View Full Version : $600 sale? Tax form

30th June 2010, 03:58 PM
Caught this over @ Kitco.


Rare Coin Reporting Legislation PASSES

Little has been said about legislation that passed as part of the health care reform bill.
In an effort to close the loopholes the health care reform bill includes massive reporting requirements for rare coin dealers. Any transaction of coins,paper money bullion ect over $600 is reportable under the new law. when it goes into effect all transactions will be required to be reported on IRS form 1099.

The new law is part of the health care bill and affects ALL sales of coins. The government is desperate to raise money to pay for the new health care reform. They see this as away to pay for it.
This is far worse than the current regulations which require a minimal amount of records on certian bullion items to be filed. Eagles and Buffaloes are currently exempt under the old rules.
Its all changed. This bill is ALREADY passed .It it is law.
Unless it’s repealed, its a done deal.

If you have coins or bullion you are holding for privacy -it will be gone.
If you have been thinking about selling you may want to do it now rather than later to avoid government intrusion.

◦When this law goes into effect you can’t even sell 1/2 an ounce of gold or a single $20 St Gaudens without reporting it.
◦Selling now can lick in today’s high prices without the red tape.
Worse yet is what happens to the coin market when this bill takes effect. If not repealed, I would expect a coin market collapse.

Can you imagine the labor alone of having to report every item?

Dealers will not be able to afford to comply and many will likely go out of business.

Buyers love physical gold and rare coins because of the relative privacy compared to other investments. They disappear with this legislation.

I don’t know if the appeal will be successful or not. I hope it is. But the federal government is desperate for money and this bill has already passed. I think it proves that you absolutely can’t count on past rules staying in place when buying coins. Why would you think the government can’t change the rules when it suits them? T think that your rare coins are safe from the government is not reasonable. The same thing that would make coins popular9rising prices) is what will get the governments attention.

If you’ve been on the fence to sell your coins don’t wait. Take advantage of today’s market. Get top price before all this goes into effect and the potential buyers are scared away .

In either case you can call your Congressman to urge support for HR 5141 to epeal the 1099 reporting requirement included in the health care bill.

This article seems to have a slant to to get people to sell. I think the black market for metals might see a nice kick start.

But I read this one also.


$600 sale? Tax formJune 29, 2010
by David L. Ganz

A blizzard of paperwork could be about to hit numismatics.

Passage by Congress of the national health care legislation has had an unintended consequence to the nation’s coin collectors, vest-pocket dealers who buy and sell coins, and larger dealers who are frequent buyers of coins that collectors periodically liquidate as they trade up their collections for better coins, or simply sell to take a small profit or loss.

What has happened is that effective Jan. 1, 2012, the whole system of giving and receiving Internal Revenue Service 1099 forms will be turned on its head and all persons (including corporations) who are in business will now have to give 1099 tax reporting forms for coins and other goods that they sell as well as buy.

The responsibility for issuing forms kicks in at $600 for coins or bullion – not a very high level and one that has already started sounding alarm bells. It doesn’t matter in what form payment is made, whether cash, check, credit card, or Yap stone money, the $600 threshold applies.

There’s a bill introduced by Rep. Dan Lungren (H.R. 5141), which has gathered over 80 members of Congress as co-sponsors to repeal this section. Evidently, however, the drafters of the provision think there is a $17 billion loophole that this plugs.

The Industry Council for Tangible Assets is alerting member dealers and the public at large in the hope that some sense of outrage will lead to a ready modification before the law becomes operational in 2012.

Form 1099 is used to report independent contractor income, income from dividends, income from other things – and is one of the reasons why children receive tax bills for work or labor or services performed.

Section 9006 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148, signed into law by President Obama this spring) turns 1099 forms into reporting forms not only for independent contractor’s income – what they have long been used for – but also to show sales, gains and losses on purchases and sales of goods as part of a trade or business.

The section reads (in relevant part) “SEC. 9006. EXPANSION OF INFORMATION REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.

(a) IN GENERAL. – Section 6041 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsections:

‘‘(h) APPLICATION TO CORPORATIONS. – Notwithstanding any regulation prescribed by the secretary before the date of the enactment of this subsection, for purposes of this section the term ‘person’ includes any corporation that is not an organization exempt from tax under section 501(a).

