View Full Version : Older Eagles are Worth More ?

11th July 2010, 01:51 PM
I saw a post on Craiglist where some guy is selling a 1994 SAE for $145 -

So it made me wonder about the dates of SAE's & which ones to keep an eye out for.

Is it safe to say that Eagles 1999 and before are worth more & have numismatic value ?

From looking at the SAE page at APMex, it seems like the prices get pricey starting around 1999 -
http://www.apmex.com/Category/160/Silver_American_Eagles_Uncirculated_2010__Prior.as px

On the other hand - when you look at the "Buy" prices, there is no mention of paying extra for older Eagles.

Is this just a game that dealers play, charging extra for older Silver Eagles, but not paying extra ?

11th July 2010, 03:07 PM
Well, according to the Apmex link you provided. 1996 is a key date....not 94

I think that guy on Craigslist is dreaming.

I wouldn't pay more than 2 bucks over for any date SAE (That is IF i was in the market for one...I'm not)

But Im not a "collector"

Silver Rocket Bitches!
16th July 2010, 06:30 PM
I don't think any SAE is worth that much unless it's key date and burnished.

And was used as a masturbation tool by Adriana Lima.

My MS69 1996 was bought for $50 last year.

16th July 2010, 06:42 PM
even the 96 isnt even that rare

there were 3.6 million struck

compare this to 94 and 97 when 4.2 and 4.3 million were struck and consistently sell at a normal price for an ase

however comparatively these early 90 years can be perceived as rarer considering the fact that 08 and 09 saw mintages of 20 and 30 million :o

17th July 2010, 07:36 PM
The link you showed was for a proof eagle, totally different .

Grand Master Melon
18th July 2010, 12:19 AM
I've noticed that 96's seem to fetch more on the bay. I've sold a couple of 95's on there at a slight premium to the already existing sae premium. Once I sold one for 24 bucks and it was circulated and at the time silver was about 16ish.

30th July 2010, 06:03 PM
And was used as a masturbation tool by Adriana Lima.
I had no idea who this person was. Google images explains to me your reference but I'm still not paying the premium even if she did use it for that purpose.