View Full Version : A dog is man's best friend, yeah whatever.

General of Darkness
15th July 2010, 05:42 PM
Dog's they aren't worth a crap

Yeah an ex gf found you wandering by the 405 and 10 on ramp. You were skinny as a stick. Your first poop was rocks and leave, for Pete's sake you can't even eat right. Well what ever.

I know, like an idiot I felt bad for you. I had another dog, and said, maybe she'll keep him company. But from day ONE, all you did was smile at me, and I knew something was up at that point. You listened, you learned, I was convinced your were a spy. Then Indy the shepard puppy showed up, yeah you showed her the ropes, not too tough, just enough at the right time.

Then about two years later, I remember this clear as day four years ago. The original dog, you know him, Rocky the boxer. Yeah he was going through a lot of pain I didn't recognize and I remember this, you put your chin on my knee, and then looked at him to try and tell me something, "End this".

Well here we are. I dunno how old you are, people estimated that you were somewhere between 2 and 5 when we found you, and we've been together 9 years now. Now there's a new dog, that little bastard Enzo, and you're still ruling the house, just a little slower. You make sure the Shepard doesn't kill him, and he's not being too retarded.

So what's the deal with you? I fell in love with you and everything about you, and fricken now you wanna quit on me and get cancer? Are you fricken serious?

Now my job is to the right thing, wait till the final report comes back, which I'm told is pretty well going to be positive. And then I have to take you to the vet and have you put down. Yeah quality of life, stuff like that etc etc. I know, but DAMN YOU. Here's the plan, we're gonna get hot dogs and burgers, and party like it's 1999. And when you're ready you let me know. This was on 7-13-10

Jinx you died in my arms on a Thursday afternoon. God damn I'm gonna miss you sweetheart.


15th July 2010, 05:48 PM
Sorry man I hate to hear that.

15th July 2010, 05:49 PM
Cheers GoD. Lost mine in April. Hang in there.

15th July 2010, 05:50 PM
Heartfelt Condolences General :(

15th July 2010, 05:53 PM
Thanks General.........and sorry.

15th July 2010, 05:54 PM
G.o.D. I feel for your loss... It leaves a tear in my eye and has me remembering my bud Rocky. :'(

It is a terrible loss to lose such a dear friend and companion. The bond formed with a man and his best friend is truly special.
IMHO It can be more dear than with most people who will never give you the kind of loyalty a good dog will.

I hope you feel better soon :-\

15th July 2010, 05:57 PM
Now that I'm done with tears, I'm so sorry for you. We love them because they are family.

I try to picture all my past "babies" up in heaven on the Big Couch with Gramma.

15th July 2010, 05:59 PM
Heartbreaking General. My sympathies, and a classic poem for your sorrow:

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...

15th July 2010, 06:01 PM
I'm sorry for your loss - and a loss it is. While the sting will stay with you for a bit - it won't last too long.

In your pup's memory, you'll do better with a new one... she'd understand - that's what friends do.

I have the ashes from five of my lost friends. Someday when I'm in the same state, someone who gives a shit about me will swirl all our ashes in a five gallon bucket and dump us all in a mountain stream together. It's my way of consoling myself when I think about them.

Everything is temporary.

General of Darkness
15th July 2010, 06:02 PM

Thanks for the kind words everyone. I'm pretty busted up right now.


15th July 2010, 06:09 PM
My condolences. Dogs are funny creatures, because they seem to understand when their end is coming. I like that you shared burgers and hot dogs with her before she passed, I guarantee she understood the significance of what you were sharing together.

15th July 2010, 06:10 PM
Sorry for your loss.

I lost Buddie last November.
Thought he was going to be around awhile longer.

He is always going to be with me though.

15th July 2010, 06:20 PM
All the best, General, sorry to hear about your loss. I think we can all relate to your eloquent post here, it's a tearjerker, and takes us back to all the dogs we've loved and lost.

It gets easier to accept over time, but the memories never fade.

15th July 2010, 06:22 PM
sorry dude http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s222/chrisneros/smilies/feelbetter-1.gif

15th July 2010, 06:44 PM
Just sending you (((hugs))) I'm so sorry:(.

General of Darkness
15th July 2010, 06:49 PM
For everyone saying to get another dog, I still got two left. One of the hardest things was coming home today and watching the Shepard, Indy, going around the house looking for Jinx. I think she understands, now the dobie puppy Enzo is going to be trouble because he's only got one dog to annoy.

This was from a few weeks ago.


