View Full Version : Arizona Militia in Fire Fight with Mexican Cartels RIGHT NOW

General of Darkness
13th July 2010, 12:31 PM
NATIONAL ALERT: Tuesday , July 13, 2010
Incoming Request from M.FREEBYRD






13th July 2010, 12:38 PM
NATIONAL ALERT: Tuesday , July 13, 2010
Incoming Request from M.FREEBYRD






*pops popcorn*

13th July 2010, 01:12 PM

General of Darkness
13th July 2010, 01:30 PM
I just got a text message from one of the guys with the US Border Guard.

Text goes as follow

ME - Are your guys taking fire from the cartels

Him - Sometimes. Mostly right now they're trying to flee past us. But they are fortifing hilltops and word has it they are preparing to take us out.

13th July 2010, 01:43 PM
It reminds me of the last grievence in the declaration of independence:

"He (the King) has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions"

And like the french and indian wars preceeding the revolution, maybe these actions in the desert are just what the so called militias need to cut their teeth on. Then perhaps, like our forefathers, they will turn from the frontier to more domestic dangers.

13th July 2010, 01:44 PM
Liberty Tree Radio (http://www.libertytreeradio.4mg.com/)

Program starts at 5pm EST. Might be able to get more info at that time. Host is Mark Koernke.

13th July 2010, 01:46 PM
Liberty Tree Radio (http://www.libertytreeradio.4mg.com/)

Program starts at 5pm EST. Might be able to get more info at that time. Host is Mark Koernke.

Yeah, you guys are going to want to listen to Mark's
Intelligence Report / Liberty Tree Radio shows
today for info on what's going on.

http://www.theintelligencereport.tk/ (click "Archives")

General of Darkness
13th July 2010, 01:53 PM
FYI - The chat room there is providing interesting information.


13th July 2010, 01:55 PM
I see a (paypal) donate button....but that appears to be to support the website.

How can we donate to help these Militia men directly?

13th July 2010, 01:56 PM
To me it doesn't mean sh*t till the US army takes over........ who does the Mexican Cartel think they are? the Zionists???????.............hummmmmmm, after thinking about I decided that the Zionists are BEHIND them.

13th July 2010, 02:00 PM
I see a (paypal) donate button....but that appears to be to support the website.

How can we donate to help these Militia men directly?

Found it


13th July 2010, 02:01 PM
I see a (paypal) donate button....but that appears to be to support the website.

How can we donate to help these Militia men directly?

AZ Militia (http://www.arizonamilitia.com/)

Audio Briefing (11 July 2010) - the Arizona southern border situation and ACM operations. How donors are making a difference.
Courtesy of the "Come and Take It" radio show

Audio Briefing (29 June 2010) - the Arizona southern border situation, and a discussion of what the ACM needs, and how you can help.
Courtesy of the "You Have Tread on Me" radio show

13th July 2010, 02:02 PM
Video and Story of Deputy shooting here:

Link to FOX (http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/dpp/news/local/clearer-picture-emerges-of-sheriff%27s-deputy-desert-shooting-07-07-2010)

13th July 2010, 02:10 PM

They are running a repeat of the show from 15 June...

13th July 2010, 02:23 PM
FYI - The chat room there is providing interesting information.


I've been reading there for the past 10 minutes or so, and this is what I've gathered.

Hostilities began at 2:00AM EST (2:00PM? Probably a typo). At least 6 Mexicans engaged by militia, 2 KIA so far. Arizona has turned off 76 freeway cameras. There's talk about black ops and marines moving in, but no confirming yet.

This is the most informative post so far:

Texasmobfather: I just got off the phone with Hummer, our Pima County Commander, at
13:15 hours, 13 Jul 2010, here is his SITREP:

0545 hours MST - 13 Jul 2010 - approx. 7 miles west of Ruby, AZ -
six enemy, in uniform, carrying AK and SKS rifles - enemy were
engaged by ACM forces as they tried to cross the international
fence - two enemy KIA confirmed, unknown number of enemy WIA, no
friendly casualties

Hummer now has his guys "hunkered down" until after dark, when they
will exfil the area. He has not requested additional troops at
this time.

Tell everyone to sharpen their knives, but don't start heading to
Pima County just yet. This was a small unit action, nothing more.

The ACM remains at "RIBBON" status, our second highest level of
alert. Since we only have three levels, and we have been on that
level since 22 June 2010, there is reason to be alert, but not to
be alarmed.

