View Full Version : Israel imported 25,000 kids for their organs

Large Sarge
13th July 2010, 04:03 PM

Ukraine academic: Israel imported 25,000 kids for their organs
Jews and Israel have become a major motif of the presidential election campaign in the Ukraine.
By Lily Galili Tags: Ukraine Israel organ harvesting Israel news anti-Semitism
Stories appearing on several Ukrainian Web sites claim Israel has brought around some 25,000 Ukrainian children into the country over the past two years in order to harvest their organs.

The claim, which was made by a Ukrainian philosophy professor and author at a pseudo-academic conference in Kiev five days ago, is the latest expression of a wave of anti-Semitism in the country. It comes a few months after a Swedish tabloid ran an article alleging that Israel Defense Forces soldiers have killed Palestinian civilians for their organs.

Jews, Israel and anti-Semitism have become a major motif of the presidential election campaign in Ukraine, with some figures making anti-Semitic statements and others condemning them. Some candidates, including a Jew and someone whose rivals claim is Jewish, blame a third rival - Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko - for bringing anti-Semitism into the race.

"Ukraine's political system is a parody of democracy," Russia's Chief Rabbi, Berel Lazar, said.

Vyacheslav Gudin told the estimated 300 attendees of the Kiev conference a detailed story about a Ukrainian man's fruitless search for 15 children who had been adopted in Israel. The children, Gudin said, had clearly been taken by Israeli medical centers, where they were used for "spare parts." Gudin said it was essential that all Ukrainians be made aware of the genocide Israel was perpetrating.

The conference, some of whose participants belong to a Slavic-rights movement, also featured two professors who presented a book blaming "the Zionists" for the Ukrainian famine of the 1930s as well as the country's current condition.

Many Ukrainian Web sites covered the speeches without putting them into context. In response to a request by the country's Jewish community Ukraine's police force is investigating ZUBR, one of the Web sites that reported the speeches.

Meanwhile, Ukrainians demonstrated outside the Israeli Embassy in Kiev on Tuesday to protest a letter signed by 26 Knesset members condemning what they described as anti-Semitic remarks by presidential candidate Sergey Ratushnyak. Protesters chanted "Ukraine isn't the Gaza Strip," indicating they consider the MKs to be trying to exert control over their country.

The letter, sent to Ukrainian leaders last month, articulated fear of a new "wave of anti-Semitism in the Ukraine that has come to a peak with the authorization of Ratushnyak, the current mayor of Uzhgorod, to run for president." In his mayoral campaign Ratushnyak blamed the Holocaust on the Jews, saying they stole German property, and warned of the same thing happening in Ukraine.

Although the protesters did not describe themselves as Ratushnyak supporters, photographs of the demonstration were posted on the candidate's Web site shortly after the protest.

13th July 2010, 04:11 PM
what. the. fuck.

there's no way that this could be true. if it is, holy ****.

13th July 2010, 04:22 PM
Hard to beblieve...........but not so when you know who we are talking about.

13th July 2010, 04:26 PM
Regardless of truth... there is clearly anti-semitism at work here... according to the article...

"Excuse me... is it because I'm black?"

13th July 2010, 04:40 PM
That number is huge, 12500 per year, 240 PER DAY. That would require a very large housing/holding area. no one noticed that many children, WHITE CHILDREN, in any sort of holding area? Israel isnt very large,very difficult to hide that many people,especially kids.It seems someone would noticed,no? If nothing else, It would seem that Hezbollah or Hamas would have propagandized this. Or at least some tourists would have noticed? I do not doubt that they harvest organs, but that number is suspect of European looking kids being killed and gutted (crude yes, but accurate) would draw some type of attention, wheres the bodies? OTOH, I do not doubt them harvesting from the Arabs.

13th July 2010, 05:13 PM
what. the. f*ck.

there's no way that this could be true. if it is, holy ****.

With the Jews, never say never.

