View Full Version : For the Kids

17th July 2010, 11:01 AM
My wife is making beads for this.


If they make the top 10 in votes they will get 25k from Pepsi,
To help them do more for the kids
Will you please go and vote?



Thanks Guys :)

17th July 2010, 11:10 AM
Is spam okay when it's "for the kids"?

17th July 2010, 11:19 AM
Is it okay to be that ignorant of what is considered spam and what is not?

17th July 2010, 11:29 AM
Is spam okay when it's "for the kids"?

Yeah. I think it is.
Its a good cause.

I'm sorry if it bothers you.


Tough chit

17th July 2010, 11:30 AM
Out of 2100+ posts we know Ken is not a spammer. Unless I'm overruled by the site owner I don't think this qualifies as spam and I'll respectfully ask anyone who doesn't like this thread to ignore it.

17th July 2010, 11:35 AM
Is spam okay when it's "for the kids"?



17th July 2010, 11:36 AM
My wife is making beads for this.


If they make the top 10 in votes they will get 25k from Pepsi,
To help them do more for the kids
Will you please go and vote?



Thanks Guys :)


17th July 2010, 11:57 AM
I get it; because everybody loves StackerKen this is okay.
I can assure you this precedent will not apply to a less favored member.

I was recently involved in a brickfish campaign that may well lead to me winning $5k I will be needing to replace my aging car. As much as the votes I could have garnered from here would have helped I refrained out of respect for the forum. But then, my campaign, wasn't "for the kids".

Look, I have no problem with this being allowed only if the same allowance will be made with a less loved member with maybe a few thousand less posts. Then we can all vote for each others' campaigns in a big spamalicious circle jerk. Or, maybe we need some guidelines on which voting campaigns are acceptable and which are not. I suppose we should just discover the parameters by trial and error?

Much luck to you, Ken, this rant isn't personally against you at all.

17th July 2010, 12:06 PM
I get it; because everybody loves StackerKen this is okay.
I can assure you this precedent will not apply to a less favored member.

I was recently involved in a brickfish campaign that may well lead to me winning $5k I will be needing to replace my aging car. As much as the votes I could have garnered from here would have helped I refrained out of respect for the forum. But then, my campaign, wasn't "for the kids".

Look, I have no problem with this being allowed only if the same allowance will be made with a less loved member with maybe a few thousand less posts. Then we can all vote for each others' campaigns in a big spamalicious circle jerk. Or, maybe we need some guidelines on which voting campaigns are acceptable and which are not. I suppose we should just discover the parameters by trial and error?

Much luck to you, Ken, this rant isn't personally against you at all.

And you don't have to believe me, but I would have treated your link to raise votes the same as Kens. There's a big difference between friends supporting each other versus the type of spam those rules were created for.

17th July 2010, 12:14 PM
I'm just proud to have contributed awareness to Ken's campaign by way of the Streisand effect.

17th July 2010, 12:30 PM
Of course this is not spam. This is an individual on the board who is taking on a project. Jeez.

17th July 2010, 12:46 PM
Or, maybe we need some guidelines on which voting campaigns are acceptable and which are not. I suppose we should just discover the parameters by trial and error?


Yeah...common sense is not an acceptable "parameter" at GSUS and we should instead be more like the TSA...enforce the Law to the letter...lol.


17th July 2010, 12:51 PM
My wife is making beads for this.


If they make the top 10 in votes they will get 25k from Pepsi,
To help them do more for the kids
Will you please go and vote?



Thanks Guys :)


17th July 2010, 01:28 PM
Send me 500,000 of these, for the kids!

17th July 2010, 01:32 PM
You got my vote! Where can I purchase your beads? I would like to make a nice silver bracelet full of them for my wife.

17th July 2010, 03:01 PM
You got my vote! Where can I purchase your beads? I would like to make a nice silver bracelet full of them for my wife.

Thank you Chris! :)
I'm not sure if I can tell you where to find my beads. I think that would be self-promotion and not allowed here?

17th July 2010, 03:07 PM
PM each other!!

17th July 2010, 03:16 PM
Is spam okay when it's "for the kids"?

Spam = UNWANTED messages.

Ken's post is NOT unwanted, at least by me.

