View Full Version : Oil Expert Cavnar: “They know this well can’t be shut in for a long period of ti

16th July 2010, 03:09 PM
Oil Expert Cavnar: “They know this well can’t be shut in for a long period of time” (VIDEO)
By oilflorida, on July 16th, 2010


CAVNAR: I think they said 8,000 or 9,000 pounds which concerns me about the wellhead they talked about yesterday. If it levels off at a lower pressure, they’ve got a leak down below. If it goes up and then breaks down, then they’ve caused some damage. That’s what they’re going to be looking for.

MSNBC: What do they do in either eventuality? How does this turn up?

CAVNAR: They’ve got to open it up and get this oil flowing back to the surface through the risers that have been set in place so it doesn’t leak underground blowout farther down or possibly pot surface in some of this upper damage. …

MSNBC: As we mentioned, admiral allen says it remains likely they’ll resume containment using the cap. Is there a way to read anything into that or is he hedging his bets?

CAVNAR: What i read into that is they know this well can’t be shut in for a long period of time. Plus, they don’t want this well to be shut in while they’re trying to complete that relief well that’s just a few feet away. That creates bottom hole pressure that’s difficult to kill once they get there.

MSNBC: Is it any clearer to you today than yesterday about why this sequence occurred in the way it has? The tests and the suspension initially of the tests and the resumption, and the tests were going to be six-hour intervals and then shut off? It sounded more than ? a little ad-hoc.

CAVNAR: It’s clearly been on the fly. there’s a lot more discussion behind the scenes obviously with the government and bp team than what they’re disclosing to the public. What i’ve learned in this whole experience, if you get a long on period of silence, something’s going on. I think that’s a lot of what happened today. Plus, they’ve had the leaks in the stack they’ve had to fix.

MSNBC: Bob Cavnar, thank you.

CNN reports pressure still at 6,700 psi and rising at only 2-10 psi per hour; Should be at least 8,000 psi



16th July 2010, 04:00 PM

16th July 2010, 04:20 PM
did it spring a leak already?

16th July 2010, 08:27 PM
did it spring a leak already?

We are left with hope and videos. Not exactly a strategy is it?

17th July 2010, 07:12 AM
The hole flowed freely for 80 days. The resevoir pressure would likely be depleted somewhat. Really, obtaining accurate info about the condition of downhole integrity is very difficult. Unless you know the rate of ingressing pressure, you can only make assumptions on what that one data point (resevoir pressure) is telling you.

To me, it is the 'alluding to' of a secondary fracture or resevoir damage that has me suspect. They keep dropping subtle hints without being forthright.

All other things aside, 6800 psi shut in pressure on a well is farcking huge. I've worked on downhole pressures of 10000psi+, but that is rare. Usually, most holes are in the 1000-2500 psi range when new and shut in. Many holes are so depleted they are being pulled on by huge screw compressors that generate a vacuum of only a fraction of a psi.

17th July 2010, 07:48 AM
Check the latest from Washington's Blog, where he describes 4 potential explanations for the lack of expected pressure:

Oil Pressure Stopping Short of Target ... Does that Mean the Well Integrity Test Is Failing? (http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2010/07/pressure-test-failing-stopping-short-of.html)

17th July 2010, 08:03 AM
I would expect the capped well pressure to increase slowly for a while. Here is why:

As the lighter elements of the gas/oil mix rise up the well pipe, that column becomes less dense and provides less pressure against the reservoir down deep. The 2psi/hr increase sounds about right.

How long this drop keeps happening will tell them how far down the pipe the rupture is... at least the one at the top. When the pressure stops dropping this is because the gas or lighter oil is now leaking out the rupture casing and the density in the bore is not changing.

If the pressure begins to drop slowly, it could be because of compression of the methane (or other gases), if it is not already liquid. If the pressure drops more quickly, it could be that the ruptre is erroding and releasing more of the flow somewhere down the bore.

17th July 2010, 10:37 AM
Lots of chatter in the MSM about concerns the well may have underground leaks.

Once again it is beginning to seem that later events confirm what Matt Simmons has been saying. While I am confused that Matt is still talking of BP claiming that the oil is coming out of the collapsed riser, his previous announcements of undersea lakes of oil and the second pipe wedged in the BOP have since been admitted a correct.

If there had always been a larger second leak in the GOM from broken casing and underground leaks, then I would expect this can no longer be hidden when the BOP leak can be stopped. We would then expect to hear in the next few weeks MSM chatter about how a seabed leak has 'started' during this test.

BBC July 16: Gulf of Mexico oil stoppage going well, BP says (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-10665003)

There is currently "no negative evidence of any breaching" of the sea floor, Mr Wells [BP's vice president] said. BP will soon run another seismic survey to check for any evidence of ruptures

"No negative evidence" confusing legalese for evidence?

17th July 2010, 03:21 PM
Many links here to utube clips on oil leaking..............



Well Cap Causing Seabed to Leak -- Engineer

July 17, 2010
What do you trust? Government, Paper or Gold?
cap.jpgby Ken Price
(email to henrymakow,.com)

(Ken Price is a mechanical engineer who worked for a large oil company for 14 years. )

There are cracks in the seafloor leaking, and the pressure tests are revealing that the casing will not hold; it has already been perforated in numerous places.

[This is in contradiction to the latest mainstream press reports that there are no leaks either in the well cap or the sea floor.]

I believe it is time to leave the gulf coast in case the sea floor expands then collapses delivering a tsunami to the region.

There is no way that this device can hold the pressures that are involved with this super-pressurized gas reserve. Advise loved ones to leave the region, now, and for a few days; this well cap poses a much more dangerous situation than they probably know.

How can we get people in the gulf region to watch a couple hours of YouTube (see below) and read all that I have, such that they would come to the conclusion that they are in grave danger?

These nuts deliberately let crude flow through the pipe casing for a long enough time to insure that it is worn and weakened in numerous places, and now they apply a cap, and now they start pressurizing all of the layers of strata in between the oil reservoir and seafloor.

Few know of the existence of a power "group" that rules above the spoon fed TV characters called presidents, senators, governors, etc. You and I know, such a diabolical event does not happen without plan and execution.

Dave Lindorff is the one who has most recently brought this situation of the pressure spreading out under the layers beneath the sea floor to light. I'm trying to predict the timing. If there is one thing I have learned over and over again it is this: I cannot predict the timing of these tragic events.

17th July 2010, 04:23 PM



Interesting clip here as you an see what appears to be bubble shaped bits of oil floating upwards

18th July 2010, 04:27 PM
Official: Seep found near BP's blown out oil well (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gIXWYBTpLtSayJtg41LKXpxSxVPAD9H1N4B05)
By COLLEEN LONG and HARRY R. WEBER (AP) – 1 hour ago [July 18]
NEW ORLEANS — A federal official says scientists are concerned about a seep and possible methane near BP's busted oil well in the Gulf of Mexico
Both could be signs there are leaks in the well that's been capped off for three days.
The official spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity Sunday because an announcement about the next steps had not been made yet.
The official is familiar with the spill oversight but would not clarify what is seeping near the well. The official says BP is not complying with the government's demand for more monitoring.