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14th July 2010, 08:46 PM
U.S. conservatives form new pro-Israel lobby group
A group of leading American conservatives has set up a new group to attack President Obama over his "anti-Israel" stance, U.S. website Politico reports.
By Haaretz Service

Washington observers may feel there is no obvious shortage of pro-Israel lobbyists in the city – but a group of leading American conservatives thinks otherwise and has set up a new campaign group to attack President Obama over his "anti-Israel" stance, U.S. website Politico reports.

The Emergency Committee for Israel presents a potent combination of Republican Party neoconservatives and Evangelical Christians. The new group’s board includes Weekly Standard Editor William Kristol and Gary Bauer, a former Republican presidential candidate who leads the group American Values, as well as Rachel Abrams, a conservative writer and activist.

“We’re the pro-Israel wing of the pro-Israel community,” Politico quoted Kristol as saying. Bauer described the Obama presidency as “the most anti-Israel administration in the history of the United States."

Under U.S. law the group does not have to disclose the sources of its funding but has already raised enough to finance its first television advertisement, which launched a savage attack on Rep. Joe Sestak, the Democratic Senate candidate in Pennsylvania.

The ad slammed Sestak for signing a letter criticizing Israel’s blockade of Gaza while declining to add his name to a defense of Israel circulated by powerful pro-Israel lobby AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee).

The group also attacked Sestak for appearing at a fundraiser for the Council on American Islamic Relations, which it said was an “anti-Israel organization the FBI called a ‘front group for Hamas."

“Does Congressman Joe Sestak understand Israel is America’s ally?” the ad’s narrator asked.

This is just the opening shot in what the Emergency Committee for Israel intends to be a series of ads to sway congressional races across the U.S.

“We want to be hard-hitting; we want to get into the debate and shake things up and make some points in a firm way,” said Noah Pollak, the group's executive director.

Kristol said this group was inspired in part by another new group, the liberal J Street, which he said had shown the power of small organizations to influence the debate.

“There are some who say they’re pro-Israel but aren’t really,” he said, referring to J Street. “Then there’s AIPAC, which is a wonderful organization, but one that’s very committed to working with the administration, so they pull some punches publicly."


15th July 2010, 12:22 PM
This is Kristols newest work, before he had the new CPD, Committee For the Present Danger,
self proclaimed godfather of the NeoCons and leader pulling Bush strings in press, father
was Irving an American real communist subversive.

NeoCons never went away, PNAC is being fulfilled, we need to get back to NeoCon basics.

Like Pat Buchanan said, about AEI, they are organized and pay salaries.

You can't keep track of all their NGO's, they need another, lol .

90 % bled, they are going for the remaining 10 % , lol .

15th July 2010, 12:34 PM
Ahhh Kristol.....A true American....... NOT.

These Communist front groups really are getting sloppy. I can spot them in my sleep. The NeoCons are a Communist front group also, and always have been since day 1.


15th July 2010, 12:56 PM
Ahhh Kristol.....A true American....... NOT.

These Communist front groups really are getting sloppy. I can spot them in my sleep. The NeoCons are a Communist front group also, and always have been since day 1.


Good work, how did I miss that.

Been reading PCR for years. Buchanan, Jim Lobe and
the greatest linker, articles full of links, Raimondo archive
at antiwar.com, American Conservative and Chronicles,
home to anti NeoCons, and new Taki Mag.

Sibel Edmonds, past info, speculation, and recent testimony in public, very damming, explosive.

Same with following Fitzgerald, they neutered him totally .

We need a review of all of the scandals, it's like it never happened.

What do you think of Obongo being totally controlled by NeoCons,
fulfilling PNAC to greater extent, even expanding wars, to new countries
too, Iran propaganda, and totally breaking all his war promises, they
are still jailing and torturing innocent people even after this has been
outed as true.

16th July 2010, 11:41 AM
What do you think of Obongo being totally controlled by NeoCons,
fulfilling PNAC to greater extent, even expanding wars, to new countries
too, Iran propaganda, and totally breaking all his war promises, they
are still jailing and torturing innocent people even after this has been
outed as true.

Here is what I think. He did all that, and they are still gonna throw him under the bus.

