View Full Version : What to do with Israel...

14th July 2010, 05:39 PM
Ok Ive been accused lately of being a Zionist sympathizer, and Im not! I despise the Zionist influence over my country. BUT I do not blame them for every single action against it. that being said, I got to to thinking, Hypothetically, if Israel were to "disappear", what would each of you do with the inhabitants? Leaving them in the Levant is not an option.
Would we create a separate nation in Eastern Europe,Asia,or elsewhere? remember, these are ethnically different people no matter how you classify them, so putting them all in Poland or Russia isnt what im looking for. BTW, If you desire the "Final Solution" do not hesitate to say it.Im not trying to troll here,just get some answers. I operate my life on fixing problems, not just pointing fingers at fault, any solutions?

14th July 2010, 05:50 PM
Ok Ive been accused lately of being a Zionist sympathizer, and Im not! I despise the Zionist influence over my country. BUT I do not blame them for every single action against it. that being said, I got to to thinking, Hypothetically, if Israel were to "disappear", what would each of you do with the inhabitants? Leaving them in the Levant is not an option.
Would we create a separate nation in Eastern Europe,Asia,or elsewhere? remember, these are ethnically different people no matter how you classify them, so putting them all in Poland or Russia isnt what im looking for. BTW, If you desire the "Final Solution" do not hesitate to say it.Im not trying to troll here,just get some answers. I operate my life on fixing problems, not just pointing fingers at fault, any solutions?


General of Darkness
14th July 2010, 05:54 PM

14th July 2010, 05:54 PM
Ok Ive been accused lately of being a Zionist sympathizer, and I'm not!


Here you are seeking a happy solution to that malignant tumor growing upon Palestine that calls itself "Israel" Ha Ha.


14th July 2010, 05:56 PM
Ok Ive been accused lately of being a Zionist sympathizer, and I'm not!

Here you are seeking a happy solution to that malignant tumor growing upon Palestine that calls itself "Israel" Ha Ha.


your constant sarcasm grows old and gets less funny every day. got a solution? or are you going to just mock everyone else

14th July 2010, 05:57 PM
How about we do nothing at all.

14th July 2010, 05:59 PM
The inhabitants of Israel are individuals -- and their fate is their own responsibility. Whether we would welcome refugees from there or not should be our sole concern. For myself, I'd be willing to consider taking them in: after they returned all the loot.

14th July 2010, 05:59 PM
Leaving them in the Levant is not an option.

Why not?

The issue is not Jews in Palestine, but Zionist fanatics in charge of Palestine.

Jews lived in Muslim lands for centuries without much trouble. They still live in such places as...Iran...and are happy there.

Most Palestinians/Muslims merely want the genocide to stop. They don't seek to "exterminate" every Jew. Two states are the solution, with saner folk (that might mean Karaites or Jewish Christians) in charge in one of those states, instead of people like the maniacs Netanyahu or Sharon. The State of Israel has the potential to be a paradise, for Jews...and other people who live there. It doesn't have to be the menace it is.

14th July 2010, 06:00 PM
got a solution?

Simple solution: Those jews should go back to where they came from and, while leaving, stop and beg the forgiveness of every single surviving Palestinian along the way.

Why do you in your OP give such a big shit about the jews but don't even mention their PALESTINIAN victims?


14th July 2010, 06:02 PM
How about we do nothing at all.

can you expand on this? not picking, but what are the reasons?

14th July 2010, 06:05 PM
got a solution?

Simple solution: Those jews should go back to where they came from and, while leaving, stop and beg the forgiveness of every single surviving Palestinian along the way.

Why do you in your OP give such a big sh*t about the jews but don't even mention their PALESTINIAN victims?


Why should i? the other Arabs sure as hell dont.

14th July 2010, 06:06 PM
The precedent for dealing with the zionists in the USA has been set, they get the same deal the founding fathers gave the Tory.

Then, cut all aid and ties to Israel. After that, what happens there is none of my business.

14th July 2010, 06:06 PM
How about we do nothing at all.

Doing nothing means more of this...

For many years the American media said that “Israel receives $1.8 billion in military aid” or that “Israel receives $1.2 billion in economic aid.” Both statements were true, but since they were never combined to give us the complete total of annual U.S. aid to Israel, they also were lies—true lies.

Recently Americans have begun to read and hear that “Israel receives $3 billion in annual U.S. foreign aid.” That's true. But it's still a lie. The problem is that in fiscal 1997 alone, Israel received from a variety of other U.S. federal budgets at least $525.8 million above and beyond its $3 billion from the foreign aid budget, and yet another $2 billion in federal loan guarantees. So the complete total of U.S. grants and loan guarantees to Israel for fiscal 1997 was $5,525,800,000.


