View Full Version : King Tut’s DNA is Western European

13th July 2010, 07:24 PM
Despite the refusal of the Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, to release any DNA results which might indicate the racial ancestry of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, the leaked results reveal that King Tut’s DNA is a 99.6 percent match with Western European Y chromosomes.

The DNA test results were inadvertently revealed on a Discovery Channel TV documentary filmed with Hawass’s permission — but it seems as if the Egyptian failed to spot the giveaway part of the documentary which revealed the test results.

Hawass previously announced that he would not release the racial DNA results of Egyptian mummies — obviously because he feared the consequences of such a revelation.

On the Discovery Channel broadcast, which can be seen on the Discovery Channel website here, or if they pull it, on YouTube here, at approximately 1:53 into the video, the camera pans over a printout of DNA test results from King Tut.

Firstly, here is a brief explanation of the results visible in the video. It is a list of what is called Short Tandem Repeats (STRs).

STRs are repeated DNA sequences which are “short repeat units” whose characteristics make them especially suitable for human identification.

These STR values for 17 markers visible in the video are as follows:
DYS 19 – 14 (? not clear)
DYS 385a – 11
DYS 385b – 14
DYS 389i – 13
DYS 389ii – 30
DYS 390 – 24
DYS 391 – 11
DYS 392 – 13
DYS 393 – 13
DYS 437 – 14 (? not clear)
DYS 438 – 12
DYS 439 – 10
DYS 448 – 19
DYS 456 – 15
DYS 458 – 16
DYS 635 – 23
YGATAH4 – 11

What does this mean? Fortunately, a genius by the name of Whit Athey provides the key to this list. Mr Athey is a retired physicist whose working career was primarily at the Food and Drug Administration where he was chief of one of the medical device labs.

Mr Athey received his doctorate in physics and biochemistry at Tufts University, and undergraduate (engineering) and masters (math) degrees at Auburn University. For several years during the 1980s, he also taught one course each semester in the electrical engineering department of the University of Maryland. Besides his interest in genetic genealogy, he is an amateur astronomer and has his own small observatory near his home in Brookeville, MD.

He also runs a very valuable website called the “Haplogroup Predictor” which allows users to input STR data and generate the haplogroup which marks those STR data.

For those who want to know what a haplogroup is, here is a “simple” definition: a haplogroup is a group of similar haplotypes that share a common ancestor with a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutation.

Still none the wiser? Damn these scientists.

Ok, let’s try it this way: a haplotype is a combination of multiple specific locations of a gene or DNA sequence on a chromosome.

Haplogroups are assigned letters of the alphabet, and refinements consist of additional number and letter combinations, for example R1b or R1b1. Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA haplogroups have different haplogroup designations. In essence, haplogroups give an inisight into ancestral origins dating back thousands of years.

By entering all the STR data inadvertently shown on the Discovery video, a 99.6 percent fit with the R1b haplogroup is revealed.

The significance is, of course, that R1b is the most common Y-chromosome haplogroup in Europe reaching its highest concentrations in Ireland, Scotland, western England and the European Atlantic seaboard — in other words, European through and through.

<img src="http://www.arthurkemp.com/uploads/r1b-dna-distribution.jpg"/>

So much for the Afro-centrists and others who have derided the very obvious northwestern European appearance of a large number of the pharonic mummies. It seems like March of the Titans was right after all…


13th July 2010, 07:58 PM
:oo--> does anybody REALLY think africans could have made an empire like that? :oo-->
the " big surprize is", its NOT a surprize.

13th July 2010, 08:01 PM
So, this is why the jew/zionist have it in for us? They remember us cracking the whip making them build the pyramids, temples etc? ;D

13th July 2010, 08:15 PM
:oo--> does anybody REALLY think africans could have made an empire like that? :oo-->
the " big surprize is", its NOT a surprize.

I roll my eyes anytime someone brings the pyramids up when asked about achievements of blacks.


13th July 2010, 10:01 PM
I roll my eyes anytime someone brings the pyramids up when asked about achievements of blacks.


Black Invention Myths

13th July 2010, 10:47 PM
+1 Applaud to all.

:oo--> does anybody REALLY think africans could have made an empire like that? :oo-->
the " big surprize is", its NOT a surprize.

I roll my eyes anytime someone brings the pyramids up when asked about achievements of blacks.

Aye not really a surprise but hopefully it will shut the Afro-centrists up for a little while.


14th July 2010, 08:32 AM
People thought he was black?
Did they not notice the statues or drawings?
I'm pretty sure they had black paint back then if they needed it, and the skill to carve black facial features...

14th July 2010, 08:37 AM
People thought he was black?
Did they not notice the statues or drawings?
I'm pretty sure they had black paint back then if they needed it, and the skill to carve black facial features...

Oh whatever you're just racist.