Mobilization for our Fall mission continues, but anyone who wants
to "mount up and head to the sound of the gunfire" ahead of that
may contact me directly and we will see what we can arrange. We
cannot offer them a place to stay other than out in the desert, and
that has its own spectacular charm right about now. ••

Prayers will be greatly appreciated,

7th trump
13th July 2010, 02:29 PM
Yea the government is going to step in and take out everyone including the good guys.

13th July 2010, 02:30 PM
Yea the government is going to step in and take out everyone including the good guys.

I wouldn't be surprised... kill the eyewitnesses than paint it in the media any way you want! >:(

13th July 2010, 02:31 PM
what? we have militia people in AZ that are openly firing at illegals when they see them crossing, or was it the u.s. border guards firing?

i may have hope for america yet.

General of Darkness
13th July 2010, 02:39 PM
what? we have militia people in AZ that are openly firing at illegals when they see them crossing, or was it the u.s. border guards firing?

i may have hope for america yet.

No they're fighting with the Cartels. Two cartel KIA's, they're probably regrouping and come back with some additional buddies.

13th July 2010, 02:41 PM
And hold on to your "donations" for now........what do you think that they need now?, they should have gund and ammo and gas to get there, everything else is a ripoff.

If someone were to assault my home do you thnk that I would be going around asking for money? f*ck no, I would be to bussy firing my gun.

13th July 2010, 02:45 PM
They aren't asking for money. The first thing they asked for was mechanics. Other things they have asked for are sandbags, saline solutions, ACM's. They are asking for help.

13th July 2010, 02:45 PM
I have no doubt the US Government will RESTRAIN THE AMERICANS. I see "civil rights violation" charges for some Arizonans in Eric Holder's daydreams.

America's Enemy is not in Mexico. It's in Washington, DC.

13th July 2010, 02:52 PM
I have no doubt the US Government will RESTRAIN THE AMERICANS. I see "civil rights violation" charges for some Arizonans in Eric Holder's daydreams.

America's Enemy is not in Mexico. It's in Washington, DC.

The US military will come in to stop the Americans, arrest them, fire upon them, kill them... but the illegals will remain... The US government will accuse the Americans of being antagonists and engaging in unlawful activities, the government has already ceded the area to the illegals...

This is how screwed up our government has become.

13th July 2010, 03:09 PM
Only when the good guys become the bad guys will the bad guys become the good guy......that that's why I will always be a bad guy.........because I am a good guy.

I dare you to repeat that really fast hahahahahahhaah.

13th July 2010, 03:19 PM
I have no doubt the US Government will RESTRAIN THE AMERICANS. I see "civil rights violation" charges for some Arizonans in Eric Holder's daydreams.

America's Enemy is not in Mexico. It's in Washington, DC.

The US military will come in to stop the Americans, arrest them, fire upon them, kill them... but the illegals will remain... The US government will accuse the Americans of being antagonists and engaging in unlawful activities, the government has already ceded the area to the illegals...

This is how screwed up <s>our</s> the government has become.

I don't have a government, so I fixed your post. I suspect you don't have a government, either.

Governments represent and protect their citizens. The US Government does neither for me.

13th July 2010, 03:26 PM
I have no doubt the US Government will RESTRAIN THE AMERICANS. I see "civil rights violation" charges for some Arizonans in Eric Holder's daydreams.

America's Enemy is not in Mexico. It's in Washington, DC.

The US military will come in to stop the Americans, arrest them, fire upon them, kill them... but the illegals will remain... The US government will accuse the Americans of being antagonists and engaging in unlawful activities, the government has already ceded the area to the illegals...

This is how screwed up <s>our</s> the government has become.

I don't have a government, so I fixed your post. I suspect you don't have a government, either.

Governments represent and protect their citizens. The US Government does neither for me.


13th July 2010, 03:26 PM
Mossad give us Uzi pistolas and SPLC lawyers

13th July 2010, 05:32 PM
I would hope there is no racial profiling going on?


13th July 2010, 05:44 PM
Not looking good, Wife has called relatives, and something definitely happening.

13th July 2010, 05:46 PM
Not looking good, Wife has called relatives, and something definitely happening.

care to elaborate?

13th July 2010, 05:53 PM
Not looking good, Wife has called relatives, and something definitely happening.

care to elaborate?

They live near Gila Bend, way more than usual of LEO and of USAF activity(flyovers),along with local scuttlebutt.