15th July 2010, 06:56 PM
One of my core tests about the character of people is whether or not they love dogs

I agree 100%, I am an animal lover and have always had at least one dog ever since I was a kid. I had 2 blackmouth curs and one got hit by a car last winter I buried her down where my grandaddys ashes are. So I figure they are out there hanging out, now my grandad's got a good pup with him.

My two main dogs now are a maltese and a half daschund half chihuahua, the maltese (trixie) has lived with me for 8 years I got her when she could fit in the palm of my hand. She was actually a gift from my mom to my dad, but family crap blew up and my dad didn't want the dog so I took her, she has been there with me through a lot of stuff I've known her longer than I've known my wife. I lived in a 200 sqft loft of a barn and sure as hell had those dogs with me they are my pups.

I remember when I was a kid hearing about this guy who spent a few thousand on one of his animals, and I thought man that guy is nuts.

Now though, I'd spend whatever it took for my dogs, they are mans best friend. It lights up their whole world when I walk through the door, it is the highlight of their life playing around with me and each other they are so selfless. We can learn a lot from dogs.

I am me, I am free
15th July 2010, 07:19 PM
For everyone saying to get another dog, I still got two left. One of the hardest things was coming home today and watching the Shepard, Indy, going around the house looking for Jinx. I think she understands, now the dobie puppy Enzo is going to be trouble because he's only got one dog to annoy.

This was from a few weeks ago.


You can see the degree of loyalty and dedication in Jinx's eyes, how she's looking at you as you took the picture.

15th July 2010, 07:21 PM
I have this little squirt of a dog that we took off a friends hands as she went into assisted living. The dog was 14 then and we figured we could see him off in a couple years. It's now 7 years later and he's still kicking. He's demented as hell and spends about 98% of his time in bed. You'd think we'd be ready for him to die. He sure is a task to take care of at this age. But, every morning he scampers out the door to do his business same as he ever was. Not sure who is going to die first around here.

15th July 2010, 07:31 PM
You can see the degree of loyalty and dedication in Jinx's eyes, how she's looking at you as you took the picture.

Yeah, and something about dog photos displays their personality too. More so, then people. She was a good dog for sure.

15th July 2010, 07:32 PM
Sorry to hear about Jinx. I sure do hope there is a heaven for dogs.

15th July 2010, 07:40 PM
Sorry about your loss. It's hard, there's no doubt about it. Just gotta remember the good times and smile at the memories.

15th July 2010, 07:42 PM
They spelled these creatures name backwards so it wouldn't be so obvious who they are.
They give to you what no other human can, unconditional love.
Sorry for your loss.

15th July 2010, 07:44 PM
I'm sorry for your loss General. I have three dogs and they follow me everywhere and sleep in my bed at night, which my wife tolerates. One is getting up in years and I dread when her day comes. That said, they are eternally loyal companions and loving, affectionate creatures. You did the right thing: an animal should never be allowed to suffer needlessly.

I am me, I am free
15th July 2010, 07:45 PM
They spelled these creatures name backwards so it wouldn't be so obvious who they are.
They give to you what no other human can, unconditional love.
Sorry for your loss.

Yeah, not a coincidence imo.

15th July 2010, 07:51 PM
Great post.

Sorry for your loss.

I had to put down my collie a few years back. I was blubbering like an 8 year old.

15th July 2010, 07:53 PM
They spelled these creatures name backwards so it wouldn't be so obvious who they are.
They give to you what no other human can, unconditional love.
Sorry for your loss.

This reminds me of a joke: what do you get when you combine a dyslexic, an agnostic and an insomniac?

Someone who stays up all night wondering about the existence of Dog.

15th July 2010, 07:53 PM
You can see the degree of loyalty and dedication in Jinx's eyes, how she's looking at you as you took the picture.

Yeah, and something about dog photos displays their personality too. More so, then people. She was a good dog for sure.

It's as if they know their picture is being taken and they pose for it...

15th July 2010, 07:54 PM
One of my core tests about the character of people is whether or not they love dogs - I salute your humanity. I've done the family dog dying in your arms thing twice, and its got to be one the most gut-wrenching things in the world to experience. The guilt of making the decision to administer the needle is something that haunts me forever. They are all unique - live it up and get another one. I thought at first it was betrayal to the memory of my girls, but not having dog energy in the house is just unnatural. You sound like the kind of guy who understands that. Sorry about your pup.

General, words are never enough to express how sorry I feel in situations like this. My heart aches for you; I have been in your shoes more than once and not all that long ago myself. It never gets easier. I lost my last dog Howie last September. It always hurts badly for a while. At least you have a couple of other dogs that actively need your attention. All the best.