‘‘(i) REGULATIONS. – The secretary may prescribe such regulations and other guidance as may be appropriate or necessary to carry out the purposes of this section, including rules to prevent duplicative reporting of transactions.’’


Subsection (a) of section 6041 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended –

(1) by inserting ‘‘amounts in consideration for property,’’ after ‘‘wages,’’
(2) by inserting ‘‘gross proceeds,’’ after ‘‘emoluments, or other’’, and
(3) by inserting ‘‘gross proceeds,’’ after ‘‘setting forth the amount of such.’’

The property section means that if B. Max Mehl was selling coins to another major dealer of that era, a 1099 would have to be issued. When he bought from the public, the same thing is also required. The “report” does not necessarily measure profit or loss, but it does show activity.

The old exemption against corporations is also gone. If you buy or sell more than $600 of coins, or whatever, from, to or with a bullion dealer, for example, you have an obligation under the new law to issue 1099s.

Now both these articles, concentrate on the coin/bullion side of things.

I posted this in general because this rule can affect much more than gold and silver.

The way I take this is that any one that receives 600 frns for an asset sale will be required to get a 1099 for the amount. So does your buying/selling on ebay become a reported transaction? What about flea-markets and garage sales?

Looks like asset sales by corporations over 600 frns is added also.

Who here thinks the may be affected?

Damn healthcare bill.

30th June 2010, 04:04 PM
Just let them try and tax my tp......I'll be using their faces to wipe myself with >:(

Grand Master Melon
30th June 2010, 04:06 PM
Caught this over @ Kitco.

That thread really devolved into something else didn't it?

Surely the mods must be on vacation there as I'm certain that won't last in the silver section for very long.

30th June 2010, 04:08 PM
Caught this over @ Kitco.

That thread really devolved into something else didn't it?

Surely the mods must be on vacation there as I'm certain that won't last in the silver section for very long.

ha ha ha ha ha

30th June 2010, 04:10 PM
tax my coins and bullion??? what coins and bullion? ;D

30th June 2010, 04:14 PM
already being discussed in appropriate sub forum (http://gold-silver.us/forum/numismatics/all-sales-of-coins-over-$600-must-now-be-reported-to-federal-government/msg71496/#new)

30th June 2010, 04:15 PM
Caught this over @ Kitco.

That thread really devolved into something else didn't it?

Surely the mods must be on vacation there as I'm certain that won't last in the silver section for very long.

Gold forum to be exact.

Grand Master Melon
30th June 2010, 04:17 PM
Caught this over @ Kitco.

That thread really devolved into something else didn't it?

Surely the mods must be on vacation there as I'm certain that won't last in the silver section for very long.

Gold forum to be exact.

Oh, you're missing the one going on in the silver forum:


30th June 2010, 04:18 PM
Can anyone seriously doubt that the Federal Government is warring against the American people, specifically the ones that work and produce? The government is indistingusihable from a foreign occupier exacting all manner of reparations from the people. The government will not stop destroying our freedoms, encumbering our property and stealing our earned wealth, ever! I would sooner drop my tangible assets into the pit of the deepest volcano that hand it or any unlawful portion of it to the government. They can rot in hell [Washington, DC] for all I care.

30th June 2010, 04:20 PM
already being discussed in appropriate sub forum (http://gold-silver.us/forum/numismatics/all-sales-of-coins-over-$600-must-now-be-reported-to-federal-government/msg71496/#new)

Yes is numismatics, but this has more far reaching implications.

Is ebay going to start sending any transaction over 600 frns to the irs?

They way the 1099 works currently for services is that the payer of the services sends out the 1099.

Will all buyers of everything have to send out 1099's and collect the information?

Grand Master Melon
30th June 2010, 04:25 PM
already being discussed in appropriate sub forum (http://gold-silver.us/forum/numismatics/all-sales-of-coins-over-$600-must-now-be-reported-to-federal-government/msg71496/#new)

Yes is numismatics, but this has more far reaching implications.

Is ebay going to start sending any transaction over 600 frns to the irs?

They way the 1099 works currently for services is that the payer of the services sends out the 1099.

Will all buyers of everything have to send out 1099's and collect the information?

