View Full Version : Americans Hypnotized As Country Collapses

14th July 2010, 10:59 AM
Prison Planet may be hyped fear mongering for profit, but this article is not bad, IMO.


Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, July 12, 2010

The sight of American citizens gathering to protest basketball player LeBron James’ decision to join Miami Heat last week, after Ohio Governor Ted Strickland joined celebrities to serenade James in a bizarre appeal video entitled “We are LeBron,” was a shocking reminder of how millions of Americans are more concerned about sports teams than the fact that their country is collapsing around them, and how potent a threat such wanton delusion is to the survival of freedom and prosperity in the United States.

In a You Tube clip that went viral after appearing on the Drudge Report website, Alex Jones explained how ominous it was to see Americans transfixed by bread and circuses while at the same time the New York Times reports on how the country is sinking into another depression.

But how did we reach the stage where scenes from Idiocracy, a satirical movie set 500 years in the future where humanity has “degenerated into into a dystopia where advertising, commercialism, and cultural anti-intellectualism run rampant and dysgenic pressure has resulted in a uniformly stupid human society devoid of individual responsibility or consequences,” seem eerily contemporary in 2010?

Americans are watching more television than ever before, both through conventional TV sets and on the web, as the range of channels continues to expand, the screens get bigger and the quality of the picture increases as new hi-definition and 3D technologies arrest and shorten attention spans to a greater and greater degree.

Americans are now a nation of spectators, watching a shocking average of nearly 5 hours of TV a day, up 20% from just 10 years ago.

Hooked in to this matrix medium that tells them how to behave, what to care about, and how to treat people who deviate from this spoon-fed consensus, people are literally being programmed into accepting a contrived false reality that bears little or no resemblance to what is actually taking place in the real world. This is why the assembly line of zombies being manufactured by this process will roll their eyes when warned about real issues that affect them – the crumbling economy, unemployment, the BP oil spill – yet will become visibly upset when an event that has no bearing on their existence whatsoever, like where LeBron James throws a basketball around, takes place.

We are literally being trained like dogs to react to meaningless stimuli while burying our heads in the sand in reaction to issues of real significance. This behavior training encompasses an entire outlook, an entire lifestyle that people have adopted to the point where their moral compass, they way they dress, the way they speak, what they eat, what drugs they take, the way they respond to events and how they treat other people is solely a construct of the babylon system to which they are addicted.

The fact that this matrix system constantly promotes damaging and destructive messages is why people are fat, unhealthy, unhappy, addicted to drugs, and unsuccessful in maintaining relationships. They are a product of their brainwashing. Downloading viruses from an infected culture on a daily basis, people’s hard drives – their brains – are corrupted, lethargic, and barely able to function. This is why people seek out destructive pursuits that do nothing to benefit their long-term personal interests. This is why people no longer talk to their neighbors or get involved in their communities. This is why people care more about LeBron James than their own country collapsing around them – because that’s the content of the programming they have downloaded.

The controllers of this babylon system have superimposed a fantasy world over reality, they have slapped blinkers over the eyes of millions of Americans who continue to lead deluded, stunted and oblivious lives while the criminals behind the curtain scheme to wreck the country. A perfect example of this is how the government keeps insisting that the economy is getting better while in reality unemployment grows, tent cities pop up in major areas and the housing market gets worse.

When Americans know more about baseball and basketball than they do about their own history – to the point now where as a recent Jay Leno clip exemplified, college professors can’t even relate basic facts about the founding of the country – America is in danger.

America used to be the source of the best and the brightest, but the ravages of a 21st century entertainment monster has contributed to plunging test scores allied to weaker curriculums as American school children continue to be outperformed by their counterparts even in third world countries like Costa Rica.

Freedom and prosperity can only continue to exist in a country where informed and active citizens act as watchmen and women to protect those virtues. History has taught us that decadence, moral and intellectual decay are always followed by a collapse in society as darkness fills in the void that good has vacated.

Americans have to look themselves in the mirror and decide whether or not worshipping LeBron James is worth the price of a destitute and demoralized country in which living standards are eviscerated and freedoms are easily revoked.

