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View Full Version : what to do with 70K in the bank?

6th July 2010, 09:06 AM
since buying into silver last month i've been doing alot of poking around and from what im finding its pretty scary right now.

last month i sold off all my stock(except for 2K worth) and bought into silver, right now im bought in for around 20K. i have another 70K in the bank that i don't know what i should do with and 15K under the matress. ive been reading alot about banking failures and im not sure if i want it in there. i just turned 40 last month and have been retired since last june, i have an income of 3K+ /month with rental properties so i really don't need it to generate income for me.

my main concern is to preserve what i have and to remain retired.

the white rabbit
6th July 2010, 09:09 AM
Buy some gold .

6th July 2010, 09:11 AM
Buy some gold .

This....definitely this.

6th July 2010, 09:18 AM
I would leave the 15k under the mattress you might need to get you hands on some cash quick, and take part of the money out of the bank and buy gold, do you have your preps in place? Do you own your home outright?

6th July 2010, 10:27 AM
First thing i would do is put my address along with how much money i have saved. You know, in case one was to feel inclined to come over for a nap!

Why do people feel the need to spell out how much money they have?

Anyways, 3 ways to preserve ones wealth the way i see it:

1) Gold-Gold is money

2) rural farmable land with water rights- People have to eat, research farmers and the great depression, as a group, land owners came out in a much better position than non land owners. There are 100s of ways to add this to ones portfolio. You could simply buy farmable land, sublease it back to the farmer you bought it from for a percentage of the crops. Believe it or not, there are just as many dept riddin farmers as there are non farmers. Many would love to be in a situation like this. If the land is in CRP you get a tax break etc.......as always DYOD.

3) Silver- Is not a wealth preserving move, it is an investment, a speculative move, not a store of wealth. This seems to be a much heated topic on this forum, here are my thoughts. In what form of PM do central banks hold there wealth, eg (IMF, BIS)? Gold. In what for of PM do the wealthy elite hold there wealth eg(a Saudi prince)? Gold. Historically, pre-1940s in this country, what form of PM was used in day to day life. Silver. If you needed a common item you used a silver quarter, 50 cent piece, or a silver dollar. If one was to run low of silver one could always exchange a gold piece for more silver, gold was saved and used to buy larger items, it is silver that has always been "currency" not a store of wealth. In the news, do you here of nation who buy billions of dollars worth of silver, no, it is in gold that determains a nations power and prominence in the world. As they say, gold can be made to lay very still, silver is the dog. It is gold that has the potential to go parabolic and take silver along for a ride, not the other way around. Make your profits in silver and store your wealth in gold!

6th July 2010, 10:41 AM
my main concern is to preserve what i have and to remain retired.


Make sure you are living in an area away from the big cites that will go zombie. Make sure you have your beans, bullets, and band-aids stockpiled. Shiny metal is the last priority.


6th July 2010, 10:50 AM
If you have that much cash available you could buy a some good land. Perhaps start investing in off grid living... a well, a septic tank, solar and wind power sources.

Saul Mine
6th July 2010, 10:53 AM
Well, you asked a simple, limited question so I am not going to try to sell you a new approach to life. Your investments are in order and all you want to do is to protect a few thousand bux of wealth.

Gold is the preferred vehicle for that. Silver is ok, but the premium is higher. You might want to keep some FRNs on hand for random purchases, but that is entirely your judgment.

Don't wait, get it transferred.

6th July 2010, 10:56 AM

Make sure you are living in an area away from the big cites that will go zombie. Make sure you have your beans, bullets, and band-aids stockpiled. Shiny metal is the last priority.


This. I'd say get your preps in order first to a comfortable level for yourself. Dollar cost in to gold, imo, by buying a little here and there in the dips while you prep.

You are set up nicely with the rental income, however if things get bad enough...that could go away. Your renters may end up without any resources to pay rent.

6th July 2010, 02:39 PM
I have distrust for real estate simply because it is easy to expropriate property. Gold purchased under the radar can be easily hidden and transported, whereas the title is on file at the register of deeds.

6th July 2010, 06:14 PM
I have distrust for real estate simply because it is easy to expropriate property. Gold purchased under the radar can be easily hidden and transported, whereas the title is on file at the register of deeds.