13th July 2010, 05:55 PM

But Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu says, “Though I appreciate their support and offer to take up arms and patrol, this would not be helpful and would only cause a strain on already strained resources; their safety needs to be a priority. I do not ask or encouraged them to come here.”

Apparently, he is not DIScouraging them from coming, nor asking them NOT to come!

13th July 2010, 06:17 PM

But Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu says, “Though I appreciate their support and offer to take up arms and patrol, this would not be helpful and would only cause a strain on already strained resources; their safety needs to be a priority. I do not ask or encouraged them to come here.”

Apparently, he is not DIScouraging them from coming, nor asking them NOT to come!

yes thats my take as well, "come and I wont interfere"

13th July 2010, 06:36 PM
This summer is beginning to look pretty damn ugly.

13th July 2010, 06:58 PM
" The Cat On The Hot Tin Roof"????????

I expect for something to start this summer in the BIG CITIES........LA, NY, CHICAGO, DC, ATLANTA and so on.

13th July 2010, 07:54 PM
AAAAH i want to be there so FVKN BAD!......id love nothing better to hose down those @ssholes!

PLEEEASE come to wyoming...PLEEEASE! :redfc

13th July 2010, 07:57 PM
Does anyone know how or if the MSM reported on this?

13th July 2010, 08:12 PM
Yea the government is going to step in and take out the good guys.
there i fixed it for you.....

13th July 2010, 08:12 PM
It is like an oven in Southern Arizona...newbies are in greater danger of heat related causalities than gun fire from drug cartels.

7th trump
13th July 2010, 08:25 PM
Yea the government is going to step in and take out the good guys.
there i fixed it for you.....

14th July 2010, 06:58 AM
Does anyone know how or if the MSM reported on this?

Does FOX count?

Video and Story of Deputy shooting here:

Link to FOX (http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/dpp/news/local/clearer-picture-emerges-of-sheriff%27s-deputy-desert-shooting-07-07-2010)

14th July 2010, 07:01 AM
...any more info?? :dunno i hope this goes viral.

14th July 2010, 12:38 PM
Here's why TPTB won't stop it...

A report in the August 2010 issue of Bloomberg Markets magazine sheds light on the role that U.S. banks have played in helping to finance the violent drug trade that has plagued the U.S. - Mexico border for years, resulting in over 22,000 dead on both sides of the border since 2006. Among the dead are police, soldiers, journalists and ordinary citizens.

Last December, a statement by Antonio Maria Costa, head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, was largely dismissed by U.S. corporate media. He said he has seen evidence that the proceeds of organized crime were "the only liquid investment capital" available to some banks on the brink of collapse last year. He said that a majority of the $352 billion of illegal drug profits was absorbed into the economic system as a result.


14th July 2010, 01:06 PM
Here's why TPTB won't stop it...

A report in the August 2010 issue of Bloomberg Markets magazine sheds light on the role that U.S. banks have played in helping to finance the violent drug trade that has plagued the U.S. - Mexico border for years, resulting in over 22,000 dead on both sides of the border since 2006. Among the dead are police, soldiers, journalists and ordinary citizens.

Last December, a statement by Antonio Maria Costa, head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, was largely dismissed by U.S. corporate media. He said he has seen evidence that the proceeds of organized crime were "the only liquid investment capital" available to some banks on the brink of collapse last year. He said that a majority of the $352 billion of illegal drug profits was absorbed into the economic system as a result.


Excellent post! I had heard Max Kieser talk about the drug cartels being "the only liquid investment capital" available to banks during the meltdown but didn't have a source to go any further down that rabbit hole. What a situation...

You should post this info and link as a thread topic...this is big.

14th July 2010, 01:34 PM
This: "liquid investment capital"


All the bailouts



Where on earth has all this money gone??? It's just a giant sucking black hole, a bottomless pit!!! Does is never end??

Grand Master Melon
14th July 2010, 02:25 PM
2 kia and nothing on the news?

I have my doubts about this story.

14th July 2010, 02:44 PM
2 kia and nothing on the news?

I have my doubts about this story.

Nothing wrong with that. I am wanting to learn more too.

I listened to the audio show from youhavetreadonme at arizonamilitia.com last night. They are saying that they go places in the desert that the LEO's don't go. I have heard Hammerdown speak on Mark Koernke's show before, so he didn't just pop out of the woodwork.

And if it did take place, I don't expect that any bodies were carried out of the desert by the people doing the shooting.

Is this something the MSM would cover if they didn't have a story about the militiamen being arrested to go with it? I don't know.