Imagine if Americans got as angry and upset about the fact that their country is being seized by criminal globalist interests who want to destroy the United States in pursuit of a global government as they do when their sports team loses or their star player is transferred?

Our job is to issue a jolt of shock therapy to millions of hypnotized Americans who have the establishment-imposed mantra running through their heads that everything will be OK as long as they just continue to ignore reality and keep their head buried in American Idol or the NBA season.

Only through a massive media backlash can we reach people and make them understand that they have been conditioned into accepting a false sense of reality and that real happiness and fulfillment can only be achieved, and that America can only be rescued, once they fully embrace the truth of what is really happening around them.

14th July 2010, 11:05 AM
This is the last paragraph of the above article : "Only through a massive media backlash can we reach people and make them understand that they have been conditioned into accepting a false sense of reality and that real happiness and fulfillment can only be achieved, and that America can only be rescued, once they fully embrace the truth of what is really happening around them."

They don't say it, but below is what has happened.


Treason, Betrayal and Deceit: 9/11 and Beyond

By Alan Sabrosky.

September 10, 2009 "Information Clearing House' -- The attacks on September 11, 2001 have been a defining moment for America. The political and psychological impact on Americans of a concerted and visible attack in America was enormous -- indeed, it is an interesting "coincidence" that the attacks occurred on the one day of the year whose mention reinforces a public sense here of danger and emergency: 9-1-1.

A significant development in the 1990s was the formation of the neo-conservative think tank known as PNAC (Project for a New American Century), whose members prepared position papers for the Israeli government and for a future US Administration sharing their views. That happened in 2000 with the election of George W. Bush, and a contemporary writer summarized the tip of the neo-conservative iceberg in his first Administration this way:

The "outsiders" from PNAC were now powerful "insiders," placed in important positions from which they could exert maximum pressure on US policy…PNAC had a lock on military policy-creation in the Bush Administration.

Especially significant in terms of subsequent events was the acknowledgement in one of PNAC's own documents that their program for America (and Israel) would not readily be accepted by the American people. What this meant, PNAC opined in 2000, was that "the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor."

9/11 Reconsidered

On September 11, 2001, the PNAC people in and out of government -- and by extension AIPAC and Israel -- "coincidentally" got the event they needed, barely eight months after coming into office. Most people are familiar with the basic details of that day -- two commercial aircraft crashing into the two tallest buildings in New York City's World Trade Center (WTC), a third striking the Pentagon, and a fourth ending up in a Pennsylvania field. Few people will forget the images of the burning buildings, their collapse, the casualties, and the sense of shock and tragedy that ensued.

The official 9/11 Commission's work and report were at best an incomplete exercise. Many people dismiss the findings of the Commission, and that includes its co-chairs. Many others who utterly distrust the 9/11 Commission report, dismiss the US Government’s explanation of it, and point to both an official cover-up and an “inside job,” include veteran fighter pilots, EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians), air defense experts, experienced commercial pilots, demolition experts, architects and civil engineers – none of them professions that inherently attract and retain the gullible and credulous.

Several things are very clear to me from a careful assessment of both official and critical evaluations of the 9/11 attacks. First, the striking aircraft alone simply could not have brought down either of the two buildings in the manner in which they fell, much less a third building which was not hit by a plane (I expect the one intended to do that as a "cover" had ended up in that Pennsylvania field), given the available physical evidence and a wealth of expert testimony. This means the attackers had assistance on the ground, and it had to have been active before the attacks occurred: preparing buildings for controlled demolition is not something done haphazardly in the midst of chaos.