Not to mention the TAXES. Mrs. Old and I pay 10 dollars a night to the town in order to sleep in "our" home with no mortgage. Gold doesn't ask you to pay a nightly fee for keeping it buried.

I'd keep a bunch of cash under the matress, stock up on peps, and buy gold with the rest.

6th July 2010, 06:17 PM
I would take the money out of the bank right now just to piss them off. Then I would watch the present downturn in metal prices for a bit and start slowly buying over the summer. Don't make one big purchase. JMHO

6th July 2010, 06:23 PM
If you have that much cash available you could buy a some good land. Perhaps start investing in off grid living... a well, a septic tank, solar and wind power sources.

I think That is one of the best answers...

Silver is a Gamble...

Gold is Good....

Living off grid on farm-able land with water....Best.

willie pete
6th July 2010, 08:57 PM
I'd park it in Gold right now, then wait to see what happens, but I think I'd do it now, aren't the reportable rules changing next year regarding buying Gold? Do it before it'll show up on someone's radar

6th July 2010, 09:55 PM
I have distrust for real estate simply because it is easy to expropriate property. Gold purchased under the radar can be easily hidden and transported, whereas the title is on file at the register of deeds.

Not to mention the TAXES. Mrs. Old and I pay 10 dollars a night to the town in order to sleep in "our" home with no mortgage. Gold doesn't ask you to pay a nightly fee for keeping it buried.

I'd keep a bunch of cash under the matress, stock up on peps, and buy gold with the rest.

Your distrust for real estate comes from your point of view, your experience, and a majority of the experience out there comes from the residential\commercial side of real estate. When distrust is in the air opportunity abounds!There are many different ways to invest or even preserve wealth in real estate. Farm land with water rights is, IMHO, by far the most over looked investment class in real estate. Do you know where your food comes from? Take a look around any rural farming community, do see you a major decline in value in price per acre? I am talking about raw undeveloped farming ground with water rights. Most of the good stuff is under pavement and they are not making anymore of it. It could be planted in wheat, barley, grass, corn, whatever. If the economy worsens where do you think the masses will dump there money trying to escape? During the great depression farm victims of the dust bowl escaped to the west to work on farms, they provided a sanctuaries for people with know how. Everyone has seen the pictures of people standing in the streets of new york during the 30's selling apples, producers would consign box's to these apple hustlers. Tax's arnt as bad as you would think. Call your local county assessor and run a few scenarios by him. You will find that most of your tax bill comes from "additions to the property", like a house. Put a house on vacant land and your tax bill will more than double. There is something called CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) this is like welfare for farmers, acreage enrolment into this program saves you a big chunk on your tax's. Ask a farmer how long his land has been in the family, its not rare to hear 100 plus years.This is just a small fraction of avenues you can take with raw farmable land with water rights. I think what gets in the way of investing or preserving in this venue is a lack of education and that it takes a lot of effort and due diligence. It is easier to say, hide it under the pillow. Whatever maybe the case, i have always said, If you cant farm it or you cant find a job close to it, then one day it will be worth nothing. :-[

7th July 2010, 06:50 AM
I have distrust for real estate simply because it is easy to expropriate property. Gold purchased under the radar can be easily hidden and transported, whereas the title is on file at the register of deeds.

Not to mention the TAXES. Mrs. Old and I pay 10 dollars a night to the town in order to sleep in "our" home with no mortgage. Gold doesn't ask you to pay a nightly fee for keeping it buried.

I'd keep a bunch of cash under the matress, stock up on peps, and buy gold with the rest.