14th July 2010, 03:45 PM
Here's why TPTB won't stop it...

A report in the August 2010 issue of Bloomberg Markets magazine sheds light on the role that U.S. banks have played in helping to finance the violent drug trade that has plagued the U.S. - Mexico border for years, resulting in over 22,000 dead on both sides of the border since 2006. Among the dead are police, soldiers, journalists and ordinary citizens.

Last December, a statement by Antonio Maria Costa, head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, was largely dismissed by U.S. corporate media. He said he has seen evidence that the proceeds of organized crime were "the only liquid investment capital" available to some banks on the brink of collapse last year. He said that a majority of the $352 billion of illegal drug profits was absorbed into the economic system as a result.


I agree this is/could be an important story... but... who are "some" banks?

Blaming "some" banks for laundering black market drug money is like blaming "some" gas stations for rigging the pumps or blaming "some" grocery stores for overcharging at the register.

And how does the UN come up with these specific numbers like$352 billion when they can't even say who the perpetrators are?

It makes for titillating copy, but it's worse than useless as far as investigative journalism goes.

I wonder how many of those billions go to the UN and pay the international bureaucrats their fat salaries.

14th July 2010, 07:57 PM
I found more info (http://youhavetreadonme.com/blog/)

Mr RandyMack, and if this is going to be used to inform U.S
citizens of the Hostile engagements in Arizona then hello from the
People of Arizona! Please before re-posting, edit all revealing
information that i have provided you.
Thank you for taking interest in saving our ass’s, our great
state and our great nation. Many many thanks. Currently the
situation here is in 2006 the U.S government closed down 3900 acres
of Arizona territory called Buenos Aires wildlife refuge. We have
been conducting low profile operations on the U.S Mexico Border. It
is now closed to all U.S citizens and so here we are in 2010 and
well now 80 miles north of us is closed now because of the push
from the cartels. Our Governor has requested a military presence
but has been turned down for 4 years now every time. We are the
last defense before i feel we lose a larger part of the country
called AZ. I am requesting the help of as many people around the
nation who can honestly devote time to this. It is no joke, or
laughing mater. We are the look out for to Somali terrorist that
have been rumored to be in Mexico trying to come through with
illegals and drug runners. The opposition has automatic rifles but
are very open about there presence. Cartel intimidation tactics
work in Mexico NOT AZ. Nogalas AZ police chief was informed that
that is the next U.S city to be attacked by the cartel. This is a
really fucked up situation we are in. The news has no damn clue and
the pres. wants us to provide amnesty to secure the border. I say
Fuck You. I pay taxes and i enjoy my state parks. Nogalas is south
of my position and in my Command area and operation area. My first
mission objective is to secure an area that extends 80 miles north
of the border and 40 miles along the border. There are already
opposition teams in the bush that try to engage us daily. They
shoot at us and we shoot back. This is not an illegal immigrate
issue here in Arizona like every one is trying to say. They are
right but im not scared that Juan is going to take my job. Juan
cant do my job better than me.This is an invasion of America by
Mexican drug lords. The second phase of the operation will be to
secure Nogalas. They use Buenos Aires more than Nogalas. When we do
shut down Buenos as crossing point for them we will have to
maintain that area but be ready to migrate with them to there next
POE. No one will get tactical information until you are boots on
the ground in Arizona ready to receive your deployment orders. I
need to know your specialty’s so i can properly place you in the
field you shine in. I feel as far as money we will have to discuss
that with ACM HQ to be 100% sure that no one person can destroy the
account. So a joint account would be the best or stuff it into a
non existent Limited Liability Company and create a business
account. Security of the citizens of the U.S and the money they
give to support that shall not be compromised. We will take any and
every thing that will support at least a 2 month push on the
border. I personally go on patrols 3 times a week and if you look
on you tube you can see a lot of the issues we are dealing with
first hand because Arizona Citizens hide these cameras in the
desert and recover it later to post. To be realistic we are going
to need at lest 4,000 – 10,000 boots on the ground to rotate out
resuplying, water carriers, etc to do any damage to them. I am
sorry to every one that it has gotten this bad here and no one has
mentioned any of it loudly. For i have Not been in command of this
region for that long. I was second in command for a while. I have
uni mogs, hummers, duces, water tanker trucks, ammo truck, weapons
loading truck, fire trucks, mining equipment, generators,
ventilation systems, heating systems, 24/7 motor pool available,
full shop, storage facility’s, bull dozer, and some other crap. I
cant keep em all maintained by my self. If you email me and i do
not respond promptly im sure your first guess as to why is correct.
If you dont know why, well its because my hands are FULL! I get a
lot of emails daily and some times it takes me 4 hours to read them
before bed which i don’t mind one bit. I assure you that any one
involved with this your safety is my first priority and this
operation is not being thrown together. Every inch of every thing
is going to be well planned out and executed perfectly other wise
you are going to be shot by the opposition. I can not call them
Mexicans or illegals of terrorist directly for im not sure which
group or organization they belong to or if they are acting alone.
All i know is they cross over illegaly, carry butt tones of weed on
there backs, have machine guns and dont speak english. We cannot
engage unarmed people and we must take care not to shoot and armed
insurgent and have the bullet go through the target and hit an
unarmed person carrying drugs behind them. Alot of the time an
illegal migrant worker will pay about $3000.00 American dollars to
be escorted across the border. If they have no money then they must
cary drugs across on there backs with 4 escorts that have high
power, automatic rifes. We will need millions of sand bags
skins,tons of MRE’s, tons of ammo, tons of people, radios, medical
kits, medics, i have an x ray machine, heart monitors and ekg. I
have enough maintain a mobile field hospital. We need shovels and
picks, water storage containers. sun block, spider and snake bite
kits, sunscreen, observation equipment, video recorders, logistical
specialist, and again what would you want with you on a battle
field? I Am tired so please forgive me if i blabber or repeat
things. I can promise that i will have cool places for every one to
relax at all over the combat area. You wont have to be in the 110
deg. heat like the opposition all the time. I we will need extra
boots, bdu, and other combat gear. The terrain will kill a good
pair of Baites Combat boots in 30 days of patrols just so you know.
If you choose to forward this that is fine for i thank any and all
involved with this and no effort is unappreciated. If you need any
more information on this please ether ask ACM HQ or me and as long
as the information is declassified i can inform you. I love you all
U.S citizens, I love this Nation, and i love this state and i will
defend it with my life. I thank you all again.