I am me, I am free
15th July 2010, 07:55 PM
You can see the degree of loyalty and dedication in Jinx's eyes, how she's looking at you as you took the picture.

Yeah, and something about dog photos displays their personality too. More so, then people. She was a good dog for sure.

It's as if they know their picture is being taken and they pose for it...

No, it's much more than that. You can see the same thing in the photo in the OP. Not all dogs show this level of affection for their masters in a photo.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
15th July 2010, 08:52 PM
You lost a member of your family, something non dog owners can't relate to. I'm sorry for your loss.

Thanks for sharing your story. I just gave my 10 yr old beagle a big hug.

General of Darkness
15th July 2010, 11:05 PM
I'm not the type of guy that bumps his own threads, and I'm really not looking for sympathy, I'm just pissed off right now and a little drunk too boot.

Someone sent this to me and I think it's worth sharing.


15th July 2010, 11:09 PM
I am sorry......

Grand Master Melon
15th July 2010, 11:28 PM
Animal deaths are never easy which I was reminded of recently when our cat passed. Despite her constant need to piss all over everything she is still deeply missed.

Sir, you have my condolences!

16th July 2010, 05:14 AM
I'm not the type of guy that bumps his own threads, and I'm really not looking for sympathy, I'm just pissed off right now and a little drunk too boot.

Someone sent this to me and I think it's worth sharing.


Touching video that had me bawling like a little girl, remembering the 3 wonderful dogs I've had to put down. When I started crying, my dogs came out and snuggled up next to me on the couch to watch the rest of the video together.

Cherish the memories.

16th July 2010, 09:52 AM
R.I.P. Jinx, we're all very sorry for your loss general but at least you turned her life around. You're making me sad, we just got a puppy and I'm thinking about the inevitable...

We're all subject to the same laws....can't escape that dang ol' rainbow bridge at the end...

16th July 2010, 02:54 PM
Great idea with the hot dogs and hamburgers. I'll betch'a Jinx loved every moment of it.

16th July 2010, 03:11 PM
I just cried my eyes out....Thank you for opening up and sharing that amazing story.


16th July 2010, 06:01 PM
If it makes you feel any better, heres an Indian (Seneca)theory on animals, they have a repetitive soul,not a everlasting soul like humans, not exactly reincarnation, but that their soul moves into another like themselves, to serve us with food,companionship and labor. thats why if you look closely, you will see your old dogs spirit in your new puppies eyes!Animals have little fear of death, they fear pain. Animals will drop dead with no fear, remorse,or regrets. They are blessed with knowledge from the Creator,that they are just moving into a new life. check that pups eyes and see if you dont see Jinx!

17th July 2010, 11:36 AM
Can't offer any more thoughts on your loss, GoD, than what's already been said, except my deepest condolences. I know the hurt.

the riot act
17th July 2010, 11:57 AM
I have to say what Argentium said. Never been much for original thought.

We decided no more after the last one passed a couple of years ago. The wife takes it really hard when the time comes. You never forget, and rightly you shouldn't.

17th July 2010, 02:46 PM
I have to say what Argentium said. Never been much for original thought.

We decided no more after the last one passed a couple of years ago. The wife takes it really hard when the time comes. You never forget, and rightly you shouldn't.

We have the "no more" thoughts as well, after we have suffered a loss, but we never follow through. The joys of having a companion over the years seem to outweigh the pain.

What I couldn't do, is having a breed (like Great Danes) with short lifetimes. Yet I know GD owners that deal with it and keep getting another dog when one passes. 7 to 9 years is just too short and painful for me.

the riot act
17th July 2010, 04:29 PM
We have the "no more" thoughts as well, after we have suffered a loss, but we never follow through. The joys of having a companion over the years seem to outweigh the pain.

What I couldn't do, is having a breed (like Great Danes) with short lifetimes. Yet I know GD owners that deal with it and keep getting another dog when one passes. 7 to 9 years is just too short and painful for me.

No doubt we will get another. But right now I think she is sort of enjoying the moment of freedom from the responsibility while she reflects.

She did stop in her tracks the other weekend when we were introduced to a 21 lb Maine Coon cat. That thing was bigger than most small dogs. :o

17th July 2010, 04:40 PM
Better have Loved and lost...than to have never loved at all...


He have four dogs...two of them are 10 years old....the other two are 8 and 5
All of them seem real heathy and still have many years left. I hope.

Gonna be really sad when they start to go. >:(