Your distrust for real estate comes from your point of view, your experience, and a majority of the experience out there comes from the residential\commercial side of real estate. When distrust is in the air opportunity abounds!There are many different ways to invest or even preserve wealth in real estate. Farm land with water rights is, IMHO, by far the most over looked investment class in real estate. Do you know where your food comes from? Take a look around any rural farming community, do see you a major decline in value in price per acre? I am talking about raw undeveloped farming ground with water rights. Most of the good stuff is under pavement and they are not making anymore of it. It could be planted in wheat, barley, grass, corn, whatever. If the economy worsens where do you think the masses will dump there money trying to escape? During the great depression farm victims of the dust bowl escaped to the west to work on farms, they provided a sanctuaries for people with know how. Everyone has seen the pictures of people standing in the streets of new york during the 30's selling apples, producers would consign box's to these apple hustlers. Tax's arnt as bad as you would think. Call your local county assessor and run a few scenarios by him. You will find that most of your tax bill comes from "additions to the property", like a house. Put a house on vacant land and your tax bill will more than double. There is something called CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) this is like welfare for farmers, acreage enrolment into this program saves you a big chunk on your tax's. Ask a farmer how long his land has been in the family, its not rare to hear 100 plus years.This is just a small fraction of avenues you can take with raw farmable land with water rights. I think what gets in the way of investing or preserving in this venue is a lack of education and that it takes a lot of effort and due diligence. It is easier to say, hide it under the pillow. Whatever maybe the case, i have always said, If you cant farm it or you cant find a job close to it, then one day it will be worth nothing. :-[

No, my distrust for real estate comes from real estate's ease of expropriation. If the county mob does not get their money which goes up every damn year, they will not hesitate to auction every acre on the steps of the courthouse to get their pound of flesh. It is called a 'tax sale', and I have yet to hear of any occurrence for bars of gold.

Also, you mentioned the majority of taxes come from additions to the property. Would one live in a car while farming this land? The fact is, tax is going to be levied on this property one way or another, and as a result, one must have a sufficient cash flow to not only cover one's own living expenses, but also the taxes. I do not find this to be a prudent option in the event of economic turbulence.

Finally, what of the strategic consequences of being tethered to one location or locality? It would be a net liability since a location's fortunes may wax and wane as the moon. Better to employ a strategy that may be deployed just about anywhere.

7th July 2010, 08:43 PM
Take some of it offshore. Invest in foreign real estate. An off grid bug out location
to escape to if necessary. A foreign vault with gold and silver.

8th July 2010, 08:48 AM
Take some of it offshore. Invest in foreign real estate. An off grid bug out location
to escape to if necessary. A foreign vault with gold and silver.

Ask Ponce if He thinks that is a Good idea.

I say buy solar panels and batteries if you don't have them yet.
And lots of long term storage food of course.

8th July 2010, 09:08 AM
Land overseas has the same trouble with land within the country. However, overseas safety deposit boxes and 'economic citizenship' in somewhere like Panama would be ideal.

8th July 2010, 02:36 PM
Take some of it offshore. Invest in foreign real estate. An off grid bug out location
to escape to if necessary. A foreign vault with gold and silver.

Ask Ponce if He thinks that is a Good idea.

I say buy solar panels and batteries if you don't have them yet.
And lots of long term storage food of course.

Hahaha ok Ponce, would you suggest keeping all ones assets in a country that is becoming more fascistic by the hour?

I didnt say ALL.. I said SOME. SOME of your assets offshore. Plant multiple flags.
This is the most intelligent.. have a lifeboat strategy.

Read this whole site.

8th July 2010, 03:22 PM
I guess I will answer for Ponce....

If you don't hold it.....You don't own it....

8th July 2010, 03:26 PM
Take some of it offshore. Invest in foreign real estate. An off grid bug out location
to escape to if necessary. A foreign vault with gold and silver.

Ask Ponce if He thinks that is a Good idea.

I say buy solar panels and batteries if you don't have them yet.
And lots of long term storage food of course.

Hahaha ok Ponce, would you suggest keeping all ones assets in a country that is becoming more fascistic by the hour?

I didnt say ALL.. I said SOME. SOME of your assets offshore. Plant multiple flags.
This is the most intelligent.. have a lifeboat strategy.

Read this whole site.

GP; Im not sure if you know....Ponce had a farm in Argentina that was recently "Taken" from him

That is what I was referring too.

I imagine the same could happen with "holdings" at any bank, in any country

If you don't hold it...(Yourself)..You don't own it....

8th July 2010, 03:39 PM
According to Ponce, the land was expropriated because paperwork was not filed. Last I checked, less paperwork is required for a safety deposit box or a bank account (for the fiat-mongers) than for one to hold land in a foreign country.

