View Full Version : Your loved ones will be flushed down the toilet.......

10th July 2010, 10:37 AM
Belgian undertakers plan to dissolve dead and flush them into sewage system.

Belgian undertakers have drawn up plans to dissolve the corpses of the dead in caustic solutions and flush them into the sewage system.

Allan Hall, in Berlin
Published: 12:31PM BST 07 Jul 2010

The controversial new method is said to be less expensive and more environmentally friendly than running highly polluting crematoria or using up valuable land for graves.

The departed would go into the sewage systems of towns and cities and then be recycled in water processing plants.

However, opponents of the plans say it smacks of a Frankenstein callousness towards the dead and one survey in Belgium found many people found the idea "disturbing."

"The idea is for the deceased to be placed in a container with water and salts and then pressurised and after a little time, about two hours, mineral ash and liquid is left over," said a spokesman for the Flemish Association of Undertakers.

The European Commission is investigation whether the resulting liquid could safely be flushed into the sewage system. Authorities in the northern Belgian region have yet to decide whether to approve the process.

Six states in America – Maine, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Oregon, and Maryland have recently passed legislation that allow the process to be used.

Although experts insist that the ashes can be recycled in waste systems, the residue from the process can also be put in urns and handed over to relatives of the dead.


10th July 2010, 10:49 AM
Is it really any worse than having 'your loved ones' charred to fine ash and placed in a container or spread in the wind?

Or, having them embalmed and sealed in a box, only for the body to turn to goo and be eaten by enzymes and bugs with the bones rotting and decomposing in slow motion?

Or, frozen for extended periods in liquid nitrogen until some nutjob decides to play softball with their skull?

Nothing in nature was ever intended to be here forever in a single state - even the rocks slowly morph with time (what those wacky Egyptians were thinking, God only knows). Somethings merely last longer than others... but in the grand scale, the human body isn't one of them.

When their last gasp has passed - so have your loved ones. All that's left after that is an empty container that needs to be disposed of. Does it really matter how that happens?

10th July 2010, 11:06 AM
Soylent BROWN.

10th July 2010, 12:07 PM
Just throw me out with the garbage... save funeral and burial costs

10th July 2010, 02:33 PM
This is how I wanna go. Or just tie my corpse to the thing and let me ride!

http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/2307/slimpickensridingthebomm.jpg (http://img215.imageshack.us/i/slimpickensridingthebomm.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

10th July 2010, 02:38 PM
I for one am still debating if I want to be burried on my property or not.....it would cost me only $100.00 to get an OK from the state...........sixty feet down and encased in concrete with some of my personal ID, I can just see them finding my body 500 years from now, or maybe 5,000? hahahahahahahahha.

10th July 2010, 02:56 PM
Im with carbon on this one.

Put me on a raft and set me out to sea with my concubines......um wait a minute..... ;D

Saul Mine
10th July 2010, 05:17 PM
Well, they certainly could choose a nicer process. For instance they could compost the bodies and spread them in parks to grow flowers. That reads a whole bunch better than "dissolved and flushed down the sewer."

10th July 2010, 05:22 PM
the most perma-culturish way to deal with the situation is to compost the bodies.

after removing implants, botox, gold teeth crowns, etc. (unless you want gold in your compost)

however effective composting requires particles below a certain size ( 12 inches long, 1 1/2 inches square at one industrial composting place i got a tour of ).

i'm not sure what would be grosser, composting or liquefaction & flushing.

let's talk about this again at Thanksgiving Dinner, when everybody is eating. 8)

10th July 2010, 05:28 PM
The Cheka/NKVD/KGB would put corpses of "liquidated" folks in meat grinders, and then flush the residue into the sewers. The Germans found a lot of horrible, horrible things when they invaded Russia. The Poles and Romanians and Ukrainians, etc., found some of the remnants of the Stalin era, after the Wall came down.

10th July 2010, 07:21 PM
Can we move this topic to the 'good news' subform?

The thought that I, and those I love, might one day be liquified and then flushed down the toilet has really cheered my day. ;) But, I agree with others, at that point it really doesn't matter. Once the soul has left the body, you just have a body. I've seen a lot of dead folks and there's nothing there, just a lifeless piece of meat. We are much more than our bodies.

Have a great day.