14th July 2010, 06:06 PM
your constant sarcasm grows old and gets less funny every day. got a solution? or are you going to just mock everyone else

Hell, I'm still waiting on you to answer my question in this thread. So you demand answers from others yet yourself just conveniently skip out?


14th July 2010, 06:10 PM
Thanks Phoenix..........and as long as people keep using the word "Jew" instead of "Zionist" the problem will remain, people don't want to get rid of the Jews but of the Zionists and that's why "they" keep on hiding behind the Jews of the Bible.

As to where should they go?........I have no idea because no matter where they are they always created trouble for those there..........even in hell they would try and take over from the Devil.

As far as the young people in the state of Israel itself they are being brainwashed into hating the Arabs by those who wants to stay in power.......they are really young kids who want to have fun and to be able to go out at night without having a rifle on their shoulders............is a shame that they all will die.

14th July 2010, 06:11 PM
your constant sarcasm grows old and gets less funny every day. got a solution? or are you going to just mock everyone else

Hell, I'm still waiting on you to answer my question in this thread. So you demand answers from others yet yourself just conveniently skip out?


I sure as hell didnt "skip out" over that thread. but here you go on that one. How could China enforce on a debt,with a country its a war with? dont you think that US.Gov could print what it needed without Chinese fiat backing it? Its not like the Yuan is areal currency now is it? now i wont debate that subject on this thread. we can go to other for that if you would like?

14th July 2010, 06:12 PM
Cut off their damn money and be done with it. The US nor any other country has business in Palestine, occupied or otherwise.

14th July 2010, 06:15 PM
Why should i? the other Arabs sure as hell dont.


Ok. You don't care about the Arabs. So please tell us all why you took the time to post this thread devoted to caring so much about the jews who occupy Palestine.


14th July 2010, 06:16 PM
Skirnir? "those" people have as much money as the Vatican itself and they really don't need the 3-7 annual billion of our tax payers money......but.......that's the umbilical cord that unites them to us.

14th July 2010, 06:17 PM
your constant sarcasm grows old and gets less funny every day. got a solution? or are you going to just mock everyone else

Hell, I'm still waiting on you to answer my question in this thread. So you demand answers from others yet yourself just conveniently skip out?


I sure as hell didnt "skip out" over that thread. but here you go on that one. How could China enforce on a debt,with a country its a war with? dont you think that US.Gov could print what it needed without Chinese fiat backing it? Its not like the Yuan is areal currency now is it? now i wont debate that subject on this thread. we can go to other for that if you would like?

That's not the debate. The debate was my question "How does war (government spending) in any form or fashion benefit the economy and the people?

Your answer was Chinese held debt goes away.

My answer.

Do you think we will fight China for free or do you think we will run up trillions more fighting an Army twice the size of ours? (not to mention our 100 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities, or the fact that China only holds a couple trillion out of the 14 Trillion of our total debt)

Your answer.


14th July 2010, 06:19 PM
BUT I do not blame them for every single action against it.
I do not blame every action against this country on them.
I take partial blame and so should all the American people, for patronizing the parasitic operations they own/dominate...the government, all media, Internet, Hollywood, banking, Wall Street, corporations, law, porno.
I blame the people for not throwing these "patriotic to Israel only" parasites, that are here to plunder and destroy the moral fabric of this country, out forever!

And for their new home...


14th July 2010, 06:19 PM
Why should i? the other Arabs sure as hell dont.


Ok. You don't care about the Arabs. So please tell us all why you took the time to post this thread devoted to caring so much about the jews who occupy Palestine.


you sure twist things dont you?, I posted a question on what to do with the Israelis if there was no Israel, one would assume if they vacated the Levant the Palis would get it, right? Israeli treatment of Palistinians has NOTHING to do with this question does it? Its a pretty direct question.

14th July 2010, 06:21 PM
your constant sarcasm grows old and gets less funny every day. got a solution? or are you going to just mock everyone else

Hell, I'm still waiting on you to answer my question in this thread. So you demand answers from others yet yourself just conveniently skip out?


I sure as hell didnt "skip out" over that thread. but here you go on that one. How could China enforce on a debt,with a country its a war with? dont you think that US.Gov could print what it needed without Chinese fiat backing it? Its not like the Yuan is areal currency now is it? now i wont debate that subject on this thread. we can go to other for that if you would like?

That's not the debate. The debate was my question "How does war (government spending) in any form or fashion benefit the economy and the people?

Your answer was Chinese held debt goes away.

My answer.