Second, only two intelligence agencies had the expertise, assets, access and political protection to execute 9/11 in the air and on the ground: our CIA and Israel's Mossad. Only one had the incentive, using the “who benefits” principle: Mossad. And that incentive dovetailed perfectly with the neo-con’s agenda and explicitly expressed need for a catalytic event to mobilize the American public for their wars, using American military power to destroy Israel’s enemies. Only the unexpected strength of the Iraqi resistance kept Syria and Iran from being attacked in the second Bush Administration. Thus, the evidential trail for 9/11 and the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq run from PNAC, AIPAC and their cohorts; through the mostly Jewish neo-cons in the Bush Administration; and back to the Israeli government. None of the denials and political machinations can alter that essential reality. Terms such as treason, betrayal and deceit do not overstate the case against them.

Finally, we need to take a hard look at why the mainstream media (MSM) have paid more attention to Sarah Palin’s wardrobe than they have to dissecting blatant falsehoods, discrepancies and inconsistencies in the US Government’s treatment of 9/11 and its aftermath. And the reason is that on this issue, all are on the same side, and the official line is the one they all prefer – “all” meaning the PNAC alumni who took over the Bush Administration’s national security apparatus and their counterparts in the Obama administration, AIPAC and the rest of the numerous Jewish PACs, the MSM owners and Israel. The depiction of the media management in America in 2002 is especially informative, and has not changed significantly since then:

CEOs and Directors of companies change as often as Boards of Directors vote. But if we could “freeze frame” the CEOs of the largest US Media companies in mid 2002, we would find that ten Jewish American men ran the vast majority of US television networks and other media companies including movies, radio, and publishing at that time. Not much has changed today.

Looking Ahead

Today we are getting the same line on Iran, from the same type of people -- Obama himself tries to be more independent, but most of the key staff and national security people in his Administration do not differ greatly on Israel and the Middle East from those of his predecessor. And the Congress has shown itself to be even more of AIPAC's lap-dog than the preceding Congress, an exercise in self-serving cowardice that admittedly has taken some doing.

But AIPAC and company are riding a tiger in America, and if they ever slip, the resulting convulsion will be catastrophic for them and for Israel. The open unfolding of the 9/11 tragedy and its ensuing wars that is now occurring can be that slip. The human cost to America to date is some 60,000 people, military and civilian, killed or wounded on 9/11 and in Iraq and Afghanistan together, with more to come once we go to war with Iran (or get dragged into it following an Israeli attack on Iran). Much of the deliberately misdirected rage that followed 9/11 has given way to endurance and grief.

But grief is a close cousin to rage, and an enraged America is not pretty, as anyone familiar with our history can appreciate. Americans are often deceptive without meaning to be. To much of the world, they often come across as naive, bumbling innocents in the world of global politics. And on a day-to-day basis, there is much truth to that.

But an enraged America is a very different character. You have only to look at what happened in WWII to German and Japanese cities, towns and villages, where America slaughtered literally millions of German and Japanese civilians -- most of them women and children -- knew it was doing it, and cared nothing at all. The goal was to crush, and restraint was not a word used much at all.

If these Americans and those like them ever fully understand just how much of their suffering -- and the suffering we have inflicted on others -- is properly laid on the doorsteps of Israel and its advocates in America, they will sweep aside those in politics, the press and the pulpits alike whose lies and disloyalty brought this about and concealed it from them. They may well leave Israel looking like Carthage after the Romans finished with it. It will be Israel’s own great fault.

Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D, University of Michigan) is a ten-year US Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of the US Army War College. He can be contacted at docbrosk@comcast.net

14th July 2010, 11:25 AM

14th July 2010, 11:34 AM

Why would you be on these forums if you are comforted by ignorance?

14th July 2010, 11:50 AM

Why would you be on these forums if you are comforted by ignorance?

Good question Chopper...

I was referring to the masses

I am not comforted by ignorance.

I am Haunted by knowing :(

But I'm not worried.....(See my Sig)

14th July 2010, 12:32 PM
Prison Planet may be hyped fear mongering for profit, but this article is not bad, IMO.

Only through a massive media backlash can we reach people and make them understand that they have been conditioned into accepting a false sense of reality and that real happiness and fulfillment can only be achieved, and that America can only be rescued, once they fully embrace the truth of what is really happening around them.

yeah, they do have some good stuff.

but then, so does Fox.

