View Full Version : Edgar Steele Update (interesting!)

Large Sarge
10th July 2010, 12:33 PM
To all concerned Americans,

For the record, I have been following the Edgar Steele fiasco since he was
arrested on June 11, 2010 and kidnapped from his home in Sagle, Idaho.
For a mainstream canned report, here is a link -
Although I had a flurry of other activities I was committed to at the time,
I managed to visit with his wife, Cyndi Steele, for two hours on June 21. I
wrote Edgar Steele a letter on July 1, 2010 requesting that he call me
collect. That never happened, nor the anticipated visit since I was told
that he was allowed only one visitor a week and it is a big trip to make
only to be turned down. Since I had another appointment in Spokane on July
7, I went to the Spokane County Jail and was told that he was in the custody
of the U.S. Marshals, was not allowed visitors and could not even make a
collect call. At this point I was concerned that he never received my
letter. On the following day I heard from a friend who lives in Spokane and
has tried diligently to visit Edgar Steele. When she went to the jail on
July 8, she was told that he had been moved 30 min. ago to an undisclosed
location. And then I received the following letter today, July 9. Following
this letter is a letter I am sending to our Idaho state representatives that
represent the people in the District where Edgar and Cyndi Steele once
lived. Cyndi is so traumatized by this ordeal that she is no longer living
in her home, and is in a safe house with friends -- the Steele's former home
is in shambles from the raid with floor boards and walls ripped apart... and
many of their valuables stolen.

*Dear Ingri,

Thank you for your letter.
All calls out are almost non-existent. I was looking forward to seeing you
and Al yesterday. I suppose they just turned you away? I haven't had a
single visitor here so far and only barely been allowed to see my public
defender. I'm not allowed to call my lawyer even until next week.
I am in Max Security, full lockdown, solitary confinement. Worse even than
the treatment accorded Matt Hale. Most of mail is returned to senders -
usually because of their using letters instead of full first and last names
in the review in the return address.
OK. I am innocent, for what that is worth in Amerika today. Here is what
My hillbilly handyman stumbled across a stash of silver bullion in one of my
outbuildings - then searched and found two others (@ $15,000 & $45,000
total). Knowing I would discover the theft & know it was him. He tried to
kill me with two pipe bombs he placed on the cars he knew I drove. They both
failed to go off. Cyndi left town with one before he removed it, which led
to the discovery of the car bomb on our Mitsubishi SUV.
This guy had offered to be a hit man before, more than once, but I dismissed
him as a harmless buffoon. I had told him of the ADL & its hatred for me.
This murder-for-hire plot is beyond my hillbilly hitman, so I assume he went
to the ADL, which either fabricated tapes that he played for the FBI
recorder or produced a mimic of me to make the tapes for the FBI on the
spot. Regardless, I have been framed and set-up! BTW, the ADL was quoted
extensively in the government's opening papers in court.
I haven't heard from my wife or son and fear they have been convinced by the
U.S. Attorney Prosecutor of my guilt. I feel totally abandoned. What can you
and others do? Ingri, I honestly don't know. Obviously, this is going to
trial. I may well be convicted, which will be the same as a death sentence
at this stage of my life. I am So depressed. I never expected them to come
after me like this.
You may share this with others, even posting it on UNN and SF (With my
address so they can write me - please write me - but tell them to put their
full names and addresses [as a clear return address] on the envelopes).
[Note: at this time, we do not know his whereabouts. His address is/was -
from the return on my envelope from him - Edgar Steele #361857 , Spokane
County Jail, W. 1100 Mallon, Spokane, Wash. 99260-0320]

Love, Edgar * [I frequently sign my name with friends - both sexes-
with "Love, Ingri". He responded in kind...]

