View Full Version : California Cities Shutting Police Forces to Close Budget Gaps

Large Sarge
30th June 2010, 08:46 AM

California Cities Shutting Police Forces to Close Budget Gaps
By Christopher Palmeri - Jun 29, 2010 Email Share
Business Exchange Twitter Delicious Digg Facebook LinkedIn Newsvine Propeller Yahoo! Buzz Print San Carlos, a Silicon Valley suburb that calls itself the City of Good Living, will hire contractors to maintain parks and negotiate with county officials to take over policing, becoming the latest California community eliminating basic services to close budget deficits.

Measures passed by the City Council last night may save the community of 28,000 residents about $2.5 million a year, according to Mayor Randy Royce. San Carlos faces a $3.5 million deficit for the fiscal year that begins July 1, on a budget of $25.8 million.

About 70 percent of U.S. municipalities are cutting jobs to cope with declining tax revenue, according to a survey published last month by the National League of Cities in Washington. One in five communities cut public-safety spending and revised union contracts, and almost one-quarter reduced health care.

San Carlos’s council voted 4-1 to pursue discussions with the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Department on taking over the 32- member police force for the city located 24 miles (39 kilometers) south of San Francisco, according to Royce.

Taking over policing may produce annual savings of $2 million, he said. Council members also chose to replace seven parks department jobs by hiring companies to cut grass and clean restrooms. That will save $500,000 a year, according to the San Carlos website.

‘Growing Trend’

“It is a growing trend,” said Frank Benest, a former city manager in nearby Palo Alto, California, who’s now a consultant to local governments. “Cities and counties are looking for ways of delivering services at a lower cost. A lot of the easy cuts have already been made.”

Eight miles south of Los Angeles, the City Council in Maywood voted on June 21 to seek outside providers for all services after being unable to pay for worker’s compensation and other insurance, according to Magdalena Prado, director of community relations for the municipality.

The city may lose general liability coverage, Standard & Poor’s said on June 25 as it put the Maywood Public Financing Authority on watch for a possible downgrade.

Maywood already relies on contractors for street sweeping and sanitation, Prado said. The neighboring community of Bell likely will provide code enforcement and parking-meter reading and ticketing, she said. Los Angeles County will take over police services.

“We’ve had cities all around the country ask about what we’re doing,” Prado said in a telephone interview. “We’re at the cusp of this.”

Earlier Paring

San Carlos’s median annual household income is $88,460, according to the city’s website, 45 percent above the California average. The municipality has cut its police budget, trimming personnel from 38 officers, hired a neighboring city to provide emergency-dispatch services and curbed retiree benefits, according to a report for the city manager.

Replacing the police department is opposed by the city’s police union, which plans to seek voter approval in November to block the move, said Gil Granado, president of the San Carlos Police Officers Association.

City police officers have offered to accept reduced pay and benefits, Granado said in a telephone interview. He said the consultant San Carlos hired to study the issue was biased in favor of replacing officers with county deputies because he works for the Los Angeles County sheriff’s department.

“It’s not the police that’s not doing its job, it’s the city manager,” Granado said.

The consultant did an independent assessment and using county deputies for local policing has been successful in Southern California, said Mark Weiss, the city manager.

“If you look at our budget, we need to find a model that works,” he said.

‘Trying to Negotiate’

Royce, a retired Hewlett-Packard Co. finance executive, also said the consultant had an independent viewpoint and that the police have sought salary increases, not cuts.

“We’ve been trying to negotiate with them for two years,” Royce said.

The city has consolidated services with neighboring communities in the past and not always with success, according to Weiss. San Carlos shares a fire department with neighboring Belmont in a partnership it plans to dissolve. Earlier this year, the city notified Belmont officials that it would seek other alternatives, including setting up a department with a larger group of communities.

The joint fire department’s expenses have risen 30 percent in the past five years, Weiss said. Because of a formula that apportions costs based on such figures as population and real- estate values, San Carlos must pay a larger share. He said the fire department’s board makeup of two members from each city has made it indecisive.

“Everything is on the table for local governments right now as they try to balance their budgets,” Christopher Hoene, director of research at the National League of Cities said in a telephone interview. “That means sharing services with another city or finding an alternative provider.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Christopher Palmeri in Los Angeles at cpalmeri1@bloomberg.net

Saul Mine
30th June 2010, 06:40 PM
If "everything is on the table", how come it's only the most highly visible services that get the cuts? How come not one unneeded secretary gets laid off? How come not one welfare dole is cut? How come not one inept budget planner gets a salary reduction? Nobody else is ever excused from the consequences of such ineptness in the performance of duties.

30th June 2010, 08:06 PM
And yet.......they want to do away with the volunteer fire department and give the jobs to someone who will get pay and benefits........and of course, it has the union label.

30th June 2010, 09:04 PM
F the popo! :plll
Pack your own protection.

Mill Man
30th June 2010, 09:31 PM
Its nothing more than a simple strategy they employ. Its the same reason starting teachers make such little money. Up here in Washington one town spent 14,000 dollars on some colored balls for "public art". Millions in Seattle for acoustic panels on a bridge to quiet it down for the few dozen homes underneath. A bridge that has been up since the 60's. 5k to refinish a table in the capitol, 6k to send a parks official to a parks conference in Australia, gov. empolyees making 100-200k a year, retiring, and then being rehired a month later so they get their paycheck AND PENSION. etc, etc, etc. Yet they don't have money for basic police, ems, and fire services. Yeah right. This is nothing more than a gangster government from the top down.

1st July 2010, 11:28 AM
F the popo! :plll
Pack your own protection.

That's the problem in CA, is you can't. Well, not legally. Getting a conceiled permit is damn near impossible.

Lot's of cities are bankrupt, and police departments are laying off like crazy. The crime-ridden city of Vallejo, bankcrupt, now only has 6 police officers patrolling at any given time. Citizens are concerned, and arming themselves...however, they will just be forced to stay in at night.

They ought to let more folks have conceiled permits, so they can protect themselves away from home.

1st July 2010, 12:08 PM
Can we create a good news sub forum and have this as the leading thread? :)

1st July 2010, 01:33 PM
F the popo! :plll
Pack your own protection.

That's the problem in CA, is you can't. Well, not legally.

Their "law" says no.

Our law says yes: "the right to...bear arms, shall not be infringed."

1st July 2010, 01:55 PM
Their "law" says no.

Our law says yes: "the right to...bear arms, shall not be infringed."

I suppose so Quantum. Realistically however, 'their' laws are the ones that would put me in jail if I carried. Worse, if I had to defend myself justly, I'd still go to jail.

Less cops on the street is a concern for me, and those I care about. We've been having home invasions around. One recently involved 10 guys, who tied up the familly, and ransacked the home. Thanksfully, nobody was injured. But this type of thing is going to be on the rise. Not just street punks, but organized attacks like this. Fortunately we can at least use our guns to defend our homes. For the time being at least.