17th July 2010, 04:29 PM
Thanks everyone. :)

and thanksSLV^GLD: Sorry i got a little snotty with ya :-[

I wasn't doing this for myself...Only for the kids that it will benefit

...My wife and I get nothing from this, except the joy of helping those kids.

Same Joy as you and the others can get

If you can folks, please vote once every day....lol :D

17th July 2010, 04:48 PM
I highly suspect SLV^GLD "was just foolin about" when he said that... he is not one inclined to such a delicate disposition...

Good luck Ken... !!! :)

17th July 2010, 06:16 PM
My position is strictly for the maintenance of a budding forum. This does set a precedent. If we hope to have a large and growing membership we all have to understand and agree to what is going to be acceptable and what will be considered spam.

Like I said, this is not a vendetta on StackerKen and I actually support his end.

I just don't don't mind being the counterargument from time to time if it means we all consider the ramifications of what we let happen here.

Now, I AM drunk on some very fine alcohol so I am going to cease the PUI and go enjoy my weekend which is kicking off phenomenally.

Carry on and be merry. I am. I will be reporting on the "what are you drinking" thread.

18th July 2010, 11:10 AM
SLV^GLD my interpretation of spam, at least on my forum, is this

1. Someone new to the forum who never posts anything about what the forum is about, but posts on several threads, random nonsense.

2. Porn

3. Check out my website and buy my stuff.

Other than that, things such as active members asking for votes for charities, votes for contests they've entered, etc... are fine with me. As artists we have contest entries a lot and we enjoy supporting our members.

But what it really comes down to is a judgement call by the Administrators, and I'm pretty sure they are intelligent enough to know what's spam and what isn't. I think you should have posted your contest here and asked for votes so you could see for yourself what the Admins would do. Or at the very least PM'd one of them and asked them if it would be okay. But you didn't even give them a chance. Instead, you assumed they would delete it and call it spamming and then made a remark that insinuated that the Admins deleted your post for spamming saying... "Is spam okay when it's "for the kids?"
That's kind of an unfounded accusation based on absolutely no experience I think.

Next time, try asking instead of assuming. :)

Just out of curiosity, if it were up to you, what would your proposed guidelines be regarding spam?

18th July 2010, 11:15 AM
Yeah shoot SLV I would vote for your brickfish campaign

Maybe we should have a place to put threads asking for other members support or vote and the like.

18th July 2010, 11:17 AM
I want to thank everyone who voted. BOC moved up to 15th place. We're soo close. You can vote every day, so if you can spare the time, please vote again.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! :-*

1970 silver art
18th July 2010, 11:40 AM
There's no spam here in my opinion. Nothing to worry about. :)

BTW I agree with what Playswithfire said in post #21 of this thread. However, in the end the mods will make the final judement call on if this is spam or not. I think that the mods will side with Playswithfire and will NOT consider this spam. Just my opinion.

I seriously doubt that Stacker, with a post count of 2100+ posts, is just going to suddenly spam the forum with whatever.

EDIT: Madfranks posted on this thread that this is not spam. I just saw his post.

18th July 2010, 02:35 PM
But you didn't even give them a chance. Instead, you assumed they would delete it and call it spamming and then made a remark that insinuated that the Admins deleted your post for spamming saying... "Is spam okay when it's "for the kids?
I specifically stated that I decided not to post my campaign "out of respect for the forums". At no point did I insinuate the Admins deleted my post. That would be retarded to say or even insinuate considering I had just come out and stated that I refrained from making the post to begin with. At no point did I assume the Admins would do anything about it at all if I had posted it. It was strictly a personal decision.

I DID insinuate that the OP of this thread was spam. THAT was the intent of my first response in this thread. Insinuation is exactly the term for it. My purpose was to put the context of the OP as spam in case it hadn't occurred to anyone that it might come off as such coming from a poster less visible and possibly less liked. If we expect a surge in membership then you will see this forum become more cliquish with a rise in population; it's normal. When that happens threads like this WILL be less tolerated; a logical following.

This post IS precedent even if this sort of post is welcome at this point in time.
The question is, can you imagine a scenario where a similar post by a member of different standing in a much larger pool of members might be struck down as spam?

I can...