Following is the letter I sent out to Ed and Cyndi Steele's Idaho state
senator and representatives:

Dear Senator Keough, Representative Eskridge and Representative Eric

On June 11, 2010, a resident of Sagle, Idaho for 20 years was arrested by
Idaho State Police and an agent of the FBI with the assistance of a Bonner
County deputy. Edgar is well-known as a defender of politically unpopular
opinion, acting as a pro-bono attorney for the politically incorrect and a
man who admittedly pushes the limits of free speech. He was preparing to go
to Spokane on June 11 with a trailer to pick up some lumber for a building
project and had asked his friend Allen Banks to join him on the drive into
Spokane as he has recently been in very poor health. When Dr. Banks arrived
at Edgar's home, he was barred access to the house by Idaho State Police
officers but could hear talking from inside prior to Edgar emerging from the
house in handcuffs and being placed in the back of one of the ISP vehicles
and driven away. He later witnessed eleven cars carrying agents of the FBI
at the house, conducting a search, removing precious metals and other
personal items. Allen had no idea what was going on other than an FBI agent
coming out of the house momentarily, at the time of Edgar's arrest, to
declare that he had all he needed on tape and that he was convinced of
Edgar's guilt.
On that same day, *The Idaho Statesman *and *Coeur d'Alene Press* printed
stories vilifying Edgar's character and claiming that he had hired his
handyman to kill his wife and mother-in-law. These stories continued for the
following days claiming that the handyman decided to reveal the plot to the
FBI on the previous Wednesday before any harm could be done. There are a
number of holes in this story which any child could describe. For example,
the "handyman", Larry Fairfax, has been a federal drug informant in this
area for many years. His prior membership in Aryan Nations suggests that he
was a federal informant during those years. Based upon his history it is not
unreasonable to assume that he is still a paid federal informant placed at
the Steele household to defame this politically unpopular Sagle resident.
The claim that Edgar wanted the life insurance money from the death of his
wife also doesn't hold up - enough personal wealth was removed from the
Steele residence by the FBI that the life insurance policy angle does not
seem believable. Strangely, when the informant handyman "came clean" he
failed to mention the pipe bombs he had placed on the Steele vehicles. These
were later discovered during a routine oil change. The story and the details
of the "plot" so far revealed are bizarre enough that many believe the case
to be a complete fabrication, not unlike those fabricated by the Soviet era
thugs of the KGB. If such a story can be fabricated to destroy a politically
incorrect resident of Sagle, what can these same federal police officials
concoct to destroy one of us? There are so many problems with this story
that many of us have grave concerns for our safety as Idaho and Bonner
County residents.
While first confined at the Kootenai County Jail, Edgar, an Idaho resident,
is now held in another state - Washington. I went to the Spokane County Jail
on Wednesday to visit Edgar Steele. The woman at the desk told me that he is
not allowed ANY visitors other than his attorney, he cannot make collect
phone calls, and he is in custody of the U.S. Marshal Service. However, when
I called the U.S. Marshal office in Spokane, I was told that Edgar is not in
their system. I was referred to the FBI which only was available as a
recording. I left a message on a recorder. Another friend went to the
Spokane County Jail on Thursday (7-8-10) and was told that he had been moved
a half hour earlier to an undisclosed location. This is beginning to
resemble the George Hansen case where Idaho Congressman George Hansen was
kept for nearly two years without trial, moved from one federal detention
facility to another just ahead of his friends who were frantically trying to
locate him so they could obtain his release. His crime? Allegedly he was
being held without trial for errantly filing some congressional disclosure
forms. His real crime? Asking for a congressional investigation of the IRS.

Edgar's wife, Cyndi Steele, and his children, Nicole, Rex and Kelsey, are
not allowed any communication with him. Cyndi is not living in their home
anymore - too traumatic to live in a home that has been left ripped up
(floor boards/walls) after the removal of valuables and other personal
belongings. She is in shock trying to avoid the media circus and has been
unavailable except to close friends. I happened to arrange a meeting with
her for two hours on June 21 after she had watched two of three video/audio
tapes. Apparently Edgar had been videotaped over a nearly six month period,
with agents invading her property while she lived and slept there, without
her knowledge. What she shared with me in detail makes me more convinced
than ever of this man's innocence. You see, my late husband and I had been
at social gatherings with Edgar and Cindy and had been in their home on
several occasions, both of us considering Edgar and Cindy to be our friends.