14th July 2010, 08:51 AM
The R1b haplogroup is particularly concentrated in the Celtic peoples of Scotland, Ireland, Normandy and Northern region of Spain - fascinating Captain!!! Maybe King Tut was a blue eyed strawberry blonde with freckles!

14th July 2010, 09:05 AM
I almost passed a large dose of cold beer through my nose when I saw your avatar Mamboni, friggin' hilarious!!!

14th July 2010, 09:10 AM
I almost passed a large dose of cold beer through my nose when I saw your avatar Mamboni, friggin' hilarious!!!

I have enlisted in BOOK's Secularistic Antidisestablishmentarianism Symbionese army to fight elitist tyranny. We oppose uppity kitties who equate tender vittles with Soylent Green.

14th July 2010, 09:20 AM
We oppose uppity kitties who equate tender vittles with Soylent Green.

"Mamboni, you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone against the Hyperfamily again. Ever."


14th July 2010, 09:27 AM
Hey guys, what's goin' on? 8)

the riot act
14th July 2010, 10:14 AM
Hey guys, what's goin' on? 8)

Obviously mamboni in sucking on the gas bottle, and Book is being, well just Book!

14th July 2010, 10:52 AM
People thought he was black?
Did they not notice the statues or drawings?
I'm pretty sure they had black paint back then if they needed it, and the skill to carve black facial features...

You must have not attended a public school recently. According to "mainstream" History negroes built the Pyramids and had one of the longest running civilizations in recorded history. :oo-->

I always laughed when I heard that then would look around the classroom at all the sub 70 IQ retards with their ape-like features and laugh some more. I just feel bad for all the dumb ass Whites who actually believe this crap.

People talk about the missing link in evolution, well its freaking walking around us and we are dressing it up in clothes and calling it human. Wake the hell up White America before it is to late.

14th July 2010, 11:33 AM
We oppose uppity kitties who equate tender vittles with Soylent Green.

"Mamboni, you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone against the Hyperfamily again. Ever."


Aw Man, I wanna be a Kitty Bro too. Where do I get the blue button thing?

I got money.... ;D

14th July 2010, 11:38 AM
Hey guys, what's goin' on? 8)


Nice avatar! :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL:

14th July 2010, 11:41 AM
People thought he was black?
Did they not notice the statues or drawings?
I'm pretty sure they had black paint back then if they needed it, and the skill to carve black facial features...

You must have not attended a public school recently. According to "mainstream" History negroes built the Pyramids and had one of the longest running civilizations in recorded history. :oo-->

I always laughed when I heard that then would look around the classroom at all the sub 70 IQ retards with their ape-like features and laugh some more. I just feel bad for all the dumb ass Whites who actually believe this crap.

People talk about the missing link in evolution, well its freaking walking around us and we are dressing it up in clothes and calling it human. Wake the hell up White America before it is to late.

Talk like this is not going to get you invited to the annual NAACP dinner. ::) ::) ::)

14th July 2010, 11:44 AM
It is also not uncommon for Egyptian paintings to show the nobility with blonde or red hair, which supports the Irish/Scottish theory. Also there is an ancient Rumor that one of the Pharaoh's daughters ran away to marry a Scottish Prince, permanantly linking to the two cultures to some degree.

In my opinion, unraveling the mysteries of the ancient Egyptian empire would shed a lot of light on current events.

14th July 2010, 11:47 AM
Indeed the relationship between Kush, Axum, Nubia, Punt, and Egypt is pretty well documented. These were Egypt's neighbors and they were often at war. Axum/Punt/Kush had a lot of Gold, in fact the majority of the Egyptian gold came from these lands directly south of Egypt.(Also this was their only source of high grade Myrhh besides Syria in the far north.) Sometimes the Egyptians would rule these lands for a few hundred years, and sometimes these lands would conquer Egypt for a few hundred years. In this fashion there was definitely genetic mixing, but it is interesting to note that the genetic stocks were initially seperate.

People thought he was black?
Did they not notice the statues or drawings?
I'm pretty sure they had black paint back then if they needed it, and the skill to carve black facial features...

You must have not attended a public school recently. According to "mainstream" History negroes built the Pyramids and had one of the longest running civilizations in recorded history. :oo-->

I always laughed when I heard that then would look around the classroom at all the sub 70 IQ retards with their ape-like features and laugh some more. I just feel bad for all the dumb ass Whites who actually believe this crap.

People talk about the missing link in evolution, well its freaking walking around us and we are dressing it up in clothes and calling it human. Wake the hell up White America before it is to late.

14th July 2010, 12:23 PM
Texas Arcanes take on it, from his Vault-Co blog


Vault-Co Told You This A Long, Long Time Ago

All the egyptians were european caucasians. Didn't you know that?

Your "history," used to be my "history," too. Until I found out it was all bunkum and the real story was the exact opposite.

They got one thing right, though. The last pharoahs were blacks. They were also the last pharoahs. Not long after they came to power, Egypt collapsed into absolute ruin.

The more things change, the more they stay the same...