View Full Version : U.S. will continue to shield Israel, militarily and diplomatically.

16th July 2010, 11:40 AM
We will continue to shield Israel, militarily and diplomatically, U.S. official says (http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/we-will-continue-to-shield-israel-militarily-and-diplomatically-u-s-official-says-1.302208)

Speaking during a reception for outgoing Israeli UN envoy Shalev, U.S. envoy Susan Rice says that Washington remains fully and firmly committed to Israel's security.
By Shlomo Shamir

The United States will continue to maintain Israel's military advantage as well as protect it in the diplomatic arena, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said Wednesday, adding that the American commitment to Israel's security was "not negotiable."

Speaking during a reception for Israeli Ambassadors Gabriela Shalev and Daniel Carmon, held by the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in New York, Rice said the "United States of America remains fully and firmly committed to the peace and security of the State of Israel."

"That commitment spans generations and political parties. It is not negotiable, and it never will be," Rice added, saying the United States would "continue to strengthen Israel’s qualitative military advantage so that Israel can always defend itself, by itself, against any threat or possible combination of threats."

The U.S. UN envoy also reiterated the U.S. conviction to defend Israel in the diplomatic arena, saying that, "as U.S. President Barack Obama pledged, we will continue U.S. efforts to combat all international attempts to challenge the legitimacy of Israel—including and especially at the United Nations."

"Our two countries have a long and extraordinary friendship, going back to the moment that President Truman made the United States the very first country to recognize the State of Israel—11 minutes after it declared its independence," Rice said.

Referring to recent attempts to jumpstart the stalling peace process The U.S. envoy to the UN also said that in the wake of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's " recent meeting with President Obama, we will continue to work together to seek a lasting and comprehensive peace, that meets Israel’s security needs and creates a viable, sovereign Palestinian state."


US Envoy Vows to Shield Israel, Militarily and Diplomatically (http://news.antiwar.com/2010/07/15/us-envoy-vows-to-shield-israel-militarily-and-diplomatically/)

Speaking today at a reception for her Israeli counterpart, US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice vowed that the United States would remain eternally committed to ensuring Israel’s regional military superiority and promised that they would continue to shield Israel from diplomatic fallout for its behavior at the United Nations.

“As U.S. President Barack Obama pledged, we will continue U.S. efforts to combat all international attempts to challenge the legitimacy of Israel—including and especially at the United Nations,” Rice declared.

Though the US military subsidies go back decades and cost several billion dollars annually, the use of America’s veto power at the United Nations to shield Israel from critical (or even inconvenient) resolutions remains the far more valuable pledge, particularly with the nation’s current right-far-right coalition government so fond of flouting international expectations.

Indeed the military aid seems largely unnecessary, even if Israel intends to continue its bellicose course (as all indications suggest they are). Israel’s recent military conflicts, in southern Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, come against regions with no real military to oppose their invasion, and even the plan for the long anticipated war with Iran seems to amount to Israel launching air strikes against Iran and drawing the United States into the war in its defense.

Rather Israel’s military amounts chiefly to a major federal subsidy on US arms contractors, as much of the aid never actually touches Israeli coffers and rather goes straight to arms companies who ship Israel more weapons that, even for a nation with universal conscription that is perpetually at war, it rarely needs.

16th July 2010, 11:43 AM
How lovely.

So, when does Israel want its puppet state to start preemptively bombing and slaughtering innocent Iranian citizens in the name of "security" and "freedom"?

16th July 2010, 12:10 PM
OFF-TOPIC: goldmonkey, has anyone told you your avatar is disgusting?

16th July 2010, 12:20 PM
OFF-TOPIC: goldmonkey, has anyone told you your avatar is disgusting?

Of course it is. Race mixing is disgusting.