View Full Version : Carbonated Drinks: Learn the Truth!

15th July 2010, 07:04 PM
Carbonated Drinks: Learn the Truth!


A study by a Brazilian Professor from Matto Grosso Federal University has revealed the shocking truth about the effects of having a can of a carbonated drink. Learn what happens inside your body in the sixty minutes after you glug down your refreshing sizzling drink…and think carefully!

After just ten minutes, 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your body, 100% of the daily recommended
dose. You do not immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because the
Phosphoric acid in the drink cuts the taste.

After twenty minutes, t he level of sugar in your blood erupts, forcing a rush of insulin. The liver responds by turning all the sugar it receives into fat.

After forty minutes, the caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, blood pressure
r ises, the liver responds by pumping more sugar into your bloodstream. Adenosine receptors in the brain are now blocked, preventing drowsiness and giving you an energy rush.

After 45, the body increases dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers. This same process takes place with the consumption of heroin, for example.

50 minutes. The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in the intestine,
increasing the metabolism. High doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increase
Calcium excretion in the urine, or in other words, you are urinating your bones away, one of
the causes of Osteoporosis.

60 minutes: One hour after consuming. The caffeine's diuretic properties come into play. You urinate. Now it is guaranteed that will be putting out of your system calcium, magnesium and zinc, which your bones need. As time goes on, you'll experience a sugar crash. You'll be cranky. You will already have excreted everything that was in the drink, but also essential properties which your body needs.

Then you’ll reach for another one. No wonder President Vargas banned Cola from Brazil!

Study by Prof. Dr. Carlos Alexandre Fett


15th July 2010, 08:41 PM
No wonder President Vargas banned Cola from Brazil!

I did not realize he did, that's news to me. Anyway, despite any possible good intentions, I don't believe it is the job of any central govt (or anybody or entity) to take away one's rights at consuming whatever they want to, cola or drugs, either.

If people want to get together and fund education and study/promote how to be healthy, that's fine. Nobody is stopping them from passing around a collection jar. But no matter how bad cola may be for you, history has shown that rules and rule makers are millions of times worse.

15th July 2010, 08:52 PM
The article is nothing about carbonation (CO2), but harmful chemical sugar and additives.

The headline is a lie!

the biss
15th July 2010, 10:18 PM
When I drink my naturally carbonated kombucha tea, glucaric acid actually helps my liver to work more effectively. How's THAT for cool, eh?

16th July 2010, 06:17 AM
The article is nothing about carbonation (CO2), but harmful chemical sugar and additives.

The headline is a lie!

Yeah- that was a disappointment, eh?

I was expecting to read that the CO2 taxes the body to flush the toxin while starving for oxygen.

16th July 2010, 06:20 AM
Except for the part about pissing out essential minerals that sounds totally awesome, correct and is exactly why I would go about drinking a caffeinated, sugar drink.

Note, I said sugar, not HFCS.

Typically, however, I would drink a coffee or tea for caffeine.
Typically, I would not drink caffeine at all.
If it is going to be a caffeinated, sugar drink I am going to do it right and go with a Dr. Enuf. B-vitamin fortified to replenish those lost to the caffeine burn.
As for the lost minerals, well, that is what a balanced, nutritional diet is for.

Moderation is key here, people.

16th July 2010, 06:21 AM
Yeah- that was a disappointment, eh?

I was expecting to read that the CO2 taxes the body to flush the toxin while starving for oxygen.
CO2 is highly acidic. There is some convincing evidence that acidifying the body's system promulgates a dizzying number of ailments.

Saul Mine
16th July 2010, 09:06 AM
We assume sugar, and the article says sugar, but pop no longer contains sugar. When I was about 10 (mid 50s) pop was still made with sugar and I drank it by the quart. (A quart cost 25 cents at the time.) There were no apparent side effects at all. Of course I was also riding a bicycle ten to thirty miles every day, climbing trees, hunting for rocks outside of town, and just generally checking the surrounding areas.

Something else I think is significant is that pop today does not taste like pop did back then. It tastes like a plastic simulation of what pop used to be.

16th July 2010, 09:28 AM
Something else I think is significant is that pop today does not taste like pop did back then. It tastes like a plastic simulation of what pop used to be.

When you're not a kid anymore a lot of stuff tastes different. I could have eaten icing sugar all day as a kid and never felt better, but now I'll take a steak and some veggies. I loved hotdogs, now I'll take a real beef hamburger over one any day. That stuff tastes horrible to me, but kids still love it.

General of Darkness
16th July 2010, 09:39 AM
OT - But what about carbonated water like Peligreno?

Saul Mine
16th July 2010, 10:12 AM
Something else I think is significant is that pop today does not taste like pop did back then. It tastes like a plastic simulation of what pop used to be.

When you're not a kid anymore a lot of stuff tastes different. I could have eaten icing sugar all day as a kid and never felt better, but now I'll take a steak and some veggies. I loved hotdogs, now I'll take a real beef hamburger over one any day. That stuff tastes horrible to me, but kids still love it.

I am quite able to distinguish changed preferences from changed flavors. And I am not at all in the habit of saying one thing when I mean another.

16th July 2010, 10:26 AM
Here in Texas/Mexico land, they import a lot of coca cola products from Mexico, where they still make the soda from real sugar. The fact that they use real sugar and that it's not contained in plastic bottles (rather glass), makes for a much more satisfying and cleaner tasting soda.

It tastes like a plastic simulation of what pop used to be.

Saul, more than likely you're actually tasting the plastic which is leeching into the soda while it's stored and transported in non-refrigerated crates.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
16th July 2010, 10:36 AM
How many sheeple will read this and think "that's why I only drink diet" not realizing the aspartame is even worse?

16th July 2010, 10:43 AM
Only water and alcoholic beverages for me (red wine usually).

Carbonated beverages are a silly habit with no benefit for humans except profit.

16th July 2010, 11:37 AM
Only water and alcoholic beverages for me (red wine usually).

Carbonated beverages are a silly habit with no benefit for humans except profit.
Silly habit, yes. They have utility, however. Caffeine is the shizz when you put it to work for you. I won't touch anything except a
http://www.drjason.com/wp-content/uploads/collection/drenuf.jpg though!