Not only that but at least an investigator working on this case, Tim
Schwering of the Federal Public Defenders Office has also noted that there
is something terribly wrong about this case. Please feel free to call me. I
am deeply concerned and need to know what you can do to intervene to make
sure that Edgar is safe, protected and that his right to due process is

With Deep Concern for our Country and the frightful direction this case

Ingri Cassel
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869

P.S. Dr. Allen Banks is a well-respected man of our community that is
on the board of the Panhandle Health District (at least "was" for many
years...) and is the treasurer of our local Bonner County Republican
Central Committee.

In the Spirit of Truth,

Ingri Cassel, former owner of *The Idaho Observer*
(and widow of the paper's founder/publisher - Don Harkins - another
"victim" of fed games - Summer of


Ingri Cassel, director
Vaccination Liberation
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
(888) 249-1421 / (208) 255-2307
www.VacLib.org www.VaccineTruth.com www.PandemicFluOnline.com

"Free Your Mind...
From the Vaccine Paradigm"

10th July 2010, 12:44 PM
HOLY SHIT! Steele is in a cage?

Damn, I'm out of the loop.

10th July 2010, 12:52 PM
I just read some of the news on EJS, and all I can say is WTF?!

Bomb plots? Is this a made-for-TV movie? Steele almost croaked last year, and we're supposed to believe he's playing Dr. Evil a few months later?

10th July 2010, 12:57 PM
My hillbilly handyman stumbled across a stash of silver bullion in one of my
outbuildings - then searched and found two others (@ $15,000 & $45,000
total). Knowing I would discover the theft & know it was him. He tried to
kill me with two pipe bombs he placed on the cars he knew I drove. They both
failed to go off. Cyndi left town with one before he removed it, which led
to the discovery of the car bomb on our Mitsubishi SUV.
This guy had offered to be a hit man before, more than once, but I dismissed
him as a harmless buffoon.

We can hear Jailhouse tapes already publicly released wherein Steele tells his son to tell his mom to lie/commit perjury. Steele is the buffoon.


10th July 2010, 12:58 PM
I just read some of the news on EJS, and all I can say is WTF?!

Bomb plots? Is this a made-for-TV movie? Steele almost croaked last year, and we're supposed to believe he's playing Dr. Evil a few months later?

"The broad mass of a nation will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one." - Adolf Hitler

Large Sarge
10th July 2010, 01:00 PM
My hillbilly handyman stumbled across a stash of silver bullion in one of my
outbuildings - then searched and found two others (@ $15,000 & $45,000
total). Knowing I would discover the theft & know it was him. He tried to
kill me with two pipe bombs he placed on the cars he knew I drove. They both
failed to go off. Cyndi left town with one before he removed it, which led
to the discovery of the car bomb on our Mitsubishi SUV.
This guy had offered to be a hit man before, more than once, but I dismissed
him as a harmless buffoon.

We can hear Jailhouse tapes already publicly released wherein Steele tells his son to tell his mom to lie/commit perjury. Steele is the buffoon.


I know

if it was not Edgar J Steele, and his stance against the most powerful group on the planet, well......

anyway if any group could frame you, and make it look good, well they could, they did 9/11 and fooled billions...

all they need to do is fool 12 jurors, a D.A. and a few FBI agents.

thats small potatoes to these folks

10th July 2010, 01:00 PM
My hillbilly handyman stumbled across a stash of silver bullion in one of my
outbuildings - then searched and found two others (@ $15,000 & $45,000
total). Knowing I would discover the theft & know it was him. He tried to
kill me with two pipe bombs he placed on the cars he knew I drove. They both
failed to go off. Cyndi left town with one before he removed it, which led
to the discovery of the car bomb on our Mitsubishi SUV.
This guy had offered to be a hit man before, more than once, but I dismissed
him as a harmless buffoon.

We can hear Jailhouse tapes already publicly released wherein Steele tells his son to tell his mom to lie/commit perjury. Steele is the buffoon.


Do you have a link?

If he did so, he is indeed a buffoon. And he's damned.

