View Full Version : How Liquid are .1867 Ounce European Coins ?

9th July 2010, 04:08 PM
These are a step down from the Sovereign and the 2 Rand in Weight.

Those weigh .2354 ounces.

In the .1867 ounce category, the 2 main ones are the Swiss 20 franc and the French Rooster coin.



2 Questions -

* If you've ever sold one of these to an American dealer, what did they pay you relative to spot ?

* In European coin shops, are these considered premium products, similar to how American dealers seem to like American Eagles ?

When I say "how liquid are they", I mean, how easily convertible into cash. I guess this relates to the central question a coin dealer would ask, will he be able to sell it to his customers ?

9th July 2010, 05:47 PM
Very liquid...;] Since they are fractionals, they are not part of 25 oz reporting requirement that applies to 1 oz foreign coins...at least until 2012.

Premiums vary, but they are generally considered a low premium coin.

9th July 2010, 07:10 PM
On eBay, they seem to be going for about a 12% premium.

Gold would have to hit $3200 before it triggers the $600 requirement in 2012, so they may or may not be the best option for flying beneath the radar depending upon one's forecast. Given the premiums on 1/4 oz. gold bullion, the tradeoff between recognisability and size is worthwhile.

[font=Verdana]I stand corrected!
I just nabbed three at under spot using the Bing + MrRebates trick, so they are out there...

10th July 2010, 03:53 PM
I just nabbed three at under spot using the Bing + MrRebates trick, so they are out there...

you did good ! you got Roosters and/or the Swiss 20 franc coin ?

10th July 2010, 04:06 PM
Three Swiss 20fr coins, two Italian Umberto II L20 coins which were found a bit later.

10th July 2010, 05:05 PM
Three Swiss 20fr coins, two Italian Umberto II L20 coins which were found a bit later.

is that the coin with the guy with the huge moustache ?

10th July 2010, 05:20 PM
Three Swiss 20fr coins, two Italian Umberto II L20 coins which were found a bit later.

is that the coin with the guy with the huge moustache ?

Yes; that is him. By the way, it was Umberto I, not II.


1970 silver art
12th July 2010, 08:00 PM
I would think that the .1867 ounce gold European coins are just as liquid as GAE's or other .999 gold bullion coins, however, a local dealer might discount that odd weight gold European coin more than a regular gold coin because it is an odd weight and I do not beleive that they are stamped with the exact weight and purity on them.

13th July 2010, 04:01 PM
* In European coin shops, are these considered premium products, similar to how American dealers seem to like American Eagles ?

if you mean do european dealers charge more for roosters and swiss 20 franc pieces as compared to standard 1 ozt. bullion coins such as krugers, no is the answer. this (http://www.coininvestdirect.com/) company is one of the more competitive pan-european dealers, includes buy and sell prices in euros, dollars and pounds.