View Full Version : Mugabe about to piss off the Jewish Diamond Cartel

13th July 2010, 10:14 PM
I wonder if Mugabe is going to soon be a "dictator who poses a grave threat to world peace"?


Mugabe: Diamonds can revive Zimbabwean economy

HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) -- Zimbabwe's president said Tuesday his nation will sell its massive reserves of diamonds despite not receiving authorization from the world's diamond control body.

A defiant President Robert Mugabe on Tuesday told lawmakers diamond sales have "huge potential" to revive the shattered economy. He said Zimbabwe can account for one-fourth of the world's diamond supply.

The Kimberley Process diamond certification scheme has not authorized international sales amid allegations of killings, human rights violations and corruption in the massive diamond fields discovered in eastern Zimbabwe in 2006.

"No one should doubt our resolve to sell our diamonds," Mugabe told lawmakers at the ceremonial opening of the Parliament in Harare.

Criticism by Western nations and human rights groups deadlocked a Kimberly Process meeting in Israel last month that sought approval for the sales after a regional monitor of the control body reported Zimbabwe had met minimum international diamond mining standards.

Mugabe said Zimbabwe's Western adversaries wanted "absurd" conditions put in place to block the diamond sales.

"We have to remain rooted in the reality we are the sole guarantors of our economic emancipation," he said.

Critics of Mugabe say his economic policies have contributed to precipitous economic decline in a decade of political turmoil that included the often violent seizures of thousands of white-owned farms that disrupted the agriculture-based economy.

Mugabe acknowledged Tuesday that key infrastructure -- including power and water utilities, roads and transport services -- had fallen into disrepair and housing programs had come to a standstill over the past decade.

Mining experts estimate that Zimbabwe's diamond fields, sealed off by police and troops in the districts of Marange and Chiadzwa near the eastern city of Mutare, are likely the biggest deposits found in Africa since the Kimberley fields were discovered in neighboring South Africa a century ago.

The mines ministry says it already has about $1.7 billion of diamonds in storage ready to be sold. Zimbabwe's total international debt is estimated at around $5.5 billion.

Consignments of diamonds have been sold illegally. Earlier this year, one shipment was detected in Dubai and police in neighboring Mozambique reported arresting alleged diamond dealers carrying more than $1 million in cash hidden in their car near Zimbabwe's porous eastern border.

Finance Minister Tendai Biti, a top official of the former opposition Movement for Democratic Change in a fragile coalition with Mugabe's ZANU PF party, said Monday many Zimbabweans were still suffering from malnutrition despite the potential for the country's diamond wealth to restore collapsed social, health and education services and repair the country's agricultural infrastructure.

Zimbabwe's diamond producer status is scheduled to again come under review Wednesday at a meeting of the World Diamond Council in St. Petersburg, Russia.

The mines ministry, controlled by Mugabe's party in the coalition with Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, the former opposition leader, denies wrongdoing and accuses human rights groups of "peddling falsehoods" over rights violations.

13th July 2010, 10:16 PM
Officers of the "World Diamond Council" -


Eli Izhakoffhttp://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5986/hechsherlittle.jpg ~ President
Avi Pazhttp://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5986/hechsherlittle.jpg ~ 1st Vice President
Moti Ganzhttp://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5986/hechsherlittle.jpg ~ Vice President
Shmuel Schnitzerhttp://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5986/hechsherlittle.jpg ~ Vice President
Serguei A. Oulin ~ Vice President
Ernie Blomhttp://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5986/hechsherlittle.jpg ~ Vice President
Freddy Hanard ~ Vice President
Gaetano Cavalieri ~ Treasurer
Udi Sheintalhttp://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5986/hechsherlittle.jpg ~ Secretary

Racial origin of the others is undetermined.

Grand Master Melon
13th July 2010, 10:31 PM
I believe Mugabe is a dirtbag but I'm certain he's no worse than the "World Diamond Council."

As an aside, Shmuel has to be one of the worst names ever.

14th July 2010, 01:38 AM
I believe Mugabe is a dirtbag but I'm certain he's no worse than the "World Diamond Council."

As an aside, Shmuel has to be one of the worst names ever.


You've reminded me of Johnny Cash's song 'A boy Named Sue' perhaps such a name is passed out just to make 'em tougher. I couldn't do that. But others might.

14th July 2010, 02:04 AM
What old Mad Bob wants, Mad Bob gets.