10th July 2010, 01:05 PM


Subornation of perjury is a legal term describing the crime of persuading another to commit perjury.[1]

It may be applied to an attorney who presents testimony (or an affidavit) the attorney knows is materially false to a judge or jury as if it were factual. Generally, the knowledge that the testimony is materially false must rise above mere suspicion to what a reasonable attorney would have believed in the circumstances. For example, the attorney cannot be wilfully blind to the fact that their witness is giving false testimony. An attorney who actively encourages a witness to give false testimony is clearly guilty of suborning perjury. It can occur in either a civil and criminal case.

Subornation of perjury is a crime. It is also an offense for which an attorney can be disciplined, disbarred or jailed. Subornation is the circumstance where an attorney gets, or allows, another party to lie. If an attorney makes a false representation in court, that is also a crime and he could be subject to similar punishment as subornation.

Under American federal criminal law, "Whoever procures another to commit any perjury is guilty of subornation of perjury, and shall be fined $2,000 and sentenced to up to five year. Subornation of perjury occurs when anyone--not just a lawyer--encourages a witness to perjure her/himself. Violators can face a maximum of five years in prison.[2] That law has analogous provisions in every state of the union.

The line between subornation of perjury and simply helping witnesses recall what actually occurred is a fine one. One theatrical example of "wood shedding" (also known as "horse shedding"[3] - for the locale of the collaboration - or "sand papering")[4] is in the book and movie Anatomy of a Murder, which concerns an actual case in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and written under the pen-name of Robert Traver, who was Justice John D. Voelker of the Michigan Supreme Court. The story graphically demonstrates the ethical and legal problem.

General of Darkness
10th July 2010, 01:06 PM
Why is the FBI involved?

10th July 2010, 01:10 PM
Why is the FBI involved?

His "harmless buffoon" handyman claims that Steele wanted his mother-in-law killed in Oregon...across state lines.

Presto: a federal offense.


10th July 2010, 01:15 PM


He has surely lost his mind. All he knows about how the Feds operate, as a lawyer, and he's so stupid as to say all that, knowing (or should know) that it would be recorded?

It doesn't matter if he tried to blow his wife away or not...he's never going to see freedom again. They've got him, with his own help.


Thanks for the links!

10th July 2010, 01:16 PM
Why is the FBI involved?

That question is as silly as asking "why is the KGB involved?" if one was in the USSR.

10th July 2010, 01:17 PM
He has surely lost his mind...They've got him, with his own help.

Yep. He is the buffoon. He will rot in prison now.


General of Darkness
10th July 2010, 01:19 PM
Why is the FBI involved?

His "harmless buffoon" handyman claims that Steele wanted his mother-in-law killed in Oregon...across state lines.

Presto: a federal offense.


Excellent observation. ;)

General of Darkness
10th July 2010, 01:22 PM
Why is the FBI involved?

That question is as silly as asking "why is the KGB involved?" if one was in the USSR.

Don't be a dick Fred. That was a legitimate question, and Book answered it.

10th July 2010, 01:26 PM
Well, my sign (my avatar) is nothing big but every tourist that comes here have to drive past my home where they can all read it (fifty feet from fence as per the law) many stop to take pictures of it and when ever I go out to say HI! they take a picture of me.......I can tell who is who.

They did try something, twice, about five years ago but now they don't even bother to try and talk to me.

I know that one of this day "someone" will come and tell me to take the sign down but will refused and request a trial date........fun time for Ponce.

By the way, I know Edgar in person and I don't think much of him but still like him for not quitting with the Zionists (Jews).

10th July 2010, 01:27 PM


Subornation of perjury is a legal term describing the crime of persuading another to commit perjury.[1]

It may be applied to an attorney who presents testimony (or an affidavit) the attorney knows is materially false to a judge or jury as if it were factual. Generally, the knowledge that the testimony is materially false must rise above mere suspicion to what a reasonable attorney would have believed in the circumstances. For example, the attorney cannot be wilfully blind to the fact that their witness is giving false testimony. An attorney who actively encourages a witness to give false testimony is clearly guilty of suborning perjury. It can occur in either a civil and criminal case.