8th July 2010, 03:55 PM
So Ponce DID plant a multiple flag and just happened to lose offshore property...
well that is one country, perhaps his own fault.

Gee I think it might be best after all to never take a chance
on any other country,
any offshore bank,
a boat that might sink,
a lover than might run away,
oh how about a car that uses petroleum... thats no sure thing anymore.

Let's be sure to just do the SAFE thing.

Now will someone please tell me what that is ? ???

8th July 2010, 04:11 PM
Buy Porsche Cayman.

8th July 2010, 04:11 PM
So Ponce DID plant a multiple flag and just happened to lose offshore property...
well that is one country, perhaps his own fault.

Gee I think it might be best after all to never take a chance
on any other country,
any offshore bank,
a boat that might sink,
a lover than might run away,
oh how about a car that uses petroleum... thats no sure thing anymore.

Let's be sure to just do the SAFE thing.

Now will someone please tell me what that is ? ???

I think Gold bullion buried in your own yard is pretty safe. ;D

8th July 2010, 04:17 PM
I've been investing with Schiff (Europacific Capital) for 2 years now and have done very well. They are all overseas investments and most pay very good dividends. Aside from that I would keep 20K in cash and buy 20K in gold. I struggle with this all the time. It's hard to know how to handle cash these days.

9th July 2010, 04:01 PM
I have distrust for real estate simply because it is easy to expropriate property. Gold purchased under the radar can be easily hidden and transported, whereas the title is on file at the register of deeds.

Not to mention the TAXES. Mrs. Old and I pay 10 dollars a night to the town in order to sleep in "our" home with no mortgage. Gold doesn't ask you to pay a nightly fee for keeping it buried.

I'd keep a bunch of cash under the matress, stock up on peps, and buy gold with the rest.

Your distrust for real estate comes from your point of view, your experience, and a majority of the experience out there comes from the residential\commercial side of real estate. When distrust is in the air opportunity abounds!There are many different ways to invest or even preserve wealth in real estate. Farm land with water rights is, IMHO, by far the most over looked investment class in real estate. Do you know where your food comes from? Take a look around any rural farming community, do see you a major decline in value in price per acre? I am talking about raw undeveloped farming ground with water rights. Most of the good stuff is under pavement and they are not making anymore of it. It could be planted in wheat, barley, grass, corn, whatever. If the economy worsens where do you think the masses will dump there money trying to escape? During the great depression farm victims of the dust bowl escaped to the west to work on farms, they provided a sanctuaries for people with know how. Everyone has seen the pictures of people standing in the streets of new york during the 30's selling apples, producers would consign box's to these apple hustlers. Tax's arnt as bad as you would think. Call your local county assessor and run a few scenarios by him. You will find that most of your tax bill comes from "additions to the property", like a house. Put a house on vacant land and your tax bill will more than double. There is something called CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) this is like welfare for farmers, acreage enrolment into this program saves you a big chunk on your tax's. Ask a farmer how long his land has been in the family, its not rare to hear 100 plus years.This is just a small fraction of avenues you can take with raw farmable land with water rights. I think what gets in the way of investing or preserving in this venue is a lack of education and that it takes a lot of effort and due diligence. It is easier to say, hide it under the pillow. Whatever maybe the case, i have always said, If you cant farm it or you cant find a job close to it, then one day it will be worth nothing. :-[

No, my distrust for real estate comes from real estate's ease of expropriation. If the county mob does not get their money which goes up every damn year, they will not hesitate to auction every acre on the steps of the courthouse to get their pound of flesh. It is called a 'tax sale', and I have yet to hear of any occurrence for bars of gold.

Also, you mentioned the majority of taxes come from additions to the property. Would one live in a car while farming this land? The fact is, tax is going to be levied on this property one way or another, and as a result, one must have a sufficient cash flow to not only cover one's own living expenses, but also the taxes. I do not find this to be a prudent option in the event of economic turbulence.

Finally, what of the strategic consequences of being tethered to one location or locality? It would be a net liability since a location's fortunes may wax and wane as the moon. Better to employ a strategy that may be deployed just about anywhere.