Johnny Ringo
14th July 2010, 12:42 PM
It's just mind-numbing, Chopper. Bread and circuses.

I don't have a problem with sports or other entertainment in general. We all need a diversion now and then. But the cultish hero-worship of all these sports figures and celebrities is just out of control.

And the money these guys make is outrageous, too. But as long as people line up to buy tickets and memorabilia, it's not going to change.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
14th July 2010, 03:27 PM
Lebron James, Lindsey Lohan and now Mel Gibson are the big topics I hear the sheeple discussing.

No one talks about the oil spill or if they do it's a quick soundbite that the well should be capped any day now.

No talk of unemployment, war, collapse, etc.

It's as though they're afraid that talking about these topics will create a self fulfilling prophecy so they'd rather ignore it.

the riot act
14th July 2010, 04:12 PM

Why would you be on these forums if you are comforted by ignorance?

Ken takes a higher dose of Soma than the rest of us.

1970 silver art
14th July 2010, 04:32 PM
The economic reality is too bad for the masses in that they do not want to deal with it. Escapism is a big business when you count going to the movies, TV, and other entertainment outlets. Escapism can be good but 24/7 escapism is very bad in my opinion.

However, keeping your head in the sand of escapism will not make the cold and hard economic realities that we are going through go away. Watching a "reality TV" show on TV is not going to help an unemployed person to find and get a job. Worshiping Lebron James is not going to restore the gulf coast from this devastation oil spill.

No matter how deep a person wants to stick their head in the sand, the current economic realities of that the U.S. is facing will eventually just grab you by the a$$ and just pull your head out of the sand. A person can only ignore the grim reality for so long before it effects them to a point where they can no longer ignore it.

14th July 2010, 04:40 PM

Why would you be on these forums if you are comforted by ignorance?

Ken takes a higher dose of Soma than the rest of us.


14th July 2010, 04:46 PM
The economic reality is too bad for the masses in that they do not want to deal with it. Escapism is a big business when you count going to the movies, TV, and other entertainment outlets. Escapism can be good but 24/7 escapism is very bad in my opinion.

However, keeping your head in the sand of escapism will not make the cold and hard economic realities that we are going through go away. Watching a "reality TV" show on TV is not going to help an unemployed person to find and get a job. Worshiping Lebron James is not going to restore the gulf coast from this devastation oil spill.

No matter how deep a person wants to stick their head in the sand, the current economic realities of that the U.S. is facing will eventually just grab you by the a$$ and just pull your head out of the sand. A person can only ignore the grim reality for so long before it effects them to a point where they can no longer ignore it.

Newspapers, movies, novels, comic books, Vaudeville, etc. were some of the best businesses to be in during the great depression. Liquor too, even bootlegged. Everyone wanted to escape.

1970 silver art
14th July 2010, 04:52 PM
The economic reality is too bad for the masses in that they do not want to deal with it. Escapism is a big business when you count going to the movies, TV, and other entertainment outlets. Escapism can be good but 24/7 escapism is very bad in my opinion.

However, keeping your head in the sand of escapism will not make the cold and hard economic realities that we are going through go away. Watching a "reality TV" show on TV is not going to help an unemployed person to find and get a job. Worshiping Lebron James is not going to restore the gulf coast from this devastation oil spill.

No matter how deep a person wants to stick their head in the sand, the current economic realities of that the U.S. is facing will eventually just grab you by the a$$ and just pull your head out of the sand. A person can only ignore the grim reality for so long before it effects them to a point where they can no longer ignore it.

Newspapers, movies, novels, comic books, Vaudeville, etc. were some of the best businesses to be in during the great depression. Liquor too, even bootlegged. Everyone wanted to escape.

I could be wrong on this but I think that state lotteries will probably do well in the recession since people, no matter how broke they might be, will still scrape together some money to play scratch-offs and other state lottery numbers. I guess that various forms of gambling can also be considered escapism.

14th July 2010, 05:27 PM
The economic reality is too bad for the masses in that they do not want to deal with it. Escapism is a big business when you count going to the movies, TV, and other entertainment outlets. Escapism can be good but 24/7 escapism is very bad in my opinion.