Will try to explain, hope it makes sense. I think Obama was 51%USA 49%Israel. But the zionists are forever greedy, and that wasn't enough. They want a president that is 25%USA 75%Isreal. And once they get that, they will still be greedy.

Rahm Emmanuel is resigning because he can see the writing on the wall. I think the zionists have put the word out that Obama is done. He is a lame duck.

16th July 2010, 11:46 AM
I think, lame or not (cue the Iran attack to fix that), Hussein is with us till 2012. Then they get their man Jeb in 2012.

16th July 2010, 12:38 PM
I think the zionists have put the word out that Obama is done. He is a lame duck.



They got their next goy tool already moist and dripping for that President gig. The fix is in.


16th July 2010, 03:50 PM
what a bunch of sick motherfuckers.

playing the victim card once again.

as if Israel hadn't started the extreme-bad-neighbor-policy in the first place.

The Victimizer, Israel, pretends to be the Victim. Planet Earth really has a sick country named Israel on it. Do other planets have these problems ?

16th July 2010, 03:53 PM
Planet Earth really has a sick country named Israel on it.


That malignant tumor growing upon Palestine is only 62 years old.


16th July 2010, 03:59 PM
Planet Earth really has a sick country named Israel on it.


That malignant tumor growing upon Palestine is only 62 years old.


That image is incredibly powerful....

16th July 2010, 04:06 PM
That image is incredibly powerful....


It stunned me the first time I saw it. Looks like a malignant tumor. I wonder why jewish CBS Evening News with Katie Couric never reports about this.


13th August 2010, 03:39 AM
Kristol group's game plan: Make it politically toxic for Dems to criticize Israel (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/plum-line/2010/08/kristol_groups_game_plan_make.html)

Bill Kristol's hawkish, pro-Israel group, which has been running ads blasting Dems as anti-Israel, is now making it explicit: It is targeting Dems with paid media for the express purpose of making it politically toxic for them to criticize Israel.

That's what Kristol and a spokesman for his group, the Emergency Committee for Israel, suggested to me today, in statements accompanying a new ad it's set to release attacking Dem Rep Jim Himes of Connecticut.

"You can't just say you're pro-Israel, you have to be pro-Israel," Kristol said. The ad blasts Himes for signing a recent letter that allegedly accused Israel of "collective punishment" for enforcing the Gaza blockade:


Kristol's group has already aired other versions of this ad attacking Joe Sestak, Mary Joe Kilroy, and Glenn Nye.

The group insists it's putting real money into these buys, and the above ad attacking Rep. Himes will run during NBC Nightly News, a spokesman for the group, Michael Goldfarb, says.

The spot blasts Himes for signing a recent letter sponsored by the left-leaning pro-Israel group J-Street that has emerged as the nemesis of neoconservative pro-Israel groups like Kristol's outfit.

The letter doesn't accuse Israel directly of "collective punishment," as the ad says. Rather, the letter asks Obama to pressure Israel to relieve the blockade. It recognizes that the Gaza restrictions are born of "legitimate" fear on the part of Israel, but warns against allowing the blockade to result in "the de facto collective punishment" of Palestinians.

Asked what the purpose of the ads was, Goldfarb said:

Members of Congress should know that voters will hold them accountable for signing anti-Israel letters or doing anything else to undermine the US-Israel relationship. It is our job to make sure the voters have all the information.

That couldn't be clearer. Kristol's group is broadening efforts to go after Dems in ads, and there's been some debate about its real strategic goals. Clearly, the game plan is to put more Dems on notice that if they criticize Israel, they can expect to be targeted, too.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIuiqho44I8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzjleP5TVDo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b33xRZiDiI

13th August 2010, 05:04 AM
U.S. conservatives form new pro-Israel lobby group
The group also attacked Sestak for appearing at a fundraiser for the Council on American Islamic Relations, which it said was an anti-Israel organization the FBI called a front group for Hamas."

Does Congressman Joe Sestak understand Israel is America'sParasite? the narrator asked.


Fixed it for us all.

13th August 2010, 05:23 AM
maybe we need a "Partnership for a Usury Free America".