In regards to your concerns on tax......

I am not advocating that one would live on this property, it would simply be used as a store of wealth. If you you had to live on the poperty think about non permenent dwelling structures like an RV, or a yurt. You say "the fact is, tax is going to be levied on it one way or another." I disagree. Remember i am not talking about single family residences or comercial\industrial space, i am talking about raw farmable land. Property tax increases are voted on by county residence, thats right, you vote for them, and in most counties there is a % to land value cap that the assesor cant exceed. At this point in time property taxs are not a federal tax, it is a local tax that goes to community maintence etc...This being said, there are more state and federal tax relief programs (wealfare for farmers) for rural farmable land with water rights than you could imagine. Let me try to put it another way. You buy 100acres of raw rural farmable land with water rights that is planted in wheat. You contract with a local farmer to farm the land and negotiate 20% of the harvest as a fee for the use of your land. With this 20% you pay your tax's and have some left over. This is just an example, there are numerous possibilities. How much do you think property taxs are on 100acres of wheat that is in CRP or open spaces? Some homework for you! Look at what old money uses as to store wealth, you will find land close to the top of that list, under gold of course. This is not an option for everyone, or for a person of limited means. It is a way to preserve purchasing power during times of inflation. People have to eat.

Why do you store PM's? When this reavaluation accures what will you do with your preserved purchasing power? I could say that land is at the top of lat list as well.

9th July 2010, 05:31 PM
Step one - take it OUT of the bank.

9th July 2010, 05:44 PM
I have distrust for real estate simply because it is easy to expropriate property. Gold purchased under the radar can be easily hidden and transported, whereas the title is on file at the register of deeds.

Not to mention the TAXES. Mrs. Old and I pay 10 dollars a night to the town in order to sleep in "our" home with no mortgage. Gold doesn't ask you to pay a nightly fee for keeping it buried.

I'd keep a bunch of cash under the matress, stock up on peps, and buy gold with the rest.

Your distrust for real estate comes from your point of view, your experience, and a majority of the experience out there comes from the residential\commercial side of real estate. When distrust is in the air opportunity abounds!There are many different ways to invest or even preserve wealth in real estate. Farm land with water rights is, IMHO, by far the most over looked investment class in real estate. Do you know where your food comes from? Take a look around any rural farming community, do see you a major decline in value in price per acre? I am talking about raw undeveloped farming ground with water rights. Most of the good stuff is under pavement and they are not making anymore of it. It could be planted in wheat, barley, grass, corn, whatever. If the economy worsens where do you think the masses will dump there money trying to escape? During the great depression farm victims of the dust bowl escaped to the west to work on farms, they provided a sanctuaries for people with know how. Everyone has seen the pictures of people standing in the streets of new york during the 30's selling apples, producers would consign box's to these apple hustlers. Tax's arnt as bad as you would think. Call your local county assessor and run a few scenarios by him. You will find that most of your tax bill comes from "additions to the property", like a house. Put a house on vacant land and your tax bill will more than double. There is something called CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) this is like welfare for farmers, acreage enrolment into this program saves you a big chunk on your tax's. Ask a farmer how long his land has been in the family, its not rare to hear 100 plus years.This is just a small fraction of avenues you can take with raw farmable land with water rights. I think what gets in the way of investing or preserving in this venue is a lack of education and that it takes a lot of effort and due diligence. It is easier to say, hide it under the pillow. Whatever maybe the case, i have always said, If you cant farm it or you cant find a job close to it, then one day it will be worth nothing. :-[

No, my distrust for real estate comes from real estate's ease of expropriation. If the county mob does not get their money which goes up every damn year, they will not hesitate to auction every acre on the steps of the courthouse to get their pound of flesh. It is called a 'tax sale', and I have yet to hear of any occurrence for bars of gold.

Also, you mentioned the majority of taxes come from additions to the property. Would one live in a car while farming this land? The fact is, tax is going to be levied on this property one way or another, and as a result, one must have a sufficient cash flow to not only cover one's own living expenses, but also the taxes. I do not find this to be a prudent option in the event of economic turbulence.

