View Full Version : Arghhh!! Been invaded by Hornworm!!

6th July 2010, 09:56 AM
Shoot!! The tomatos and pepper where doing so good.

I went out to water this morning and :o There was a ton of damage!

They completely distroyed a couple pepper plants and then moved on to the tomato plants and did a lot of damage there too.

All in just a couple days it seems >:(

We picked all the ones we could find off...The chickens love em! :)

Gonna have to keep a closer eye out i guess.

6th July 2010, 11:30 AM
How to get rid of horn worms.

Take one 5 year old boy. Show him how to drop a horn worm on the ground, stomp the worm and watch how far it squirts. The boy will then solve the problem.

6th July 2010, 11:32 AM
Ewww, those are some nasty looking bugs! :-[ Glad they don't seem to like MN.

6th July 2010, 11:41 AM
yikes.. man that's a lot of worms!

6th July 2010, 12:05 PM
Ewww, those are some nasty looking bugs! :-[ Glad they don't seem to like MN.

Agreed, glad we don't get 'em in MB...

6th July 2010, 12:13 PM
you folks that don't have them are lucky...They do a lot of damage very quickly. :(

6th July 2010, 12:27 PM
Luckily I've never had them here.

Growing up as a kid in Rhode Island, my father would ask me to find them for him. I'd see them but pretend I couldn't find them because I thought that they looked cool. I'm sure you know this, but just look for the fresh poop.

willie pete
6th July 2010, 07:37 PM
Oh those are really good dunked chocolate syrup!

Yuck Imma.... :P But I bet the chickens really go for 'em, growing up my granny would dig up a grub worm occaisonally while gardening, we'd go throw it in the chicken yard, the chickens would fight each other over it :D

Their life-cycle is interesting though....


Korbin Dallas
6th July 2010, 07:47 PM
How to get rid of horn worms.

Take one 5 year old boy. Show him how to drop a horn worm on the ground, stomp the worm and watch how far it squirts. The boy will then solve the problem.

addenum: 14 year old boy and his friends with air-soft guns : ).

6th July 2010, 09:10 PM
Oh those are really good dunked chocolate syrup!

Yes they are very yummy! Bearded dragons think so anyway....


we can't feed the ones we caught to our dragons...because they have been eating tomoato plants are that makes them toxic.

But my wife decided to keep some.(and you guessed it) She is gonna raise them for lizard food!..lol

We already raise Cockroaches and Mealworms for lizard food ;D

6th July 2010, 09:47 PM
Hornworms rank up there with some of the best feeders ever. Hornworms are able to reach a size of 10g-12g in a period of as fast as two weeks, but normally three.

Not only do they offer top quality nutrition, but they have a few added bonuses: their bright green/turquoise color stimulates the pickiest eaters and keeps them looking for more, they are hardier than other soft bodied worm species so you will not sustain large dead loss, and last but not least, their ease of keeping and low maintenance makes them one of the easiest feeders to house.


8th July 2010, 10:21 AM
Oh those are really good dunked chocolate syrup!

Yes they are very yummy! Bearded dragons think so anyway....


i was surprised at how many that one lizard ate. it reminded me of the Coney Island hot dog eating contest.

did he have a distended belly afterwards ?

8th July 2010, 11:16 AM
did he have a distended belly afterwards ?

Im not sure...but I think he might have :-\

I don't think the kid should have feed that many so quickly....