PIMA – SANTA CRUZ County Commander

14th July 2010, 08:16 PM
Here's why TPTB won't stop it...

A report in the August 2010 issue of Bloomberg Markets magazine sheds light on the role that U.S. banks have played in helping to finance the violent drug trade that has plagued the U.S. - Mexico border for years, resulting in over 22,000 dead on both sides of the border since 2006. Among the dead are police, soldiers, journalists and ordinary citizens.

Last December, a statement by Antonio Maria Costa, head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, was largely dismissed by U.S. corporate media. He said he has seen evidence that the proceeds of organized crime were "the only liquid investment capital" available to some banks on the brink of collapse last year. He said that a majority of the $352 billion of illegal drug profits was absorbed into the economic system as a result.


Excellent post! I had heard Max Kieser talk about the drug cartels being "the only liquid investment capital" available to banks during the meltdown but didn't have a source to go any further down that rabbit hole. What a situation...

You should post this info and link as a thread topic...this is big.

The infamous "Grasso Abrazo (http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2008/2008_10-19/2008_10-19/2008-11/pdf/46_3511.pdf)".

18th July 2010, 04:19 PM
Im just bumping this thread to see if anyone has any thing new?

18th July 2010, 05:11 PM
I don't know much. I love Arizona though. I have wonderfull memories of Organ Pipe National Monument. My wife and I camped there and it is unbelievably beautifull in the spring when the cactus are blooming. It is just a few miles from the border. You can see the lights of the city in Mexico (I forget what town it is) and the sunsets are simply un-earthly in their beauty. It is a shame that our leaders (they are not really our leaders) have brought us to this pass. I believe we will loose the southwest very soon. Hell, were loosing it now.

I love the desert and I love the mountains. I belong out there more than I belong in Michigan.

18th July 2010, 05:14 PM
I don't know much. I love Arizona though. I have wonderfull memories of Organ Pipe National Monument. My wife and I camped there and it is unbelievably beautifull in the spring when the cactus are blooming. It is just a few miles from the border. You can see the lights of the city in Mexico (I forget what town it is) and the sunsets are simply un-earthly in their beauty. It is a shame that our leaders (they are not really our leaders) have brought us to this pass. I believe we will loose the southwest very soon. Hell, were loosing it now.

I love the desert and I love the mountains. I belong out there more than I belong in Michigan.

yea, my wife's family is from there,we go every year, I think they are on their own. I think the US just returned the Gadsen Purchase IMHO.

willie pete
18th July 2010, 05:16 PM
Im just bumping this thread to see if anyone has any thing new?