Do you think we will fight China for free or do you think we will run up trillions more fighting an Army twice the size of ours? (not to mention our 100 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities, or the fact that China only holds a couple trillion out of the 14 Trillion of our total debt)

Your answer.


I just answered your question. no crickets. but ill elaborate,of course we would run up debt, of Fiat dollars.their large land army doesnt make them invincible, their air and naval forces, are inferior. so that evens it up quite a bit. again, if you want to discuss that thread we can go back to it.

14th July 2010, 06:23 PM
I blame the people for not throwing these "patriotic to Israel only" parasites, that are here to plunder and destroy the moral fabric of this country, out forever!

The Zionists' primary shields are the mythical Six Millionâ„¢ and the lie of the "Chosen People." Americans are lazy, and don't read, nor do they question "authority."

Although, silliness like this doesn't help...

And for their new home...


14th July 2010, 06:25 PM
Last I heard, plans were already in place to move it to Phoenix.

14th July 2010, 06:26 PM
I posted a question on what to do with the Israelis if there was no Israel..


WHY do you care so much about the jews occupying Palestine??? You demand answers in this thread while you yourself refuse to answer this simple question.


14th July 2010, 06:28 PM
I just answered your question. no crickets. but ill elaborate,of course we would run up debt, of Fiat dollars.their large land army doesnt make them invincible, their air and naval forces, are inferior. so that evens it up quite a bit. again, if you want to discuss that thread we can go back to it.

I do want to discuss it and will go back to it when you do. Of course for now I have you as a captive audience and you would lose face to bail again.

Again this is the question.

How would a war (government spending) with China IN ANY WAY benefit the US economy and the people living in America?

That is the question nothing else so do your best to answer it.

BTW, I turned this debate into a post so make your answers extra good ;D


14th July 2010, 06:29 PM
I posted a question on what to do with the Israelis if there was no Israel..


WHY do you care so much about the jews occupying Palestine??? You demand answers in this thread while you yourself refuse to answer this simple question.


I really DONT care about them OR the Palestinians much at all! The topic of the Levant comes up quite often on here, so why not ask this question.

Dave Thomas
14th July 2010, 06:29 PM
The Jews are a diaspora peoples. (as they describe themselves) This re-infatuation with Israel started in the late 1800s with Herzl and the like. Simple solution, kick the Zionist habit. Jews have integrated well in almost all cultures without Zionism.

14th July 2010, 06:31 PM
Ok Ive been accused lately of being a Zionist sympathizer, and Im not! I despise the Zionist influence over my country. BUT I do not blame them for every single action against it. that being said, I got to to thinking, Hypothetically, if Israel were to "disappear", what would each of you do with the inhabitants? Leaving them in the Levant is not an option.
Would we create a separate nation in Eastern Europe,Asia,or elsewhere? remember, these are ethnically different people no matter how you classify them, so putting them all in Poland or Russia isnt what im looking for. BTW, If you desire the "Final Solution" do not hesitate to say it.Im not trying to troll here,just get some answers. I operate my life on fixing problems, not just pointing fingers at fault, any solutions?

Sounds like a question my ole buddy percival was asking not too long ago....

14th July 2010, 06:34 PM
I just answered your question. no crickets. but ill elaborate,of course we would run up debt, of Fiat dollars.their large land army doesnt make them invincible, their air and naval forces, are inferior. so that evens it up quite a bit. again, if you want to discuss that thread we can go back to it.

I do want to discuss it and will go back to it when you do. Of course for now I have you as a captive audience and you would lose face to bail again.

Again this is the question.

How would a war (government spending) with China IN ANY WAY benefit the US economy and the people living in America?

That is the question nothing else so do your best to answer it.

BTW, I turned this debate into a post so make your answers extra good ;D


Well this is my short answer,I will be bumping the other thread tommorow so we can engage this topic, as I enjoy your opinions. I feel that China, is a genuine threat to the US,financially,and militarily. I feel a "sooner than later" approach is best as at least for now we have the upper hand in the latter. China has very few freinds that would actually risk nuclear destruction over them. in the end, I think it will happen.

14th July 2010, 06:36 PM
actually Book, lets reverse this. What would we do with the Palestinians if the Israelis actually EXPELLED them all from the Levant? we already know their Arab "brothers" wont take them. so what to do with them?

14th July 2010, 06:37 PM
I really DON'T care about them OR the Palestinians much at all!

You creating this very thread disproves your denial.


14th July 2010, 06:39 PM
I just answered your question. no crickets. but ill elaborate,of course we would run up debt, of Fiat dollars.their large land army doesnt make them invincible, their air and naval forces, are inferior. so that evens it up quite a bit. again, if you want to discuss that thread we can go back to it.