Just keep in mind my interests lie in the long term health of this forum and flourishing membership. I didn't deserve that unfair conclusion you presented about my intentions.

18th July 2010, 04:20 PM
Now, I AM drunk on some very fine alcohol so I am going to cease the PUI and go enjoy my weekend which is kicking off phenomenally.

Carry on and be merry. I am. I will be reporting on the "what are you drinking" thread.


The morning after. Don't worry SLV^GLD, we didn't take you seriously yesterday. No hard feelings by anyone today. Don't forget to vote for the kids!


18th July 2010, 04:56 PM
But you didn't even give them a chance. Instead, you assumed they would delete it and call it spamming and then made a remark that insinuated that the Admins deleted your post for spamming saying... "Is spam okay when it's "for the kids?
I specifically stated that I decided not to post my campaign "out of respect for the forums". At no point did I insinuate the Admins deleted my post. That would be retarded to say or even insinuate considering I had just come out and stated that I refrained from making the post to begin with. At no point did I assume the Admins would do anything about it at all if I had posted it. It was strictly a personal decision.

I DID insinuate that the OP of this thread was spam. THAT was the intent of my first response in this thread. Insinuation is exactly the term for it. My purpose was to put the context of the OP as spam in case it hadn't occurred to anyone that it might come off as such coming from a poster less visible and possibly less liked. If we expect a surge in membership then you will see this forum become more cliquish with a rise in population; it's normal. When that happens threads like this WILL be less tolerated; a logical following.

This post IS precedent even if this sort of post is welcome at this point in time.
The question is, can you imagine a scenario where a similar post by a member of different standing in a much larger pool of members might be struck down as spam?

I can...

Just keep in mind my interests lie in the long term health of this forum and flourishing membership. I didn't deserve that unfair conclusion you presented about my intentions.

Well I appreciate your feedback, because I honestly didn't think about it like that. In the long run, I hope this doesn't, nor do I see it, setting a precedent for members to advertise/spam on the forum. I pretty much fall back on rule #2:

No spamming or porn. Informational linking and posting is fine. Moderators will determine where to draw the line.

As a mod, I'll do my best to determine "where to draw the line". In the meantime SLV^GLD, if you have another contest where you need to get some votes, go ahead and post it, as I said before, we're all friends supporting each other, and that's not spam.

18th July 2010, 05:03 PM
we didn't take you seriously yesterday
It's what I've always wanted; to be written off as a sodding drunk. Thanks for the compliment, Book.

18th July 2010, 06:59 PM
we didn't take you seriously yesterday
It's what I've always wanted; to be written off as a sodding drunk. Thanks for the compliment, Book.

In books defense, you yourself posted yesterday that we basically shouldn't take you seriously because you were drunk. I'm not sure what you expected to come of that.

Anyway, I'm not going to sit here and argue with you. If the scenario you painted ever does happen, which I doubt, I'm sure the mods will handle it just fine. :)

And I really hate the term "clique". I think it's ridiculous.

19th July 2010, 07:46 AM
as I said before, we're all friends supporting each other, and that's not spam.

That's what the Hyperfamily does...lol.


19th July 2010, 07:56 AM

When I posted the OP this idea was in 16th place. Thanks to your help It is now in 14th place!
But only the top 10 get funding. :-\

Please keep voting!


Thanks Again everyone. :)

24th July 2010, 11:37 AM
It's at #13 now! :-\
We need it to be 10th or better to get funding

Please vote :)


Thank you

25th July 2010, 06:31 AM
Ken, I voted yesterday and today and shared the link with some friends so hopefully you will receive a few more votes today.

25th July 2010, 07:46 AM
Just did my vote.

Good luck!


My wife is making beads for this.


If they make the top 10 in votes they will get 25k from Pepsi,
To help them do more for the kids
Will you please go and vote?



Thanks Guys :)

25th July 2010, 02:05 PM
FYI - a couple people told me the link wasn't working.....the site was very slow so they weren't able to vote.

25th July 2010, 09:25 PM
Thanks for spreading the word Sunshine :)

Yeah the site is slow for me sometimes too. But I just clicked the link above and it worked and loaded pretty fast.

anyway thanks again everyone. :)

just seven more days...to move up 3 spots!

25th July 2010, 09:30 PM