Finally, what of the strategic consequences of being tethered to one location or locality? It would be a net liability since a location's fortunes may wax and wane as the moon. Better to employ a strategy that may be deployed just about anywhere.

In regards to your concerns on tax......

I am not advocating that one would live on this property, it would simply be used as a store of wealth. If you you had to live on the poperty think about non permenent dwelling structures like an RV, or a yurt. You say "the fact is, tax is going to be levied on it one way or another." I disagree. Remember i am not talking about single family residences or comercial\industrial space, i am talking about raw farmable land. Property tax increases are voted on by county residence, thats right, you vote for them, and in most counties there is a % to land value cap that the assesor cant exceed. At this point in time property taxs are not a federal tax, it is a local tax that goes to community maintence etc...This being said, there are more state and federal tax relief programs (wealfare for farmers) for rural farmable land with water rights than you could imagine. Let me try to put it another way. You buy 100acres of raw rural farmable land with water rights that is planted in wheat. You contract with a local farmer to farm the land and negotiate 20% of the harvest as a fee for the use of your land. With this 20% you pay your tax's and have some left over. This is just an example, there are numerous possibilities. How much do you think property taxs are on 100acres of wheat that is in CRP or open spaces? Some homework for you! Look at what old money uses as to store wealth, you will find land close to the top of that list, under gold of course. This is not an option for everyone, or for a person of limited means. It is a way to preserve purchasing power during times of inflation. People have to eat.

Why do you store PM's? When this reavaluation accures what will you do with your preserved purchasing power? I could say that land is at the top of lat list as well.

In response to your arguments:

First, look at how well voting has worked for other things. I do not see that as a suitable hedge to increases in property tax.
Second, you cite state and county programmes. The states and counties are haemorrhaging money, I would not count on it.
Third, you cite the many potential contract arrangements. That may well work in your favour given commodities may be exported for hard(er) currency.

In response to your inquiries:

I do not deal in real estate; that is something verboten to me since I consider anything which cannot be loaded into my car not to be an asset. I consider putting roots anywhere to be a strategic liability; that has screwed over people before with this home ownership fetish.

Phoenix - wise move; it never helps to keep money in banks.

10th July 2010, 12:29 PM
OK, Here we go.

First thing first. Get the money out of the banks
Hookers and booze ! life is short, party hard... ;D

It's funny.. I feel like I've been saving my pennies for so long to purchase metals.. and getting my home ready... I have been neglecting personal fun... I think I'll buy some new clothes and things

10th July 2010, 08:26 PM
OP, I'd grab this up quick..if you are in the area.


11th July 2010, 05:48 AM
My .02:

We can debate real estate all day long. Bottom line is you need to live somewhere and eat something. Might as well be living on your own paid-for land, producing much of your own food.

Taxes are a fact of life. We do make our choices on where we pay the taxes though. Why not research and choose? There's no way in hell I'd own land in many many places. I did my research and am happy to pay my small property tax bill. Worst case, I'd put up some "workers" to pay me rent to cover my taxes. Did you know in some states, "forest" land is dirt cheap taxes? I've always said, buy more land, less house.

We're pretty lucky in this day and age. We have this site and many others to garner information from. Can you imagine being a dumb sheeple, not even knowing to plan?

13th July 2010, 10:13 PM
OK, Here we go.

First thing first. Get the money out of the banks

second, Hookers and booze...


13th July 2010, 11:49 PM
I likely need to expound the issue of strategic liability and location. Is a sitting duck more likely to get shot than one that can fly away? One must be mobile in a surveillance-rich environment, and that means liquidity. Capital that is stationary and sprouting trees or whatever is likewise a sitting target, just begging for confiscation on spurious grounds should one run afoul of someone connected.

That said, why not rent a house and leave the risk to the landlord? One has the option to bail on the lease should something come up, and the landlord bears the risk of 'owning' the property.

14th July 2010, 06:50 AM
I likely need to expound the issue of strategic liability and location. Is a sitting duck more likely to get shot than one that can fly away? One must be mobile in a surveillance-rich environment, and that means liquidity. Capital that is stationary and sprouting trees or whatever is likewise a sitting target, just begging for confiscation on spurious grounds should one run afoul of someone connected.