I do want to discuss it and will go back to it when you do. Of course for now I have you as a captive audience and you would lose face to bail again.

Again this is the question.

How would a war (government spending) with China IN ANY WAY benefit the US economy and the people living in America?

That is the question nothing else so do your best to answer it.

BTW, I turned this debate into a post so make your answers extra good ;D


personally using my posts from here on another site without my permission is not only in poor taste, but downright arrogant.

14th July 2010, 06:41 PM
I really DON'T care about them OR the Palestinians much at all!

You creating this very thread disproves your denial.


Im not here to argue with you, you obviously have an issue with me, and I really dont care what you think.

14th July 2010, 06:43 PM
I blame the people for not throwing these "patriotic to Israel only" parasites, that are here to plunder and destroy the moral fabric of this country, out forever!

The Zionists' primary shields are the mythical Six Millionâ„¢ and the lie of the "Chosen People." Americans are lazy, and don't read, nor do they question "authority."

Although, silliness like this doesn't help...

And for their new home...


I agree.

However, in EE_'s defense, to my knowledge there isn't anyone living on the moon, so there wouldn't be any anti-semitesâ„¢ there, nor any palestinians whose houses they'd have to bulldoze and whatnot.

14th July 2010, 06:44 PM
personally using my posts from here on another site without my permission is not only in poor taste, but downright arrogant.

Do you not stand behind your words?

I mean I quote you and me verbatim and at the beginning I said "people who should no better" I never even gave your SN.

It is arrogant I suppose, but I'm proud of what I think and I don't really get to use arguments in my posts typically so its nice for a change. I plan on doing it regularly now since I can post directly about my views on common arguments instead of just saying "many people believe x y or z"

This was the first time I had done a post like this, using another debate from another site, the guy was such a tool.


14th July 2010, 06:45 PM
personally using my posts from here on another site without my permission is not only in poor taste, but downright arrogant.

Do you not stand behind your words?

I mean I quote you and me verbatim and at the beginning I said "people who should no better" I don't get on your case or even insult you. I never even gave your SN.

It is arrogant I suppose, but I'm proud of what I think and I don't really get to use arguments in my posts typically so its nice for a change. I plan on doing it regularly now since I can post directly about my views on common arguments instead of just saying "many people believe x y or z"

This was the first time I had done a post like this, using another debate from another site, the guy was such a tool.


14th July 2010, 06:45 PM
I'm not trying to troll here, just get some answers.


I really don't care what you think.

14th July 2010, 06:46 PM
personally using my posts from here on another site without my permission is not only in poor taste, but downright arrogant.

Do you not stand behind your words?

I mean I quote you and me verbatim and at the beginning I said "people who should no better" I never even gave your SN.

It is arrogant I suppose, but I'm proud of what I think and I don't really get to use arguments in my posts typically so its nice for a change. I plan on doing it regularly now since I can post directly about my views on common arguments instead of just saying "many people believe x y or z"

This was the first time I had done a post like this, using another debate from another site, the guy was such a tool.


I really dont have a problem with it, but I wished youd have asked.Even the ones here I disagree with I like to assume there is some form of mutual respect for one anothers property, they are My words after all.

14th July 2010, 06:48 PM
I'm not trying to troll here, just get some answers.


I really don't care what you think.

Why dont you post the remark that i was responding to, rather than take "clips' from the discussion? you should work for CBS

14th July 2010, 06:49 PM
I really dont have a problem with it, but I wished youd have asked.Even the ones here I disagree with I like to assume there is some form of mutual respect for one anothers property, they are My words after all.

I understand, but trust me I didn't do it to make you look foolish (insert negative attribute here) but rather to provide an argument I hear tossed around a lot. Which is why I didn't say which forum it came from our your SN or anything.

14th July 2010, 06:50 PM
I really dont have a problem with it, but I wished youd have asked.Even the ones here I disagree with I like to assume there is some form of mutual respect for one anothers property, they are My words after all.

I understand, but trust me I didn't do it to make you look foolish (insert negative attribute here) but rather to provide an argument I hear tossed around a lot. Which is why I didn't say which forum it came from our your SN or anything.

good enough, keep it and add if you wish, just keep it anon.good blog BTW

14th July 2010, 06:54 PM
How about we do nothing at all.

I concur but, this ‘nothing’ should include stopping all foreign aid to Israel and all military aid to Israel.

14th July 2010, 07:32 PM
However, in EE_'s defense, to my knowledge there isn't anyone living on the moon, so there wouldn't be any anti-semitesâ„¢ there