I think I remember reading something from paypal last year stating they were going to start reporting transactions next year. I don't think it even had anything to do with this, unless of course they had been forwarned by this guy:


30th June 2010, 04:31 PM
already being discussed in appropriate sub forum (http://gold-silver.us/forum/numismatics/all-sales-of-coins-over-$600-must-now-be-reported-to-federal-government/msg71496/#new)

Yes is numismatics, but this has more far reaching implications.

Is ebay going to start sending any transaction over 600 frns to the irs?

They way the 1099 works currently for services is that the payer of the services sends out the 1099.

Will all buyers of everything have to send out 1099's and collect the information?

I think I remember reading something from paypal last year stating they were going to start reporting transactions next year. I don't think it even had anything to do with this, unless of course they had been forwarned by this guy:


Is that the physic octopus?

If so, that rat bastard.

30th June 2010, 05:01 PM
Can you imagine the amount of paper transactions? They will have to hire 100K more people to work for the IRS until it all goes digital which will fire all them workers. The IRS is fvcked right now... this will be interesting indeed.

30th June 2010, 05:02 PM
Can anyone seriously doubt that the Federal Government is warring against the American people, specifically the ones that work and produce? The government is indistingusihable from a foreign occupier exacting all manner of reparations from the people. The government will not stop destroying our freedoms, encumbering our property and stealing our earned wealth, ever! I would sooner drop my tangible assets into the pit of the deepest volcano that hand it or any unlawful portion of it to the government. They can rot in hell [Washington, DC] for all I care.

i had to include Mamboni's quote because it captures exactly how i feel.

Is ebay going to start sending any transaction over 600 frns to the irs?

Will all buyers of everything have to send out 1099's and collect the information?

Yes and Yes.

this is a major law. i have been trying to find out about everything i could about it. i first heard about it the last week of April 2010.

i have read 5, maybe 10, articles about it. they all say 2012.

every commercial transaction $600 or over will require a 1099, unless the person paying the $$ (the buyer) already has a 1099 form on file for the seller.

i believe they are going to interpret "commercial transaction" very liberally, and this is going to affect eBay.

i had to file a form at the IRS today and i would have to say it's the heaviest security i've ever seen at a Federal building. they wanted me to turn on my cell-phone, and my digital camera. they have secured parking also, i noticed. it's like they are under lock-down.

i have a feeling that more and more of us will choose to live anonymously as the IRS continues to crunch down their boot of grabbiness.

Can you imagine the amount of paper transactions? They will have to hire 100K more people to work for the IRS until it all goes digital which will fire all them workers. The IRS is fvcked right now... this will be interesting indeed.

surprise, surprise. part of Obamacare was the 1099 $600 2012 (i hope not 2011) tax law. another part of Obamacare was the hiring of 17,000 IRS agents. (it may have been 16,000, i'm having trouble keeping all the numbers straight.)

it was a 2000 page bill and it wasn't all about health.

30th June 2010, 05:33 PM

It's 17,000 new irs goons.


Subcommittee on Oversight ranking member Charles Boustany (R-La.) said the IRS provision in the bill "dangerously expands, in an ominous way the tentacles of the IRS and it's reach into every American family," he said today during a press conference. Republicans estimate the IRS will need nearly 17,000 new employees to meet its new responsibilities under health reform.

I don't remeber hearing any chatter about this when the health care bill passed.

Reading the article and from memory, I had always taken the new goon squad as health insurance patrol.

To enforce this to its full capacity, they would need far more agents to feret out all the new tax cheats.

Do you know of any new bank reporting requirements in the HCB?

This seems to be the easiest step to take. Check all deposits or cashed checks to reported income. I add cashed checks, because the banks I use check my account for funds before cashing checks.

Where does this leave homeowners that pay for one-time jobs?

Saul Mine
30th June 2010, 05:53 PM
Dealers will not be able to afford to comply and many will likely go out of business.

Dealers are often more resourceful than you give them credit for. For instance there is no law requiring the customer to identify himself, so dealers might send forms with "UNKNOWN" as the customer. Or they might quote all figures in silver instead of dollars so the transaction no longer qualifies.

Or they might simply tell the IRS to take a hike. That worked for house buyers, it'll work for the rest of us too.