Subornation of perjury is a crime. It is also an offense for which an attorney can be disciplined, disbarred or jailed. Subornation is the circumstance where an attorney gets, or allows, another party to lie. If an attorney makes a false representation in court, that is also a crime and he could be subject to similar punishment as subornation.

Under American federal criminal law, "Whoever procures another to commit any perjury is guilty of subornation of perjury, and shall be fined $2,000 and sentenced to up to five year. Subornation of perjury occurs when anyone--not just a lawyer--encourages a witness to perjure her/himself. Violators can face a maximum of five years in prison.[2] That law has analogous provisions in every state of the union.

The line between subornation of perjury and simply helping witnesses recall what actually occurred is a fine one. One theatrical example of "wood shedding" (also known as "horse shedding"[3] - for the locale of the collaboration - or "sand papering")[4] is in the book and movie Anatomy of a Murder, which concerns an actual case in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and written under the pen-name of Robert Traver, who was Justice John D. Voelker of the Michigan Supreme Court. The story graphically demonstrates the ethical and legal problem.

All of a sudden you believe the news? What makes you really think he would be that stupid. If they can set him up they can surely set him up for subbornation. It would not be hard to fake an audio. As a matter of fact I had a freind once who faked an audio of his girlfriend during a spat they had. It was hilarious how he put her words in convincing order to make her seem a bufoon.

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Buddha

This just is too convenient for the authorities, isn't it? It doesn't pass the smell test.

10th July 2010, 01:50 PM
Why is the FBI involved?

That question is as silly as asking "why is the KGB involved?" if one was in the USSR.

Don't be a dick Fred. That was a legitimate question, and Book answered it.

"Don't be a dick"? The FBI is America's secret police. They FIND a way to involve themselves, doesn't matter if "constitutional" or not. Book's response is one argument they could use.

10th July 2010, 01:57 PM
All of a sudden you believe the news? What makes you really think he would be that stupid. If they can set him up they can surely set him up for subbornation. It would not be hard to fake an audio. As a matter of fact I had a freind once who faked an audio of his girlfriend during a spat they had. It was hilarious how he put her words in convincing order to make her seem a bufoon.

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Buddha

This just is too convenient for the authorities, isn't it? It doesn't pass the smell test.

At this point, it don't matter if Steele said one word of any of the "recordings." He's done, he's going to <a href="http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBkQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FADX_Flo rence&ei=sN44TMXnFY3-nAe9ornjAg&usg=AFQjCNGfkn6DG3jKFOfbs-1p7W6WKz25AA">ADX Florence</a>, forever. Or at least until the next life. There's no way to "convince" the morons who sit on Federal juries that the "recordings" are fake. And I doubt the "judge" will allow such argumentation, anyways. Self-defense is notoriously disallowed in Federal "courts."

philo beddoe
10th July 2010, 02:02 PM
Why is the FBI involved?

That question is as silly as asking "why is the KGB involved?" if one was in the USSR.

Don't be a dick Fred. That was a legitimate question, and Book answered it.

"Don't be a dick"? The FBI is America's secret police. They FIND a way to involve themselves, doesn't matter if "constitutional" or not. Book's response is one argument they could use.
His question was legitimate. Your answer was condescending.

10th July 2010, 02:06 PM
His question was legitimate. Your answer was condescending.

Ganging up on me?

10th July 2010, 02:09 PM
Chill, folks. This could get ugly REAL fast... I've seen it too many times.

philo beddoe
10th July 2010, 02:13 PM
His question was legitimate. Your answer was condescending.

Ganging up on me?
No i'm not. If I had contacted general then maybe. I haven't said anything to him. Us ike minded individuals are few and far between. This may b e one of the few places where we have a strong enough minority to effectively defend ourselves. it will go nowhere if make snide comments to each other. Save them for the three or four trolls who are here. Sometimes I shop for LG refrigerators and GM cars.

10th July 2010, 02:13 PM
Chill, folks. This could get ugly REAL fast... I've seen it too many times.


Good God, it's like I squashed someone's kitty!

I'm SORRY that I offended a couple of people. I saw it as just one of my sarcastic quips. Either I'm not seeing my offense, or people are overly sensitive.