That said, why not rent a house and leave the risk to the landlord? One has the option to bail on the lease should something come up, and the landlord bears the risk of 'owning' the property.

Strategic Liability and Location aside, the OP was about the 70k sitting useless in the Bank. Are you taking the useless FRNs on the run with you? Besides gold, the trees and whatever looks pretty darn good right now.

14th July 2010, 10:25 AM
I likely need to expound the issue of strategic liability and location. Is a sitting duck more likely to get shot than one that can fly away? One must be mobile in a surveillance-rich environment, and that means liquidity. Capital that is stationary and sprouting trees or whatever is likewise a sitting target, just begging for confiscation on spurious grounds should one run afoul of someone connected.

That said, why not rent a house and leave the risk to the landlord? One has the option to bail on the lease should something come up, and the landlord bears the risk of 'owning' the property.

Strategic Liability and Location aside, the OP was about the 70k sitting useless in the Bank. Are you taking the useless FRNs on the run with you? Besides gold, the trees and whatever looks pretty darn good right now.

FRNs are not the only thing one can carry. It is always wise to keep a bit of cash on hand to cover operating expenses, but one can easily carry precious metals. $70K in gold weighs just over 1,8kg, which can be transported, hidden, etc.

14th July 2010, 02:20 PM
Skirnir, what you are saying may well be right for you.

For me, I have a garden, fruit trees, raspberry bushes, blueberry bushes. Right now I am drying black currants and yesterday I made currant jam from my bushes. For dinner I'm having collard greens, onions, broccoli and green beans from the garden that I created out of the fill around the hose. I have a root cellar and a hand-pump well. I've done this in only 10 years, but I never would have done it if I did not own the place. Are you going to plant nut trees in your rental that won't bear for 10 years?

Running may be good for you, and good luck. But me, I'm not going anywhere. Yes, taxes suck. But when TSHTF I'll shut the gate, park the junk Geo Prizm diagonally across it, and live well on what I have stored right here. Where do you think you are going to go? All the places with food will have guns pointing at you.

14th July 2010, 02:39 PM
Skirnir, what you are saying may well be right for you.

For me, I have a garden, fruit trees, raspberry bushes, blueberry bushes. Right now I am drying black currants and yesterday I made currant jam from my bushes. I'm having collard greens, onions, broccoli and green beans from teh graen I made in fill. I have a root cellar and a hand-pump well. I've done all this in 10 years, and it would not exiit if I did not own the place. Are you going to plant nut trees in your rental that won't bear for 10 years?

Running may be good for you, and good luck. But me, I'm not going anywhere. I'll shut the gate, park the junk Geo Prizm diagonally across it, and live well on what I have right here.

In reply to your arguments, you made none. You simply told me what you are doing, and plan to do, on your property, which is not my business.

In reply to your inquiry, I do not plan on planting nut trees should I rent.

That said, earlier I was speaking on a general basis. If you stay in one place, that is the risk you take, even if the reward is perceived to outweigh the risk. That does not mean that the risk of property confiscation is not present, in fact, those capital investments make your sitting duck look very plump.

14th July 2010, 03:02 PM
Again Skirnir, and no direspect meant, Where are you going to go? You have to be somewhere.

14th July 2010, 03:18 PM
Again Skirnir, and no direspect meant, Where are you going to go? You have to be somewhere.

That is still in the air; I am keeping my options open. If I had decided, why would I disseminate such information?

That said, in five months' time, I will not be tethered to any location (for now, I have one last class to take before I transfer to the correspondence programme), so I will go anywhere I please.

That said, I heard Greenland is nice.

14th July 2010, 03:25 PM
Again Skirnir, and no direspect meant, Where are you going to go? You have to be somewhere.

That is still in the air; I am keeping my options open. If I had decided, why would I disseminate such information?

That said, in five months' time, I will not be tethered to any location (for now, I have one last class to take before I transfer to the correspondence programme), so I can go anywhere I please. That said, I heard Greenland is nice.

