing the hurricane season which will drive the toxic mixture inland. The toxic combination of oil, methane and Corexit will continue to have detrimental effects on our environment and humanity. It is a carcinogen. The hydrocarbon fumes and Corexit are causing symptoms which will manifest in diseases that will afflict plants, animals and humans.
People along the coastal regions will become sick and die prematurely.
* * *
By Robbi Skye Campbell
What has happened in the Gulf of Mexico was not by accident. It was most likely a design to support an agenda. What that agenda is we do not know exactly but I will try to connect the dots. We may soon know the true extent of its nature by the "solutions" our government imposes on the people in the Gulf area.
There are some major problems:
The Obama administration allowed BP to drill at an unstable site (highly over pressured) in 5,000 feet of water;
BP CEO Tony Hayward dumped his BP stock 2 months before the spill;
The well was kicking since they drilled into the production zone, so the drilling fluid or mud was underbalanced (mud weight not quite heavy enough for the upward pressure of the gas);
Goldman Sachs dumped 44% of BP stock and went short on Transocean stock the day before the spill;
The drilling crew knew that the annular blowout preventer was damaged and BP company man Kazula did not order it repaired;
BP company man Kazula was a greenhorn on the Deepwater Horizon (he was inexperienced);
The well was cased, cemented and had two cement abandonment plugs in place, so how could the well be kicking (trying to blow out)?;
BP company man Kazula sent away the Schlumberger team (supposed to do the cement bond log to check Halliburton's cement job on the casing);
Despite this the BP company man made the decision to change the mud over to seawater (seawater is 40% lighter than the drilling mud). This is not logical;
Shouting match between the rig superintendent and the company man. Superintendent felt that the order to change over to seawater was irrational and suicidal;
During the changeover of the mud to seawater is when the blowout naturally occurred;
President Obama stood by but did not take action for at least three weeks after the spill;
BP and the White House allowed the spill to continue;
The White House allowed BP to spray the highly toxic chemical, Corexit 9500, which is considered to be four to ten times more toxic than the oil itself. EPA told BP not to use Corexit 9500 and BP ignored the federal agency. Corexit is being sprayed at nighttime on coastal residences by the CIA-front, Evergreen Air (which reportedly also sprays chemtrails);
Negligible cleanup measures on the shores and at sea;
Barack Obama sent SWAT teams to production platforms and drilling rigs;
Obama sent the Army and National Guard into the Gulf States テつ* for what reason?
Suppression of investigative reporting of the spill;
BP arrested people taking pictures of the area;
BP is allowed to reap the benefit of gathering oil rather than stopping the spill;
Interests and livelihood of the residents suppressed and not considered in decisions;
President Obama is using the spill to get the "Cap and Trade" bill passed;
Twenty-two countries have offered their experience in spill control and cleanup but neither our government nor BP has accepted their offers;
BP and Obama have declined to use non-toxic microbes as a clean-up measure;
BP company man Kazula invoked the Fifth Amendment under congressional questioning of his orders.
Where are the environmental groups? The Santa Barbara spill in 1969 was from an offshore drilling rig in the Santa Barbara Channel. It was a blowout on Union Oil's platform A; over ten days it was estimated that 80,000 to 100,000 barrels of crude oil spilled into the channel and onto the beaches from Goleta to Rincon and all four Channel Islands. The oil spill prompted a congressional moratorium in 1981 on new offshore oil leasing with exceptions of the Gulf of Mexico and parts of offshore Alaska that remained in effect until 2008 when Congress did not renew it.
This was the coming out of environmental groups. At the same time Friends of the Earth was heavily supported by BP, ARCO, and EXXON in its litigation against those companies to prevent the completion of the Alaska Pipeline until the price of oil was raised by the Ayatollah in 1978. Friends of the Earth then withdrew is lawsuit and the pipeline was allowed to begin transporting much more valuable oil.
In 1989 we saw the Exxon Valdez spill which was the largest oil spill at 10.8 million gallons (250,000 barrels) when it hit the Prince William Sound's Bligh Reef. Others estimated a far greater amount, closer to 30 million gallons. It was considered to be one of the most devastating environmental disasters. The tanker's Rayas sonar was not turned on. It was broken and disabled for longer than one year and was considered too expensive to repair or replace. The environmental groups were all over them, and the media piled on.
