View Full Version : Stunning aerial video of Macondo Prospect 'ground zero' on 7/6

I am me, I am free
9th July 2010, 05:34 PM
Note the size of the two flares - these two flares are reportedly burning off 8,000 barrels a day. Contrast that to the scene of the DWH burning at wide open throttle on April 20-21. When comparing the 8,000 barrel/day burn to the DWH burning at full blowout, the well has to be putting out in excess of 100,000 barrels/day IMO.


9th July 2010, 05:39 PM
That looked really Bad

I am me, I am free
9th July 2010, 05:48 PM
Thanks for the video update

I thought that it was impossible for a plane to get there because of the implementation of a no fly zone.

What's up with the "undisclosed altitude" heard in the video ?

Perhaps the no fly zone has something to do with altitude and they didn't want to incriminate themselves.

9th July 2010, 06:25 PM
even conservative estimates have put this at over 300,000,000 (thats million!) gallons of oil in the water so far. Add about, what is it now 1.6 MILLION gallons of dispersent......not good.

I would like to know where he got the 1% number from. Not that I doubt him, just wondering where/who thats coming from.

Also, a keen observation on the booms. We all know they are basicaly useless at this stage and outside of the shore area they were seemed to be placed at total random.

When you see the ships wake cutting through the slick, it just seems to drive home the immensity of it all. These are not small boats and the oil makes them look like a hot wheels car on the high way.

9th July 2010, 06:50 PM
Keep in mind that Sea Shepherd works for the UN


Sea Shepherd's primary mandate is to assume a law enforcement role as provided by the United Nations World Charter for Nature.

This charter was adopted by the United Nation's General Assembly on November 9, 1982.

Sea Shepherd is guided by the UN Charter World Charter for Nature and cites Section 21 under the heading of Implementations as the Society's authority to act on behalf of international conservation law.

9th July 2010, 07:06 PM
"It's not enough".