Just saw this:

Officials say gunmen kill 17 at party in Mexico

A dark red stain is seen at a wall of a site marked as a crime scene by police at the entrance of a house where a party was interrupted by gunmen early Sunday in the town of Torreon, in the Mexican northern state of Coahuila, Sunday, July 18, 2010. The gunmen arrived at the party in several cars and opened fire without saying a word, the Coahuila state Attorney General's Office said in statement. According to the statement 17 people were killed and at least 18 wounded.OSCAR VILLALBA
From Associated Press
July 18, 2010 7:31 PM EDT
PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Mexico (AP) — Gunmen stormed a party in northern Mexico on Sunday and massacred 17 people, authorities said.

The assailants arrived at the gathering in the city of Torreon in several cars and opened fire without saying a word, the Coahuila state Attorney General's Office said in statement. At least 18 people were wounded.

Several of the victims were young and some were women, but their identities and ages had not yet been determined.

Television footage showed the patio of the house streaked with bloodstains and white plastic chairs overturned beneath a party tent decorated with pictures of snowmen. Police found more than 120 bullet casings at the scene, most of them from .223-caliber weapons.

Investigators had no suspects or information on a possible motive.

Coahuila is among several northern states that has seen a spike in drug-related violence that authorities attribute to a fight between the Gulf cartel and its former enforcers, known as the Zetas.

In May, gunmen killed eight people at a bar in Torreon. Later that month, a television station and the offices of a local newspaper came under fire. A pregnant woman was wounded in the attack on the offices of Noticias de El Sol de la Laguna.

Across northern Mexico, there have been increasing reports of mass shootings at parties, bars and rehab clinics.

In the worst such massacre this year, gunmen raided a drug-rehab center in the northern city of Chihuahua and killed 19 people last month. In January, gunmen barged into a private party in the border city of Ciudad Juarez and killed 15, many of them high school or university students. Relatives say the January attack was a case of mistaken identity, while state officials claim someone at the party was targeted, although they have not said who it was.

The killings in Torreon came three days after the first successful car bombing by drug cartels, an attack that introduced a new threat to Mexico's raging drug war.

The FBI has sent a small team to the crime scene to offer technical assistance to the Mexican investigators, FBI spokeswoman Andrea Simmons said. She did not immediately offer more details.

Mexican investigators have not said what type of explosive was used.

Drug-gang members detonated the bomb after luring federal police and paramedics to an intersection in Ciudad Juarez by shooting a bound man dressed in police uniform and calling in a false report of a wounded officer. Three people were killed, including a federal officer and a private doctor who had rushed to the scene to help.

Officials say 24,800 people have been killed in drug-gang violence since President Felipe Calderon declared war on the cartels in December 2006, deploying soand federal police to fight traffickers in their strongholds.

On Saturday, four municipal police officers patrolling in a truck were ambushed and killed in the Pacific coast resort city of Acapulco, state police said. A threatening message was scrawled on the truck's windshield.

The government attributes much of the rise in violence to infighting among drug gangs, whose leadership has been splintered after the arrest of kingpins.

Federal police said in a statement Sunday that they have arrested 1,626 people suspected of belonging to the command structures of Mexico's drug gangs since Calderon launched his offensive. They said 622 of the detainees belong to the Gulf cartel and 304 to the Sinaloa cartel.

On Sunday, a judge formally charged an alleged leader of the Beltran Leyva cartel, Jose Gerardo Alvarez, with organized crime. Alvarez, who had a $2 million U.S. bounty on his head, was captured in April after soldiers battled his men in a wealthy neighborhood on the outskirts of Mexico City

Three people were killed in the shootout.

The federal government has steadily wiped out the leadership of the once-powerful Beltran Leyva cartel. In December, cartel boss Arturo Beltran Leyva was killed in a gunbattle with marines in the central city of Cuernavaca. Two of his brothers are behind bars.

A fourth brother, Hector Beltran Leyva, remains at large and is believed to be battling for control of the cartel against Edgar Valdez Villareal, a U.S.-born suspect known as "La Barbie."

Mexican authorities say Alvarez partnered with Valdez in his quest for control of the gang.


18th July 2010, 05:59 PM
Willie Pete, I'm diggin' your avatar!


18th July 2010, 06:34 PM
Hammerdown broadcasting on youhavetreadonme.com right now.