The Exxon Valdez crew was criticized for its slow response. The environmental groups were powerful and their voices were heard. In response to this spill the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) was passed by Congress. It prohibited after 22 MAR 1989 any vessel that has caused a spill of greater than one million US gallons in any marine area from operating in the Prince William Sound. Even though the tanker involved in the spill was double-hulled, this spill resulted in all tankers ordered to be double-hulled. To this day, the spill affects the lives of the people living in the Prince William Sound area. The cleanup has not been successful; more than 26,000 gals of oil remain on the shoreline and the marine life has not recovered. Only 10% of the oil was recovered.
Even though the environmental groups may have had some effect on the spill it was the community that took the full brunt of the accident. The Chugach Alaska Corporation had to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Losses included recreational sports, fisheries, reduced tourism and of something economists call "existence value," which is the value to the public of a pristine Prince William Sound. The economy of Cordova, Alaska was adversely affected with damage to the herring and salmon stock. Several residents and the mayor committed suicide.
Let's take a look at what happened to the cleanup crew of the Exxon Valdez. Workers stood in oil foam for 18 hours per day. The boats steered through a hydrocarbon haze. The workers came from the area テつ* fisherman and sportsmen suddenly jobless. They were hired by Exxon. They were treated for headaches, nausea, chemical burns, breathing problems. Many or all of them were never the same after working the summer for Exxon. Most of the workers died young due to lung disease (asthma, emphysema), liver, pancreatic and spleen problems. Workers went in 100% healthy and came out sick. Well and vibrant, they all became sick after a summer of hard work in Prince William Sound. There were thousands of workers affected by headaches, cancer, rashes, kidney and liver disease テつ* all the result of massive chemical exposure to the dispersants, solvents and crude oil mix. We may never know how many people were affected by the Exxon Valdez spill because Exxon and their cleanup company, Velco Inc., denied government investigators the medical records.
* * *
Russia is another country that has had uncontrollable blowouts. They have had five cratered blowouts. They found that drilling a relief well that intersects the wild well and then placing and detonating a nuclear device (which slid the formation across the wild well bore, choking it off) were successful solutions.
In 1963 the Russians had a horrible blowout that lasted three years spewing twelve million cubic meters of flaming gas each day. Albert Vasiliev (nuclear physicist and gas well firefighter) said, "We were acting like surgeons in last resort cases, but it worked." The blowout sounded like 100 jet planes all at once. A nuclear blast choked it off. This method was found to be effective and they used it on similar cases. Vyacheslav Klishin (nuclear physicist, gas well firefighter) said, "One needs to tie up the well where the leak is. There are only two ways: 1. [A relief well to intersect the wild well, injecting mud and cement into the bore]; 2. A nuclear explosion." The Russians and other countries are obviously alarmed by the Gulf catastrophe and have offered their experience and expertise in wild well control, but Barack Obama and BP have ignored their offers. We can only infer from this that our government and BP are not going to control the well. There is an agenda, but what is it?
What will happen if the well continues to release 125,000 barrels of oil and at least 9,000 PSI hydrogen sulfide, benzene and methylene chloride gases each day? Benzene is the aromatic hydrocarbon component of crude oil, which is highly toxic and carcinogenic to boot. Acceptable levels are 0 to 4 parts per billion. In Florida, Alabama and Louisiana they have measured 3,000 ppb on shore! Hydrogen sulfide is allowable at 5 to 10 parts per billion. In the above states, H2S has been measured at up to 1,200 ppb. The allowable limit of methylene chloride is 61 parts per billion. The same states have found levels as high as 3,000 to 3,400 ppd!
The oil flow in the Gulf is equivalent to the Exxon Valdez every two days. It will follow the currents of the Gulf of Mexico to the shores of Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Bahamas and the Caribbean. Russian scientists have said that, once in the Gulf Stream, it will drastically affect the fishing industry globally. There are millions of families that have made their livelihoods on fishing, shrimping and crabbing. The restaurant, hotel and sports businesses based on tourism will be affected. The chemicals have evaporated into the atmosphere and have condensed, falling on the plant life, farms and the entire environment surrounding the Gulf of Mexico causing corrosive lesions on plants and killing the birds. It is now raining chemicals in Louisiana.
There may be more that it has affected so far but this is what we have seen on the Internet and YouTube. The currents move around the peninsula of Florida and along the East Coast. This will directly affect more coastal regions in a similar fashion as what we are seeing in the Gulf. We are nearing the hurricane season which will drive the toxic mixture inland. The toxic combination of oil, methane and Corexit will continue to have detrimental effects on our environment and humanity. It is a carcinogen. The hydrocarbon fumes and Corexit are causing symptoms which will manifest in diseases that will afflict plants, animals and humans.
People along the coastal regions will become sick and die prematurely.
* * *