It's true, if we rent or don't have a homestead, there might be a possibility of having to leave somewhere... but also, for some reason; movies, etc., we Americans tend to get a picture of "nomadic flight" from devastation. I have no intention of leaving my land and home, and am setting it up to stay put, off the grid, when/if necessary.

14th July 2010, 03:28 PM
Skirnir, at 25 I was totally liquid. My only possessions were a pile of cash, a car, a bicycle, a TV and a set of golf clubs. It was great. What happened? Got married. Be careful out there.

1970 silver art
14th July 2010, 03:35 PM
With 70K in the bank.............

Maybe put 50% in silver and 50% in gold. Even putting half of that money in silver, it will be heavy to carry around if you had to go mobile. If you plan to stay put, then that may not be an issue.

14th July 2010, 03:38 PM
Skirnir, at 25 I was totally liquid. My only possessions were a pile of cash, a car, a bicycle, a TV and a set of golf clubs. It was great. What happened? Got married. Be careful out there.

Last thing I need to do is knock someone up.

That said, I keep seeing people refer to land and structures built upon it as 'my house' or 'my land'. That is only 'your land' because the register of deeds says it is. 'My gold', on the other hand, is mine because I hold it.

14th July 2010, 03:43 PM
You try to be nice to some people and what do you get... fancy remarks...

14th July 2010, 04:21 PM
Skirnir, at 25 I was totally liquid. My only possessions were a pile of cash, a car, a bicycle, a TV and a set of golf clubs. It was great. What happened? Got married. Be careful out there.

That said, I keep seeing people refer to land and structures built upon it as 'my house' or 'my land'. That is only 'your land' because the register of deeds says it is. 'My gold', on the other hand, is mine because I hold it.

Some of us have both :)

17th July 2010, 12:10 AM
Skirnir, at 25 I was totally liquid. My only possessions were a pile of cash, a car, a bicycle, a TV and a set of golf clubs. It was great. What happened? Got married. Be careful out there.

Last thing I need to do is knock someone up.

That said, I keep seeing people refer to land and structures built upon it as 'my house' or 'my land'. That is only 'your land' because the register of deeds says it is. 'My gold', on the other hand, is mine because I hold it.

Wish i had time to write more......

In regards to your comment,

I could take your gold that you think you hold just as fast as i could take your deed on your property. Position is 9\10 of the law. We die with two empty hands. What you describe is a complete worst case scenario, a view projected by movies and mass media. I once heard a Saudi speak about his view of hard times or what you call SHTF, he said that his fathers father rode camels, his father drove a Mercedes, he flies his gulf jet stream, maybe it will be that his son has to go back to riding camels. Put in western context, My fathers father had a 900sq house, my father had a 1800 sq house, i have a 2800 sq house, maybe it will be that my son will have to down size to a 900sq house. How about living within ones means. Despite what you see, here in America, people still have money, and lots of it. Just because they don't see life the way you do doesn't make them ignorant, these people have plans. I think that taking the "red pill" can be overwhelming sometimes, leaving one feel powerless, so we look for things in our own life that we have control over, and this control tends to build on itself; think hoarding toilet paper. People who don't fit in or sit on the outside of society as we see it now, gravitate towards this worse case scenario. It is a way to go back to simpler times, almost like evolution passed them by. It is unfortunate that we live in a society where the fittest no longer survive, but are breeding out, i see Darwin rolling over in his grave. While other expat exotic locations sound good, it is not always better, or even close. I know many who have the dream to expat, most have rarely traveled outside the USA, vacations are always good.

Something to think about in regards to buying land......... Why do you think that states like Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho are so sparsely populated? Look into who owns what in those states, you will be surprised. It is hard to find large tracks of land for sale, but it isnt impossible. During the summer months, on fly fishing streams in Montana, such as the bumble bee, you will find Cadillac escalade after escalade and fat men wadding through those calm streams fishing for salmon and trout. These states are the play ground for Americas elite. If they own land, what is it that you know that they dont, the answer is nothing. We can only do our best with what we have.

17th July 2010, 11:01 AM
PMs without land or an available source of good quality food=a disaster waiting to happen.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
19th July 2010, 12:12 PM
Buy a gold toilet