Let's just move on, please. This EJS story shows us that we've got MUCH bigger problems than e-ffenses on a forum.

10th July 2010, 02:20 PM
Many of the arguments herein are predicated upon rule of law. When has the FBI been known to abide by the law when it does not suit them?

10th July 2010, 02:20 PM
We can hear Jailhouse tapes already publicly released wherein Steele tells his son to tell his mom to lie/commit perjury. Steele is the buffoon.


Bullshit book, he told his son to trust him that he did not try to kill his wife.

Think about it your sitting in a jailcell and your enemy has unlimited money to craft evidence and even convince your family that you are guilty.

It's no different than if they hauled you in on trumped up charges then showed your wife your confiscated PC with child porn on it and asked her "is this your husbands computer" All Steele is asking is to deny that it is him because it will undoubtedly be a great forgery.

General of Darkness
10th July 2010, 02:21 PM
Why is the FBI involved?

That question is as silly as asking "why is the KGB involved?" if one was in the USSR.

Don't be a dick Fred. That was a legitimate question, and Book answered it.

"Don't be a dick"? The FBI is America's secret police. They FIND a way to involve themselves, doesn't matter if "constitutional" or not. Book's response is one argument they could use.

Fair enough. And I'm really torn with this whole mess. Ed did about 15 shows on VoR in 2009, then left, turns out it was for medical reasons. Very smart guy, and from MY experience was 100% fair and honest, he never pulled punches. Either the audio tapes are real or they're not. I believe they're not and this is a set up, but for what purpose? Ed wasn't going to go attack the government. Are they sending a message? Could be, the DOJ not trying the Black Panther case, then going after Arizona, then they're latching onto the BART trial. It could very well be the DOJ/FBI, picked someone out, who they can find, that has a name, and is well known and said, "Let's send a message". I might be right, I might be wrong, but at the end of the day, the stink is still there and these bastards are not working in our interests.

Large Sarge
10th July 2010, 02:25 PM
Why is the FBI involved?

That question is as silly as asking "why is the KGB involved?" if one was in the USSR.

Don't be a dick Fred. That was a legitimate question, and Book answered it.

"Don't be a dick"? The FBI is America's secret police. They FIND a way to involve themselves, doesn't matter if "constitutional" or not. Book's response is one argument they could use.

Fair enough. And I'm really torn with this whole mess. Ed did about 15 shows on VoR in 2009, then left, turns out it was for medical reasons. Very smart guy, and from MY experience was 100% fair and honest, he never pulled punches. Either the audio tapes are real or they're not. I believe they're not and this is a set up, but for what purpose? Ed wasn't going to go attack the government. Are they sending a message? Could be, the DOJ not trying the Black Panther case, then going after Arizona, then they're latching onto the BART trial. It could very well be the DOJ/FBI, picked someone out, who they can find, that has a name, and is well known and said, "Let's send a message". I might be right, I might be wrong, but at the end of the day, the stink is still there and these bastards are not working in our interests.

its a war for your mind, Ed talked about the holohoax(WW1 & WW2), who did 9/11, etc

of course he was not going to attack the govt, he was a threat because he made people think, and told them the truth

10th July 2010, 02:35 PM
Anything is only as important as the importance that you give it......tame me, no one really gives me any importance (Ponce....a fly on the wall) but that's ok because I am THE Ponce that will never change.

philo beddoe
10th July 2010, 02:40 PM
Anything is only as important as the importance that you give it......tame me, no one really gives me any importance (Ponce....a fly on the wall) but that's ok because I am THE Ponce that will never change.
Al Bundy is important when he visits the nudie bar

10th July 2010, 02:43 PM
Why is the FBI involved?

he was outspoken & uncensored about Jewish criminals and the FBI behaves as if it's their job to protect Jewish criminals.

General of Darkness
10th July 2010, 02:48 PM
its a war for your mind, Ed talked about the holohoax(WW1 & WW2), who did 9/11, etc

of course he was not going to attack the govt, he was a threat because he made people think, and told them the truth

LS, there's THOUSANDS of people doing that. Hell, we're getting over 5 million audio downloads a year. My gut tells me that this bastard "handyman" ran out of money, called the feds and fabricated the whole damn thing. I don't think the feds initiated this.