He took over Rhodesia, the bread basket of Africa and turned into the depression hit, poverty riddled hell hole it is today.

If he wants to sell the diamonds he will find a way to do so. Not to mention helping himself to a nice tidy sum of the 1.7 Billion.


14th July 2010, 03:31 AM
I thought this was ironic

Signs of recovery in diamond market

The diamond sector is beginning to emerge from a rough patch, with production of the world's most popular gem increasing on the back of improved market conditions.

Mining giant Rio Tinto Ltd last year scaled back its diamond mining in Western Australia and Canada in response to the economic slow down, but output is now on the rise.

Rio Tinto saw the market turmoil as a good opportunity for it to shut processing facilities at its Argyle diamond mine, about 2,500km north-east of Perth, for maintenance in the second quarter of 2009, reducing diamond production.

It also slowed down an underground expansion of Argyle, resulting in lower workforce numbers.

On Wednesday Rio Tinto said it had resumed normal production at Argyle, where output in the second quarter of 2010 jumped 538 per cent to 2.6 million carats compared to the same period in 2009.

Rio Tinto last year scaled back operations at its Diavik mine in Canada, but reported on Wednesday a 13 per cent increase in production at the project to 967,000 carats.

All eyes will be on the next report from De Beers, the world's largest diamond miner, for further signs of renewed health in the global diamond sector.

De Beers posted a net loss last year after temporarily shutting all its operations under its "comprehensive recession action plan" announced in late 2008, which led to 23 per cent of staff axed and marginal mines sold.

De Beers chairman Nicky Oppenheimer had .......

link..... (http://news.theage.com.au/breaking-news-business/signs-of-recovery-in-diamond-market-20100714-10azi.html)

Ironfield. Please don't forget there are always 2 sides to every story and the truth is usually somewhere in the middle. Mugabe is fighting the IMF and the privatization of his nations assets. That means that no Zimbabwean will own any resource in Zimbabwe including land. Remember that most of the economy is agriculture because it is Third world. That's economic speak for agricultural. IMF demands 18% interest rates. He needs to hand over the farm land, he has to give up what's under the land and sell everything on top. He has to close services to people because they are banned under IMF rules, or the IMF does it, same for health, education manufacturing, communications, legal. All of it. He isn't a nice guy for sure but it seems this is how it's played at that level. I expect he had plenty to do with getting them to the point of needing financial help but I think that country has been hammered by war for 40 years or more.

I remember watching movies in the 70's about what was going on in Africa then. they are not documentaries but there is plenty of information out there. The country was under UN sanctions for 14 years, meaning no trade.

wiki........ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodesia)

Wiki link - No independence before Majority rule (http://hansard.millbanksystems.com/commons/1966/dec/20/rhodesia) <-- WTF? Lots of oil in Zimbabwe huh?

Actually that was pretty interesting exercise. I knew some stuff but I found a whole lot more I didn't know. ;-) About the oil for instance. And the UN sanctions. I only knew the IMF stuff.

The movie I remember was the Wild Geese (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078492/). It had Roger Moore, Richards Burton and Harris. Someone called Kruger.

14th July 2010, 04:17 AM
Robert Mugabe

14th July 2010, 07:38 AM
If DaBeers is worried about the diamond market, it should buy all Mugabe's diamonds, take them out of country and bury them in a vault somewhere so the market doesn't tank from excess inventory. Put their money where their financial interests are. Mugabe would then steal the money, fail horribly and hopefully his own people put a bullet in his greedy little brain.

The funny thing is it will probably go down ass-backward from all this. :-\ :conf:

Everybody knows diamonds are expensive only because of supply control and who controls it. Mugabe has to know that.

14th July 2010, 07:41 AM
Me thinks Mr Mugabe is about to learn first hand about "the secret power of the eveeeeel Joos".

He may very well find that there are no cutters available to shape his product (an uncut diamond looks like a hunk of quartz).

The deBeers/Amsterdam/Tel Aviv cabal has done an amazing job convincing people that a fairly common crystal is both rare and special - for more than 100 years. IMHO, I'd be very reluctant to take on a team that had a perfect winning record for a century.

We'll see, but Mr Mugabe may well be re-locating to Saudi Arabia very soon (perhaps he can rent out Idi Amin's old place).

14th July 2010, 08:17 AM
What an idiot... the diamonds have value largely because no one is selling them all at once.
Reminds me of those people who will take $150,000 today in exchange for selling their five-year million-dollar insurance settlement.