30th June 2010, 09:49 PM
Those who laughed at people who promoted fractionals as the best form of gold holding are not going to be laughing anymore.

Ounces, halves, and soon, quarters, will be singularly caught up in this insanity.

Tenths have a long way to go.

And silver is going to be exempt for quite a long time.

30th June 2010, 09:54 PM
Is ebay going to start sending any transaction over 600 frns to the irs?

Yes. That's been in the works for some time, even before the Obamacare decree. It will specifically apply to merchant credit card accounts and "third party payments" (i.e., eBay-owned PayPal). And since PayPal is required on eBay...

The draft form is out: Form 1099-K, for 2011 -


Twisted Titan
1st July 2010, 12:45 PM
Those who laughed at people who promoted fractionals as the best form of gold holding are not going to be laughing anymore.

Ounces, halves, and soon, quarters, will be singularly caught up in this insanity.

Tenths have a long way to go.

And silver is going to be exempt for quite a long time.

And the much scoffed at lowly Mercury Dime will take its rightful place on the Silver Throne.

Just wait and see.

1st July 2010, 12:49 PM
Those who laughed at people who promoted fractionals as the best form of gold holding are not going to be laughing anymore.

Ounces, halves, and soon, quarters, will be singularly caught up in this insanity.

Tenths have a long way to go.

And silver is going to be exempt for quite a long time.

And the much scoffed at lowly Mercury Dime will take its rightful place on the Silver Throne.

Just wait and see.

The longer I am in this game the more I change coinage and bars to smaller denominations.

At least I did, until that really bad day on the Staten Island Ferry when all my metal was in a backpack and accidentally dropped into NY Harbor.

Now I am long SCUBA gear.

Twisted Titan
1st July 2010, 01:27 PM
Just went into the bank today to make a 300 dollar withdrawl

I asked the clerk for (29)ten dollars bills and 5 rolls of nickels

She looked at me kinda puzzelled and asked was in business I said why yes I am but I'll tell you after you fill my order.

So she has to go to not one but two different tellers to get the 29 tens and then dissapear in a back room to get 5 rolls of nickels.

She says are you in the vending machine business??

No ...... I am not....... I am in one way better then that.

What might that be ??

I collect money in denominations that banks have the most difficulty fufilling I will be able to charge a hansome fee on making change for people who have need.

That's a strange business Sir

It may seem so now.......... but you just proved my point by having to go to at least three different people to tender a mere 300 dollar request.

She thought about it .......then she smiled.

Maybe she will catch on and request a portion of her paycheck in hard currency.

Interesting exchange none the less.


2nd July 2010, 02:41 AM
This thread (sad as it is) keeps reminding me of the Beatles song "Tax Man"

2nd July 2010, 04:00 AM
My all time favorite beatles song!

One, two, three, four...
One, two, (one, two, three, four!)

Let me tell you how it will be;
There's one for you, nineteen for me.
'Cause I’m the taxman,
Yeah, I’m the taxman.

Should five per cent appear too small,
Be thankful I don't take it all.
'Cause I’m the taxman,
Yeah, I’m the taxman.

(if you drive a car, car;) - I’ll tax the street;
(if you try to sit, sit;) - I’ll tax your seat;
(if you get too cold, cold;) - I’ll tax the heat;
(if you take a walk, walk;) - I'll tax your feet.


'Cause I’m the taxman,
Yeah, I’m the taxman.

Don't ask me what I want it for, (ah-ah, mister Wilson)
If you don't want to pay some more. (ah-ah, mister heath)
'Cause I’m the taxman,
Yeah, I’m the taxman.

Now my advice for those who die, (taxman)
Declare the pennies on your eyes. (taxman)
'Cause I’m the taxman,
Yeah, I’m the taxman.

And you're working for no one but me.


2nd July 2010, 05:26 AM
Can anyone seriously doubt that the Federal Government is warring against the American people

the Jew-dominated "federal" government has certainly declared war on the American people.

judging not just by the attacks of 9-11, but by all the laws they passed since then.

each of those laws is like a filter - it lets some people through, and stops others.

and if one of those laws stops a career criminal like Mark Rich - he gets a presidential pardon.

there is no such thing as "rule of law" in the US. more like "politics of privilege".

2nd July 2010, 06:28 AM

fyi, R.