Only the tip of the berg gets sighted...we never see the great mass beneath the waves:


"Rabbi Caught in New Jersey Corruption Sting Called Himself Kidney 'Matchmaker'"


"US agents have arrested 44 elected officials and Jewish rabbis in New Jersey"

13th July 2010, 05:21 PM
That number is huge, 12500 per year, 240 PER DAY. That would require a very large housing/holding area. no one noticed that many children, WHITE CHILDREN, in any sort of holding area? Israel isnt very large,very difficult to hide that many people,especially kids.It seems someone would noticed,no? If nothing else, It would seem that Hezbollah or Hamas would have propagandized this. Or at least some tourists would have noticed? I do not doubt that they harvest organs, but that number is suspect of European looking kids being killed and gutted (crude yes, but accurate) would draw some type of attention, wheres the bodies? OTOH, I do not doubt them harvesting from the Arabs.

Israel is slightly smaller than New Jersey.

The population of Israel is 7.6 million...and yet, there's still much empty land (huge tracts of the Negev).

Not hard to hide? How many people have visited Dimona? Israel has hundreds of thousands of sex and other slaves coming in all the time, and don't stand out because of all the benighted "Christian" Zionists who want to visit day in and day out.

12,500 Goyish victims annually is no problem at all. One facility in the Negev could "process" them quite rapidly.

13th July 2010, 05:30 PM
What the hell are the Zionists going to do with 25,000 baby goats???????? can't even pick on a grown up goats.

13th July 2010, 05:39 PM
don't most jews have a different blood type than most, like negative something something?

General of Darkness
13th July 2010, 05:42 PM
These fricken vampires probably sell goyim blood at kosher speak easies.

13th July 2010, 06:22 PM
I do not doubt that they harvest organs, but that number is suspect of European looking kids being killed and gutted (crude yes, but accurate) would draw some type of attention, wheres the bodies? OTOH, I do not doubt them harvesting from the Arabs.


Israel offers Overnight Air delivery to kosher restaurants all over the world. They rotate their inventory quickly and have no need for large stock yards.


13th July 2010, 06:24 PM
I do not doubt that they harvest organs, but that number is suspect of European looking kids being killed and gutted (crude yes, but accurate) would draw some type of attention, wheres the bodies? OTOH, I do not doubt them harvesting from the Arabs.


Israel offers Overnight Air delivery to kosher restaurants all over the world. They rotate their inventory quickly and have no need for large stock yards.


YUCK! To the Bejing markets perhaps?

13th July 2010, 08:37 PM
It has been Israel's priest class's job to stir up anti-semitism and it looks like they are doing a great job. Maybe they will scare all the jews scattered around the world into going "home" to Israel.

That is what WWII was about.

7th August 2010, 08:05 PM
Gilad Atzmon: Goyim’s Organs Are Needed (http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/gilad-atzmon-goyims-organs-are-needed.html)

Date Saturday, August 7, 2010 at 8:28AM Author Gilad Atzmon

7th August 2010, 08:22 PM
You know, I haven't had the stomach to read everything in this thread, however:

IF they're poisioning all us 'goyim';

WHY would they then want our organs??

Makes no sense to me.

7th August 2010, 08:44 PM
You know, I haven't had the stomach to read everything in this thread, however:

IF they're poisioning all us 'goyim';

WHY would they then want our organs??

Makes no sense to me.

Me either, Don't they want everything to be Kosher or something, gosh those kids could be eating anything.

8th August 2010, 05:56 AM
Israel offers Overnight Air delivery to kosher restaurants all over the world. They rotate their inventory quickly and have no need for large stock yards. :oo-->

human flesh is supposed to taste like pork.

i wonder if this is responsible for the religious aversion to pork - they were afraid Jewish butchers would re-sell human bodies as pork roast.

Large Sarge
8th August 2010, 06:58 AM
You know, I haven't had the stomach to read everything in this thread, however:

IF they're poisioning all us 'goyim';

WHY would they then want our organs??

Makes no sense to me.

no one said they were using the organs for themselves, they are just merchants/butchers
not consumers