10th July 2010, 04:14 PM
Bullsh*t book, he told his son to trust him that he did not try to kill his wife.

Listen to the tape. He clearly told his son to tell his mother to LIE which is the legal definition of:

Subornation of perjury is a legal term describing the crime of persuading another to commit perjury.[1]

It may be applied to an attorney who presents testimony (or an affidavit) the attorney knows is materially false to a judge or jury as if it were factual. Generally, the knowledge that the testimony is materially false must rise above mere suspicion to what a reasonable attorney would have believed in the circumstances. For example, the attorney cannot be wilfully blind to the fact that their witness is giving false testimony. An attorney who actively encourages a witness to give false testimony is clearly guilty of suborning perjury. It can occur in either a civil and criminal case.

Subornation of perjury is a crime. It is also an offense for which an attorney can be disciplined, disbarred or jailed. Subornation is the circumstance where an attorney gets, or allows, another party to lie. If an attorney makes a false representation in court, that is also a crime and he could be subject to similar punishment as subornation.

Under American federal criminal law, "Whoever procures another to commit any perjury is guilty of subornation of perjury, and shall be fined $2,000 and sentenced to up to five year. Subornation of perjury occurs when anyone--not just a lawyer--encourages a witness to perjure her/himself. Violators can face a maximum of five years in prison.[2] That law has analogous provisions in every state of the union.

The line between subornation of perjury and simply helping witnesses recall what actually occurred is a fine one. One theatrical example of "wood shedding" (also known as "horse shedding"[3] - for the locale of the collaboration - or "sand papering")[4] is in the book and movie Anatomy of a Murder, which concerns an actual case in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and written under the pen-name of Robert Traver, who was Justice John D. Voelker of the Michigan Supreme Court. The story graphically demonstrates the ethical and legal problem.


Large Sarge
10th July 2010, 04:20 PM
Bullsh*t book, he told his son to trust him that he did not try to kill his wife.

Listen to the tape. He clearly told his son to tell his mother to LIE which is the legal definition of:

Subornation of perjury is a legal term describing the crime of persuading another to commit perjury.[1]

It may be applied to an attorney who presents testimony (or an affidavit) the attorney knows is materially false to a judge or jury as if it were factual. Generally, the knowledge that the testimony is materially false must rise above mere suspicion to what a reasonable attorney would have believed in the circumstances. For example, the attorney cannot be wilfully blind to the fact that their witness is giving false testimony. An attorney who actively encourages a witness to give false testimony is clearly guilty of suborning perjury. It can occur in either a civil and criminal case.

Subornation of perjury is a crime. It is also an offense for which an attorney can be disciplined, disbarred or jailed. Subornation is the circumstance where an attorney gets, or allows, another party to lie. If an attorney makes a false representation in court, that is also a crime and he could be subject to similar punishment as subornation.

Under American federal criminal law, "Whoever procures another to commit any perjury is guilty of subornation of perjury, and shall be fined $2,000 and sentenced to up to five year. Subornation of perjury occurs when anyone--not just a lawyer--encourages a witness to perjure her/himself. Violators can face a maximum of five years in prison.[2] That law has analogous provisions in every state of the union.
The line between subornation of perjury and simply helping witnesses recall what actually occurred is a fine one. One theatrical example of "wood shedding" (also known as "horse shedding"[3] - for the locale of the collaboration - or "sand papering")[4] is in the book and movie Anatomy of a Murder, which concerns an actual case in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and written under the pen-name of Robert Traver, who was Justice John D. Voelker of the Michigan Supreme Court. The story graphically demonstrates the ethical and legal problem.


He is facing 10+ years right now, and if he is framed, well I guess he might say "take your chances that the jury believes your wife, and that it is a frame up", and deal with the 5 year charge later.

(just speculating)

but from reading the letter, they are treating poor old edgar like a serial murderer (solitary, maximum security, etc)

10th July 2010, 04:41 PM
Many of the arguments herein are predicated upon rule of law. When has the FBI been known to abide by the law when it does not suit them?

