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4th July 2010, 10:59 AM
:conf: :conf: :conf:

4th July 2010, 11:35 AM


I couldn't resist...

Seriously though - good post Ima...

8th July 2010, 08:26 PM
This is a great list, but activated charcoal is the quickest-acting remedy on it (I used it a lot when I suffered from IBS-type problems that doctors couldn't diagnose). I rarely have stomach problems any more, but I always have a bottle of activated charcoal in my alternative remedies cabinet.

BTW, I cured my IBS thingy by taking aloe vera juice three times a day for a few months.

Charcoal Take activated charcoal or white clay to absorb toxins in the system. Actually, activated charcoal is a powerful adsorbent, which is a substance that attracts things to its surface, as opposed to absorbing them into itself. Charcoal will stop the diarrhea quickly by adsorbing the toxins that are causing the problem. NB: Activated charcoal is not for everyday use as it adsorbs important vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy. If you can't find activated charcoal, try burning a piece or two of white toast. Scrape the burned part into a cup of boiling water and drink.