Maybe he will get the money roads so his army friends can drive around in nice armored vehicles for another 5 years while most of the people continue to starve.

14th July 2010, 12:15 PM
I'm glad to see him attempting to thrash a cartel, but as mentioned above, diamonds aren't precious, they're artificially scarce. It would be nice if people worldwide embraced this truth.

14th July 2010, 12:39 PM
Robert Mugabe

Robert Mugabe according to Robert Mugabe:

15th July 2010, 08:39 AM
diamonds are THE single most overpriced thing in the world....a testament to joo mkt manipulation.
they are soo common their made into grinding wheels by the TON! even more,they are EASILY manmade

15th July 2010, 12:29 PM
Don' know how true or magnitude of move here on dumping diamonds.

Mugabe was put in power to destroy Rhodesia by the same
communists that control the diamond cartel, Rothchild.

This may be some poetic justice, don't know.

Rothchild's owned all of Africa 100 years ago.
Diamonds, gold, they own the Congo.
All diamonds are blood diamonds.

Posted many times on GIM. Opp's are/were FED founders,
allies of Rothchild or front men ?

The Diamond Empire Oppenheimer


Oppenheimer (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=The%20Diamond%20Empire%20Oppenheimer&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbo=u&tbs=vid:1&source=og&sa=N&tab=wv)

15th July 2010, 04:43 PM
Correct me if I am mistaken, but don't most of the Rothschild "plants" eventually turn on them, resulting in a removal from power?

Don' know how true or magnitude of move here on dumping diamonds.

Mugabe was put in power to destroy Rhodesia by the same
communists that control the diamond cartel, Rothchild.

This may be some poetic justice, don't know.

Rothchild's owned all of Africa 100 years ago.
Diamonds, gold, they own the Congo.
All diamonds are blood diamonds.

Posted many times on GIM. Opp's are/were FED founders,
allies of Rothchild or front men ?

The Diamond Empire Oppenheimer


Oppenheimer (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=The%20Diamond%20Empire%20Oppenheimer&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbo=u&tbs=vid:1&source=og&sa=N&tab=wv)

16th July 2010, 07:38 AM
Correct me if I am mistaken, but don't most of the Rothschild "plants" eventually turn on them, resulting in a removal from power?

[quote=MAGNES ]
Don' know how true or magnitude of move here on dumping diamonds.

Mugabe was put in power to destroy Rhodesia by the same
communists that control the diamond cartel, Rothchild.

This may be some poetic justice, don't know.

Rothchild's owned all of Africa 100 years ago.
Diamonds, gold, they own the Congo.
All diamonds are blood diamonds.

Posted many times on GIM. Opp's are/were FED founders,
allies of Rothchild or front men ?

The Diamond Empire Oppenheimer


Oppenheimer (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=The%20Diamond%20Empire%20Oppenheimer&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbo=u&tbs=vid:1&source=og&sa=N&tab=wv)

[/quotyeah, but as soon as they " go off the reservation" they are suicided or accidented...

16th July 2010, 09:06 AM
diamonds are THE single most overpriced thing in the world....a testament to joo mkt manipulation.
they are soo common their made into grinding wheels by the TON! even more,they are EASILY manmade

More of a testament to stupidity in general.

You can explain to a someone (especially a woman) "Here is a diamond from a mine, and here is a diamond that is man made. They look the same, the weight the same, they are the same chemically." and the response will be "oh how do you tell the real ones from the fake ones then?" instead of "oh people can just make diamonds now maybe I shouldn't pay thousands of dollars for a useless rock that isn't even rare."

16th July 2010, 12:22 PM
diamonds are THE single most overpriced thing in the world....a testament to joo mkt manipulation.
they are soo common their made into grinding wheels by the TON! even more,they are EASILY manmade

More of a testament to stupidity in general.

You can explain to a someone (especially a woman) "Here is a diamond from a mine, and here is a diamond that is man made. They look the same, the weight the same, they are the same chemically." and the response will be "oh how do you tell the real ones from the fake ones then?" instead of "oh people can just make diamonds now maybe I shouldn't pay thousands of dollars for a useless rock that isn't even rare."

Isn't false dichotomy fun? "You're either with us or against us"...how silly. It likely emerges from monotheism wherein one is either a 'believer' or one is not.