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5th July 2010, 08:21 PM
Surveillance system monitors conversations

A controversial covert surveillance system that records the public's conversations is being used in Britain.

Published: 9:30AM BST 04 Jul 2010

The technology, called Sigard, monitors movements and speech to detect signs of threatening behaviour.

Its designers claim the system can anticipate anti-social behaviour and violence by analysing the information picked up its sensors.

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The devices are designed to distinguish between distress calls, threatening behaviour and general shouting.

The system, produced by Sound Intelligence, is being used in Dutch prisons, city centres and Amsterdam's Central Rail Station.

Coventry City Council is funding a pilot project which has for six months and has installed seven devices in the nightlife area on the High Street.

Dylan Sharpe, from Big Brother Watch, said: "There can be no justification for giving councils or the police the capability to listen in on private conversations.

"There is enormous potential for abuse, or a misheard word, causing unnecessary harm with this sort of intrusive and overbearing surveillance."

A CV1 spokesman said: "We had the system for six months. It is no longer in use."

No one from the organisation was available to comment on whether the trial was a success.

The new Coalition Government has announced a review of the use of CCTV with a pledge to tilt the balance away from snooping by the authorities to defend civil liberties.

5th July 2010, 10:56 PM
Do these people have computers automatically write these articles? Or are the editors just made redundant. Why can journalists not lie and write coherently at the same time?

19th January 2011, 12:23 AM
Polar bears smash the spy cams


19th January 2011, 09:25 AM
That male Polar knew where to split the ball in half.....or was it luck?

19th January 2011, 10:02 AM
That male Polar knew where to split the ball in half.....or was it luck?

You are an optimist Ponce.

I'd have to go with the latter.

19th January 2011, 10:57 AM
I have a friend who is a Metro Toronto Tactical cop. (Read: NWO pig)

He told me about 7 years ago, when I first started to learn about the conspiracy, that all the main intersections in Toronto have already had cameras and microphone connected in hidden spots to pick up public conversations.

He didn;t specify regarding the datamining process (ie: manually performed, or computer based hotwords) but he said it's all monitored.

Twisted Titan
19th January 2011, 12:06 PM
"There can be no justification for giving councils or the police the capability to listen in on private conversations.

You are a unarmed populace....... that's all the justification they'll ever need to do this ..........and much much more.


19th January 2011, 12:43 PM
Number of years ago I read a book about a Chinese guy who became a Christian and was persecuted (was running house churches and not part of the Commie-controlled churches).

He was trying to leave the country, went to the airport and was praying while in line; God told him to say nothing at all. All through security and passport control he said nothing, just nodded yes or no.

Later once he was in the West, a Nokia employee came up to him and told him that if he had said even a couple words, the system they and Siemens sold to the Beijing Airport would have picked up on his voice and identified him, as he would have been in the voice print database if the Chinese were looking for him.

19th January 2011, 03:36 PM
If that was in China just think what is it like right here in the states.......don't go near water, sharks.....don't talk, they'l grab you.

20th January 2011, 04:47 AM
on communication tranceivers, two way radios there is the ability to get scrambling add ons. These sramble the communications between two or more scrambler users. Now I'm pretty sure that there are 2 types of scramblers. Military and Commercial and I'd expect the military to have the ability to descramble the commercial ones.

So here's my thoughts. Could you make a scrambler for face to face communication? Would it work as you would have to speak into something to have it scrambled anyway?

20th January 2011, 09:21 AM
I say yes, it would work like the throad mike being used as an interpreter in Iraq and Afgha.....they came out with it about five years ago..........you could scrambled the machine (for personal use) to translate in different languages at all time, this would drive those listening in crazy......you could also program what you are saying and what they are saying into micro burst signals.

20th January 2011, 09:45 AM

20th January 2011, 12:50 PM
Big Ears: 'Largest' secret spy hub uncovered in Israel

20th January 2011, 05:27 PM
I'm pretty certain they have this everywhere on the main strip in Vegas.

I was walking along with a friend, and got to talking about how there are no visible police around, and was wondering where they were because there is definitely a lot of police in Vegas available at a moments notice, but none were around.

Anyhow, sure enough, they seemed to magically appear after a minute or two of this back and forth conversation of "there are no cops around here, or are there?" as an officer appears from a side street ahead of us, and is definitely checking us out.

I did this twice, and got the same result. Second time was two cops, same deal. Maybe it was chance. Test it out for yourselves sometime, but it would not surprise me at all to learn this.