However, keeping your head in the sand of escapism will not make the cold and hard economic realities that we are going through go away. Watching a "reality TV" show on TV is not going to help an unemployed person to find and get a job. Worshiping Lebron James is not going to restore the gulf coast from this devastation oil spill.

No matter how deep a person wants to stick their head in the sand, the current economic realities of that the U.S. is facing will eventually just grab you by the a$$ and just pull your head out of the sand. A person can only ignore the grim reality for so long before it effects them to a point where they can no longer ignore it.

Newspapers, movies, novels, comic books, Vaudeville, etc. were some of the best businesses to be in during the great depression. Liquor too, even bootlegged. Everyone wanted to escape.

I could be wrong on this but I think that state lotteries will probably do well in the recession since people, no matter how broke they might be, will still scrape together some money to play scratch-offs and other state lottery numbers. I guess that various forms of gambling can also be considered escapism.

Did you read about Illinois before you posted?

State lottery ticket sales set record, again (http://www.bnd.com/2010/07/14/1329482/state-lottery-ticket-sales-set.html)

On Wednesday, the Illinois Lottery reported that ticket sales set a record for the fourth consecutive year. The state lottery recently ended the fiscal year with more than $2.2 billion in sales -- the highest single-year sales in its 36-year history. Sales recorded from July 1, 2009, through the end of last month were up 5.4 percent over the previous fiscal year.

A state lottery spokesman also pointed to Powerball and other games that have been introduced over recent years that continue to draw more players each year. Illinois Lottery Communications Manager Tracy Owens said that that state lottery has been recording sales jumps years before and as well as during the country's recent economic recession.

They hyped this up prety good a couple of days ago on the local news broadcasts. The hype of the new chance to buy powerball in Illinois is everywhere too.

Keep the proles wishing.

1970 silver art
14th July 2010, 05:31 PM
The economic reality is too bad for the masses in that they do not want to deal with it. Escapism is a big business when you count going to the movies, TV, and other entertainment outlets. Escapism can be good but 24/7 escapism is very bad in my opinion.

However, keeping your head in the sand of escapism will not make the cold and hard economic realities that we are going through go away. Watching a "reality TV" show on TV is not going to help an unemployed person to find and get a job. Worshiping Lebron James is not going to restore the gulf coast from this devastation oil spill.

No matter how deep a person wants to stick their head in the sand, the current economic realities of that the U.S. is facing will eventually just grab you by the a$$ and just pull your head out of the sand. A person can only ignore the grim reality for so long before it effects them to a point where they can no longer ignore it.

Newspapers, movies, novels, comic books, Vaudeville, etc. were some of the best businesses to be in during the great depression. Liquor too, even bootlegged. Everyone wanted to escape.

I could be wrong on this but I think that state lotteries will probably do well in the recession since people, no matter how broke they might be, will still scrape together some money to play scratch-offs and other state lottery numbers. I guess that various forms of gambling can also be considered escapism.

Did you read about Illinois before you posted?

State lottery ticket sales set record, again (http://www.bnd.com/2010/07/14/1329482/state-lottery-ticket-sales-set.html)

On Wednesday, the Illinois Lottery reported that ticket sales set a record for the fourth consecutive year. The state lottery recently ended the fiscal year with more than $2.2 billion in sales -- the highest single-year sales in its 36-year history. Sales recorded from July 1, 2009, through the end of last month were up 5.4 percent over the previous fiscal year.

A state lottery spokesman also pointed to Powerball and other games that have been introduced over recent years that continue to draw more players each year. Illinois Lottery Communications Manager Tracy Owens said that that state lottery has been recording sales jumps years before and as well as during the country's recent economic recession.

They hyped this up prety good a couple of days ago on the local news broadcasts. The hype of the new chance to buy powerball in Illinois is everywhere too.

Keep the proles wishing.

Actually, I did not get a chance to read it before I posted. I will read it. Thanks for posting the link to the story. :)