For the FBI, "the law" is a Glock 22. Or Lon Horiuchi's sniper rifle.

10th July 2010, 04:48 PM
We can hear Jailhouse tapes already publicly released wherein Steele tells his son to tell his mom to lie/commit perjury. Steele is the buffoon.


Bullsh*t book, he told his son to trust him that he did not try to kill his wife.

I think EJS is innocent, but it doesn't matter, he's done for, and heading for Gulag Florence.

IF the "recordings" of the jail to Rex & Cyndi calls are authentic, then, unfortunately, EJS did tell Cyndi to "lie." He told her "no matter what you think, you must say 'that is not my husband'." (paraphrased, but in essence, 100% accurate - I didn't check the transcript) You just can't do that when the Federal goons are listening in. And "spousal privilege" does not apply, since the alleged victim is the spouse.

I wish he'd have been far more discreet on those phone calls, stating only that "Cyndi, I love you, and these charges are absolutely false, and any 'recordings' are absolutely forged." He weaved the rope for the Feds with that phrase about denying what she thought of the "recordings." I know he was desperate, being isolated and mostly cut off from family and friends, but that's the point of their torture techniques, to screw with your head so you make mistakes.

10th July 2010, 04:53 PM
Why is the FBI involved?

That question is as silly as asking "why is the KGB involved?" if one was in the USSR.

Don't be a dick Fred. That was a legitimate question, and Book answered it.

"Don't be a dick"? The FBI is America's secret police. They FIND a way to involve themselves, doesn't matter if "constitutional" or not. Book's response is one argument they could use.

Fair enough. And I'm really torn with this whole mess. Ed did about 15 shows on VoR in 2009, then left, turns out it was for medical reasons. Very smart guy, and from MY experience was 100% fair and honest, he never pulled punches. Either the audio tapes are real or they're not. I believe they're not and this is a set up, but for what purpose? Ed wasn't going to go attack the government. Are they sending a message? Could be, the DOJ not trying the Black Panther case, then going after Arizona, then they're latching onto the BART trial. It could very well be the DOJ/FBI, picked someone out, who they can find, that has a name, and is well known and said, "Let's send a message". I might be right, I might be wrong, but at the end of the day, the stink is still there and these bastards are not working in our interests.

Supposedly Eric Holder's office is involved; that reeks of political targeting.

I don't believe the "recordings" of "the (alleged) solicitation to murder" are real. We haven't heard them, but even if "perfect," those aren't hard to forge.

The "recordings" from jail are likely authentic...I would think that EJS' family would have let the world know if they were not (via April Gaede or another family friend).

The story is something a failed screenwriter would concoct. Only someone with a two-digit IQ could believe it's real. Blowing someone's vehicle to smithereens is not "making it look like an accident." Pulling bolts from the steering gear, damaging the wheel cylinders, in preparation for a journey on a windy, two-lane highway overlooking a cliff, sure. But not a bomb.

There's a rumor that EJS was fighting mad after his brush with death, and wanted to run for Governor of Idaho. A motive to "neutralize" him?

10th July 2010, 05:00 PM
Listen to the tape. He clearly told his son to tell his mother to LIE which is the legal definition of:

Subornation of perjury is a legal term describing the crime of persuading another to commit perjury.[1]

"[N]o matter what you hear, what you think, what you feel, you have to say the following: No that's not my husband's voice."

Edgar J. Steele to Cyndi Steele

IF he did indeed state that, Book is correct.

10th July 2010, 05:03 PM
He is facing 10+ years right now, and if he is framed, well I guess he might say "take your chances that the jury believes your wife, and that it is a frame up", and deal with the 5 year charge later.

(just speculating)

but from reading the letter, they are treating poor old edgar like a serial murderer (solitary, maximum security, etc)

He's getting the same treatment that David Lane and Matt Hale got. Political prisoner treatment, and once's he's convicted in their kangaroo court, he will go to ADX Florence, the gulag of the Federal gulags, mark my words.

He's likely going to get 20+ years, since the Federal persecutors will add subornation of perjury and "witness tampering" to the "interstate" charges. He will die in a cage. :'(